{-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes    #-}
{-# language DataKinds              #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# language FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# language GADTs                  #-}
{-# language LambdaCase             #-}
{-# language PolyKinds              #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# language TypeApplications       #-}
{-# language TypeOperators          #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
Description : Optics-based interface for @mu-schema@ terms

This module provides instances of 'LabelOptic' to be
used in conjunction with the @optics@ package.
In particular, there are two kind of optics to access
different parts of a 'Term':

* With @#field@ you obtain the lens (that is, a getter
  and a setter) for the corresponding field in a record.
* With @#choice@ you obtain the prism for the
  desired choice in an enumeration. You can use then
  'review' to construct a term with the value.

In addition, we provide a utility function 'record' to
build a record out of the inner values. We intend the
interface to be very simple, so this function is overloaded
to take tuples of different size, with as many components
as values in the schema type.
module Mu.Schema.Optics (
  -- * Build a term
  record, record1, enum
, _U0, _Next, _U1, _U2, _U3
  -- * Re-exported for convenience.
, module Optics.Core
) where

import           Data.Functor.Identity
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.Map
import           Data.Proxy
import           GHC.TypeLits
import           Optics.Core

import           Mu.Schema

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-}
         (FieldLabel Identity sch args fieldName r)
         => LabelOptic fieldName A_Lens
                       (Term Identity sch ('DRecord name args))
                       (Term Identity sch ('DRecord name args))
                       r r where
  labelOptic = lens (\(TRecord r) -> runIdentity $ fieldLensGet (Proxy @fieldName) r)
                    (\(TRecord r) x -> TRecord $ fieldLensSet (Proxy @fieldName) r (Identity x))

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
         (FieldLabel w sch args fieldName r, t ~ w r)
         => LabelOptic fieldName A_Lens
                       (Term w sch ('DRecord name args))
                       (Term w sch ('DRecord name args))
                       t t where
  labelOptic = lens (\(TRecord r) -> fieldLensGet (Proxy @fieldName) r)
                    (\(TRecord r) x -> TRecord $ fieldLensSet (Proxy @fieldName) r x)

record :: BuildRecord w sch args r => r -> Term w sch ('DRecord name args)
record values = TRecord $ buildR values

record1 :: BuildRecord1 w sch arg r => r -> Term w sch ('DRecord name '[arg])
record1 value = TRecord $ buildR1 value

class BuildRecord1 (w :: Type -> Type)
                   (sch :: Schema Symbol Symbol)
                   (arg :: FieldDef Symbol Symbol)
                   (r :: Type) | w sch arg -> r where
  buildR1 :: r -> NP (Field w sch) '[arg]

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Functor w, TypeLabel w sch t1 r1)
         => BuildRecord1 w sch ('FieldDef x1 t1) (w r1) where
  buildR1 v = Field (typeLensSet <$> v) :* Nil

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (TypeLabel Identity sch t1 r1)
         => BuildRecord1 Identity sch ('FieldDef x1 t1) r1 where
  buildR1 v = Field (typeLensSet <$> Identity v) :* Nil

class BuildRecord (w :: Type -> Type)
                  (sch :: Schema Symbol Symbol)
                  (args :: [FieldDef Symbol Symbol])
                  (r :: Type) | w sch args -> r where
  buildR :: r -> NP (Field w sch) args

instance BuildRecord w sch '[] () where
  buildR _ = Nil

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Functor w, TypeLabel w sch t1 r1, TypeLabel w sch t2 r2)
         => BuildRecord w sch '[ 'FieldDef x1 t1, 'FieldDef x2 t2 ] (w r1, w r2) where
  buildR (v1, v2) = Field (typeLensSet <$> v1)
                  :* Field (typeLensSet <$> v2) :* Nil

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (TypeLabel Identity sch t1 r1, TypeLabel Identity sch t2 r2)
         => BuildRecord Identity sch '[ 'FieldDef x1 t1, 'FieldDef x2 t2 ] (r1, r2) where
  buildR (v1, v2) = Field (typeLensSet <$> Identity v1)
                  :* Field (typeLensSet <$> Identity v2) :* Nil

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Functor w, TypeLabel w sch t1 r1, TypeLabel w sch t2 r2, TypeLabel w sch t3 r3)
         => BuildRecord w sch
                        '[ 'FieldDef x1 t1, 'FieldDef x2 t2, 'FieldDef x3 t3 ]
                        (w r1, w r2, w r3) where
  buildR (v1, v2, v3) = Field (typeLensSet <$> v1)
                      :* Field (typeLensSet <$> v2)
                      :* Field (typeLensSet <$> v3) :* Nil

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (TypeLabel Identity sch t1 r1, TypeLabel Identity sch t2 r2, TypeLabel Identity sch t3 r3)
         => BuildRecord Identity sch
                        '[ 'FieldDef x1 t1, 'FieldDef x2 t2, 'FieldDef x3 t3 ] (r1, r2, r3) where
  buildR (v1, v2, v3) = Field (typeLensSet <$> Identity v1)
                      :* Field (typeLensSet <$> Identity v2)
                      :* Field (typeLensSet <$> Identity v3) :* Nil

class FieldLabel (w :: Type -> Type)
                 (sch :: Schema Symbol Symbol)
                 (args :: [FieldDef Symbol Symbol])
                 (fieldName :: Symbol) (r :: Type)
                 | w sch args fieldName -> r where
  fieldLensGet :: Proxy fieldName -> NP (Field w sch) args -> w r
  fieldLensSet :: Proxy fieldName -> NP (Field w sch) args -> w r -> NP (Field w sch) args

