{- | Module, carrying logic of @UNPACK@ instruction.

This is nearly symmetric to adjacent Pack.hs module.

When implementing this the following sources were used:

* https://pastebin.com/8gfXaRvp

* https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/blob/master/src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol/script_ir_translator.ml#L2501

* https://github.com/tezbridge/tezbridge-crypto/blob/master/src/PsddFKi3/codec.js#L513

module Michelson.Interpret.Unpack
  ( UnpackError (..)
  , unpackValue
  , unpackValue'
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (EQ, Ordering(..), get)

import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Binary (Get)
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Get
import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Constraint (Dict(..))
import Data.Default (def)
import qualified Data.Kind as Kind
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Singletons (SingI(..))
import Data.Typeable ((:~:)(..))
import Fmt (Buildable, build, fmt, hexF, pretty, (+|), (+||), (|+), (||+))
import Text.Hex (encodeHex)

import Michelson.Parser (Parser, ParserException(..), parseNoEnv)
import qualified Michelson.Parser.Annotations as PA
import Michelson.Text
import Michelson.TypeCheck
  (HST(..), SomeHST(..), SomeInstr(..), SomeInstrOut(..), TCError(..), TypeCheckEnv(..))
import Michelson.TypeCheck.Helpers (ensureDistinctAsc, eqHST1)
import Michelson.TypeCheck.Instr (typeCheckList)
import Michelson.Typed (RemFail(..), Sing(..), starNotes)
import qualified Michelson.Typed as T
import Michelson.Typed.EntryPoints
import Michelson.Typed.Scope
  (BigMapPresence(..), ContractPresence(..), OpPresence(..), UnpackedValScope, bigMapAbsense,
  checkBigMapPresence, checkContractTypePresence, checkOpPresence, contractTypeAbsense, opAbsense)
import Michelson.Untyped
import Tezos.Address (Address(..), ContractHash(..))
import Tezos.Core
import Tezos.Crypto
  (KeyHash(..), KeyHashTag(..), PublicKey(..), keyHashLengthBytes, mkSignature, parseKeyHash,
  parsePublicKey, parseSignature)
import qualified Tezos.Crypto.Ed25519 as Ed25519
import qualified Tezos.Crypto.P256 as P256
import qualified Tezos.Crypto.Secp256k1 as Secp256k1

-- Helpers

-- | Any decoding error.
newtype UnpackError = UnpackError { unUnpackError :: Text }
  deriving stock (Show, Eq)

instance Buildable UnpackError where
  build (UnpackError msg) = build msg

instance Exception UnpackError where
  displayException = pretty

-- | Alias for label attaching.
(?) :: Get a -> String -> Get a
(?) = flip Get.label
infix 0 ?

-- | Get a bytestring of the given length leaving no references to the
-- original data in serialized form.
getByteStringCopy :: Int -> Get ByteString
getByteStringCopy = fmap BS.copy . Get.getByteString

-- | Get remaining available bytes.
-- Note that reading all remaining decoded input may be expensive and is thus
-- discouraged, use can use this function only when you know that amount
-- of data to be consumed is limited, e.g. within 'decodeAsBytes' call.
getRemainingByteStringCopy :: Get ByteString
getRemainingByteStringCopy = do
  lbs <- Get.getRemainingLazyByteString
  -- Avoiding memory overflows in case bad length to 'Get.isolate' was provided.
  -- Normally this function is used only to decode primitives, 'Signature' in
  -- the worst case, so we could set little length, but since this is a hack
  -- anyway let's make sure it never obstructs our work.
  when (length lbs > 640000) $ fail "Too big length for an entity"
  return (LBS.toStrict lbs)

-- | Read a byte and match it against given value.
expectTag :: String -> Word8 -> Get ()
expectTag desc t =
  Get.label desc $ do
    t' <- Get.getWord8
    unless (t == t') $
      fail . fmt $ "Unexpected tag value (expected 0x" +| hexF t |+
                   ", but got 0x" +| hexF t' |+ ")"

-- | Fail with "unknown tag" error.
unknownTag :: String -> Word8 -> Get a
unknownTag desc tag =
  fail . fmt $ "Unknown " <> build desc <> " tag: 0x" <> hexF tag

-- | Read a byte describing the primitive going further and match it against
-- expected tag in the given conditions.
-- Aside of context description, you have to specify number of arguments which
-- given instruction accepts when written in Michelson. For instance, @PUSH@
-- accepts two arguments - type and value.
expectDescTag :: HasCallStack => String -> Word16 -> Get ()
expectDescTag desc argsNum =
  Get.label desc $ do
    tag <- Get.getWord8
    unless (tag == expected) $
      fail . fmt $ "Unexpected preliminary tag: 0x" <> hexF tag
    expected = case argsNum of
      0 -> 0x03
      1 -> 0x05
      2 -> 0x07
      3 -> 0x08
      _ -> error "Bad arguments num"
      -- Intermediate values of tag are also used and designate that annotations
      -- are also attached to the packed data. But they are never produced by
      -- @PACK@, neither @UNPACK@ seem to expect them, so for now we pretend
      -- that annotations do not exist.

