{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Multimap.Table
-- Maintainer  :  Ziyang Liu <free@cofree.io>
-- The @'Table' r c a@ type represents a finite two-dimensional table
-- that associates a pair of keys (a row key of type @r@ and
-- a column key of type @c@) with a value of type @a@.
-- The implementation is backed by two maps: a @'Map' r ('Map' c) a@, and
-- a @'Map' c ('Map' r) a@, called "row map" and "column map", respectively.
-- It is worth noting that all functions that traverse a table, such as
-- 'foldl', 'foldr', 'foldMap' and 'traverse', are row-oriented, i.e.,
-- they traverse the table row by row. To traverse a table column
-- by column, 'transpose' the table first.
-- In the following Big-O notations, unless otherwise noted, /n/ denotes
-- the size of the table (i.e., the total number of values for all
-- row and column keys), /r/ denotes the number of row keys that has at
-- least one value, /c/ denotes the number of column keys that has at
-- least one value, and /k = max r c/.
module Data.Multimap.Table (

  -- * Construction
  , empty
  , singleton
  , fromRowMap
  , fromColumnMap
  , transpose

  -- ** From Unordered Lists
  , fromList

  -- * Deletion\/Update
  , insert
  , delete
  , deleteRow
  , deleteColumn
  , adjust
  , adjustWithKeys
  , update
  , updateWithKeys
  , alter
  , alterWithKeys

  -- * Query
  -- ** Lookup
  , lookup
  , (!?)
  , (!)
  , hasCell
  , hasRow
  , hasColumn

  -- ** Size
  , null
  , notNull
  , size

  -- * Combine
  -- ** Union
  , union
  , unionWith
  , unionWithKeys
  , unions
  , unionsWith
  , unionsWithKeys

  -- ** Difference
  , difference

  -- * Traversal
  -- ** Map
  , map
  , mapWithKeys
  , traverseWithKeys
  , traverseMaybeWithKeys

  -- ** Folds
  , foldr
  , foldl
  , foldrWithKeys
  , foldlWithKeys
  , foldMapWithKeys

  -- ** Strict Folds
  , foldr'
  , foldl'
  , foldrWithKeys'
  , foldlWithKeys'

  -- * Conversion
  , row
  , column
  , rowMap
  , columnMap
  , rowKeys
  , columnKeys
  , rowKeysSet
  , columnKeysSet

  -- ** Lists
  , toList

  -- ** Ordered lists
  , toRowAscList
  , toColumnAscList
  , toRowDescList
  , toColumnDescList

  -- * Filter
  , filter
  , filterRow
  , filterColumn
  , filterWithKeys

  , mapMaybe
  , mapMaybeWithKeys
  , mapEither
  , mapEitherWithKeys
  ) where

import           Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import           Data.Data (Data)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import           Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>))
import           Data.Set (Set)

import Prelude hiding (filter, foldl, foldr, lookup, map, null)

infixl 9 !,!?

type Size = Int

newtype Table r c a = Table (Map r (Map c a), Map c (Map r a), Size)
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)

instance (Show r, Show c, Show a) => Show (Table r c a) where
  showsPrec d m = showParen (d > 10) $
    showString "fromList " . shows (toList m)

instance (Ord r, Ord c, Read r, Read c, Read a) => Read (Table r c a) where
  readsPrec p = readParen (p > 10) $ \ r -> do
    ("fromList",s) <- lex r
    (xs,t) <- reads s
    pure (fromList xs,t)

instance Functor (Table r c) where
  fmap = map

instance Foldable.Foldable (Table r c) where
  foldMap = foldMapWithKeys . const . const
  {-# INLINE foldMap #-}

instance (Ord r, Ord c) => Traversable (Table r c) where
  traverse = traverseWithKeys . const . const
  {-# INLINE traverse #-}

instance (Ord r, Ord c) => Semigroup (Table r c a) where
  (<>) = union

instance (Ord r, Ord c) => Monoid (Table r c a) where
  mempty = empty
  mappend = (<>)


-- | /O(1)/. The empty table.
-- > size empty === 0
empty :: Table r c a
empty = Table (Map.empty, Map.empty, 0)

