#include "HsNetDef.h"
module Network.Socket.Name (
, getSocketName
, socketPort
, socketPortSafe
) where
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)
import Network.Socket.Imports
import Network.Socket.Internal
import Network.Socket.Types
getPeerName :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> IO sa
getPeerName s =
withNewSocketAddress $ \ptr sz ->
with (fromIntegral sz) $ \int_star -> do
fd <- fdSocket s
throwSocketErrorIfMinus1Retry_ "Network.Socket.getPeerName" $
c_getpeername fd ptr int_star
_sz <- peek int_star
peekSocketAddress ptr
getSocketName :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> IO sa
getSocketName s =
withNewSocketAddress $ \ptr sz ->
with (fromIntegral sz) $ \int_star -> do
fd <- fdSocket s
throwSocketErrorIfMinus1Retry_ "Network.Socket.getSocketName" $
c_getsockname fd ptr int_star
peekSocketAddress ptr
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getpeername"
c_getpeername :: CInt -> Ptr sa -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getsockname"
c_getsockname :: CInt -> Ptr sa -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
socketPort :: Socket
-> IO PortNumber
socketPort s = do
sa <- getSocketName s
case sa of
SockAddrInet port _ -> return port
SockAddrInet6 port _ _ _ -> return port
_ -> ioError $ userError "Network.Socket.socketPort: AF_UNIX not supported."
socketPortSafe :: Socket
-> IO (Maybe PortNumber)
socketPortSafe s = do
sa <- getSocketName s
return $ case sa of
SockAddrInet port _ -> Just port
SockAddrInet6 port _ _ _ -> Just port
_ -> Nothing