ensureEnd :: Get ()
ensureEnd =
  unlessM Get.isEmpty $ do
    remainder <- Get.getRemainingLazyByteString
    fail $ "Expected end of entry, unconsumed bytes \
           \(" +| length remainder |+ "): "
           +|| encodeHex (LBS.toStrict remainder) ||+ ""

-- | Like 'many', but doesn't backtrack if next entry failed to parse
-- yet there are some bytes to consume ahead.
-- This function exists primarily for better error messages.
manyForced :: Get a -> Get [a]
manyForced decode = do
  emp <- Get.isEmpty
  if emp
    then return []
    else (:) <$> decode <*> manyForced decode

-- | Describes how 'decodeWithTag' should decode tag-dependent data.
-- We expect bytes of such structure: 'tdTag' followed by a bytestring
-- which will be parsed with 'tdDecoder'.
data TaggedDecoder a = TaggedDecoder
  { tdTag :: Word8
  , tdDecoder :: Get a

-- | Alias for 'TaggedDecoder' constructor.
(#:) :: Word8 -> Get a -> TaggedDecoder a
(#:) = TaggedDecoder
infixr 0 #:

-- Common decoder for the case when packed data starts with a tag (1
-- byte) that specifies how to decode remaining data.
decodeWithTag :: String -> [TaggedDecoder a] -> Get a
decodeWithTag what decoders = Get.label what $ do
  tag <- Get.label (what <> " tag") Get.getWord8
  -- Number of decoders is usually small, so linear runtime lookup should be ok.
  case List.find ((tag ==) . tdTag) decoders of
    Nothing -> unknownTag what tag
    Just TaggedDecoder{..} -> tdDecoder

-- Michelson serialisation

{- Implementation notes:

* We need to know which exact type we unpack to.
For instance, serialized signatures are indistinguishable from
plain serialized bytes, so if we want to return "Value" (typed or untyped),
we need to know currently expected type. The reference implementation does
the same.

* It occured to be easier to decode to typed values and untyped instructions.
When decoding lambda, we type check given instruction, and when decoding
@PUSH@ call we untype decoded value.
One may say that this gives unreasonable performance overhead, but with the
current definition of "Value" types (typed and untyped) we cannot avoid it
anyway, because when deserializing bytearray-like data (keys, signatures, ...),
we have to convert raw bytes to human-readable 'Text' and later parse them
to bytes back at type check stage.
We console ourselves that lambdas are rarely packed.


-- | Deserialize bytes into the given value.
-- Suitable for @UNPACK@ operation only.
  :: (UnpackedValScope t)
  => LByteString -> Either UnpackError (T.Value t)
unpackValue bs =
  case Get.runGetOrFail unpackDecoder bs of
    Left (_remainder, _offset, err) -> Left . UnpackError $ toText err
    Right (_remainder, _offset, res) -> Right res

-- | Like 'unpackValue', for strict byte array.
  :: (UnpackedValScope t)
  => ByteString -> Either UnpackError (T.Value t)
unpackValue' = unpackValue . LBS.fromStrict

-- | Overall value decoder we use in @UNPACK@.
  :: (UnpackedValScope t)
  => Get (T.Value t)
unpackDecoder =
  expectTag "Packed data start" 0x05 *> decodeValue <* ensureEnd

