{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators        #-}

module Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLType
  ( GQLType(..)
  , TRUE

import           Data.Map                       ( Map )
import           Data.Proxy                     ( Proxy(..) )
import           Data.Set                       ( Set )
import           Data.Text                      ( Text
                                                , intercalate
                                                , pack
import           Data.Typeable                  ( TyCon
                                                , TypeRep
                                                , Typeable
                                                , splitTyConApp
                                                , tyConFingerprint
                                                , tyConName
                                                , typeRep
                                                , typeRepTyCon

import           Data.Morpheus.Kind
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Types      ( MapKind
                                                , Pair
                                                , Undefined(..)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST.Data
                                                ( DataFingerprint(..)
                                                , QUERY
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Resolving
                                                ( Resolver )

type TRUE = 'True

type FALSE = 'False

resolverCon :: TyCon
resolverCon = typeRepTyCon $ typeRep $ Proxy @(Resolver QUERY () Maybe)

-- | replaces typeName (A,B) with Pair_A_B
replacePairCon :: TyCon -> TyCon
replacePairCon x | hsPair == x = gqlPair
  hsPair  = typeRepTyCon $ typeRep $ Proxy @(Int, Int)
  gqlPair = typeRepTyCon $ typeRep $ Proxy @(Pair Int Int)
replacePairCon x = x

-- Ignores Resolver name  from typeName
ignoreResolver :: (TyCon, [TypeRep]) -> [TyCon]
ignoreResolver (con, _) | con == resolverCon = []
ignoreResolver (con, args) =
  con : concatMap (ignoreResolver . splitTyConApp) args

-- | GraphQL type, every graphQL type should have an instance of 'GHC.Generics.Generic' and 'GQLType'.
--  @
--    ... deriving (Generic, GQLType)
--  @
-- if you want to add description
--  @
--       ... deriving (Generic)
--     instance GQLType ... where
--       description = const "your description ..."
--  @

class IsObject (a :: GQL_KIND) where
  isObject :: Proxy a -> Bool

instance IsObject SCALAR where
  isObject _ = False

instance IsObject ENUM where
  isObject _ = False

instance IsObject WRAPPER where
  isObject _ = False

instance IsObject INPUT where
  isObject _ = True

instance IsObject OUTPUT where
  isObject _ = True

class IsObject (KIND a) => GQLType a where
  type KIND a :: GQL_KIND
  type KIND a = OUTPUT
  type CUSTOM a :: Bool
  type CUSTOM a = FALSE
  description :: Proxy a -> Maybe Text
  description _ = Nothing
  isObjectKind :: Proxy a -> Bool
  isObjectKind _ = isObject (Proxy @(KIND a))
  __typeName :: Proxy a -> Text
  default __typeName :: (Typeable a) =>
    Proxy a -> Text
  __typeName _ = intercalate "_" (getName $ Proxy @a)
      getName = fmap (map (pack . tyConName)) (map replacePairCon . ignoreResolver . splitTyConApp . typeRep)
  __typeFingerprint :: Proxy a -> DataFingerprint
  default __typeFingerprint :: (Typeable a) =>
    Proxy a -> DataFingerprint
  __typeFingerprint _ = DataFingerprint "Typeable" $ map show $ conFingerprints (Proxy @a)
      conFingerprints = fmap (map tyConFingerprint) (ignoreResolver . splitTyConApp . typeRep)

instance GQLType () where
  type KIND () = WRAPPER
  type CUSTOM () = 'False

instance Typeable m => GQLType (Undefined m) where
  type KIND (Undefined m) = WRAPPER
  type CUSTOM (Undefined m) = 'False

instance GQLType Int where
  type KIND Int = SCALAR

instance GQLType Float where
  type KIND Float = SCALAR

instance GQLType Text where
  type KIND Text = SCALAR
  __typeName = const "String"

instance GQLType Bool where
  type KIND Bool = SCALAR
  __typeName = const "Boolean"

instance GQLType a => GQLType (Maybe a) where
  type KIND (Maybe a) = WRAPPER
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @a)
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @a)

instance GQLType a => GQLType [a] where
  type KIND [a] = WRAPPER
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @a)
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @a)

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b, GQLType a, GQLType b) => GQLType (a, b) where
  type KIND (a, b) = WRAPPER
  __typeName _ = __typeName $ Proxy @(Pair a b)

instance GQLType a => GQLType (Set a) where
  type KIND (Set a) = WRAPPER
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @a)
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @a)

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b, GQLType a, GQLType b) => GQLType (Pair a b) where
  type KIND (Pair a b) = OUTPUT

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b, GQLType a, GQLType b) => GQLType (MapKind a b m) where
  type KIND (MapKind a b m) = OUTPUT
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @(Map a b))
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @(Map a b))

instance (Typeable k, Typeable v) => GQLType (Map k v) where
  type KIND (Map k v) = WRAPPER

instance GQLType a => GQLType (Either s a) where
  type KIND (Either s a) = WRAPPER
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @a)
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @a)

instance GQLType a => GQLType (Resolver o e m a) where
  type KIND (Resolver o e m a) = WRAPPER
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @a)
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @a)

instance GQLType b => GQLType (a -> b) where
  type KIND (a -> b) = WRAPPER
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @b)
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @b)