-- | Utilities for integrational testing.
-- Example tests can be found in the 'morley-test' test suite.

module Morley.Test.Integrational
    -- * Re-exports
    TxData (..)
  , genesisAddress

  -- * Testing engine
  , IntegrationalValidator
  , SuccessValidator
  , IntegrationalScenario
  , integrationalTestExpectation
  , integrationalTestProperty
  , originate
  , transfer
  , validate
  , setMaxSteps
  , setNow

  -- * Validators
  , composeValidators
  , composeValidatorsList
  , expectAnySuccess
  , expectStorageUpdate
  , expectStorageUpdateConst
  , expectBalance
  , expectStorageConst
  , expectGasExhaustion
  , expectMichelsonFailed
  ) where

import Control.Lens (assign, at, makeLenses, (.=), (<>=))
import Control.Monad.Except (Except, runExcept, throwError)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Fmt (blockListF, pretty, (+|), (|+))
import Test.Hspec (Expectation, expectationFailure)
import Test.QuickCheck (Property)

import Michelson.Interpret (InterpretUntypedError(..), MichelsonFailed(..), RemainingSteps)
import Michelson.Untyped
  (OriginationOperation(..), UntypedContract, UntypedValue, mkContractAddress)
import Morley.Runtime (InterpreterError(..), InterpreterOp(..), InterpreterRes(..), interpreterPure)
import Morley.Runtime.GState
import Morley.Runtime.TxData
import Morley.Test.Dummy
import Morley.Test.Util (failedProp, succeededProp)
import Tezos.Address (Address)
import Tezos.Core (Mutez, Timestamp)

-- Some internals (they are here because TH makes our very existence much harder)

data InternalState = InternalState
  { _isMaxSteps :: !RemainingSteps
  , _isNow :: !Timestamp
  , _isGState :: !GState
  , _isOperations :: ![InterpreterOp]
  -- ^ Operations to be interpreted when 'TOValidate' is encountered.

makeLenses ''InternalState

-- Interface

-- | Validator for integrational testing.
-- If an error is expected, it should be 'Left' with validator for errors.
-- Otherwise it should check final global state and its updates.
type IntegrationalValidator = Either (InterpreterError -> Bool) SuccessValidator

-- | Validator for integrational testing that expects successful execution.
type SuccessValidator = (GState -> [GStateUpdate] -> Either Text ())

-- | A monad inside which integrational tests can be described using
-- do-notation.
type IntegrationalScenarioM = StateT InternalState (Except Text)

-- | A dummy data type that ensures that `validate` is called in the
-- end of each scenario. It is intentionally not exported.
data Validated = Validated

type IntegrationalScenario = IntegrationalScenarioM Validated

-- | Integrational test that executes given operations and validates
-- them using given validator. It can fail using 'Expectation'
-- capability.
-- It starts with 'initGState' and some reasonable dummy values for
-- gas limit and current timestamp. You can update blockchain state
-- by performing some operations.
integrationalTestExpectation :: IntegrationalScenario -> Expectation
integrationalTestExpectation =
  integrationalTest (maybe pass (expectationFailure . toString))

-- | Integrational test similar to 'integrationalTestExpectation'.
-- It can fail using 'Property' capability.
-- It can be used with QuickCheck's @forAll@ to make a
-- property-based test with arbitrary data.
integrationalTestProperty :: IntegrationalScenario -> Property
integrationalTestProperty = integrationalTest (maybe succeededProp failedProp)

-- | Originate a contract with given initial storage and balance. Its
-- address is returned.
originate ::
  UntypedContract -> UntypedValue -> Mutez -> IntegrationalScenarioM Address
originate contract value balance =
  mkContractAddress origination <$ putOperation originateOp
    origination = (dummyOrigination value contract) {ooBalance = balance}
    originateOp = OriginateOp origination

-- | Transfer tokens to given address.
transfer :: TxData -> Address -> IntegrationalScenarioM ()
transfer txData destination =
  putOperation (TransferOp destination txData)