  :: forall t.
     (HasCallStack, UnpackedValScope t)
  => Get (T.Value t)
decodeValue = Get.label "Value" $
  case sing @t of
    STc _ ->
      T.VC <$> decodeCValue
    STKey -> T.VKey <$> decodeAsBytesOrString
      ( decodeWithTag "key"
        [ 0x00 #: decodeBytesLike "key Ed25519"
            (fmap PublicKeyEd25519 . Ed25519.mkPublicKey)
        , 0x01 #: decodeBytesLike "key Secp256k1"
            (fmap PublicKeySecp256k1 . Secp256k1.mkPublicKey)
        , 0x02 #: decodeBytesLike "key P256"
            (fmap PublicKeyP256 . P256.mkPublicKey)
      , parsePublicKey
    STUnit -> do
      expectDescTag "Unit" 0
      expectTag "Unit" 0x0B
      return T.VUnit
    STSignature -> T.VSignature <$> decodeAsBytesOrString
      ( decodeBytesLikeMaybe "signature wrong size" mkSignature
      , parseSignature
    STChainId -> T.VChainId <$> decodeAsBytesOrString
      ( decodeBytesLikeMaybe "chain_id wrong size" mkChainId
      , parseChainId
    STOption _ -> do
      Get.getByteString 2 >>= \case
        "\x03\x06" -> pure (T.VOption Nothing)
        "\x05\x09" -> T.VOption . Just <$> decodeValue
        other -> fail $ "Unknown option tag: " <> show other
    STList _ -> do
      decodeAsList $ T.VList <$> manyForced decodeValue
    STSet _ -> do
      decodeAsList $ do
        vals <- manyForced decodeCValue
        either (fail . toString) pure $
          T.VSet . Set.fromDistinctAscList <$> ensureDistinctAsc id vals
    STPair lt _ ->
      case (checkOpPresence lt, checkBigMapPresence lt, checkContractTypePresence lt) of
        (OpAbsent, BigMapAbsent, ContractAbsent) -> do
          expectDescTag "Pair" 2
          expectTag "Pair" 0x07
          T.VPair ... (,) <$> decodeValue <*> decodeValue
    STOr lt _ ->
      case (checkOpPresence lt, checkBigMapPresence lt, checkContractTypePresence lt) of
        (OpAbsent, BigMapAbsent, ContractAbsent) -> do
          expectDescTag "Or" 1
          Get.getWord8 >>= \case
            0x05 -> T.VOr . Left <$> decodeValue
            0x08 -> T.VOr . Right <$> decodeValue
            other -> unknownTag "or constructor" other
    STLambda _ _ -> do
      uinstr <- decodeOps
      T.VLam <$> decodeTypeCheckLam uinstr
    STMap _ _ -> do
      T.VMap <$> decodeMap

decodeCValue :: forall ct. SingI ct => Get (T.CValue ct)
decodeCValue = case sing @ct of
  SCInt -> do
    expectTag "Int" 0x00
    T.CvInt <$> decodeInt
  SCNat -> do
    expectTag "Nat" 0x00
    T.CvNat <$> decodeInt
  SCString -> do
    expectTag "String" 0x01
    T.CvString <$> decodeString
  SCBytes -> do
    expectTag "Bytes" 0x0a
    T.CvBytes <$> decodeBytes
  SCMutez -> do
    expectTag "Mutez" 0x00
    mmutez <- mkMutez <$> decodeInt
    maybe (fail "Negative mutez") (pure . T.CvMutez) mmutez
  SCBool -> do
    expectDescTag "Bool" 0
    Get.getWord8 >>= \case
      0x0A -> pure (T.CvBool True)
      0x03 -> pure (T.CvBool False)
      other -> unknownTag "bool" other
  SCKeyHash -> T.CvKeyHash <$> decodeAsBytesOrString
    ( decodeWithTag "key_hash" keyHashDecoders
    , parseKeyHash
  SCTimestamp -> do
    expectTag "Timestamp" 0x00
    T.CvTimestamp . timestampFromSeconds <$> decodeInt
  SCAddress ->
    T.CvAddress <$> decodeEpAddress

keyHashDecoders :: [TaggedDecoder KeyHash]
keyHashDecoders =
  [ 0x00 #: KeyHash KeyHashEd25519 <$> getPayload
  , 0x01 #: KeyHash KeyHashSecp256k1 <$> getPayload
  , 0x02 #: KeyHash KeyHashP256 <$> getPayload
    getPayload = getByteStringCopy keyHashLengthBytes

-- | Read length of something (list, string, ...).
decodeLength :: Get Int
decodeLength = Get.label "Length" $ do
  len <- Get.getWord32be
  -- @martoon: I'm not sure whether returning 'Int' is valid here.
  -- Strictly speaking, it may be 'Word32', but there seems to be no easy way
  -- to check the reference implementation on that.
  -- One more reason to go with just 'Int' for now is that we need to be able to
  -- deserialize byte arrays, and 'BS.ByteString' keeps length of type 'Int'
  -- inside.
  let len' = fromIntegral @_ @Int len
  unless (fromIntegral len' == len && len' >= 0) $
    fail "Length overflow"
  return len'

decodeAsListRaw :: Get a -> Get a
decodeAsListRaw getElems = do
  l <- decodeLength ? "List length"
  Get.isolate l (getElems ? "List content")

