-- | Optimizer for typed instructions.
-- It's quite experimental and incomplete.
-- List of possible improvements:
-- 1. 'pushDrop', 'dupDrop', 'unitDrop' rules are essentially the
-- same. It would be good to generalize them into one rule. The same
-- applies to 'pushDip'.
-- It probably can be done more efficiently.

module Michelson.Optimizer
  ( optimize
  , optimizeWithConf
  , defaultRules
  , defaultRulesAndPushPack
  , orRule
  , orSimpleRule
  , Rule
  , OptimizerConf (..)
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (EQ)

import Data.Default (Default(def))

import Michelson.Interpret.Pack (packValue')
import Michelson.Typed.Aliases (Value)
import Michelson.Typed.CValue
import Michelson.Typed.Instr
import Michelson.Typed.Scope (PackedValScope)
import Michelson.Typed.T
import Michelson.Typed.Util (DfsSettings(..), dfsInstr)
import Michelson.Typed.Value
import Util.Peano (Sing(..))

-- High level

data OptimizerConf = OptimizerConf
  { gotoValues :: Bool
  , ruleset    :: Rule -> Rule

instance Default OptimizerConf where
  def = OptimizerConf
    { gotoValues = False
    , ruleset    = defaultRules

-- | Optimize a typed instruction by replacing some sequences of
-- instructions with smaller equivalent sequences.
-- Applies default set of rewrite rules.
optimize :: Instr inp out -> Instr inp out
optimize = optimizeWithConf def

-- | Optimize a typed instruction using a custom set of rules.
optimizeWithConf :: OptimizerConf -> Instr inp out -> Instr inp out
optimizeWithConf (OptimizerConf gotoValues rules)
  = (fst .)
  $ dfsInstr dfsSettings
  $ (adapter .)
  $ applyOnce
  $ fixpoint rules
    dfsSettings = def{ dsGoToValues = gotoValues }

-- Rewrite rules

-- Type of a single rewrite rule. It takes an instruction and tries to
-- optimize its head (first few instructions).  If optimization
-- succeeds, it returns `Just` the optimized instruction, otherwise it
-- returns `Nothing`.
type Rule = forall inp out. Instr inp out -> Maybe (Instr inp out)

defaultRules :: Rule -> Rule
defaultRules =
    `orSimpleRule` removeNesting
    `orSimpleRule` dipDrop2swapDrop
    `orSimpleRule` ifNopNop2Drop
    `orSimpleRule` nopIsNeutralForSeq
    `orSimpleRule` variousNops
    `orSimpleRule` dupSwap2dup
    `orSimpleRule` noDipNeeded
    `orSimpleRule` branchShortCut
    `orSimpleRule` compareWithZero
    `orSimpleRule` simpleDrops
    `orSimpleRule` internalNop
    `orSimpleRule` simpleDips

-- | We do not enable 'pushPack' rule by default because it is
-- potentially dangerous.
-- There are various code processing functions that may depend on constants,
-- e. g. string transformations.
defaultRulesAndPushPack :: Rule -> Rule
defaultRulesAndPushPack = defaultRules `orSimpleRule` pushPack

flattenSeqLHS :: Rule -> Rule
flattenSeqLHS toplevel = \case
  it@(Seq (Seq _ _) _) -> Just $ linearizeAndReapply toplevel it
  _                    -> Nothing

removeNesting :: Rule
removeNesting = \case
  Nested i -> Just i
  _        -> Nothing

dipDrop2swapDrop :: Rule
dipDrop2swapDrop = \case
  DIP DROP -> Just $ Seq SWAP DROP
  _        -> Nothing

ifNopNop2Drop :: Rule
ifNopNop2Drop = \case
  IF Nop Nop -> Just DROP
  _          -> Nothing

nopIsNeutralForSeq :: Rule
nopIsNeutralForSeq = \case
  Seq Nop i  -> Just i
  Seq i Nop  -> Just i
  _          -> Nothing

variousNops :: Rule
variousNops = \case
  Seq  SWAP    (Seq SWAP c) -> Just c
  Seq (PUSH _) (Seq DROP c) -> Just c
  Seq  DUP     (Seq DROP c) -> Just c
  Seq  UNIT    (Seq DROP c) -> Just c
  Seq  SWAP         SWAP    -> Just Nop
  Seq (PUSH _)      DROP    -> Just Nop
  Seq  DUP          DROP    -> Just Nop
  Seq  UNIT         DROP    -> Just Nop
  _                         -> Nothing

dupSwap2dup :: Rule
dupSwap2dup = \case
  Seq DUP (Seq SWAP c) -> Just (Seq DUP c)
  Seq DUP      SWAP    -> Just      DUP
  _                    -> Nothing

noDipNeeded :: Rule
noDipNeeded = \case
  -- If we put a constant value on stack and then do something under it,
  -- we can do this "something" on original stack and then put that constant.
  Seq (PUSH x) (Seq (DIP f) c) -> Just (Seq f (Seq (PUSH x) c))
  Seq (PUSH x)      (DIP f)    -> Just (Seq f      (PUSH x))
  Seq UNIT     (Seq (DIP f) c) -> Just (Seq f (Seq UNIT c))
  Seq UNIT          (DIP f)    -> Just (Seq f      UNIT)

  -- If we do something ignoring top of the stack and then immediately
  -- drop top of the stack, we can drop that item in advance and
  -- not use 'DIP' at all.
  Seq (DIP f) (Seq DROP c)     -> Just (Seq DROP (Seq f c))
  Seq (DIP f) DROP             -> Just (Seq DROP f)

