{-# language DataKinds       #-}
{-# language LambdaCase      #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns  #-}
{-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# language ViewPatterns    #-}
Description : Quasi-quoters for Avro IDL format

This module turns schema definitions written in
<https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/idl.html Avro IDL>
into Mu 'Schema's. We provide versions for writing
the IDL inline ('avro') and import it from a file

/Note/: as of now, only the JSON-based IDL format
is supported, not the Java-like one.
module Mu.Quasi.Avro (
  -- * Quasi-quoters for @.avsc@ files
  , avroFile
  -- * Only for internal use
  , schemaFromAvroType
  ) where

import           Data.Aeson                 (decode)
import qualified Data.Avro.Schema           as A
import qualified Data.ByteString            as B
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.Text                  as T
import           Data.Vector                (fromList, toList)
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Quote

import           Mu.Schema.Definition

-- | Imports an avro definition written in-line as a 'Schema'.
avro :: QuasiQuoter
avro =
    (const $ fail "cannot use as expression")
    (const $ fail "cannot use as pattern")
    (const $ fail "cannot use as declaration")

-- | Imports an avro definition from a file as a 'Schema'.
avroFile :: QuasiQuoter
avroFile = quoteFile avro

schemaFromAvroString :: String -> Q Type
schemaFromAvroString s =
  case decode (pack s) of
    Nothing           -> fail "could not parse avro spec!"
    Just (A.Union us) -> schemaFromAvro (toList us)
    Just t            -> schemaFromAvro [t]
    schemaFromAvro =
      (typesToList <$>) . mapM schemaDecFromAvroType . flattenAvroDecls

schemaDecFromAvroType :: A.Type -> Q Type
schemaDecFromAvroType (A.Record name _ _ _ fields) =
  [t|'DRecord $(textToStrLit $ A.baseName name)
              $(typesToList <$> mapM avroFieldToType fields)|]
    avroFieldToType :: A.Field -> Q Type
    avroFieldToType field =
      [t|'FieldDef $(textToStrLit $ A.fldName field)
                   $(schemaFromAvroType $ A.fldType field)|]
schemaDecFromAvroType (A.Enum name _ _ symbols) =
  [t|'DEnum $(textToStrLit $ A.baseName name)
            $(typesToList <$> mapM avChoiceToType (toList symbols))|]
    avChoiceToType :: T.Text -> Q Type
    avChoiceToType c = [t|'ChoiceDef $(textToStrLit c)|]
schemaDecFromAvroType t = [t|'DSimple $(schemaFromAvroType t)|]

-- | Turns a schema from Avro into a Template Haskell 'Type'.
schemaFromAvroType :: A.Type -> Q Type
schemaFromAvroType =
    A.Null -> [t|'TPrimitive 'TNull|]
    A.Boolean -> [t|'TPrimitive Bool|]
    A.Int -> [t|'TPrimitive Int32|]
    A.Long -> [t|'TPrimitive Int64|]
    A.Float -> [t|'TPrimitive Float|]
    A.Double -> [t|'TPrimitive Double|]
    A.Bytes -> [t|'TPrimitive B.ByteString|]
    A.String -> [t|'TPrimitive T.Text|]
    A.Array item -> [t|'TList $(schemaFromAvroType item)|]
    A.Map values -> [t|'TMap T.Text $(schemaFromAvroType values)|]
    A.NamedType typeName ->
      [t|'TSchematic $(textToStrLit (A.baseName typeName))|]
    A.Enum {} -> fail "should never happen, please, file an issue"
    A.Record {} -> fail "should never happen, please, file an issue"
    A.Union options ->
      case toList options of
        [A.Null, x] -> toOption x
        [x, A.Null] -> toOption x
        _ ->
          [t|'TUnion $(typesToList <$> mapM schemaFromAvroType (toList options))|]
      where toOption x = [t|'TOption $(schemaFromAvroType x)|]
    A.Fixed {} -> fail "fixed integers are not currently supported"

flattenAvroDecls :: [A.Type] -> [A.Type]
flattenAvroDecls = concatMap (uncurry (:) . flattenDecl)
    flattenDecl :: A.Type -> (A.Type, [A.Type])
    flattenDecl (A.Record name a d o fields) =
      let (flds, tts) = unzip (flattenAvroField <$> fields)
       in (A.Record name a d o flds, concat tts)
    flattenDecl (A.Union _) = error "should never happen, please, file an issue"
    flattenDecl t = (t, [])
    flattenAvroType :: A.Type -> (A.Type, [A.Type])
    flattenAvroType (A.Record name a d o fields) =
      let (flds, tts) = unzip (flattenAvroField <$> fields)
       in (A.NamedType name, A.Record name a d o flds : concat tts)
    flattenAvroType (A.Union (toList -> ts)) =
      let (us, tts) = unzip (map flattenAvroType ts)
       in (A.Union $ fromList us, concat tts)
    flattenAvroType e@A.Enum {A.name} = (A.NamedType name, [e])
    flattenAvroType t = (t, [])
    flattenAvroField :: A.Field -> (A.Field, [A.Type])
    flattenAvroField f =
      let (t, decs) = flattenAvroType (A.fldType f)
       in (f {A.fldType = t}, decs)

typesToList :: [Type] -> Type
typesToList = foldr (\y ys -> AppT (AppT PromotedConsT y) ys) PromotedNilT

textToStrLit :: T.Text -> Q Type
textToStrLit s = return $ LitT $ StrTyLit $ T.unpack s