-- | Given decoder for list content, get a whole list decoder.
decodeAsList :: Get a -> Get a
decodeAsList getElems = do
  expectTag "List" 0x02
  decodeAsListRaw getElems

decodeString :: Get MText
decodeString = do
  l <- decodeLength ? "String length"
  ss <- replicateM l Get.getWord8 ? "String content"
  ss' <- decodeUtf8' (BS.pack ss)
    & either (fail . show) pure
    ? "String UTF-8 decoding"
  mkMText ss'
    & either (fail . show) pure
    ? "Michelson string validity analysis"

decodeAsBytesRaw :: (Int -> Get a) -> Get a
decodeAsBytesRaw decode = do
  l <- decodeLength ? "Byte array length"
  decode l

decodeAsBytesOrString :: Buildable e => (Get a, Text -> Either e a) -> Get a
decodeAsBytesOrString (bytesDecoder, strParser) =
  Get.getWord8 >>= \case
    0x01 -> do
      str <- decodeString
      either (fail . pretty) pure $ strParser $ unMText str
    0x0A -> do
      decodeAsBytesRaw $ \l ->
        Get.isolate l bytesDecoder ? "Binary content"
    other -> unknownTag "text or string" other

  :: (Buildable err)
  => String -> (ByteString -> Either err a) -> Get a
decodeBytesLike what constructor = do
  bs <- getRemainingByteStringCopy
  case constructor bs of
    Left err -> fail $ "Wrong " +| what |+ ": " +| err |+ ""
    Right res -> pure res

  :: String -> (ByteString -> Maybe a) -> Get a
decodeBytesLikeMaybe onErr constructor = do
  bs <- getRemainingByteStringCopy
  case constructor bs of
    Nothing -> fail onErr
    Just res -> pure res

decodeBytes :: Get ByteString
decodeBytes =
  decodeAsBytesRaw $ Get.label "Bytes payload" . getByteStringCopy

  :: (SingI k, UnpackedValScope v)
  => Get $ Map (T.CValue k) (T.Value v)
decodeMap = Get.label "Map" $
  decodeAsList $ do
    es <- manyForced $ do
      expectDescTag "Elt" 2
      expectTag "Elt" 0x04
      (,) <$> decodeCValue <*> decodeValue
    either (fail . toString) pure $
      Map.fromDistinctAscList <$> ensureDistinctAsc fst es

decodeEpAddress :: Get EpAddress
decodeEpAddress = Get.label "Address (maybe with entrypoint)" $
  ( decodeWithTag "address"
      [ 0x00 #: Get.label "Plain address" $ do
          eaAddress <- KeyAddress <$>
            decodeWithTag "key_hash inside address" keyHashDecoders
          eaEntryPoint <- decodeEpName
          return EpAddress{..}
      , 0x01 #: Get.label "Contract address" $ do
          eaAddress <- ContractAddress . ContractHash <$>
            getByteStringCopy keyHashLengthBytes
          expectTag "Contract address suffix" 0x00
          eaEntryPoint <- decodeEpName
          return EpAddress{..}
  , parseEpAddress

decodeEpName :: Get EpName
decodeEpName = do
  ss <- many Get.getWord8 ? "EpName' String content"
  s <- decodeUtf8' (BS.pack ss)
    & either (fail . show) pure
    ? "EpName' String UTF-8 decoding"
  either (fail . pretty) pure $ epNameFromRefAnn (ann s)

-- | Read a numeric value.
decodeInt :: Num i => Get i
decodeInt = fromIntegral @Integer <$> loop 0 0 ? "Number"
    loop !offset !acc = do
      byte <- Get.getWord8

      let hasCont = Bits.testBit byte 7
      let doCont shft = if hasCont then loop (shft + offset) else pure
      let addAndCont shft bytePayload =
            doCont shft $ acc + Bits.shiftL (fromIntegral bytePayload) offset

      let payload = Bits.clearBit byte 7
      if offset > 0
        then addAndCont 7 payload
        else do
          let sign = if Bits.testBit byte 6 then -1 else 1
          let upayload = Bits.clearBit payload 6
          (sign *) <$> addAndCont 6 upayload

