{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

module Network.MQTT.RPC (call) where

import           Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, newTChanIO,
                                         readTChan, writeTChan)
import qualified Control.Exception      as E
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy   as BL
import Control.Monad (when)
import           Data.Text              (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding     as TE
import qualified Data.UUID              as UUID
import           Network.MQTT.Client
import           System.Random          (randomIO)

blToText :: BL.ByteString -> Text
blToText = TE.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict

-- | Send a message to a topic on an MQTT broker with a random
-- subscription and correlation such that an agent may receive this
-- message and respond over the ephemeral channel.  The response will
-- be returned.
-- Note that this client provides no timeouts or retries.  MQTT will
-- guarantee the request message is delivered to the broker, but if
-- there's nothing to pick it up, there may never be a response.
call :: MQTTClient -> Topic -> BL.ByteString -> IO BL.ByteString
call mc topic req = do
  r <- newTChanIO
  corr <- BL.fromStrict . UUID.toASCIIBytes <$> randomIO
  subid <- BL.fromStrict . ("$rpc/" <>) . UUID.toASCIIBytes <$> randomIO
  go corr subid r

  where go theID theTopic r = E.bracket reg unreg rt
          where reg = do
                  atomically $ registerCorrelated mc theID (SimpleCallback cb)
                  subscribe mc [(blToText theTopic, subOptions)] mempty
                unreg _ = do
                  atomically $ unregisterCorrelated mc theID
                  unsubscribe mc [blToText theTopic] mempty
                cb _ _ m _ = atomically $ writeTChan r m
                rt _ = do
                  publishq mc topic req False QoS2 [
                    PropCorrelationData theID,
                    PropResponseTopic theTopic]
                  atomically do
                    connd <- isConnectedSTM mc
                    when (not connd) $ E.throw (MQTTException "disconnected")
                    readTChan r