{- Removed due to FunDeps
instance TypeError ('Text "cannot find field " ':<>: 'ShowType f)
         => FieldLabel w sch '[] f t where
  fieldLensGet = error "this should never be run"
  fieldLensSet = error "this should never be run"
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Functor w, TypeLabel w sch t r)
         => FieldLabel w sch ('FieldDef f t ': rest) f r where
  fieldLensGet _ (Field x :* _) = typeLensGet <$> x
  fieldLensSet _ (_ :* r) new = Field (typeLensSet <$> new) :* r
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} FieldLabel w sch rest g t
         => FieldLabel w sch (f ': rest) g t where
  fieldLensGet p (_ :* r) = fieldLensGet p r
  fieldLensSet p (x :* r) new = x :* fieldLensSet p r new

class TypeLabel w (sch :: Schema Symbol Symbol) (t :: FieldType Symbol) (r :: Type)
      | w sch t -> r where
  typeLensGet :: FieldValue w sch t -> r
  typeLensSet :: r -> FieldValue w sch t

instance TypeLabel w sch ('TPrimitive t) t where
  typeLensGet (FPrimitive x) = x
  typeLensSet = FPrimitive

instance (r ~ (sch :/: t)) => TypeLabel w sch ('TSchematic t) (Term w sch r) where
  typeLensGet (FSchematic x) = x
  typeLensSet = FSchematic

instance (TypeLabel w sch o r', r ~ Maybe r')
         => TypeLabel w sch ('TOption o) r where
  typeLensGet (FOption x) = typeLensGet <$> x
  typeLensSet new = FOption (typeLensSet <$> new)

instance (TypeLabel w sch o r', r ~ [r'])
         => TypeLabel w sch ('TList o) r where
  typeLensGet (FList x) = typeLensGet <$> x
  typeLensSet new = FList (typeLensSet <$> new)

instance ( TypeLabel w sch k k', TypeLabel w sch v v'
         , r ~ Map k' v', Ord k', Ord (FieldValue w sch k) )
         => TypeLabel w sch ('TMap k v) r where
  typeLensGet (FMap x) = mapKeys typeLensGet (typeLensGet <$> x)
  typeLensSet new = FMap (mapKeys typeLensSet (typeLensSet <$> new))

instance (r ~ NS (FieldValue w sch) choices)
         => TypeLabel w sch ('TUnion choices) r where
  typeLensGet (FUnion x) = x
  typeLensSet = FUnion

enum :: forall (choiceName :: Symbol) choices w sch name.
        EnumLabel choices choiceName
     => Term w sch ('DEnum name choices)
enum = TEnum $ enumPrismBuild (Proxy @choiceName)

instance (EnumLabel choices choiceName, r ~ ())
         => LabelOptic choiceName A_Prism
                       (Term w sch ('DEnum name choices))
                       (Term w sch ('DEnum name choices))
                       r r where
  labelOptic = prism' (\_ -> TEnum $ enumPrismBuild (Proxy @choiceName))
                     (\(TEnum r) -> enumPrismMatch (Proxy @choiceName) r)

class EnumLabel (choices :: [ChoiceDef Symbol])
                (choiceName :: Symbol) where
  enumPrismBuild :: Proxy choiceName -> NS Proxy choices
  enumPrismMatch :: Proxy choiceName -> NS Proxy choices -> Maybe ()

instance TypeError ('Text "cannot find choice " ':<>: 'ShowType c)
         => EnumLabel '[] c where
  enumPrismBuild = error "this should never be run"
  enumPrismMatch = error "this should never be run"
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} EnumLabel ('ChoiceDef c ': rest) c where
  enumPrismBuild _ = Z Proxy
  enumPrismMatch _ (Z _) = Just ()
  enumPrismMatch _ _     = Nothing
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} EnumLabel rest c
         => EnumLabel (d ': rest) c where
  enumPrismBuild p = S (enumPrismBuild p)
  enumPrismMatch _ (Z _) = Nothing
  enumPrismMatch p (S x) = enumPrismMatch p x

_U0 :: forall w (sch :: Schema') x xs r. TypeLabel w sch x r
    => Prism' (NS (FieldValue w sch) (x ': xs)) r
_U0 = prism' (Z . typeLensSet)
             (\case (Z x) -> Just $ typeLensGet x
                    (S _) -> Nothing)

_Next :: forall w (sch :: Schema') x xs.
         Prism' (NS (FieldValue w sch) (x ': xs))
                (NS (FieldValue w sch) xs)
_Next = prism' S
               (\case (Z _) -> Nothing
                      (S x) -> Just x)

_U1 :: forall w (sch :: Schema') a b xs r. TypeLabel w sch b r
    => Prism' (NS (FieldValue w sch) (a ': b ': xs)) r
_U1 = _Next % _U0

_U2 :: forall w (sch :: Schema') a b c xs r. TypeLabel w sch c r
    => Prism' (NS (FieldValue w sch) (a ': b ': c ': xs)) r
_U2 = _Next % _U1

_U3 :: forall w (sch :: Schema') a b c d xs r. TypeLabel w sch d r
    => Prism' (NS (FieldValue w sch) (a ': b ': c ': d ': xs)) r
_U3 = _Next % _U2