-- | Type check instruction occured from a lambda.
  :: forall inp out m.
     (Typeable inp, SingI inp, SingI out, Typeable out, MonadFail m)
  => [ExpandedOp]
  -> m (RemFail T.Instr '[inp] '[out])
decodeTypeCheckLam uinstr =
  either tcErrToFail pure . evaluatingState tcInitEnv . runExceptT $ do
    let inp = (sing @inp, starNotes, noAnn) ::& SNil
    _ :/ instr' <- typeCheckList uinstr inp
    case instr' of
      instr ::: out' ->
        case eqHST1 @out out' of
          Right Refl ->
            pure $ RfNormal instr
          Left err ->
                -- dummy types, we have no full information to build untyped
                -- 'T' anyway
            let tinp = Type TUnit noAnn
                tout = Type TUnit noAnn
            in throwError $
              TCFailedOnInstr (LAMBDA noAnn tinp tout uinstr) (SomeHST inp)
              "Unexpected lambda output type" def (Just err)
      AnyOutInstr instr ->
        return $ RfAlwaysFails instr
    tcErrToFail err = fail $ "Type check failed: " +| err |+ ""
    tcInitEnv =
      -- In Tezos @UNPACK@ instruction does not depend on environment.
      -- We initialize each of the fields as 'error' (rather than just defining
      -- the whole datatype as 'error') to make source of error more obvious
      -- if access to one of these fields is performed after all.
      { tcExtFrames = error "runInstrImpl(UNPACK): tcExtFrames touched"
        --- ^ This is safe because @UNPACK@ never produces Ext instructions
      , tcContractParam = error "runInstrImpl(UNPACK): tcContractParam touched"
        --- ^ Used only in @SELF@ interpretation,
        ---   but there is no way for @SELF@ to appear in packed data
      , tcContracts = error "runInstrImpl(UNPACK): tcContracts touched"
        --- ^ Used only in typechecking of @contract@ values,
        ---   but it's not possible to unpack to ones.

