{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.MQTT.Types (
LastWill(..), MQTTPkt(..), QoS(..),
ConnectRequest(..), connectRequest, ConnACKFlags(..), ConnACKRC(..),
PublishRequest(..), PubACK(..), PubREC(..), PubREL(..), PubCOMP(..),
ProtocolLevel(..), Property(..), AuthRequest(..),
SubscribeRequest(..), SubOptions(..), subOptions, SubscribeResponse(..), SubErr(..),
RetainHandling(..), DisconnectRequest(..),
UnsubscribeRequest(..), UnsubscribeResponse(..), UnsubStatus(..), DiscoReason(..),
parsePacket, ByteMe(toByteString),
encodeLength, parseHdrLen, parseProperty, parseProperties, bsProps,
parseSubOptions, ByteSize(..)
) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2, (<|>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM, when)
import Data.Attoparsec.Binary (anyWord16be, anyWord32be)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A
import Data.Binary.Put (putWord32be, runPut)
import Data.Bits (Bits (..), shiftL, testBit,
(.&.), (.|.))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List (lookup)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word8)
data QoS = QoS0 | QoS1 | QoS2 deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Show)
qosW :: QoS -> Word8
qosW = toEnum.fromEnum
wQos :: Word8 -> QoS
wQos = toEnum.fromEnum
(≫) :: Bits a => a -> Int -> a
(≫) = shiftR
(≪) :: Bits a => a -> Int -> a
(≪) = shiftL
class ByteMe a where
toBytes :: ProtocolLevel -> a -> [Word8]
toBytes p = BL.unpack . toByteString p
toByteString :: ProtocolLevel -> a -> BL.ByteString
toByteString p = BL.pack . toBytes p
class ByteSize a where
toByte :: a -> Word8
fromByte :: Word8 -> a
boolBit :: Bool -> Word8
boolBit False = 0
boolBit True = 1
parseHdrLen :: A.Parser Int
parseHdrLen = decodeVarInt
decodeVarInt :: A.Parser Int
decodeVarInt = go 0 1
go :: Int -> Int -> A.Parser Int
go v m = do
x <- A.anyWord8
let a = fromEnum (x .&. 127) * m + v
if x .&. 128 /= 0
then go a (m*128)
else pure a
encodeLength :: Int -> [Word8]
encodeLength = encodeVarInt
encodeVarInt :: Int -> [Word8]
encodeVarInt n = go (n `quotRem` 128)
go (x,e)
| x > 0 = en (e .|. 128) : go (x `quotRem` 128)
| otherwise = [en e]
en :: Int -> Word8
en = toEnum
encodeWord8 :: Word8 -> BL.ByteString
encodeWord8 = BL.singleton
encodeWord16 :: Word16 -> BL.ByteString
encodeWord16 a = let (h,l) = a `quotRem` 256 in BL.pack [w h, w l]
where w = toEnum.fromEnum
encodeWord32 :: Word32 -> BL.ByteString
encodeWord32 = runPut . putWord32be
encodeBytes :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
encodeBytes x = twoByteLen x <> x
encodeUTF8 :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
encodeUTF8 = encodeBytes
encodeUTF8Pair :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
encodeUTF8Pair x y = encodeUTF8 x <> encodeUTF8 y
twoByteLen :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
twoByteLen = encodeWord16 . toEnum . fromEnum . BL.length
blLength :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
blLength = BL.pack . encodeVarInt . fromEnum . BL.length
withLength :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
withLength a = blLength a <> a
instance ByteMe BL.ByteString where
toByteString _ a = (encodeWord16 . toEnum . fromEnum . BL.length) a <> a
data Property = PropPayloadFormatIndicator Word8
| PropMessageExpiryInterval Word32
| PropContentType BL.ByteString
| PropResponseTopic BL.ByteString
| PropCorrelationData BL.ByteString
| PropSubscriptionIdentifier Int
| PropSessionExpiryInterval Word32
| PropAssignedClientIdentifier BL.ByteString
| PropServerKeepAlive Word16
| PropAuthenticationMethod BL.ByteString
| PropAuthenticationData BL.ByteString
| PropRequestProblemInformation Word8
| PropWillDelayInterval Word32
| PropRequestResponseInformation Word8
| PropResponseInformation BL.ByteString
| PropServerReference BL.ByteString
| PropReasonString BL.ByteString