  _                            -> Nothing

branchShortCut :: Rule
branchShortCut = \case
  Seq LEFT  (Seq (IF_LEFT f _) c) -> Just (Seq f c)
  Seq RIGHT (Seq (IF_LEFT _ f) c) -> Just (Seq f c)
  Seq CONS  (Seq (IF_CONS f _) c) -> Just (Seq f c)
  Seq NIL   (Seq (IF_CONS _ f) c) -> Just (Seq f c)
  Seq NONE  (Seq (IF_NONE f _) c) -> Just (Seq f c)
  Seq SOME  (Seq (IF_NONE _ f) c) -> Just (Seq f c)

  Seq (PUSH (VC (CvBool True)))  (Seq (IF f _) c) -> Just (Seq f c)
  Seq (PUSH (VC (CvBool False))) (Seq (IF _ f) c) -> Just (Seq f c)

  Seq LEFT       (IF_LEFT f _)    -> Just f
  Seq RIGHT      (IF_LEFT _ f)    -> Just f
  Seq CONS       (IF_CONS f _)    -> Just f
  Seq NIL        (IF_CONS _ f)    -> Just f
  Seq NONE       (IF_NONE f _)    -> Just f
  Seq SOME       (IF_NONE _ f)    -> Just f

  Seq (PUSH (VC (CvBool True)))  (IF f _) -> Just f
  Seq (PUSH (VC (CvBool False))) (IF _ f) -> Just f

  _ -> Nothing

compareWithZero :: Rule
compareWithZero = \case
  Seq (PUSH (VC (CvInt 0))) (Seq COMPARE (Seq EQ c)) -> Just          (Seq EQ c)
  Seq (PUSH (VC (CvNat 0))) (Seq COMPARE (Seq EQ c)) -> Just (Seq INT (Seq EQ c))
  Seq (PUSH (VC (CvInt 0))) (Seq COMPARE      EQ)    -> Just               EQ
  Seq (PUSH (VC (CvNat 0))) (Seq COMPARE      EQ)    -> Just (Seq INT      EQ)
  _                                                  -> Nothing

simpleDrops :: Rule
simpleDrops = \case
  -- DROP 0 is Nop
  Seq (DROPN SZ) c -> Just c
  DROPN SZ -> Just Nop

  -- DROP 1 is DROP.
  -- @gromak: DROP seems to be cheaper (in my experiments it consumed 3 less gas).
  -- It is packed more efficiently.
  -- Unfortunately I do not know how to convince GHC that types match here.
  -- Specifically, it can not deduce that `inp` is not empty
  -- (`DROP` expects non-empty input).
  -- We have `LongerOrSameLength inp (S Z)` here, but that is not enough to
  -- convince GHC.
  -- I will leave this note and rule here in hope that someone will manage to
  -- deal with this problem one day.

  -- Seq (DROPN (SS SZ)) c -> Just (Seq DROP c)
  -- DROPN (SS SZ) -> Just DROP

  _ -> Nothing

-- If an instruction takes another instruction as an argument and that
-- internal instruction is 'Nop', sometimes the whole instruction is
-- 'Nop'.
-- For now we do it only for 'DIP', but ideally we should do it for
-- 'MAP' as well (which is harder).
internalNop :: Rule
internalNop = \case
  DIP Nop -> Just Nop
  Seq (DIP Nop) c -> Just c

  _ -> Nothing

simpleDips :: Rule
simpleDips = \case
  -- DIP 0 is redundant
  Seq (DIPN SZ i) c -> Just (Seq i c)
  DIPN SZ i -> Just i

  -- @gromak: same situation as with `DROP 1` (see above).
  -- Seq (DIPN (SS SZ) i) c -> Just (Seq (DIP i) c)
  -- DIPN (SS SZ) i -> Just (DIP i)

  _ -> Nothing

pushPack :: Rule
pushPack = \case
  Seq (PUSH x) PACK -> Just (pushPacked x)
  Seq (PUSH x) (Seq PACK c) -> Just (pushPacked x `Seq` c)

  _ -> Nothing
    pushPacked :: PackedValScope t => Value t -> Instr s ('Tc 'CBytes ': s)
    pushPacked = PUSH . VC . CvBytes . packValue'

-- | Append LHS of 'Seq' to RHS and re-run pointwise ruleset at each point.
--   That might cause reinvocation of this function (see 'defaultRules'),
--   but productivity ensures it will flatten any 'Seq'-tree right-to-left,
--   while evaling no more than once on each node.
--   The reason this function invokes ruleset is when you append an instr
--   to already-optimised RHS of 'Seq', you might get an optimisable tree.
--   The argument is a local, non-structurally-recursive ruleset.
linearizeAndReapply :: Rule -> Instr inp out -> Instr inp out
linearizeAndReapply restart = \case
  Seq (Seq a b) c ->
    applyOnce restart $ Seq a (linearizeAndReapply restart (Seq b c))

  other -> applyOnce restart other

-- Generic functions working with rules

-- | Combine two rule fixpoints.
orRule :: (Rule -> Rule) -> (Rule -> Rule) -> (Rule -> Rule)
orRule l r topl x = l topl x <|> r topl x

-- | Combine a rule fixpoint and a simple rule.
orSimpleRule :: (Rule -> Rule) -> Rule -> (Rule -> Rule)
orSimpleRule l r topl x = l topl x <|> r x

-- | Turn rule fixpoint into rule.
fixpoint :: (Rule -> Rule) -> Rule
fixpoint r = go
    go :: Rule
    go = whileApplies (r go)

-- | Apply the rule once, if it fails, return the instruction unmodified.
applyOnce :: Rule -> Instr inp out -> Instr inp out
applyOnce r i = maybe i id (r i)

-- | An adapter for `dfsInstr`.
adapter :: a -> (a, ())
adapter a = (a, ())

-- | Apply a rule to the same code, until it fails.
whileApplies :: Rule -> Rule
whileApplies r = go
    go i = maybe (Just i) go (r i)