-- | /O(1)/. A table with a single element.
-- > singleton 1 'a' "a" === fromList [(1,'a',"a")]
-- > size (singleton 1 'a' "a") === 1
singleton :: r -> c -> a -> Table r c a
singleton r c a = Table (Map.singleton r (Map.singleton c a), Map.singleton c (Map.singleton r a), 1)

-- | Build a table from a list of key\/value pairs.
-- > fromList ([] :: [(Int, Char, String)]) === empty
fromList :: (Ord r, Ord c) => [(r, c, a)] -> Table r c a
fromList = Foldable.foldr (uncurry3 insert) empty

-- | Build a table from a row map.
-- > fromRowMap (Map.fromList [(1, Map.fromList [('a',"b"),('b',"c")]), (2, Map.fromList [('a',"d")])])
-- >   === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
fromRowMap :: (Ord r, Ord c) => Map r (Map c a) -> Table r c a
fromRowMap m = Table (m', transpose' m', size' m')
  where m' = nonEmpty m

-- | Build a table from a column map.
-- > fromColumnMap (Map.fromList [(1, Map.fromList [('a',"b"),('b',"c")]), (2, Map.fromList [('a',"d")])])
-- >   === fromList [('a',1,"b"),('a',2,"d"),('b',1,"c")]
fromColumnMap :: (Ord r, Ord c) => Map c (Map r a) -> Table r c a
fromColumnMap m = Table (transpose' m', m', size' m')
  where m' = nonEmpty m

-- | Flip the row and column keys.
-- > transpose (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === fromList [('a',1,"b"),('a',2,"d"),('b',1,"c")]
transpose :: Table r c a -> Table c r a
transpose (Table (rm, cm, sz)) = Table (cm, rm, sz)


-- | /O(log k)/. Associate with value with the row key and the column key.
-- If the table already contains a value for those keys, the value is replaced.
-- > insert 1 'a' "a" empty === singleton 1 'a' "a"
-- > insert 1 'a' "a" (fromList [(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"a"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
-- > insert 1 'a' "a" (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"a"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
insert :: (Ord r, Ord c) => r -> c -> a -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
insert r c a (Table (rm, cm, _)) = fromMaps' r c rm' cm'
    rm' = Map.alter f r rm
    cm' = Map.alter g c cm
    f = Just . maybe (Map.singleton c a) (Map.insert c a)
    g = Just . maybe (Map.singleton r a) (Map.insert r a)

-- | /O(log k)/. Remove the value associated with the given keys.
-- > delete 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === fromList [(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
-- > delete 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === fromList [(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
delete :: (Ord r, Ord c) => r -> c -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
delete r c (Table (rm, cm, _)) = fromMaps' r c rm' cm'
    rm' = Map.adjust (Map.delete c) r rm
    cm' = Map.adjust (Map.delete r) c cm

-- | Remove an entire row.
-- > deleteRow 1 (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === singleton 2 'a' "d"
-- > deleteRow 3 (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
deleteRow :: Ord r => r -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
deleteRow r (Table (rm, cm, _)) = Table (rm', cm', size' rm')
    rm' = Map.delete r rm
    cm' = nonEmpty $ Map.map (Map.delete r) cm

-- | Remove an entire column.
-- > deleteColumn 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === singleton 1 'b' "c"
-- > deleteColumn 'z' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
deleteColumn :: Ord c => c -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
deleteColumn c (Table (rm, cm, _)) = Table (rm', cm', size' cm')
    rm' = nonEmpty $ Map.map (Map.delete c) rm
    cm' = Map.delete c cm

-- | /O(log k)/, assuming the function @a -> a@ takes /O(1)/.
-- Update the value at a specific row key and column key, if exists.
-- > adjust ("new " ++) 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"new b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
adjust :: (Ord r, Ord c) => (a -> a) -> r -> c -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
adjust = adjustWithKeys . const . const

-- | /O(log k)/, assuming the function @r -> c -> a -> a@ takes /O(1)/.
-- Update the value at a specific row key and column key, if exists.
-- > adjustWithKeys (\r c x -> show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":new " ++ x) 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")])
-- >   === fromList [(1,'a',"1:'a':new b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
  :: (Ord r, Ord c)
  => (r -> c -> a -> a) -> r -> c -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
adjustWithKeys f = updateWithKeys (\r c a -> Just (f r c a))