| PropReceiveMaximum Word16
| PropTopicAliasMaximum Word16
| PropTopicAlias Word16
| PropMaximumQoS Word8
| PropRetainAvailable Word8
| PropUserProperty BL.ByteString BL.ByteString
| PropMaximumPacketSize Word32
| PropWildcardSubscriptionAvailable Word8
| PropSubscriptionIdentifierAvailable Word8
| PropSharedSubscriptionAvailable Word8
deriving (Show, Eq)
peW8 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> BL.ByteString
peW8 i x = BL.singleton i <> encodeWord8 x
peW16 :: Word8 -> Word16 -> BL.ByteString
peW16 i x = BL.singleton i <> encodeWord16 x
peW32 :: Word8 -> Word32 -> BL.ByteString
peW32 i x = BL.singleton i <> encodeWord32 x
peUTF8 :: Word8 -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
peUTF8 i x = BL.singleton i <> encodeUTF8 x
peBin :: Word8 -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
peBin i x = BL.singleton i <> encodeBytes x
peVarInt :: Word8 -> Int -> BL.ByteString
peVarInt i x = BL.singleton i <> (BL.pack . encodeVarInt) x
instance ByteMe Property where
toByteString _ (PropPayloadFormatIndicator x) = peW8 0x01 x
toByteString _ (PropMessageExpiryInterval x) = peW32 0x02 x
toByteString _ (PropContentType x) = peUTF8 0x03 x
toByteString _ (PropResponseTopic x) = peUTF8 0x08 x
toByteString _ (PropCorrelationData x) = peBin 0x09 x
toByteString _ (PropSubscriptionIdentifier x) = peVarInt 0x0b x
toByteString _ (PropSessionExpiryInterval x) = peW32 0x11 x
toByteString _ (PropAssignedClientIdentifier x) = peUTF8 0x12 x
toByteString _ (PropServerKeepAlive x) = peW16 0x13 x
toByteString _ (PropAuthenticationMethod x) = peUTF8 0x15 x
toByteString _ (PropAuthenticationData x) = peBin 0x16 x
toByteString _ (PropRequestProblemInformation x) = peW8 0x17 x
toByteString _ (PropWillDelayInterval x) = peW32 0x18 x
toByteString _ (PropRequestResponseInformation x) = peW8 0x19 x
toByteString _ (PropResponseInformation x) = peUTF8 0x1a x
toByteString _ (PropServerReference x) = peUTF8 0x1c x
toByteString _ (PropReasonString x) = peUTF8 0x1f x
toByteString _ (PropReceiveMaximum x) = peW16 0x21 x
toByteString _ (PropTopicAliasMaximum x) = peW16 0x22 x
toByteString _ (PropTopicAlias x) = peW16 0x23 x
toByteString _ (PropMaximumQoS x) = peW8 0x24 x
toByteString _ (PropRetainAvailable x) = peW8 0x25 x
toByteString _ (PropUserProperty k v) = BL.singleton 0x26 <> encodeUTF8Pair k v
toByteString _ (PropMaximumPacketSize x) = peW32 0x27 x
toByteString _ (PropWildcardSubscriptionAvailable x) = peW8 0x28 x
toByteString _ (PropSubscriptionIdentifierAvailable x) = peW8 0x29 x
toByteString _ (PropSharedSubscriptionAvailable x) = peW8 0x2a x
parseProperty :: A.Parser Property
parseProperty = (A.word8 0x01 >> PropPayloadFormatIndicator <$> A.anyWord8)
<|> (A.word8 0x02 >> PropMessageExpiryInterval <$> aWord32)
<|> (A.word8 0x03 >> PropContentType <$> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x08 >> PropResponseTopic <$> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x09 >> PropCorrelationData <$> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x0b >> PropSubscriptionIdentifier <$> decodeVarInt)
<|> (A.word8 0x11 >> PropSessionExpiryInterval <$> aWord32)
<|> (A.word8 0x12 >> PropAssignedClientIdentifier <$> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x13 >> PropServerKeepAlive <$> aWord16)
<|> (A.word8 0x15 >> PropAuthenticationMethod <$> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x16 >> PropAuthenticationData <$> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x17 >> PropRequestProblemInformation <$> A.anyWord8)
<|> (A.word8 0x18 >> PropWillDelayInterval <$> aWord32)
<|> (A.word8 0x19 >> PropRequestResponseInformation <$> A.anyWord8)
<|> (A.word8 0x1a >> PropResponseInformation <$> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x1c >> PropServerReference <$> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x1f >> PropReasonString <$> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x21 >> PropReceiveMaximum <$> aWord16)
