{-# language DataKinds             #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# language GADTs                 #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language PolyKinds             #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# language TypeApplications      #-}
{-# language TypeOperators         #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances  #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
Description : Adapter for JSON serialization

Just import the module and you can turn any
value with a 'ToSchema' and 'FromSchema' from
and to JSON values.
module Mu.Adapter.Json () where

import           Control.Applicative                 ((<|>))
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Aeson.Types
import           Data.Functor.Contravariant
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                 as HM
import qualified Data.Text                           as T
import qualified Data.Vector                         as V

import           Mu.Schema
import qualified Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Schemaless as SLess

instance SLess.ToSchemalessTerm Value where
  toSchemalessTerm (Object o)
    = SLess.TRecord $ map (\(k,v) -> SLess.Field k (SLess.toSchemalessValue v))
                    $ HM.toList o
  toSchemalessTerm v = SLess.TSimple (SLess.toSchemalessValue v)

instance SLess.ToSchemalessValue Value where
  toSchemalessValue r@(Object _)
    = SLess.FSchematic (SLess.toSchemalessTerm r)
  toSchemalessValue Null       = SLess.FNull
  toSchemalessValue (String s) = SLess.FPrimitive s
  toSchemalessValue (Number n) = SLess.FPrimitive n
  toSchemalessValue (Bool   b) = SLess.FPrimitive b
  toSchemalessValue (Array xs)
    = SLess.FList $ map SLess.toSchemalessValue $ V.toList xs

instance (ToSchema sch sty a, ToJSON (Term sch (sch :/: sty)))
         => ToJSON (WithSchema sch sty a) where
  toJSON (WithSchema x) = toJSON (toSchema' @_ @_ @sch x)
instance (FromSchema sch sty a, FromJSON (Term sch (sch :/: sty)))
         => FromJSON (WithSchema sch sty a) where
  parseJSON v = WithSchema . fromSchema' @_ @_ @sch <$> parseJSON v

instance ToJSONFields sch args => ToJSON (Term sch ('DRecord name args)) where
  toJSON (TRecord fields) = Object (toJSONFields fields)
instance FromJSONFields sch args => FromJSON (Term sch ('DRecord name args)) where
  parseJSON (Object v) = TRecord <$> parseJSONFields v
  parseJSON _          = fail "expected object"

class ToJSONFields sch fields where
  toJSONFields :: NP (Field sch) fields -> Object
instance ToJSONFields sch '[] where
  toJSONFields _ = HM.empty
instance (KnownName name, ToJSON (FieldValue sch t), ToJSONFields sch fs)
         => ToJSONFields sch ('FieldDef name t ': fs) where
  toJSONFields (Field v :* rest) = HM.insert key value $ toJSONFields rest
    where key = T.pack (nameVal (Proxy @name))
          value = toJSON v

class FromJSONFields sch fields where
  parseJSONFields :: Object -> Parser (NP (Field sch) fields)
instance FromJSONFields sch '[] where
  parseJSONFields _ = pure Nil
instance (KnownName name, FromJSON (FieldValue sch t), FromJSONFields sch fs)
         => FromJSONFields sch ('FieldDef name t ': fs) where
  parseJSONFields v = (:*) <$> (Field <$> v .: key) <*> parseJSONFields v
    where key = T.pack (nameVal (Proxy @name))

instance ToJSONEnum choices => ToJSON (Term sch ('DEnum name choices)) where
  toJSON (TEnum choice) = String (toJSONEnum choice)
instance FromJSONEnum choices => FromJSON (Term sch ('DEnum name choices)) where
  parseJSON (String s) = TEnum <$> parseJSONEnum s
  parseJSON _          = fail "expected string"

class ToJSONEnum choices where
  toJSONEnum :: NS Proxy choices -> T.Text
instance ToJSONEnum '[] where
  toJSONEnum = error "empty enum"
instance (KnownName c, ToJSONEnum cs)
         => ToJSONEnum ('ChoiceDef c ': cs) where
  toJSONEnum (Z _) = T.pack (nameVal (Proxy @c))
  toJSONEnum (S v) = toJSONEnum v

