-- | Typical usages of FAILWITH instruction.

module Michelson.FailPattern
  ( TypicalFailWith
  , typicalFailWithTag
  , isTypicalFailWith
  , modifyTypicalFailWith
  ) where

import Data.Singletons (sing)

import Michelson.Text (MText)
import Michelson.Typed

-- | We need this class to pass it to 'SomeConstrainedValue'.
-- 'ConstantScope' is needed because we push a value and 'Typeable' is
-- needed for 'FAILWITH'.
class (Typeable a, ConstantScope a) => ConstantScope' a
instance (Typeable a, ConstantScope a) => ConstantScope' a

-- | This data type captures typical ways to use `FAILWITH` instruction.
-- Each constructor corresponds to a usage pattern.
data TypicalFailWith
  = FailWithString !MText
  -- ^ Push a constant string and fail with it.
  | FailWithConstantPair !MText !(SomeConstrainedValue ConstantScope')
  -- ^ Push a constant pair where the first item is a string and the
  -- second one is an arbitrary constant. Fail afterwards.
  | FailWithStackValue !MText
  -- ^ Push a constant string and apply the 'PAIR' instruction, then fail.

-- | Extract error tag out of 'TypicalFailWith'.
typicalFailWithTag :: TypicalFailWith -> MText
typicalFailWithTag = \case
  FailWithString str -> str
  FailWithConstantPair str _ -> str
  FailWithStackValue str -> str

-- | Check whether given instruction ends with a typical 'FAILWITH'
-- usage. It does not recursively check instructions that can be
-- passed to other instructions.
isTypicalFailWith :: Instr inp out -> Maybe TypicalFailWith
isTypicalFailWith = isTypicalFailWith' . linearizeLeft
    isTypicalFailWith' :: Instr inp out -> Maybe TypicalFailWith
    isTypicalFailWith' =
        Seq i1 FAILWITH -> isTypicalPreFailWith i1
        _ -> Nothing

    isTypicalPreFailWith ::
      Instr inp (a ': out) -> Maybe TypicalFailWith
    isTypicalPreFailWith =
        PUSH v -> isTypicalErrorConstant v
        Seq _ (PUSH v) -> isTypicalErrorConstant v

        Seq (PUSH v) PAIR -> FailWithStackValue <$> isStringValue v
        Seq (Seq _ (PUSH v)) PAIR -> FailWithStackValue <$> isStringValue v

        _ -> Nothing

isTypicalErrorConstant ::
  forall t. ConstantScope t => Value t -> Maybe TypicalFailWith
isTypicalErrorConstant v
  | Just str <- isStringValue v = Just (FailWithString str)
  | VPair (VC (CvString str), secondItem) <- v =
      -- We need to pattern match to deduce `singI` for second item of the pair.
      case sing @t of
        STPair {} -> Just (FailWithConstantPair str (SomeConstrainedValue secondItem))
  | otherwise = Nothing

-- | If given instruction ends with a typical 'FAILWITH' usage, modify
-- the tag used there using given transformation function. It can
-- return any value, not necessarily a string.
modifyTypicalFailWith ::
  (HasCallStack, ConstantScope t, Typeable t) =>
  (MText -> Value t) -> Instr inp out -> Instr inp out
modifyTypicalFailWith f = modifyTypicalFailWith' . linearizeLeft
    modifyTypicalFailWith' :: HasCallStack => Instr inp out -> Instr inp out
    modifyTypicalFailWith' =
        Seq i1 FAILWITH ->
          case i1 of
            PUSH v -> onPush v
            Seq i0 (PUSH v) -> Seq i0 (onPush v)

            -- It is quite hard to move the body of these very similar
            -- cases into a separate function because involved types
            -- are quite sophisticated.
            Seq (PUSH v) PAIR
              | _ :: Value a <- v
              , _ :: Instr (b ': s) ('TPair a b ': s) <- i1 ->
                case sing @('TPair a b) of
                  STPair {} -> case isStringValue v of
                    Just str -> PUSH (f str) `Seq` PAIR `Seq` FAILWITH
                    Nothing -> PUSH v `Seq` PAIR `Seq` FAILWITH
            Seq (Seq i0 (PUSH v)) PAIR
              | _ :: Value a <- v
              , _ :: Instr s0 ('TPair a b ': s) <- i1 ->
                case sing @('TPair a b) of
                  STPair {} -> Seq i0 $ case isStringValue v of
                    Just str -> PUSH (f str) `Seq` PAIR `Seq` FAILWITH
                    Nothing -> PUSH v `Seq` PAIR `Seq` FAILWITH

            _ -> Seq i1 FAILWITH

        i -> i

    onPush ::
      (HasCallStack, Typeable v, ConstantScope v) => Value v -> Instr inp out
    onPush v = case isTypicalErrorConstant v of
      Just (FailWithString str) -> PUSH (f str) `Seq` FAILWITH
      Just (FailWithConstantPair str (SomeConstrainedValue arg)) ->
        PUSH (VPair (f str, arg)) `Seq` FAILWITH
      Just _ -> error "Unexpected TypicalFailWith"
      Nothing -> PUSH v `Seq` FAILWITH