<|> (A.word8 0x22 >> PropTopicAliasMaximum <$> aWord16)
<|> (A.word8 0x23 >> PropTopicAlias <$> aWord16)
<|> (A.word8 0x24 >> PropMaximumQoS <$> A.anyWord8)
<|> (A.word8 0x25 >> PropRetainAvailable <$> A.anyWord8)
<|> (A.word8 0x26 >> PropUserProperty <$> aString <*> aString)
<|> (A.word8 0x27 >> PropMaximumPacketSize <$> aWord32)
<|> (A.word8 0x28 >> PropWildcardSubscriptionAvailable <$> A.anyWord8)
<|> (A.word8 0x29 >> PropSubscriptionIdentifierAvailable <$> A.anyWord8)
<|> (A.word8 0x2a >> PropSharedSubscriptionAvailable <$> A.anyWord8)
bsProps :: ProtocolLevel -> [Property] -> BL.ByteString
bsProps Protocol311 _ = mempty
bsProps p l = let b = (mconcat . map (toByteString p)) l in
(BL.pack . encodeLength . fromEnum . BL.length) b <> b
parseProperties :: ProtocolLevel -> A.Parser [Property]
parseProperties Protocol311 = pure mempty
parseProperties Protocol50 = do
len <- decodeVarInt
either fail pure . A.parseOnly (A.many' parseProperty) =<< A.take len
data ProtocolLevel = Protocol311
| Protocol50
deriving(Bounded, Enum, Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe ProtocolLevel where
toByteString _ Protocol311 = BL.singleton 4
toByteString _ Protocol50 = BL.singleton 5
data LastWill = LastWill {
_willRetain :: Bool
, _willQoS :: QoS
, _willTopic :: BL.ByteString
, _willMsg :: BL.ByteString
, _willProps :: [Property]
} deriving(Eq, Show)
data ConnectRequest = ConnectRequest {
_username :: Maybe BL.ByteString
, _password :: Maybe BL.ByteString
, _lastWill :: Maybe LastWill
, _cleanSession :: Bool
, _keepAlive :: Word16
, _connID :: BL.ByteString
, _properties :: [Property]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
connectRequest :: ConnectRequest
connectRequest = ConnectRequest{_username=Nothing, _password=Nothing, _lastWill=Nothing,
_cleanSession=True, _keepAlive=300, _connID="",
instance ByteMe ConnectRequest where
toByteString prot ConnectRequest{..} = BL.singleton 0x10
<> withLength (val prot)
val :: ProtocolLevel -> BL.ByteString
val Protocol311 = "\NUL\EOTMQTT\EOT"
<> BL.singleton connBits
<> encodeWord16 _keepAlive
<> toByteString prot _connID
<> lwt _lastWill
<> perhaps _username
<> if isJust _username then perhaps _password else ""
val Protocol50 = "\NUL\EOTMQTT\ENQ"
<> BL.singleton connBits
<> encodeWord16 _keepAlive
<> bsProps prot _properties
<> toByteString prot _connID
<> lwt _lastWill
<> perhaps _username
<> perhaps _password
connBits = hasu .|. hasp .|. willBits .|. clean
hasu = boolBit (isJust _username) ≪ 7
hasp = boolBit ((prot == Protocol50 || isJust _username) && isJust _password) ≪ 6
clean = boolBit _cleanSession ≪ 1
willBits = case _lastWill of
Nothing -> 0
Just LastWill{..} -> 4 .|. ((qosW _willQoS .&. 0x3) ≪ 3) .|. (boolBit _willRetain ≪ 5)
lwt :: Maybe LastWill -> BL.ByteString
lwt Nothing = mempty
lwt (Just LastWill{..}) = bsProps prot _willProps
<> toByteString prot _willTopic
<> toByteString prot _willMsg
perhaps :: Maybe BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
perhaps Nothing = ""
perhaps (Just s) = toByteString prot s
data MQTTPkt = ConnPkt ConnectRequest
| ConnACKPkt ConnACKFlags
| PublishPkt PublishRequest
| PubACKPkt PubACK
| PubRECPkt PubREC
| PubRELPkt PubREL
| SubscribePkt SubscribeRequest
| SubACKPkt SubscribeResponse
| UnsubscribePkt UnsubscribeRequest
| UnsubACKPkt UnsubscribeResponse
| PingPkt
| PongPkt
| DisconnectPkt DisconnectRequest
| AuthPkt AuthRequest
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe MQTTPkt where