decodeInstr :: Get ExpandedInstr
decodeInstr = Get.label "Instruction" $ do
  pretag <- Get.getWord8 ? "Pre instr tag"
  tag <- Get.getWord8 ? "Instr tag"
  case (pretag, tag) of
    (0x03, 0x20) -> pure $ DROP
    (0x05, 0x20) -> DROPN <$> (expectTag "'DROP n' parameter" 0x00 *> decodeInt)
    (0x03, 0x21) -> DUP <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x4C) -> pure $ SWAP
    (0x05, 0x70) -> DIG <$> (expectTag "'DIG n' parameter" 0x00 *> decodeInt)
    (0x05, 0x71) -> DUG <$> (expectTag "'DUG n' parameter" 0x00 *> decodeInt)
    (0x07, 0x43) -> do
      (typ, val) <- decodePushVal
      an <- decodeNoAnn
      return $ PUSH an typ val
    (0x03, 0x46) -> SOME <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
    (0x05, 0x3E) -> NONE <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeType
    (0x03, 0x4F) -> UNIT <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
    (0x07, 0x2F) -> IF_NONE <$> decodeOps <*> decodeOps
    (0x03, 0x42) -> PAIR <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x16) -> CAR <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x17) -> CDR <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
    (0x05, 0x33) -> LEFT <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
                         <*> decodeType
    (0x05, 0x44) -> RIGHT <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
                          <*> decodeType
    (0x07, 0x2E) -> IF_LEFT <$> decodeOps  <*> decodeOps
    (0x05, 0x3D) -> NIL <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeType
    (0x03, 0x1B) -> CONS <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x07, 0x2D) -> IF_CONS <$> decodeOps  <*> decodeOps
    (0x03, 0x45) -> SIZE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x05, 0x24) -> EMPTY_SET <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeComparable
    (0x07, 0x23) -> EMPTY_MAP <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeComparable
                              <*> decodeType
    (0x07, 0x72) -> EMPTY_BIG_MAP <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeComparable
                                  <*> decodeType
    (0x05, 0x38) -> MAP <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeOps
    (0x05, 0x52) -> ITER <$> decodeOps
    (0x03, 0x39) -> MEM <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x29) -> GET <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x50) -> UPDATE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x07, 0x2C) -> IF <$> decodeOps  <*> decodeOps
    (0x05, 0x34) -> LOOP <$> decodeOps
    (0x05, 0x53) -> LOOP_LEFT <$> decodeOps
    (0x09, 0x31) -> do
      (ti, to, ops) <- decodeAsListRaw $
        (,,) <$> decodeType <*> decodeType <*> decodeOps
      vAnn <- decodeVAnnDef
      return $ LAMBDA vAnn ti to ops
    (0x03, 0x26) -> EXEC <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x73) -> APPLY <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x05, 0x1F) -> DIP <$> decodeOps
    (0x07, 0x1F) ->
      DIPN <$> (expectTag "'DIP n' parameter" 0x00 *> decodeInt) <*> decodeOps
    (0x03, 0x27) -> pure FAILWITH
    (0x05, 0x57) -> CAST <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeType
    (0x03, 0x58) -> RENAME <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x0C) -> PACK <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x05, 0x0D) -> UNPACK <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeType
    (0x03, 0x1A) -> CONCAT <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x6F) -> SLICE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x56) -> ISNAT <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x12) -> ADD <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x4B) -> SUB <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x3A) -> MUL <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x22) -> EDIV <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x11) -> ABS <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x3B) -> NEG <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x35) -> LSL <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x36) -> LSR <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x41) -> OR <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x14) -> AND <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x51) -> XOR <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x3F) -> NOT <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x19) -> COMPARE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x25) -> EQ <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x3C) -> NEQ <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x37) -> LT <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x2A) -> GT <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x32) -> LE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x28) -> GE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x30) -> INT <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x05, 0x55) -> CONTRACT <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeType
    (0x03, 0x4D) -> TRANSFER_TOKENS <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x4E) -> SET_DELEGATE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x05, 0x1D) -> do
      contract <- decodeContract
      CREATE_CONTRACT <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn <*> pure contract
    (0x03, 0x1E) -> IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x40) -> NOW <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x13) -> AMOUNT <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x15) -> BALANCE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x18) -> CHECK_SIGNATURE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x0F) -> SHA256 <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x10) -> SHA512 <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x0E) -> BLAKE2B <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x2B) -> HASH_KEY <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x4A) -> STEPS_TO_QUOTA <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x47) -> SOURCE <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x48) -> SENDER <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x54) -> ADDRESS <$> decodeNoAnn
    (0x03, 0x75) -> CHAIN_ID <$> decodeNoAnn
    -- Instructions with annotations from here on
    (0x04, 0x21) -> DUP <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x08, 0x43) -> do
      (typ, val) <- decodePushVal
      an <- decodeVAnn
      return $ PUSH an typ val
    (0x04, 0x46) -> decodeWithTVAnns SOME
    (0x06, 0x3E) -> do
      t <- decodeType
      decodeWithTVAnns NONE <*> pure t
    (0x04, 0x4F) -> decodeWithTVAnns UNIT
    (0x04, 0x42) -> decodeWithTVF2Anns PAIR
    (0x04, 0x16) -> decodeWithVFAnns CAR
    (0x04, 0x17) -> decodeWithVFAnns CDR
    (0x06, 0x33) -> do
      t <- decodeType
      decodeWithTVF2Anns LEFT <*> pure t
    (0x06, 0x44) -> do
      t <- decodeType
      decodeWithTVF2Anns RIGHT <*> pure t
    (0x06, 0x3D) -> do
      t <- decodeType
      decodeWithTVAnns NIL <*> pure t
    (0x04, 0x1B) -> CONS <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x45) -> SIZE<$> decodeVAnn
    (0x06, 0x24) -> do
      c <- decodeComparable
      decodeWithTVAnns EMPTY_SET <*> pure c
    (0x08, 0x23) -> do
      c <- decodeComparable
      t <- decodeType
      decodeWithTVAnns EMPTY_MAP <*> pure c <*> pure t
    (0x08, 0x72) -> do
      c <- decodeComparable
      t <- decodeType
      decodeWithTVAnns EMPTY_BIG_MAP <*> pure c <*> pure t
    (0x06, 0x38) -> do
      o <- decodeOps
      MAP <$> decodeVAnn <*> pure o
    (0x04, 0x39) -> MEM <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x29) -> GET <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x50) -> UPDATE <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x26) -> EXEC <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x73) -> APPLY <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x06, 0x57) -> do
      t <- decodeType
      CAST <$> decodeVAnn <*> pure t
    (0x04, 0x58) -> RENAME <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x0C) -> PACK <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x06, 0x0D) -> do
      t <- decodeType
      decodeWithTVAnns UNPACK <*> pure t
    (0x04, 0x1A) -> CONCAT <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x6F) -> SLICE <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x56) -> ISNAT <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x12) -> ADD <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x4B) -> SUB <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x3A) -> MUL <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x22) -> EDIV <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x11) -> ABS <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x3B) -> NEG <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x35) -> LSL <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x36) -> LSR <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x41) -> OR <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x14) -> AND <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x51) -> XOR <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x3F) -> NOT <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x19) -> COMPARE <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x25) -> EQ <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x3C) -> NEQ <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x37) -> LT <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x2A) -> GT <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x32) -> LE <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x28) -> GE <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x30) -> INT <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x06, 0x55) -> do
      t <- decodeType
      decodeWithVFAnns CONTRACT <*> pure t
    (0x04, 0x4D) -> TRANSFER_TOKENS <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x4E) -> SET_DELEGATE <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x06, 0x1D) -> do
      contract <- decodeContract
      decodeWithV2Anns CREATE_CONTRACT <*> pure contract
    (0x04, 0x1E) -> IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x40) -> NOW <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x13) -> AMOUNT <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x15) -> BALANCE <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x18) -> CHECK_SIGNATURE <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x0F) -> SHA256 <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x10) -> SHA512 <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x0E) -> BLAKE2B <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x2B) -> HASH_KEY <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x4A) -> STEPS_TO_QUOTA <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x47) -> SOURCE <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x48) -> SENDER <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x54) -> ADDRESS <$> decodeVAnn
    (0x04, 0x75) -> CHAIN_ID <$> decodeVAnn
    (other1, other2) -> fail $ "Unknown instruction tag: 0x" +|
                        hexF other1 |+ hexF other2 |+ ""