-- | /O(log k)/, assuming the function @a -> 'Maybe' a@ takes /O(1)/.
-- The expression (@'update' f r c table@) updates the value at the given
-- row and column keys, if exists. If @f@ returns 'Nothing', the value
-- associated with those keys, if exists is deleted.
-- > let f x = if x == "b" then Just "new b" else Nothing in do
-- >   update f 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"new b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   update f 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"a"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
update :: (Ord r, Ord c) => (a -> Maybe a) -> r -> c -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
update = updateWithKeys . const . const

-- | /O(log k)/, assuming the function @r -> c -> a -> 'Maybe' a@ takes /O(1)/.
-- The expression (@'updateWithKeys' f r c table@) updates the value at the given
-- row and column keys, if exists. If @f@ returns 'Nothing', the value
-- associated with those keys, if exists is deleted.
-- > let f r c x = if x == "b" then Just (show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":new b") else Nothing in do
-- >   updateWithKeys f 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"1:'a':new b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   updateWithKeys f 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"a"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
  :: (Ord r, Ord c)
  => (r -> c -> a -> Maybe a) -> r -> c -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
updateWithKeys f = alterWithKeys (\r c -> (>>= f r c))

-- | /O(log k)/, assuming the function @'Maybe' a -> 'Maybe' a@ takes /O(1)/.
-- The expression (@'alter' f r c table@) alters the value at the given
-- row and column keys, if exists. It can be used to insert, delete
-- or update a value.
-- > let (f,g,h) = (const Nothing, const (Just "hello"), fmap ('z':)) in do
-- >   alter f 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   alter f 4 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   alter f 2 'b' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   alter g 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"hello"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   alter g 4 'e' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c"),(4,'e',"hello")]
-- >   alter h 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"zb"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   alter h 2 'b' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
alter :: (Ord r, Ord c) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> r -> c -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
alter = alterWithKeys . const . const

-- | /O(log k)/, assuming the function @r -> c -> 'Maybe' a -> 'Maybe' a@ takes /O(1)/.
-- The expression (@'alterWithKeys' f r c table@) alters the value at the given
-- row and column keys, if exists. It can be used to insert, delete
-- or update a value.
-- > let (f,g) = (\_ _ _ -> Nothing, \r c -> fmap ((show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":") ++)) in do
-- >   alterWithKeys f 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   alterWithKeys f 4 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   alterWithKeys f 2 'b' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   alterWithKeys g 1 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"1:'a':b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
-- >   alterWithKeys g 2 'b' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(3,'a',"c")]
  :: (Ord r, Ord c)
  => (r -> c -> Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> r -> c -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
alterWithKeys f r c tbl@(Table (rm, cm, _))
  | Just a <- f r c (lookup r c tbl) =
      let rm' = Map.alter (Just . maybe (Map.singleton c a) (Map.insert c a)) r rm
          cm' = Map.alter (Just . maybe (Map.singleton r a) (Map.insert r a)) c cm
       in fromMaps' r c rm' cm'
  | otherwise = delete r c tbl


-- | /O(log k)/. Lookup the values at a row key and column key in the map.
lookup :: (Ord r, Ord c) => r -> c -> Table r c a -> Maybe a
lookup r c (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.lookup r rm >>= Map.lookup c

-- | /O(log k)/. Lookup the values at a row key and column key in the map.
-- > fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")] !? (1,'a') === Just "b"
-- > fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")] !? (1,'c') === Nothing
(!?) :: (Ord r, Ord c) => Table r c a -> (r, c) -> Maybe a
(!?) = flip (uncurry lookup)

-- | /O(log k)/. Lookup the values at a row key and column key in the map.
-- Calls 'error' if the value does not exist.
-- > fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")] ! (1,'a') === "b"
(!) :: (Ord r, Ord c) => Table r c a -> (r, c) -> a
(!) tbl keys =
  Maybe.fromMaybe (error "Table.!: cell does not exist") (tbl !? keys)

-- | /O(log k)/. Is there a value associated with the given row and
-- column keys?
-- > hasCell (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) (1,'a') === True
-- > hasCell (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) (1,'c') === False
hasCell :: (Ord r, Ord c) => Table r c a -> (r, c) -> Bool
hasCell (Table (rm, _, _)) (r, c) =
  maybe False (Map.member c) (Map.lookup r rm)

