nagios-check- Package for writing monitoring plugins

Safe HaskellNone




data CheckStatus Source

Nagios plugin exit statuses. Ordered by priority - OK < Warning < Critical < Unknown, which correspond to plugin exit statuses of 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively.



Check executed successfully and detected no service problems.


Nothing's actually broken but this should be followed up.


Check executed successfully and detected a service failure.


Check unable to determine service status.

data CheckResult Source

A CheckResult is the exit status of the plugin combined with the plugin's info text. A NagiosPlugin which exits with

CheckResult (Critical "entropy decreasing in closed system")

as its peak-badness CheckResult (and no PerfDatums) will a) exit with status 2 and b) output the text "CRITICAL: entropy decreasing in closed system".

data UOM :: *

Nagios unit of measurement. NullUnit is an empty string in the check result; UnknownUOM indicates a failure to parse.


data PerfValue Source

Value of a performance metric.

runNagiosPlugin :: NagiosPlugin a -> IO () Source

Execute a Nagios check. The program will terminate at the check's completion. A default status will provided if none is given.

runNagiosPlugin' :: NagiosPlugin a -> IO (a, CheckState) Source

Execute a Nagios check as with runNagiosPlugin, but return its final state rather than terminating.

addPerfDatum Source


:: Text

Name of the quantity being measured.

-> PerfValue

Measured value.

-> UOM

Unit of the measured value.

-> Maybe PerfValue

Minimum threshold.

-> Maybe PerfValue

Maximum threshold.

-> Maybe PerfValue

Warning threshold.

-> Maybe PerfValue

Critical threshold.

-> NagiosPlugin () 

Insert a performance metric into the list the check will output.

addResult :: CheckStatus -> Text -> NagiosPlugin () Source

Insert a result. Only the CheckStatus with the most badness will determine the check's exit status.

checkStatus :: CheckResult -> CheckStatus Source

Extract the return status from a CheckResult

checkInfo :: CheckResult -> Text Source

Extract the infotext from a CheckResult.

worstResult :: [CheckResult] -> CheckResult Source

Returns result with greatest badness, or a default UNKNOWN result if no results have been specified.

data PerfDatum Source

One performance metric. A plugin will output zero or more of these, whereupon Nagios generally passes them off to an external system such as RRDTool or Vaultaire. The thresholds are purely informative (designed to be graphed), and do not affect alerting; likewise with _min and _max.

finishState :: CheckState -> (CheckStatus, Text) Source

Given a check's final state, return the status and output it would exit with.