toByteString p (ConnPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (ConnACKPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (PublishPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (PubACKPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (PubRELPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (PubRECPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (PubCOMPPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (SubscribePkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (SubACKPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (UnsubscribePkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (UnsubACKPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString _ PingPkt = "\192\NUL"
toByteString _ PongPkt = "\208\NUL"
toByteString p (DisconnectPkt x) = toByteString p x
toByteString p (AuthPkt x) = toByteString p x
parsePacket :: ProtocolLevel -> A.Parser MQTTPkt
parsePacket p = parseConnect <|> parseConnectACK
<|> parsePublish p <|> parsePubACK
<|> parsePubREC <|> parsePubREL <|> parsePubCOMP
<|> parseSubscribe p <|> parseSubACK p
<|> parseUnsubscribe p <|> parseUnsubACK p
<|> PingPkt <$ A.string "\192\NUL" <|> PongPkt <$ A.string "\208\NUL"
<|> parseDisconnect p
<|> parseAuth
aWord16 :: A.Parser Word16
aWord16 = anyWord16be
aWord32 :: A.Parser Word32
aWord32 = anyWord32be
aString :: A.Parser BL.ByteString
aString = do
n <- aWord16
s <- A.take (fromEnum n)
pure $ BL.fromStrict s
parseConnect :: A.Parser MQTTPkt
parseConnect = do
_ <- A.word8 0x10
_ <- parseHdrLen
_ <- A.string "\NUL\EOTMQTT"
pl <- parseLevel
connFlagBits <- A.anyWord8
keepAlive <- aWord16
props <- parseProperties pl
cid <- aString
lwt <- parseLwt pl connFlagBits
u <- mstr (testBit connFlagBits 7)
p <- mstr (testBit connFlagBits 6)
pure $ ConnPkt ConnectRequest{_connID=cid, _username=u, _password=p,
_lastWill=lwt, _keepAlive=keepAlive,
_cleanSession=testBit connFlagBits 1,
mstr :: Bool -> A.Parser (Maybe BL.ByteString)
mstr False = pure Nothing
mstr True = Just <$> aString
parseLevel = A.string "\EOT" $> Protocol311
<|> A.string "\ENQ" $> Protocol50
parseLwt pl bits
| testBit bits 2 = do
props <- parseProperties pl
top <- aString
msg <- aString
pure $ Just LastWill{_willTopic=top, _willMsg=msg,
_willRetain=testBit bits 5,
_willQoS=wQos $ (bits ≫ 3) .&. 0x3,
_willProps = props}
| otherwise = pure Nothing
data ConnACKRC = ConnAccepted
| UnacceptableProtocol
| IdentifierRejected
| ServerUnavailable
| BadCredentials
| NotAuthorized
| ConnUnspecifiedError
| ConnMalformedPacket
| ConnProtocolError
| ConnImplementationSpecificError
| ConnUnsupportedProtocolVersion
| ConnClientIdentifierNotValid
| ConnBadUserNameOrPassword
| ConnNotAuthorized
| ConnServerUnavailable
| ConnServerBusy
| ConnBanned
| ConnBadAuthenticationMethod
| ConnTopicNameInvalid
| ConnPacketTooLarge
| ConnQuotaExceeded
| ConnPayloadFormatInvalid
| ConnRetainNotSupported
| ConnQosNotSupported
| ConnUseAnotherServer
| ConnServerMoved
| ConnConnectionRateExceeded
deriving(Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)
instance ByteSize ConnACKRC where
toByte ConnAccepted = 0
toByte UnacceptableProtocol = 1
toByte IdentifierRejected = 2
toByte ServerUnavailable = 3
toByte BadCredentials = 4
toByte NotAuthorized = 5
toByte ConnUnspecifiedError = 0x80
toByte ConnMalformedPacket = 0x81
toByte ConnProtocolError = 0x82
toByte ConnImplementationSpecificError = 0x83
toByte ConnUnsupportedProtocolVersion = 0x84
toByte ConnClientIdentifierNotValid = 0x85
toByte ConnBadUserNameOrPassword = 0x86
toByte ConnNotAuthorized = 0x87
toByte ConnServerUnavailable = 0x88
toByte ConnServerBusy = 0x89
toByte ConnBanned = 0x8a
toByte ConnBadAuthenticationMethod = 0x8c
toByte ConnTopicNameInvalid = 0x90
toByte ConnPacketTooLarge = 0x95
toByte ConnQuotaExceeded = 0x97
toByte ConnPayloadFormatInvalid = 0x99
toByte ConnRetainNotSupported = 0x9a
toByte ConnQosNotSupported = 0x9b
toByte ConnUseAnotherServer = 0x9c
toByte ConnServerMoved = 0x9d
toByte ConnConnectionRateExceeded = 0x9f
fromByte b = fromMaybe ConnUnspecifiedError $ lookup b connACKRev
connACKRev :: [(Word8, ConnACKRC)]
connACKRev = map (\w -> (toByte w, w)) [minBound..]