-- | /O(log r)/. Is there a row with the given row key that has at least
--  one value?
-- > hasRow (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) 1 === True
-- > hasRow (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) 3 === False
hasRow :: Ord r => Table r c a -> r -> Bool
hasRow (Table (rm, _, _)) r = Map.member r rm

-- | /O(log c)/. Is there a column with the given column key that has at least
-- one value?
-- > hasColumn (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) 'a' === True
-- > hasColumn (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) 'c' === False
hasColumn :: Ord c => Table r c a -> c -> Bool
hasColumn (Table (_, cm, _)) c = Map.member c cm

-- | /O(1)/. Is the table empty?
-- > Data.Multimap.Table.null empty === True
-- > Data.Multimap.Table.null (singleton 1 'a' "a") === False
null :: Table r c a -> Bool
null (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.null rm

-- | /O(1)/. Is the table non-empty?
-- > notNull empty === False
-- > notNull (singleton 1 'a' "a") === True
notNull :: Table r c a -> Bool
notNull = not . null

-- | The total number of values for all row and column keys.
-- @size@ is evaluated lazily. Forcing the size for the first time takes up to
-- /O(n)/ and subsequent forces take /O(1)/.
-- > size empty === 0
-- > size (singleton 1 'a' "a") === 1
-- > size (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) === 3
size :: Table r c a -> Int
size (Table (_, _, sz)) = sz


-- | Union two tables, preferring values from the first table
-- upon duplicate keys.
-- > union (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) (fromList [(1,'a',"c"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")])
-- >   === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")]
union :: (Ord r, Ord c) => Table r c a -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
union = unionWith const

-- | Union a number of tables, preferring values from the leftmost table
-- upon duplicate keys.
-- > unions [fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")], fromList [(1,'a',"c"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")]]
-- >   === fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")]
unions :: (Foldable f, Ord r, Ord c) => f (Table r c a) -> Table r c a
unions = Foldable.foldr union empty

-- | Union two tables with a combining function for duplicate keys.
-- > unionWith (++) (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) (fromList [(1,'a',"c"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")])
-- >   === fromList [(1,'a',"bc"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")]
unionWith :: (Ord r, Ord c) => (a -> a -> a) -> Table r c a -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
unionWith = unionWithKeys . const . const

-- | Union two tables with a combining function for duplicate keys.
-- > let f r c a a' = show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":" ++ a ++ "|" ++ a' in do
-- >   unionWithKeys f (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) (fromList [(1,'a',"c"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")])
-- >     === fromList [(1,'a',"1:'a':b|c"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")]
  :: (Ord r, Ord c)
  => (r -> c -> a -> a -> a)
  -> Table r c a -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
unionWithKeys f (Table (rm1, cm1, _)) (Table (rm2, cm2, _)) = fromMaps rm cm
    rm = Map.unionWithKey (Map.unionWithKey . f) rm1 rm2
    cm = Map.unionWithKey (Map.unionWithKey . flip f) cm1 cm2

-- | Union a number of tables with a combining function for duplicate keys.
-- > unionsWith (++) [fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")], fromList [(1,'a',"c"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")]]
-- >   === fromList [(1,'a',"bc"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")]
unionsWith :: (Foldable f, Ord r, Ord c) => (a -> a -> a) -> f (Table r c a) -> Table r c a
unionsWith f = Foldable.foldr (unionWith f) empty

-- | Union a number of tables with a combining function for duplicate keys.
-- > let f r c a a' = show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":" ++ a ++ "|" ++ a' in do
-- >   unionsWithKeys f [fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")], fromList [(1,'a',"c"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")]]
-- >     === fromList [(1,'a',"1:'a':b|c"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b"),(2,'b',"d"),(3,'c',"e")]
  :: (Foldable f, Ord r, Ord c)
  => (r -> c -> a -> a -> a)
  -> f (Table r c a) -> Table r c a
unionsWithKeys f = Foldable.foldr (unionWithKeys f) empty

