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mu-protobuf- Protocol Buffers serialization and gRPC schema import for Mu microservices

Safe HaskellNone




Just import the module and you can turn any value with a ToSchema and FromSchema from and to Protocol Buffers. Since Protocol Buffers need information about field identifiers, you need to annotate your schema using ProtoBufAnnotation.


Custom annotations

data ProtoBufAnnotation Source #

Annotations for Protocol Buffers fields.


ProtoBufId Nat

Numeric field identifier for normal fields

ProtoBufOneOfIds [Nat]

List of identifiers for fields which contain a union

type AnnotatedSchema ProtoBufAnnotation ExampleProtoBufSchema Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Quasi.ProtoBuf.Example

type AnnotatedSchema ProtoBufAnnotation ExampleProtoBufSchema = AnnField "person" "firstName" (ProtoBufId 1) ': (AnnField "person" "lastName" (ProtoBufId 2) ': (AnnField "person" "age" (ProtoBufId 3) ': (AnnField "person" "gender" (ProtoBufId 4) ': (AnnField "person" "address" (ProtoBufId 5) ': (AnnField "address" "postcode" (ProtoBufId 1) ': (AnnField "address" "country" (ProtoBufId 2) ': (AnnField "gender" "nb" (ProtoBufId 0) ': (AnnField "gender" "male" (ProtoBufId 1) ': (AnnField "gender" "female" (ProtoBufId 2) ': ([] :: [Annotation ProtoBufAnnotation Symbol Symbol]))))))))))
type AnnotatedSchema ProtoBufAnnotation Example2ProtoBufSchema Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Quasi.ProtoBuf.Example

type AnnotatedSchema ProtoBufAnnotation Example2ProtoBufSchema = AnnField "gender" "male" (ProtoBufId 1) ': (AnnField "gender" "female" (ProtoBufId 2) ': (AnnField "gender" "nonbinary" (ProtoBufId 3) ': (AnnField "person" "names" (ProtoBufId 1) ': (AnnField "person" "age" (ProtoBufId 2) ': (AnnField "person" "gender" (ProtoBufId 3) ': ([] :: [Annotation ProtoBufAnnotation Symbol Symbol]))))))

Conversion using schemas

class ProtoBridgeTerm w sch (sch :/: sty) => IsProtoSchema w sch sty Source #

Represents those Schemas which are supported by Protocol Buffers. Some values which can be represented as Terms cannot be so in Protocol Buffers. For example, you cannot have a list within an option.

ProtoBridgeTerm w sch (sch :/: sty) => IsProtoSchema w (sch :: Schema t f) (sty :: t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Adapter.ProtoBuf

toProtoViaSchema :: forall t f (sch :: Schema t f) a sty. (IsProtoSchema Maybe sch sty, ToSchema Maybe sch sty a) => a -> MessageBuilder Source #

Conversion to Protocol Buffers mediated by a schema.

fromProtoViaSchema :: forall t f (sch :: Schema t f) a sty. (IsProtoSchema Maybe sch sty, FromSchema Maybe sch sty a) => Parser RawMessage a Source #

Conversion from Protocol Buffers mediated by a schema. This function requires a RawMessage, which means that we already know that the Protocol Buffers message is well-formed. Use parseProtoViaSchema to parse directly from a ByteString.

parseProtoViaSchema :: forall sch a sty. (IsProtoSchema Maybe sch sty, FromSchema Maybe sch sty a) => ByteString -> Either ParseError a Source #

Conversion from Protocol Buffers mediated by a schema. This function receives the ByteString directly, and parses it as part of its duty.

Conversion using registry

class FromProtoBufRegistry (ms :: Mappings Nat Schema') t Source #

Represents Registrys for which every Schema is supported by the Protocol Buffers format.

Minimal complete definition


FromProtoBufRegistry ([] :: [Mapping Nat Schema']) t Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Adapter.ProtoBuf

(IsProtoSchema Maybe s sty, FromSchema Maybe s sty t, FromProtoBufRegistry ms t) => FromProtoBufRegistry ((n :-> s) ': ms) t Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Mu.Adapter.ProtoBuf


fromProtoBufRegistry' :: Proxy ((n :-> s) ': ms) -> Parser RawMessage t

fromProtoBufWithRegistry :: forall (r :: Registry) t. FromProtoBufRegistry r t => Parser RawMessage t Source #

Conversion from Protocol Buffers by checking all the Schemas in a Registry.

As fromProtoViaSchema, this version requires an already well-formed Protocol Buffers message.

parseProtoBufWithRegistry :: forall (r :: Registry) t. FromProtoBufRegistry r t => ByteString -> Either ParseError t Source #

Conversion from Protocol Buffers by checking all the Schemas in a Registry.

As parseProtoViaSchema, this version receives a ByteString and parses it as part of its duty.

Orphan instances

Alternative (Parser i) Source # 
Instance details


empty :: Parser i a #

(<|>) :: Parser i a -> Parser i a -> Parser i a #

some :: Parser i a -> Parser i [a] #

many :: Parser i a -> Parser i [a] #