data ConnACKFlags = ConnACKFlags Bool ConnACKRC [Property] deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe ConnACKFlags where
toBytes prot (ConnACKFlags sp rc props) = let pbytes = BL.unpack $ bsProps prot props in
<> encodeVarInt (2 + length pbytes)
<>[ boolBit sp, toByte rc] <> pbytes
parseConnectACK :: A.Parser MQTTPkt
parseConnectACK = do
_ <- A.word8 0x20
rl <- decodeVarInt
when (rl < 2) $ fail "conn ack packet too short"
ackFlags <- A.anyWord8
rc <- A.anyWord8
p <- parseProperties (if rl == 2 then Protocol311 else Protocol50)
pure $ ConnACKPkt $ ConnACKFlags (testBit ackFlags 0) (fromByte rc) p
data PublishRequest = PublishRequest{
_pubDup :: Bool
, _pubQoS :: QoS
, _pubRetain :: Bool
, _pubTopic :: BL.ByteString
, _pubPktID :: Word16
, _pubBody :: BL.ByteString
, _pubProps :: [Property]
} deriving(Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe PublishRequest where
toByteString prot PublishRequest{..} = BL.singleton (0x30 .|. f)
<> withLength val
where f = (db ≪ 3) .|. (qb ≪ 1) .|. rb
db = boolBit _pubDup
qb = qosW _pubQoS .&. 0x3
rb = boolBit _pubRetain
| _pubQoS == QoS0 = mempty
| otherwise = encodeWord16 _pubPktID
val = toByteString prot _pubTopic <> pktid <> bsProps prot _pubProps <> _pubBody
parsePublish :: ProtocolLevel -> A.Parser MQTTPkt
parsePublish prot = do
w <- A.satisfy (\x -> x .&. 0xf0 == 0x30)
plen <- parseHdrLen
let _pubDup = w .&. 0x8 == 0x8
_pubQoS = wQos $ (w ≫ 1) .&. 3
_pubRetain = w .&. 1 == 1
_pubTopic <- aString
_pubPktID <- if _pubQoS == QoS0 then pure 0 else aWord16
_pubProps <- parseProperties prot
_pubBody <- BL.fromStrict <$> A.take (plen - fromEnum (BL.length _pubTopic) - 2
- qlen _pubQoS - propLen prot _pubProps )
pure $ PublishPkt PublishRequest{..}
where qlen QoS0 = 0
qlen _ = 2
data RetainHandling = SendOnSubscribe
| SendOnSubscribeNew
| DoNotSendOnSubscribe
deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)
data SubOptions = SubOptions{
_retainHandling :: RetainHandling
, _retainAsPublished :: Bool
, _noLocal :: Bool
, _subQoS :: QoS
} deriving(Eq, Show)
subOptions :: SubOptions
subOptions = SubOptions{_retainHandling=SendOnSubscribe,
instance ByteMe SubOptions where
toByteString _ SubOptions{..} = BL.singleton (rh .|. rap .|. nl .|. q)
rh = case _retainHandling of
SendOnSubscribeNew -> 0x10
DoNotSendOnSubscribe -> 0x20
_ -> 0
| _retainAsPublished = 0x08
| otherwise = 0
| _noLocal = 0x04
| otherwise = 0
q = qosW _subQoS
parseSubOptions :: A.Parser SubOptions
parseSubOptions = do
w <- A.anyWord8
let rh = case w ≫ 4 of
1 -> SendOnSubscribeNew
2 -> DoNotSendOnSubscribe
_ -> SendOnSubscribe
pure $ SubOptions{
_retainAsPublished=testBit w 3,
_noLocal=testBit w 2,
_subQoS=wQos (w .&. 0x3)}
subOptionsBytes :: ProtocolLevel -> [(BL.ByteString, SubOptions)] -> BL.ByteString
subOptionsBytes prot = BL.concat . map (\(bs,so) -> toByteString prot bs <> toByteString prot so)
data SubscribeRequest = SubscribeRequest Word16 [(BL.ByteString, SubOptions)] [Property]
deriving(Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe SubscribeRequest where
toByteString prot (SubscribeRequest pid sreq props) =
BL.singleton 0x82 <> withLength (encodeWord16 pid <> bsProps prot props <> subOptionsBytes prot sreq)
data PubACK = PubACK Word16 Word8 [Property] deriving(Eq, Show)
bsPubSeg :: ProtocolLevel -> Word8 -> Word16 -> Word8 -> [Property] -> BL.ByteString