-- | Difference of two tables. Return values in the first table whose
-- row and column keys do not have an associated value in the second table.
-- > difference (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) (fromList [(1,'a',"c"),(1,'b',"d"),(2,'b',"b")])
-- >   === singleton 2 'a' "b"
difference :: (Ord r, Ord c) => Table r c a -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
difference (Table (rm1, cm1, _)) (Table (rm2, cm2, _)) = fromMaps rm cm
    rm = Map.differenceWith ((Just .) . Map.difference) rm1 rm2
    cm = Map.differenceWith ((Just .) . Map.difference) cm1 cm2


-- | /O(n)/, assuming the function @a -> b@ takes /O(1)/.
-- Map a function over all values in the table.
-- > Data.Multimap.Table.map (++ "x") (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) === fromList [(1,'a',"bx"),(1,'b',"cx"),(2,'a',"bx")]
map :: (a -> b) -> Table r c a -> Table r c b
map = mapWithKeys . const . const

-- | /O(n)/, assuming the function @r -> c -> a -> b@ takes /O(1)/.
-- Map a function over all values in the table.
-- > mapWithKeys (\r c x -> show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":" ++ x) (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")])
-- >   === fromList [(1,'a',"1:'a':b"),(1,'b',"1:'b':c"),(2,'a',"2:'a':b")]
mapWithKeys :: (r -> c -> a -> b) -> Table r c a -> Table r c b
mapWithKeys f (Table (rm, cm, sz)) = Table (rm', cm', sz)
    rm' = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . f) rm
    cm' = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . flip f) cm

-- | Traverse the (row key, column key, value) triples and collect the results.
-- > let f r c a = if odd r && c > 'a' then Just (a ++ "x") else Nothing in do
-- >   traverseWithKeys f (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"b")]) === Nothing
-- >   traverseWithKeys f (fromList [(1,'b',"b"),(1,'c',"c"),(3,'d',"b")]) === Just (fromList [(1,'b',"bx"),(1,'c',"cx"),(3,'d',"bx")])
  :: (Applicative t, Ord r, Ord c)
  => (r -> c -> a -> t b)
  -> Table r c a
  -> t (Table r c b)
traverseWithKeys f (Table (rm, _, _)) = fromMaps <$> rm' <*> cm'
    rm' = Map.traverseWithKey (Map.traverseWithKey . f) rm
    cm' = transpose' <$> rm'

-- | Traverse the (row key, column key, value) triples and collect the 'Just' results.
  :: (Applicative t, Ord r, Ord c)
  => (r -> c -> a -> t (Maybe b))
  -> Table r c a
  -> t (Table r c b)
traverseMaybeWithKeys f (Table (rm, _, _)) = fromMaps <$> rm' <*> cm'
    rm' = Map.traverseWithKey (Map.traverseMaybeWithKey . f) rm
    cm' = transpose' <$> rm'


-- | /O(n)/. Fold the values in the table row by row using the given
-- right-associative binary operator.
-- > Data.Multimap.Table.foldr (:) "" (fromList [(1,'a','b'),(1,'b','c'),(2,'a','d')]) === "bcd"
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Table r c a -> b
foldr = foldrWithKeys . const . const

-- | /O(n)/. Fold the values in the table row by row using the given
-- left-associative binary operator.
-- > Data.Multimap.Table.foldl (flip (:)) "" (fromList [(1,'a','b'),(1,'b','c'),(2,'a','d')]) === "dcb"
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Table r c b -> a
foldl f = foldlWithKeys (\a _ _ -> f a)

-- | /O(n)/. Fold the (row key, column key value) triplets in the table
--  row by row using the given right-associative binary operator.
-- > let f r c a b = show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":" ++ a ++ "|" ++ b in do
-- >   foldrWithKeys f "" (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === "1:'a':b|1:'b':c|2:'a':d|"
foldrWithKeys :: (r -> c -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Table r c a -> b
foldrWithKeys f b (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.foldrWithKey f' b rm
    f' = flip . Map.foldrWithKey . f

-- | /O(n)/. Fold the (row key, column key, value) triplets in the table
--  row by row using the given left-associative binary operator.
-- > let f a r c b = show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":" ++ b ++ "|" ++ a in do
-- >   foldlWithKeys f "" (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === "2:'a':d|1:'b':c|1:'a':b|"
foldlWithKeys :: (a -> r -> c -> b -> a) -> a -> Table r c b -> a
foldlWithKeys f a (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.foldlWithKey f' a rm
    f' = flip (Map.foldlWithKey . flip f)

