muesli- A simple document-oriented database

Copyright(c) 2015 Călin Ardelean
MaintainerCălin Ardelean <>
Safe HaskellNone
  • UndecidableInstances
  • ScopedTypeVariables
  • DeriveDataTypeable
  • DefaultSignatures
  • TypeSynonymInstances
  • FlexibleContexts
  • FlexibleInstances
  • GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
  • TupleSections
  • TypeOperators
  • ExplicitNamespaces
  • ExplicitForAll




Muesli markup types and typeclasses.

Normally, with the DeriveAnyClass and DeriveGeneric extensions enabled, types can be marked up as documents with a

deriving (Generic, Serialize)

clause, and a separate empty Document instance.

For structured field types, the following will suffice:

deriving (Generic, Serialize, Indexable)

Then Reference, Sortable and Unique can be used inside document types to mark up the fields that should be automatically indexed, becoming queryable with the primitives in Database.Muesli.Query.

The record syntax must be used, and the accesor name will become the Property name used in queries.


Indexable value wrappers

newtype Reference a Source

Reference fields are pointers to other Documents. They are indexed automatically and can be queried with filter.

To ensure type safety, use and store only references returned by the primitive queries, like insert, range or filter. Numerical instances like Num or Integral are provided to support generic database programs that take the responsibility of maintaining invariants upon themselves. In this context, type safety means that it is impossible in normal operation to try and deserialize a document at a wrong type or address (note that all primitive query functions are polymorphic), and risk getting bogus data without errors being reported.




unReference :: IxKey

newtype Sortable a Source

Marks a field available for sorting and range queries.

Indexing requires a ToKey instance. Apart from the provided Bool, Int and DateTime instances, there is an overlappable fallback instance based on converting the Show string representation to an IxKey by taking the first 4 or 8 bytes. This is good enough for primitive string sorting.




unSortable :: a

newtype Unique a Source

Unique fields act as primary keys, and can be queried with unique and updateUnique. The Hashable instance is used to generate the key.

For fields that need to be both unique and sortable, use Unique (Sortable a) rather then the other way around.




unUnique :: a

Indexable value classes

class Indexable a where Source

This class is used by the generic scrapper to extract indexable keys from the fields of a Document. There are instances for Reference, Sortable and Unique, a general Foldable instance, and a special one for Maybe that converts Nothing into 0, such that null values will be indexed too, and become queryable with filter.

Users are not expected to need writing instances for this class. They can rather be generated automatically with the DeriveAnyClass extension.

Minimal complete definition


class (Typeable a, Generic a, Serialize a) => Document a where Source

Class used by the generic key scrapper to extract indexing information from user types. Only an empty instance needs to be added in user code.

Minimal complete definition


data Indexables Source

Data type used by the key scrapper to collect keys while traversing generically user types.

Index keyes

class ToKey a where Source

Class used to convert indexable field & query argument values to keys.

It is possibly needed for users to write instances for IxKey-convertible primitive types, other then the provided Bool, Int and DateTime.


toKey :: a -> IxKey Source

type DocumentKey = IxKey Source

Primary key for a document.

Allocated by functions in the Database.Muesli.IdSupply module.

type SortableKey = IxKey Source

Key extracted from non-reference fields for building a SortIndex.

type UniqueKey = IxKey Source

Key extracted from unique fields for building a UniqueIndex

type PropertyKey = IxKey Source

Key generated by Property for building a SortIndex or a FilterIndex.


newtype Property a Source

With the OverloadedStrings extension, or directly using the IsString instance, field names specified in query arguments are converted to Property. An IxKey is computed by hashing the property name together with the TypeRep of the phantom argument. This key is used in indexes.



data DatabaseError Source

Type for exceptions thrown by the database. During normal operation these should never be thrown.


LogParseError String

Thrown when the log file is corrupted.

DataParseError DocAddress DocSize String

Thrown after deserialization errors. Holds starting position, size, and a message.

IdAllocationError String

ID allocation failure. For instance, full address space on a 32 bit machine.

DataAllocationError DocSize (Maybe DocSize) String

Data allocation failure. Containes the size requested, the biggest available gap, and a message.

type TransactionId = Word64 Source

Transaction ids are auto-incremented globally. See mkNewTransactionId.

type DocAddress = Word64 Source

Address in the abstract data file of a serialized document's data.

These addresses are allocated by functions in the module Database.Muesli.Allocator.

type DocSize = Word64 Source

Size of a serialized document's data.