decodePushVal :: Get (Type, Value)
decodePushVal = do
  typ <- decodeType
  T.withSomeSingT (T.fromUType typ) $ \(st :: Sing t) ->
    case (opAbsense st, bigMapAbsense st, contractTypeAbsense st) of
      (Nothing, _, _) -> fail "Operation type cannot appear in PUSH"
      (_, Nothing, _) -> fail "BigMap type cannot appear in PUSH"
      (_, _, Nothing) -> fail "'contract' type cannot appear in PUSH"
      (Just Dict, Just Dict, Just Dict) -> do
        tval <- decodeValue @t
        pure $ (typ, T.untypeValue tval)

decodeContract :: Get Contract
decodeContract = decodeAsList $ do
  expectTag "Pre contract parameter" 0x05
  expectTag "Contract parameter" 0x00
  p <- decodeType
  expectTag "Pre contract storage" 0x05
  expectTag "Contract storage" 0x01
  s <- decodeType
  expectTag "Pre contract code" 0x05
  expectTag "Contract code" 0x02
  c <- decodeOps
  pure (Contract p s c)

decodeOp :: Get ExpandedOp
decodeOp = Get.label "Op" $ do
  tag <- Get.lookAhead Get.getWord8
  if tag == 0x02
    then SeqEx <$> decodeOps ? "Ops seq"
    else PrimEx <$> decodeInstr ? "One op"

decodeOps :: Get [ExpandedOp]
decodeOps = decodeAsList $ manyForced decodeOp

decodeComparable :: Get Comparable
decodeComparable = do
  (ct, tAnn, fAnn) <- decodeCTWithAnns
  if fAnn == noAnn
    then pure $ Comparable ct tAnn
    else fail "This Comparable should not have a Field annotation"

decodeType :: Get Type
decodeType = do
  (t, tAnn, fAnn) <- decodeTWithAnns
  if fAnn == noAnn
    then pure $ Type t tAnn
    else fail "This Type should not have a Field annotation"

decodeCTWithAnns :: Get (CT, TypeAnn, FieldAnn)
decodeCTWithAnns = Get.label "Comparable primitive type" $ do
  pretag <- Get.getWord8 ? "Pre simple comparable type tag"
  tag <- Get.getWord8 ? "Simple comparable type tag"
  let failMessage = "Unknown primitive tag: 0x" +| hexF pretag |+ hexF tag |+ ""
  ct <- case tag of
    0x5B -> pure CInt
    0x62 -> pure CNat
    0x68 -> pure CString
    0x69 -> pure CBytes
    0x6A -> pure CMutez
    0x59 -> pure CBool
    0x5D -> pure CKeyHash
    0x6B -> pure CTimestamp
    0x6E -> pure CAddress
    _ -> fail failMessage
  case pretag of
    0x03 -> (ct,,) <$> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
    0x04 -> decodeWithTFAnns (ct,,)
    _ -> fail failMessage