class FromJSONEnum choices where
  parseJSONEnum :: T.Text -> Parser (NS Proxy choices)
instance FromJSONEnum '[] where
  parseJSONEnum _ = fail "unknown enum value"
instance (KnownName c, FromJSONEnum cs)
         => FromJSONEnum ('ChoiceDef c ': cs) where
  parseJSONEnum v
    | v == key  = pure (Z Proxy)
    | otherwise = S <$> parseJSONEnum v
    where key = T.pack (nameVal (Proxy @c))

instance ToJSON (FieldValue sch t) => ToJSON (Term sch ('DSimple t)) where
  toJSON (TSimple x) = toJSON x
instance FromJSON (FieldValue sch t) => FromJSON (Term sch ('DSimple t)) where
  parseJSON v = TSimple <$> parseJSON v

instance ToJSON (FieldValue sch 'TNull) where
  toJSON FNull = Null
instance ToJSON t => ToJSON (FieldValue sch ('TPrimitive t)) where
  toJSON (FPrimitive v) = toJSON v
instance ToJSONKey t => ToJSONKey (FieldValue sch ('TPrimitive t)) where
  toJSONKey = contramap FPrimitive toJSONKey
  toJSONKeyList = contramap (map FPrimitive) toJSONKeyList
instance ToJSON (Term sch (sch :/: t))
         => ToJSON (FieldValue sch ('TSchematic t)) where
  toJSON (FSchematic v) = toJSON v
instance ToJSON (FieldValue sch t)
         => ToJSON (FieldValue sch ('TOption t)) where
  toJSON (FOption v) = toJSON v
instance ToJSON (FieldValue sch t)
         => ToJSON (FieldValue sch ('TList t)) where
  toJSON (FList v) = toJSON v
instance (ToJSONKey (FieldValue sch k), ToJSON (FieldValue sch v))
         => ToJSON (FieldValue sch ('TMap k v)) where
  toJSON (FMap v) = toJSON v
instance (ToJSONUnion sch us)
         => ToJSON (FieldValue sch ('TUnion us)) where
  toJSON (FUnion v) = unionToJSON v

class ToJSONUnion sch us where
  unionToJSON :: NS (FieldValue sch) us -> Value
instance ToJSONUnion sch '[] where
  unionToJSON = error "this should never happen"
instance (ToJSON (FieldValue sch u), ToJSONUnion sch us)
         => ToJSONUnion sch (u ': us) where
  unionToJSON (Z v) = toJSON v
  unionToJSON (S r) = unionToJSON r

instance FromJSON (FieldValue sch 'TNull) where
  parseJSON Null = pure FNull
  parseJSON _    = fail "expected null"
instance FromJSON t => FromJSON (FieldValue sch ('TPrimitive t)) where
  parseJSON v = FPrimitive <$> parseJSON v
instance FromJSONKey t => FromJSONKey (FieldValue sch ('TPrimitive t)) where
  fromJSONKey = fmap FPrimitive fromJSONKey
  fromJSONKeyList = fmap (map FPrimitive) fromJSONKeyList
instance FromJSON (Term sch (sch :/: t))
         => FromJSON (FieldValue sch ('TSchematic t)) where
  parseJSON v = FSchematic <$> parseJSON v
instance FromJSON (FieldValue sch t)
         => FromJSON (FieldValue sch ('TOption t)) where
  parseJSON v = FOption <$> parseJSON v
instance FromJSON (FieldValue sch t)
         => FromJSON (FieldValue sch ('TList t)) where
  parseJSON v = FList <$> parseJSON v
instance ( FromJSONKey (FieldValue sch k), FromJSON (FieldValue sch v)
         , Ord (FieldValue sch k) )
         => FromJSON (FieldValue sch ('TMap k v)) where
  parseJSON v = FMap <$> parseJSON v
instance (FromJSONUnion sch us)
         => FromJSON (FieldValue sch ('TUnion us)) where
  parseJSON v = FUnion <$> unionFromJSON v

class FromJSONUnion sch us where
  unionFromJSON :: Value -> Parser (NS (FieldValue sch) us)
instance FromJSONUnion sch '[] where
  unionFromJSON _ = fail "value does not match any of the types of the union"
instance (FromJSON (FieldValue sch u), FromJSONUnion sch us)
         => FromJSONUnion sch (u ': us) where
  unionFromJSON v = Z <$> parseJSON v <|> S <$> unionFromJSON v