bsPubSeg Protocol311 h pid _ _ = BL.singleton h <> withLength (encodeWord16 pid)
bsPubSeg Protocol50 h pid st props = BL.singleton h
<> withLength (encodeWord16 pid
<> BL.singleton st
<> mprop props)
mprop [] = mempty
mprop p = bsProps Protocol50 p
instance ByteMe PubACK where
toByteString prot (PubACK pid st props) = bsPubSeg prot 0x40 pid st props
parsePubSeg :: A.Parser (Word16, Word8, [Property])
parsePubSeg = do
rl <- parseHdrLen
mid <- aWord16
st <- if rl > 2 then A.anyWord8 else pure 0
props <- if rl > 4 then parseProperties Protocol50 else pure mempty
pure (mid, st, props)
parsePubACK :: A.Parser MQTTPkt
parsePubACK = do
_ <- A.word8 0x40
(mid, st, props) <- parsePubSeg
pure $ PubACKPkt (PubACK mid st props)
data PubREC = PubREC Word16 Word8 [Property] deriving(Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe PubREC where
toByteString prot (PubREC pid st props) = bsPubSeg prot 0x50 pid st props
parsePubREC :: A.Parser MQTTPkt
parsePubREC = do
_ <- A.word8 0x50
(mid, st, props) <- parsePubSeg
pure $ PubRECPkt (PubREC mid st props)
data PubREL = PubREL Word16 Word8 [Property] deriving(Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe PubREL where
toByteString prot (PubREL pid st props) = bsPubSeg prot 0x62 pid st props
parsePubREL :: A.Parser MQTTPkt
parsePubREL = do
_ <- A.word8 0x62
(mid, st, props) <- parsePubSeg
pure $ PubRELPkt (PubREL mid st props)
data PubCOMP = PubCOMP Word16 Word8 [Property] deriving(Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe PubCOMP where
toByteString prot (PubCOMP pid st props) = bsPubSeg prot 0x70 pid st props
parsePubCOMP :: A.Parser MQTTPkt
parsePubCOMP = do
_ <- A.word8 0x70
(mid, st, props) <- parsePubSeg
pure $ PubCOMPPkt (PubCOMP mid st props)
parseSubHdr :: Word8 -> ProtocolLevel -> A.Parser a -> A.Parser (Word16, [Property], a)
parseSubHdr b prot p = do
_ <- A.word8 b
hl <- parseHdrLen
pid <- aWord16
props <- parseProperties prot
content <- A.take (fromEnum hl - 2 - propLen prot props)
a <- subp content
pure (pid, props, a)
where subp = either fail pure . A.parseOnly p
parseSubscribe :: ProtocolLevel -> A.Parser MQTTPkt
parseSubscribe prot = do
(pid, props, subs) <- parseSubHdr 0x82 prot $ A.many1 (liftA2 (,) aString parseSubOptions)
pure $ SubscribePkt (SubscribeRequest pid subs props)
data SubscribeResponse = SubscribeResponse Word16 [Either SubErr QoS] [Property] deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe SubscribeResponse where
toByteString prot (SubscribeResponse pid sres props) =
BL.singleton 0x90 <> withLength (encodeWord16 pid <> bsProps prot props <> BL.pack (b <$> sres))
b (Left SubErrUnspecifiedError) = 0x80
b (Left SubErrImplementationSpecificError) = 0x83
b (Left SubErrNotAuthorized) = 0x87
b (Left SubErrTopicFilterInvalid) = 0x8F
b (Left SubErrPacketIdentifierInUse) = 0x91
b (Left SubErrQuotaExceeded) = 0x97
b (Left SubErrSharedSubscriptionsNotSupported) = 0x9E
b (Left SubErrSubscriptionIdentifiersNotSupported) = 0xA1
b (Left SubErrWildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported) = 0xA2
b (Right q) = qosW q
propLen :: ProtocolLevel -> [Property] -> Int
propLen Protocol311 _ = 0
propLen prot props = fromEnum $ BL.length (bsProps prot props)
data SubErr = SubErrUnspecifiedError
| SubErrImplementationSpecificError
| SubErrNotAuthorized
| SubErrTopicFilterInvalid
| SubErrPacketIdentifierInUse
