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mu-schema- Format-independent schemas for serialization

Safe HaskellNone



This module provides "anonymous terms". These terms can be used when you don't want to write your own Haskell type, but simply have a quick and dirty interpretation for a schema type. An important limitation is that anonymous terms may only contain primitive fields.

The names of the types exposed in this module refer to the amount of fields in the record. Hence, use V0 for empty record, V1 for a record with one field, V2 for two, and so forth.



data V0 w sch sty where Source #

Anonymous term for a record with zero fields.


V0 :: (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm '[] => V0 w sch sty 
(sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f]) => FromSchema w (sch :: Schema k f) (sty :: k) (V0 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


fromSchema :: Term w sch (sch :/: sty) -> V0 w sch sty Source #

(sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f]) => ToSchema w (sch :: Schema k f) (sty :: k) (V0 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


toSchema :: V0 w sch sty -> Term w sch (sch :/: sty) Source #

Eq (V0 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


(==) :: V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty -> Bool #

(/=) :: V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty -> Bool #

Ord (V0 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


compare :: V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty -> Ordering #

(<) :: V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty -> Bool #

(<=) :: V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty -> Bool #

(>) :: V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty -> Bool #

(>=) :: V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty -> Bool #

max :: V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty #

min :: V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty -> V0 w sch sty #

Show (V0 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


showsPrec :: Int -> V0 w sch sty -> ShowS #

show :: V0 w sch sty -> String #

showList :: [V0 w sch sty] -> ShowS #

data V1 w sch sty where Source #

Anonymous term for a record with one field.


V1 :: (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm '[FieldDef f (TPrimitive a)] => w a -> V1 w sch sty 
(Functor w, (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1]))) => FromSchema w (sch :: Schema k f1) (sty :: k) (V1 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


fromSchema :: Term w sch (sch :/: sty) -> V1 w sch sty Source #

(Functor w, (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1]))) => ToSchema w (sch :: Schema k f1) (sty :: k) (V1 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


toSchema :: V1 w sch sty -> Term w sch (sch :/: sty) Source #

(Eq (w a), (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1]))) => Eq (V1 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


(==) :: V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty -> Bool #

(/=) :: V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty -> Bool #

(Ord (w a), (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1]))) => Ord (V1 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


compare :: V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty -> Ordering #

(<) :: V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty -> Bool #

(<=) :: V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty -> Bool #

(>) :: V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty -> Bool #

(>=) :: V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty -> Bool #

max :: V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty #

min :: V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty -> V1 w sch sty #

(Show (w a), (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1]))) => Show (V1 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


showsPrec :: Int -> V1 w sch sty -> ShowS #

show :: V1 w sch sty -> String #

showList :: [V1 w sch sty] -> ShowS #

data V2 w sch sty where Source #

Anonymous term for a record with two fields.


V2 :: (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm '[FieldDef f (TPrimitive a), FieldDef g (TPrimitive b)] => w a -> w b -> V2 w sch sty 
(Functor w, (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': (FieldDef g (TPrimitive b :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1])))) => FromSchema w (sch :: Schema k f1) (sty :: k) (V2 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


fromSchema :: Term w sch (sch :/: sty) -> V2 w sch sty Source #

(Functor w, (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': (FieldDef g (TPrimitive b :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1])))) => ToSchema w (sch :: Schema k f1) (sty :: k) (V2 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


toSchema :: V2 w sch sty -> Term w sch (sch :/: sty) Source #

(Eq (w a), Eq (w b), (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': (FieldDef g (TPrimitive b :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1])))) => Eq (V2 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


(==) :: V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty -> Bool #

(/=) :: V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty -> Bool #

(Ord (w a), Ord (w b), (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': (FieldDef g (TPrimitive b :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1])))) => Ord (V2 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


compare :: V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty -> Ordering #

(<) :: V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty -> Bool #

(<=) :: V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty -> Bool #

(>) :: V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty -> Bool #

(>=) :: V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty -> Bool #

max :: V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty #

min :: V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty -> V2 w sch sty #

(Show (w a), Show (w b), (sch :/: sty) ~ DRecord nm (FieldDef f2 (TPrimitive a :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': (FieldDef g (TPrimitive b :: FieldTypeB Type k) ': ([] :: [FieldDefB Type k f1])))) => Show (V2 w sch sty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Schema.Interpretation.Anonymous


showsPrec :: Int -> V2 w sch sty -> ShowS #

show :: V2 w sch sty -> String #

showList :: [V2 w sch sty] -> ShowS #