mysql-pure-1.0.1: pure haskell MySQL driver
Copyright(c) Winterland 2016
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provide common MySQL operations,

NOTEs on Exceptions: This package use Exception to deal with unexpected situations, but you shouldn't try to catch them if you don't have a recovery plan, for example: there's no meaning to catch a ERRException during authentication unless you want to try different passwords. By using this library you will meet:

Both UnexpectedPacket and DecodePacketException may indicate a bug of this library rather your code, so please report!


Setting up and control connection

data MySQLConn Source #

MySQLConn wrap both InputStream and OutputStream for MySQL Packet.

You shouldn't use one MySQLConn in different thread, if you do that, consider protecting it with a MVar.

data ConnectInfo Source #

Everything you need to establish a MySQL connection.

To setup a TLS connection, use module Database.MySQL.TLS or Database.MySQL.OpenSSL.


Instances details
Show ConnectInfo Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.MySQL.Connection

defaultConnectInfo :: ConnectInfo Source #

A simple ConnectInfo targeting localhost with user=root and empty password.

Default charset is set to utf8_general_ci to support older(< 5.5.3) MySQL versions, but be aware this is a partial utf8 encoding, you may want to use defaultConnectInfoMB4 instead to support full utf8 charset(emoji, etc.). You can query your server's support with SELECT id, collation_name FROM information_schema.collations ORDER BY id;

defaultConnectInfoMB4 :: ConnectInfo Source #

defaultConnectInfo with charset set to utf8mb4_unicode_ci

This is recommanded on any MySQL server version >= 5.5.3.

connect :: ConnectInfo -> IO MySQLConn Source #

Establish a MySQL connection.

connectDetail :: ConnectInfo -> IO (Greeting, MySQLConn) Source #

Establish a MySQL connection with Greeting back, so you can find server's version .etc.

close :: MySQLConn -> IO () Source #

Close a MySQL connection.

Direct query

execute :: QueryParam p => MySQLConn -> Query -> [p] -> IO OK Source #

Execute a MySQL query with parameters which don't return a result-set.

The query may contain placeholders ?, for filling up parameters, the parameters will be escaped before get filled into the query, please DO NOT enable NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES, and you should consider using prepared statement if this's not an one shot query.

executeMany :: QueryParam p => MySQLConn -> Query -> [[p]] -> IO [OK] Source #

Execute a multi-row query which don't return result-set.

Leverage MySQL's multi-statement support to do batch insert/update/delete, you may want to use withTransaction to make sure it's atomic, and use sum . map okAffectedRows to get all affected rows count.


executeMany_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO [OK] Source #

Execute multiple querys (without param) which don't return result-set.

This's useful when your want to execute multiple SQLs without params, e.g. from a SQL dump, or a table migration plan.


execute_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO OK Source #

Execute a MySQL query which don't return a result-set.

query_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) Source #

Execute a MySQL query which return a result-set.

query :: QueryParam p => MySQLConn -> Query -> [p] -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) Source #

Execute a MySQL query which return a result-set with parameters.

Note that you must fully consumed the result-set before start a new query on the same MySQLConn, or an UnconsumedResultSet will be thrown. if you want to skip the result-set, use skipToEof.

Prepared query statement

prepareStmt :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO StmtID Source #

Ask MySQL to prepare a query statement.

prepareStmtDetail :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO (StmtPrepareOK, [ColumnDef], [ColumnDef]) Source #

Ask MySQL to prepare a query statement.

All details from COM_STMT_PREPARE Response are returned: the StmtPrepareOK packet, params's ColumnDef, result's ColumnDef.

executeStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> [MySQLValue] -> IO OK Source #

Execute prepared query statement with parameters, expecting no resultset.

queryStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> [MySQLValue] -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) Source #

Execute prepared query statement with parameters, expecting resultset.

Rules about UnconsumedResultSet applied here too.

closeStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> IO () Source #

Ask MySQL to closed a query statement.

resetStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> IO () Source #

Ask MySQL to reset a query statement, all previous resultset will be cleared.


withTransaction :: MySQLConn -> IO a -> IO a Source #

Run querys inside a transaction, querys will be rolled back if exception arise.


class QueryParam a where Source #

A type that may be used as a single parameter to a SQL query. Inspired from mysql-simple.


render :: a -> Put Source #

Prepare a value for substitution into a query string.


Instances details
QueryParam MySQLValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.MySQL.Query

QueryParam Param Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.MySQL.Query


render :: Param -> Put Source #

data Param Source #

A type to wrap a query parameter in to allow for single and multi-valued parameters.

The behavior of Param can be illustrated by following example:

   render $ One (MySQLText "hello") = hello
   render $ Many [MySQLText "hello", MySQLText "world"] = hello, world
   render $ Many [] = null

So you can now write a query like this: SELECT * FROM test WHERE _id IN (?, 888) and use Many Param to fill the hole. There's no equivalent for prepared statement sadly.


One MySQLValue 
Many [MySQLValue] 


Instances details
QueryParam Param Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.MySQL.Query


render :: Param -> Put Source #

newtype Query Source #

Query string type borrowed from mysql-simple.

This type is intended to make it difficult to construct a SQL query by concatenating string fragments, as that is an extremely common way to accidentally introduce SQL injection vulnerabilities into an application.

This type is an instance of IsString, so the easiest way to construct a query is to enable the OverloadedStrings language extension and then simply write the query in double quotes.

The underlying type is a ByteString, and literal Haskell strings that contain Unicode characters will be correctly transformed to UTF-8.




Instances details
IsString Query Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.MySQL.Query


fromString :: String -> Query #

Read Query Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.MySQL.Query

Show Query Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.MySQL.Query


showsPrec :: Int -> Query -> ShowS #

show :: Query -> String #

showList :: [Query] -> ShowS #

Eq Query Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.MySQL.Query


(==) :: Query -> Query -> Bool #

(/=) :: Query -> Query -> Bool #

Ord Query Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.MySQL.Query


compare :: Query -> Query -> Ordering #

(<) :: Query -> Query -> Bool #

(<=) :: Query -> Query -> Bool #

(>) :: Query -> Query -> Bool #

(>=) :: Query -> Query -> Bool #

max :: Query -> Query -> Query #

min :: Query -> Query -> Query #

command :: MySQLConn -> Command -> IO OK Source #

Send a Command which don't return a resultSet.

skipToEof :: InputStream a -> IO () #

Drives an InputStream to end-of-stream, discarding all of the yielded values.


MySQL protocol