| SubErrQuotaExceeded
| SubErrSharedSubscriptionsNotSupported
| SubErrSubscriptionIdentifiersNotSupported
| SubErrWildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported
deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)
parseSubACK :: ProtocolLevel -> A.Parser MQTTPkt
parseSubACK prot = do
(pid, props, res) <- parseSubHdr 0x90 prot $ A.many1 (p <$> A.anyWord8)
pure $ SubACKPkt (SubscribeResponse pid res props)
p 0x80 = Left SubErrUnspecifiedError
p 0x83 = Left SubErrImplementationSpecificError
p 0x87 = Left SubErrNotAuthorized
p 0x8F = Left SubErrTopicFilterInvalid
p 0x91 = Left SubErrPacketIdentifierInUse
p 0x97 = Left SubErrQuotaExceeded
p 0x9E = Left SubErrSharedSubscriptionsNotSupported
p 0xA1 = Left SubErrSubscriptionIdentifiersNotSupported
p 0xA2 = Left SubErrWildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported
p x = Right (wQos x)
data UnsubscribeRequest = UnsubscribeRequest Word16 [BL.ByteString] [Property]
deriving(Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe UnsubscribeRequest where
toByteString prot (UnsubscribeRequest pid sreq props) =
BL.singleton 0xa2
<> withLength (encodeWord16 pid <> bsProps prot props <> mconcat (toByteString prot <$> sreq))
parseUnsubscribe :: ProtocolLevel -> A.Parser MQTTPkt
parseUnsubscribe prot = do
(pid, props, subs) <- parseSubHdr 0xa2 prot $ A.many1 aString
pure $ UnsubscribePkt (UnsubscribeRequest pid subs props)
data UnsubStatus = UnsubSuccess
| UnsubNoSubscriptionExisted
| UnsubUnspecifiedError
| UnsubImplementationSpecificError
| UnsubNotAuthorized
| UnsubTopicFilterInvalid
| UnsubPacketIdentifierInUse
deriving(Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum)
instance ByteMe UnsubStatus where
toByteString _ UnsubSuccess = BL.singleton 0x00
toByteString _ UnsubNoSubscriptionExisted = BL.singleton 0x11
toByteString _ UnsubUnspecifiedError = BL.singleton 0x80
toByteString _ UnsubImplementationSpecificError = BL.singleton 0x83
toByteString _ UnsubNotAuthorized = BL.singleton 0x87
toByteString _ UnsubTopicFilterInvalid = BL.singleton 0x8F
toByteString _ UnsubPacketIdentifierInUse = BL.singleton 0x91
data UnsubscribeResponse = UnsubscribeResponse Word16 [Property] [UnsubStatus] deriving(Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe UnsubscribeResponse where
toByteString Protocol311 (UnsubscribeResponse pid _ _) = BL.singleton 0xb0
<> withLength (encodeWord16 pid)
toByteString Protocol50 (UnsubscribeResponse pid props res) = BL.singleton 0xb0
<> withLength (encodeWord16 pid
<> bsProps Protocol50 props
<> mconcat (fmap (toByteString Protocol50) res))
parseUnsubACK :: ProtocolLevel -> A.Parser MQTTPkt
parseUnsubACK Protocol311 = do
_ <- A.word8 0xb0
_ <- parseHdrLen
pid <- aWord16
pure $ UnsubACKPkt (UnsubscribeResponse pid mempty mempty)
parseUnsubACK Protocol50 = do
_ <- A.word8 0xb0
rl <- parseHdrLen
pid <- aWord16
props <- parseProperties Protocol50
res <- replicateM (rl - propLen Protocol50 props - 2) unsubACK
pure $ UnsubACKPkt (UnsubscribeResponse pid props res)
unsubACK :: A.Parser UnsubStatus
unsubACK = (UnsubSuccess <$ A.word8 0x00)
<|> (UnsubNoSubscriptionExisted <$ A.word8 0x11)
<|> (UnsubUnspecifiedError <$ A.word8 0x80)
<|> (UnsubImplementationSpecificError <$ A.word8 0x83)
<|> (UnsubNotAuthorized <$ A.word8 0x87)
<|> (UnsubTopicFilterInvalid <$ A.word8 0x8F)
<|> (UnsubPacketIdentifierInUse <$ A.word8 0x91)