decodeTWithAnns :: Get (T, TypeAnn, FieldAnn)
decodeTWithAnns = doDecode <|> decodeTc ? "Type"
    decodeTc = do
      (ct, tAnn, fAnn) <- decodeCTWithAnns
      pure ((Tc ct), tAnn, fAnn)
    doDecode = do
      pretag <- Get.getWord8 ? "Pre complex type tag"
      tag <- Get.getWord8 ? "Complex type tag"
      case (pretag, tag) of
        (0x03, 0x5C) ->
          (,,) <$> pure TKey <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x03, 0x6C) ->
          (,,) <$> pure TUnit <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x03, 0x67) ->
          (,,) <$> pure TSignature <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x03, 0x74) ->
          (,,) <$> pure TChainId <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x05, 0x63) ->
          (,,) <$> (TOption <$> decodeType) <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x05, 0x5F) ->
          (,,) <$> (TList <$> decodeType) <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x05, 0x66) ->
          (,,) <$> (TSet <$> decodeComparable) <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x03, 0x6D) ->
          (,,) <$> pure TOperation <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x05, 0x5A) ->
          (,,) <$> (TContract <$> decodeType) <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x07, 0x65) -> do
          t <- decodeTPair
          (,,) <$> pure t <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x07, 0x64) -> do
          t <- decodeTOr
          (,,) <$> pure t <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x07, 0x5E) ->
          (,,) <$> (TLambda <$> decodeType <*> decodeType) <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x07, 0x60) ->
          (,,) <$> (TMap <$> decodeComparable <*> decodeType) <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        (0x07, 0x61) ->
          (,,) <$> (TBigMap <$> decodeComparable <*> decodeType) <*> decodeNoAnn <*> decodeNoAnn
        -- T with annotations from here on
        (0x04, 0x5C) -> decodeWithTFAnns (TKey,,)
        (0x04, 0x6C) -> decodeWithTFAnns (TUnit,,)
        (0x04, 0x67) -> decodeWithTFAnns (TSignature,,)
        (0x04, 0x74) -> decodeWithTFAnns (TChainId,,)
        (0x06, 0x63) -> do
          t <- TOption <$> decodeType
          decodeWithTFAnns (t,,)
        (0x06, 0x5F) -> do
          t <- TList <$> decodeType
          decodeWithTFAnns (t,,)
        (0x06, 0x66) -> do
          t <- TSet <$> decodeComparable
          decodeWithTFAnns (t,,)
        (0x04, 0x6D) -> decodeWithTFAnns (TOperation,,)
        (0x06, 0x5A) -> do
          t <- TContract <$> decodeType
          decodeWithTFAnns (t,,)
        (0x08, 0x65) -> do
          t <- decodeTPair
          decodeWithTFAnns (t,,)
        (0x08, 0x64) -> do
          t <- decodeTOr
          decodeWithTFAnns (t,,)
        (0x08, 0x5E) -> do
          t <- TLambda <$> decodeType <*> decodeType
          decodeWithTFAnns (t,,)
        (0x08, 0x60) -> do
          t <- TMap <$> decodeComparable <*> decodeType
          decodeWithTFAnns (t,,)
        (0x08, 0x61) -> do
          t <- TBigMap <$> decodeComparable <*> decodeType
          decodeWithTFAnns (t,,)
        (other1, other2) -> fail $ "Unknown primitive tag: 0x" +|
                            hexF other1 |+ hexF other2 |+ ""

decodeTPair :: Get T
decodeTPair = do
  (t1, tAnn1, fAnn1) <- decodeTWithAnns
  (t2, tAnn2, fAnn2) <- decodeTWithAnns
  pure $ TPair fAnn1 fAnn2 (Type t1 tAnn1) (Type t2 tAnn2)

decodeTOr :: Get T
decodeTOr = do
  (t1, tAnn1, fAnn1) <- decodeTWithAnns
  (t2, tAnn2, fAnn2) <- decodeTWithAnns
  pure $ TOr fAnn1 fAnn2 (Type t1 tAnn1) (Type t2 tAnn2)

-- Annotations

-- | Utility function to fill a constructor with an empty annotation
decodeNoAnn :: forall (t :: Kind.Type). Get (Annotation t)
decodeNoAnn = pure noAnn

-- | Decodes an annotations' string and uses the provided `Parser` to parse
-- untyped annotations from it. This has to produce at least one annotation
-- (Annotations' String parsing will fail otherwise)
decodeAnns :: Parser a -> Get a
decodeAnns annsParser = do
  l <- decodeLength ? "Annotations' String length"
  ss <- replicateM l Get.getWord8 ? "Annotations'String content"
  s <- decodeUtf8' (BS.pack ss)
    & either (fail . show) pure
    ? "Annotations' String UTF-8 decoding"
  either (fail . displayException . ParserException) pure $ parseNoEnv annsParser "" s

decodeVAnn :: Get VarAnn
decodeVAnn = decodeAnns PA.noteV

decodeVAnnDef :: Get VarAnn
decodeVAnnDef = decodeAnns PA.noteDef

decodeWithTVAnns :: (TypeAnn -> VarAnn -> a) -> Get a
decodeWithTVAnns f = do
  (tAnn, vAnn) <- decodeAnns PA.notesTV
  pure $ f tAnn vAnn

decodeWithTVF2Anns :: (TypeAnn -> VarAnn -> FieldAnn -> FieldAnn -> a) -> Get a
decodeWithTVF2Anns f = do
  (tAnn, vAnn, (fAnn1, fAnn2)) <- decodeAnns PA.notesTVF2Def
  pure $ f tAnn vAnn fAnn1 fAnn2

decodeWithTFAnns :: (TypeAnn -> FieldAnn -> a) -> Get a
decodeWithTFAnns f =  do
  (tAnn, fAnn) <- decodeAnns PA.notesTF
  pure $ f tAnn fAnn

decodeWithV2Anns :: (VarAnn -> VarAnn -> a) -> Get a
decodeWithV2Anns f = do
  (vAnn1, vAnn2) <- decodeAnns PA.noteV2Def
  pure $ f vAnn1 vAnn2

decodeWithVFAnns :: (VarAnn -> FieldAnn -> a) -> Get a
decodeWithVFAnns f = do
  (vAnn, fAnn) <- decodeAnns PA.notesVF
  pure $ f vAnn fAnn