-- | /O(n)/. A strict version of 'foldr'. Each application of the
-- operator is evaluated before using the result in the next application.
-- This function is strict in the starting value.
-- > Data.Multimap.Table.foldr' (:) "" (fromList [(1,'a','b'),(1,'b','c'),(2,'a','d')]) === "bcd"
foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Table r c a -> b
foldr' = foldrWithKeys' . const . const

-- | /O(n)/. A strict version of 'foldl'. Each application of the
-- operator is evaluated before using the result in the next application.
-- This function is strict in the starting value.
-- > Data.Multimap.Table.foldl' (flip (:)) "" (fromList [(1,'a','b'),(1,'b','c'),(2,'a','d')]) === "dcb"
foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Table r c b -> a
foldl' f = foldlWithKeys' (\a _ _ -> f a)

-- | /O(n)/. A strict version of 'foldrWithKey'. Each application of the
-- operator is evaluated before using the result in the next application.
-- This function is strict in the starting value.
-- > let f r c a b = show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":" ++ a ++ "|" ++ b in do
-- >   foldrWithKeys' f "" (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === "1:'a':b|1:'b':c|2:'a':d|"
foldrWithKeys' :: (r -> c -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Table r c a -> b
foldrWithKeys' f b (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.foldrWithKey' f' b rm
    f' = flip . Map.foldrWithKey' . f

-- | /O(n)/. A strict version of 'foldlWithKey'. Each application of the
-- operator is evaluated before using the result in the next application.
-- This function is strict in the starting value.
-- > let f a r c b = show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":" ++ b ++ "|" ++ a in do
-- >   foldlWithKeys' f "" (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === "2:'a':d|1:'b':c|1:'a':b|"
foldlWithKeys' :: (a -> r -> c -> b -> a) -> a -> Table r c b -> a
foldlWithKeys' f a (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.foldlWithKey' f' a rm
    f' = flip (Map.foldlWithKey' . flip f)

-- | /O(n)/. Fold the (row key, column key, value) triplets in the map
-- row by row using the given monoid.
-- > let f r c a = show r ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":" ++ a ++ "|" in do
-- >   foldMapWithKeys f (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === "1:'a':b|1:'b':c|2:'a':d|"
foldMapWithKeys :: Monoid m => (r -> c -> a -> m) -> Table r c a -> m
foldMapWithKeys f (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.foldMapWithKey f' rm
    f' = Map.foldMapWithKey . f


-- | /O(r)/. Return a mapping from column keys to values for the given
-- row key.
-- > row 1 (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === Map.fromList [('a',"b"),('b',"c")]
-- > row 3 (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === Map.empty
row :: Ord r => r -> Table r c a -> Map c a
row r (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty r rm

-- | /O(c)/. Return a mapping from row keys to values for the given
-- column key.
-- > column 'a' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === Map.fromList [(1,"b"),(2,"d")]
-- > column 'c' (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === Map.empty
column :: Ord c => c -> Table r c a -> Map r a
column c (Table (_, cm, _)) = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty c cm

-- | Return a mapping from row keys to maps from column keys to values.
-- > rowMap (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")])
-- >   === Map.fromList [(1, Map.fromList [('a',"b"),('b',"c")]),(2, Map.fromList [('a',"d")])]
rowMap :: Table r c a -> Map r (Map c a)
rowMap (Table (rm, _, _)) = rm

-- | Return a mapping from column keys to maps from row keys to values.
-- > columnMap (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")])
-- >   === Map.fromList [('a', Map.fromList [(1,"b"),(2,"d")]),('b', Map.fromList [(1,"c")])]
columnMap :: Table r c a -> Map c (Map r a)
columnMap (Table (_, cm, _)) = cm

-- | Return, in ascending order, the list of all row keys of that have
-- at least one value in the table.
-- > rowKeys (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === [1,2]
rowKeys :: Table r c a -> [r]
rowKeys (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.keys rm

-- | Return, in ascending order, the list of all column keys of that have
-- at least one value in the table.
-- > columnKeys (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === ['a','b']
columnKeys :: Table r c a -> [c]
columnKeys (Table (_, cm, _)) = Map.keys cm