data AuthRequest = AuthRequest Word8 [Property] deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe AuthRequest where
toByteString prot (AuthRequest i props) = BL.singleton 0xf0
<> withLength (BL.singleton i <> bsProps prot props)
parseAuth :: A.Parser MQTTPkt
parseAuth = do
_ <- A.word8 0xf0
_ <- parseHdrLen
r <- AuthRequest <$> A.anyWord8 <*> parseProperties Protocol50
pure $ AuthPkt r
data DiscoReason = DiscoNormalDisconnection
| DiscoDisconnectWithWill
| DiscoUnspecifiedError
| DiscoMalformedPacket
| DiscoProtocolError
| DiscoImplementationSpecificError
| DiscoNotAuthorized
| DiscoServerBusy
| DiscoServershuttingDown
| DiscoKeepAliveTimeout
| DiscoSessiontakenOver
| DiscoTopicFilterInvalid
| DiscoTopicNameInvalid
| DiscoReceiveMaximumExceeded
| DiscoTopicAliasInvalid
| DiscoPacketTooLarge
| DiscoMessageRateTooHigh
| DiscoQuotaExceeded
| DiscoAdministrativeAction
| DiscoPayloadFormatInvalid
| DiscoRetainNotSupported
| DiscoQoSNotSupported
| DiscoUseAnotherServer
| DiscoServerMoved
| DiscoSharedSubscriptionsNotSupported
| DiscoConnectionRateExceeded
| DiscoMaximumConnectTime
| DiscoSubscriptionIdentifiersNotSupported
| DiscoWildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported
deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum)
instance ByteSize DiscoReason where
toByte DiscoNormalDisconnection = 0x00
toByte DiscoDisconnectWithWill = 0x04
toByte DiscoUnspecifiedError = 0x80
toByte DiscoMalformedPacket = 0x81
toByte DiscoProtocolError = 0x82
toByte DiscoImplementationSpecificError = 0x83
toByte DiscoNotAuthorized = 0x87
toByte DiscoServerBusy = 0x89
toByte DiscoServershuttingDown = 0x8B
toByte DiscoKeepAliveTimeout = 0x8D
toByte DiscoSessiontakenOver = 0x8e
toByte DiscoTopicFilterInvalid = 0x8f
toByte DiscoTopicNameInvalid = 0x90
toByte DiscoReceiveMaximumExceeded = 0x93
toByte DiscoTopicAliasInvalid = 0x94
toByte DiscoPacketTooLarge = 0x95
toByte DiscoMessageRateTooHigh = 0x96
toByte DiscoQuotaExceeded = 0x97
toByte DiscoAdministrativeAction = 0x98
toByte DiscoPayloadFormatInvalid = 0x99
toByte DiscoRetainNotSupported = 0x9a
toByte DiscoQoSNotSupported = 0x9b
toByte DiscoUseAnotherServer = 0x9c
toByte DiscoServerMoved = 0x9d
toByte DiscoSharedSubscriptionsNotSupported = 0x9e
toByte DiscoConnectionRateExceeded = 0x9f
toByte DiscoMaximumConnectTime = 0xa0
toByte DiscoSubscriptionIdentifiersNotSupported = 0xa1
toByte DiscoWildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported = 0xa2
fromByte w = fromMaybe DiscoMalformedPacket $ lookup w discoReasonRev
discoReasonRev :: [(Word8, DiscoReason)]
discoReasonRev = map (\w -> (toByte w, w)) [minBound..]
data DisconnectRequest = DisconnectRequest DiscoReason [Property] deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ByteMe DisconnectRequest where
toByteString Protocol311 _ = "\224\NUL"
toByteString Protocol50 (DisconnectRequest r props) = BL.singleton 0xe0
<> withLength (BL.singleton (toByte r)
<> bsProps Protocol50 props)
parseDisconnect :: ProtocolLevel -> A.Parser MQTTPkt
parseDisconnect Protocol311 = do
req <- DisconnectRequest DiscoNormalDisconnection mempty <$ A.string "\224\NUL"
pure $ DisconnectPkt req
parseDisconnect Protocol50 = do
_ <- A.word8 0xe0
rl <- parseHdrLen
r <- A.anyWord8
props <- if rl > 1 then parseProperties Protocol50 else pure mempty
pure $ DisconnectPkt (DisconnectRequest (fromByte r) props)