module Michelson.Typed.Haskell.ValidateDescription
( FieldDescriptions
, FieldDescriptionsV
, FieldDescriptionsValid
) where
import qualified Data.Kind as Kind
import Data.Singletons (Demote)
import Data.Type.Bool
import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import GHC.TypeLits
type FieldDescriptions = [(Symbol, (Maybe Symbol, [(Symbol, Symbol)]))]
type FieldDescriptionsV = Demote FieldDescriptions
type family FieldDescriptionsValid (descr :: FieldDescriptions) (typ :: Kind.Type) :: Kind.Constraint where
FieldDescriptionsValid '[] _ = ()
FieldDescriptionsValid descr typ =
('Text "No Generic instance for " ':<>: 'ShowType typ ':<>: 'Text "." ':$$:
'Text "Generic is needed to validate TypeDocFieldDescriptions.")
(G.Rep typ)
(FieldDescriptionsValidImpl descr typ)
type family FieldDescriptionsValidImpl (descr :: FieldDescriptions) (typ :: Kind.Type) :: Kind.Constraint where
FieldDescriptionsValidImpl '[] _ = ()
FieldDescriptionsValidImpl ( '(conName, '(_, fields)) ': rest ) typ =
( HasAllFields conName fields typ
, FieldDescriptionsValidImpl rest typ
type family HasConstructor (conName :: Symbol) (g :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type) :: Bool where
HasConstructor conName (G.D1 _ cs) = HasConstructor conName cs
HasConstructor conName (G.C1 ('G.MetaCons conName _ _) _) = 'True
HasConstructor conName (l G.:+: r) = HasConstructor conName l || HasConstructor conName r
HasConstructor _ _ = 'False
type family HasAllFields (conName :: Symbol) (fields :: [(Symbol, Symbol)]) (typ :: Kind.Type) :: Kind.Constraint where
HasAllFields conName fields typ =
(HasConstructor conName (G.Rep typ))
(HasAllFieldsImpl conName fields typ)
('Text "No constructor " ':<>: 'ShowType conName ':<>: 'Text " in type " ':<>: 'ShowType typ ':<>: 'Text "." )
type family HasAllFieldsImpl (conName :: Symbol) (fields :: [(Symbol, Symbol)]) (typ :: Kind.Type) :: Kind.Constraint where
HasAllFieldsImpl _ '[] _ = ()
HasAllFieldsImpl conName ( '(fieldName, _) ': rest ) typ =
( If
(HasField conName fieldName (G.Rep typ))
(() :: Kind.Constraint)
('Text "No field " ':<>: 'ShowType fieldName ':<>: 'Text " in constructor " ':<>:
'ShowType conName ':<>: 'Text " of type " ':<>: 'ShowType typ ':<>: 'Text "."
, HasAllFieldsImpl conName rest typ
type family HasField (conName :: Symbol) (fieldName :: Symbol) (g :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type) :: Bool where
HasField conName fieldName (G.D1 _ cs) = HasField conName fieldName cs
HasField conName fieldName (G.C1 ('G.MetaCons conName _ _) c) = ConHasField fieldName c
HasField conName fieldName (l G.:+: r) = HasField conName fieldName l || HasField conName fieldName r
HasField _ _ _ = 'False
type family ConHasField (fieldName :: Symbol) (g :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type) :: Bool where
ConHasField fieldName (G.S1 ('G.MetaSel ('Just fieldName) _ _ _) _) = 'True
ConHasField fieldName (l G.:*: r) = ConHasField fieldName l || ConHasField fieldName r
ConHasField _ _ = 'False
data T1 a
type family Assert (err :: Constraint) (break :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type) (v :: k) :: k where
Assert _ T1 _ = Any
Assert _ _ k = k