-- | Return the set of all row keys of that have at least one value
-- in the table.
-- > rowKeysSet (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === Set.fromList [1,2]
rowKeysSet :: Table r c a -> Set r
rowKeysSet (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.keysSet rm

-- | Return the set of all column keys of that have at least one value
-- in the table.
-- > columnKeysSet (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === Set.fromList ['a','b']
columnKeysSet :: Table r c a -> Set c
columnKeysSet (Table (_, cm, _)) = Map.keysSet cm

-- | Convert the table into a list of (row key, column key, value) triples.
-- > toList (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
toList :: Table r c a -> [(r, c, a)]
toList (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.toList (Map.toList <$> rm) >>= distr

-- | Convert the table into a list of (row key, column key, value) triples
-- in ascending order of row keys, and ascending order of column keys
-- with a row.
-- > toRowAscList (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]
toRowAscList :: Table r c a -> [(r, c, a)]
toRowAscList (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.toAscList (Map.toAscList <$> rm) >>= distr

-- | Convert the table into a list of (column key, row key, value) triples
-- in ascending order of column keys, and ascending order of row keys
-- with a column.
-- > toColumnAscList (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === [('a',1,"b"),('a',2,"d"),('b',1,"c")]
toColumnAscList :: Table r c a -> [(c, r, a)]
toColumnAscList (Table (_, cm, _)) = Map.toAscList (Map.toAscList <$> cm) >>= distr

-- | Convert the table into a list of (row key, column key, value) triples
-- in descending order of row keys, and descending order of column keys
-- with a row.
-- > toRowDescList (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === [(2,'a',"d"),(1,'b',"c"),(1,'a',"b")]
toRowDescList :: Table r c a -> [(r, c, a)]
toRowDescList (Table (rm, _, _)) = Map.toDescList (Map.toDescList <$> rm) >>= distr

-- | Convert the table into a list of (column key, row key, value) triples
-- in descending order of column keys, and descending order of row keys
-- with a column.
-- > toColumnDescList (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === [('b',1,"c"),('a',2,"d"),('a',1,"b")]
toColumnDescList :: Table r c a -> [(c, r, a)]
toColumnDescList (Table (_, cm, _)) = Map.toDescList (Map.toDescList <$> cm) >>= distr


-- | /O(n)/, assuming the predicate function takes /O(1)/.
-- Retain all values that satisfy the predicate.
-- > Data.Multimap.Table.filter (> "c") (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === singleton 2 'a' "d"
-- > Data.Multimap.Table.filter (> "d") (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === empty
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
filter = filterWithKeys . const . const

-- | /O(r)/, assuming the predicate function takes /O(1)/.
-- Retain all rows that satisfy the predicate.
-- > filterRow even (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === singleton 2 'a' "d"
filterRow :: (r -> Bool) -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
filterRow p (Table (rm, cm, _)) = Table (rm', nonEmpty cm', size' rm')
    rm' = Map.filterWithKey (const . p) rm
    cm' = Map.map (Map.filterWithKey (const . p)) cm

-- | /O(c)/, assuming the predicate function takes /O(1)/.
-- Retain all columns that satisfy the predicate.
-- > filterColumn (> 'a') (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === singleton 1 'b' "c"
filterColumn :: (c -> Bool) -> Table r c a -> Table r c a
filterColumn p (Table (rm, cm, _)) = Table (nonEmpty rm', cm', size' cm')
    rm' = Map.map (Map.filterWithKey (const . p)) rm
    cm' = Map.filterWithKey (const . p) cm

-- | /O(c)/, assuming the predicate function takes /O(1)/.
-- Retain all (row key, column key, value) triples that satisfy the predicate.
-- > filterWithKeys (\r c a -> odd r && c > 'a' && a > "b") (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === singleton 1 'b' "c"
  :: (r -> c -> a -> Bool)
  -> Table r c a
  -> Table r c a
filterWithKeys p (Table (rm, cm, _)) = fromMaps rm' cm'
    rm' = Map.mapWithKey (Map.filterWithKey . p) rm
    cm' = Map.mapWithKey (Map.filterWithKey . flip p) cm

-- | /O(n)/, assuming the function @a -> 'Maybe' b@ takes /O(1)/.
-- Map values and collect the 'Just' results.
-- > mapMaybe (\a -> if a == "a" then Just "new a" else Nothing) (fromList [(1,'a',"a"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'b',"a")])
-- >   === fromList [(1,'a',"new a"),(2,'b',"new a")]
mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Table r c a -> Table r c b
mapMaybe = mapMaybeWithKeys . const . const

-- | /O(n)/, assuming the function @r -> c -> a -> 'Maybe' b@ takes /O(1)/.
-- Map (row key, column key, value) triples and collect the 'Just' results.
-- > let f r c a = if r == 1 && a == "c" then Just "new c" else Nothing in do
-- >   mapMaybeWithKeys f (fromList [(1,'a',"b"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'a',"d")]) === singleton 1 'b' "new c"
mapMaybeWithKeys :: (r -> c -> a -> Maybe b) -> Table r c a -> Table r c b
mapMaybeWithKeys f (Table (rm, cm, _)) = fromMaps rm' cm'
    rm' = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapMaybeWithKey . f) rm
    cm' = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapMaybeWithKey . flip f) cm

-- | /O(n)/, assuming the function @a -> 'Either' a1 a2@ takes /O(1)/.
-- Map values and separate the 'Left' and 'Right' results.
-- > mapEither (\a -> if a == "a" then Left a else Right a) (fromList [(1,'a',"a"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'b',"a")])
-- >   === (fromList [(1,'a',"a"),(2,'b',"a")],fromList [(1,'b',"c")])
mapEither :: (a -> Either a1 a2) -> Table r c a -> (Table r c a1, Table r c a2)
mapEither = mapEitherWithKeys . const . const

-- | /O(n)/, assuming the function @r -> c -> a -> 'Either' a1 a2@ takes /O(1)/.
-- Map (row key, column key, value) triples and separate the 'Left' and 'Right' results.
-- > mapEitherWithKeys (\r c a -> if r == 1 && c == 'a' then Left a else Right a) (fromList [(1,'a',"a"),(1,'b',"c"),(2,'b',"a")])
-- >   === (fromList [(1,'a',"a")],fromList [(1,'b',"c"),(2,'b',"a")])
mapEitherWithKeys :: (r -> c -> a -> Either a1 a2) -> Table r c a -> (Table r c a1, Table r c a2)
mapEitherWithKeys f (Table (rm, cm, _)) = (fromMaps rm1 cm1, fromMaps rm2 cm2)
    (rm1, rm2) = (fmap fst &&& fmap snd) $ Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapEitherWithKey . f) rm
    (cm1, cm2) = (fmap fst &&& fmap snd) $ Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapEitherWithKey . flip f) cm

-- * Non exported functions

assoc :: (a, (b, c)) -> (a, b, c)
assoc (a, (b, c)) = (a, b, c)

distr :: (a, [(b, c)]) -> [(a, b, c)]
distr = fmap assoc . uncurry (zip . repeat)

-- | Build a table from a row map and a column map.
fromMaps :: Map r (Map c a) -> Map c (Map r a) -> Table r c a
fromMaps rm cm = Table (rm', cm', size' rm')
    rm' = nonEmpty rm
    cm' = nonEmpty cm

fromMaps' :: (Ord r, Ord c) => r -> c -> Map r (Map c a) -> Map c (Map r a) -> Table r c a
fromMaps' r c rm cm = Table (rm', cm', size' rm')
    rm' = nonEmpty' r rm
    cm' = nonEmpty' c cm

nonEmpty :: Map k1 (Map k2 a) -> Map k1 (Map k2 a)
nonEmpty = Map.filter (not . Map.null)

nonEmpty' :: Ord k1 => k1 -> Map k1 (Map k2 a) -> Map k1 (Map k2 a)
nonEmpty' k1 m = case Map.lookup k1 m of
  Just m' | Map.null m' -> Map.delete k1 m
  _ -> m

transpose' :: (Ord r, Ord c) => Map r (Map c a) -> Map c (Map r a)
transpose' = Map.foldrWithKey' f Map.empty
    f r = Map.unionWith Map.union . Map.map (Map.singleton r)

size' :: Map k1 (Map k2 a) -> Int
size' = sum . fmap Map.size

uncurry3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a, b, c) -> d
uncurry3 f ~(a, b, c) = f a b c