-- | Execute all operations that were added to the scenarion since
-- last 'validate' call. If validator fails, the execution will be aborted.
validate :: IntegrationalValidator -> IntegrationalScenario
validate validator = Validated <$ do
  now <- use isNow
  maxSteps <- use isMaxSteps
  gState <- use isGState
  ops <- use isOperations
  mUpdatedGState <-
    lift $ validateResult validator $ interpreterPure now maxSteps gState ops
  isOperations .= mempty
  whenJust mUpdatedGState $ \newGState -> isGState .= newGState

-- | Make all further interpreter calls (which are triggered by the
-- 'validate' function) use given timestamp as the current one.
setNow :: Timestamp -> IntegrationalScenarioM ()
setNow = assign isNow

-- | Make all further interpreter calls (which are triggered by the
-- 'validate' function) use given gas limit.
setMaxSteps :: RemainingSteps -> IntegrationalScenarioM ()
setMaxSteps = assign isMaxSteps

putOperation :: InterpreterOp -> IntegrationalScenarioM ()
putOperation op = isOperations <>= one op

-- Validators to be used within 'IntegrationalValidator'

-- | 'SuccessValidator' that always passes.
expectAnySuccess :: SuccessValidator
expectAnySuccess _ _ = pass

-- | Check that storage value is updated for given address. Takes a
-- predicate that is used to check the value.
-- It works even if updates are not filtered (i. e. a value can be
-- updated more than once).
expectStorageUpdate ::
  -> (UntypedValue -> Either Text ())
  -> SuccessValidator
expectStorageUpdate addr predicate _ updates =
  case List.find checkAddr (reverse updates) of
    Nothing -> Left $ "Storage of " +| addr |+ " is not updated"
    Just (GSSetStorageValue _ val) ->
      first (("Storage of " +| addr |+ "is updated incorrectly: ") <>) $
      predicate val
    -- 'checkAddr' ensures that only 'GSSetStorageValue' can be found
    Just _ -> error "expectStorageUpdate: internal error"
    checkAddr (GSSetStorageValue addr' _) = addr' == addr
    checkAddr _ = False

-- | Like 'expectStorageUpdate', but expects a constant.
expectStorageUpdateConst ::
  -> UntypedValue
  -> SuccessValidator
expectStorageUpdateConst addr expected =
  expectStorageUpdate addr predicate
    predicate val
      | val == expected = pass
      | otherwise = Left $ "expected " +| expected |+ ""

-- | Check that eventually address has some particular storage value.
expectStorageConst :: Address -> UntypedValue -> SuccessValidator
expectStorageConst addr expected gs _ =
  case gsAddresses gs ^. at addr of
    Just (ASContract cs)
      | csStorage cs == expected -> pass
      | otherwise ->
        Left $ intro +|  "its storage is " +| csStorage cs |+ ""
    Just (ASSimple {}) ->
      Left $ intro +| "it's a simple address"
    Nothing -> Left $ intro +| "it's unknown"
    intro = "Expected " +| addr |+ " to have storage " +| expected |+ ", but "

-- | Check that eventually address has some particular balance.
expectBalance :: Address -> Mutez -> SuccessValidator
expectBalance addr balance gs _ =
  case gsAddresses gs ^. at addr of
    Nothing ->
      Left $
      "Expected " +| addr |+ " to have balance " +| balance |+
      ", but it's unknown"
    Just (asBalance -> realBalance)
      | realBalance == balance -> pass
      | otherwise ->
        Left $
        "Expected " +| addr |+ " to have balance " +| balance |+
        ", but its balance is " +| realBalance |+ ""

-- | Compose two success validators.
-- For example:
-- expectBalance bal addr `composeValidators`
-- expectStorageUpdateConst addr2 ValueUnit
composeValidators ::
  -> SuccessValidator
  -> SuccessValidator
composeValidators val1 val2 gState updates =
  val1 gState updates >> val2 gState updates

-- | Compose a list of success validators.
composeValidatorsList :: [SuccessValidator] -> SuccessValidator
composeValidatorsList = foldl' composeValidators expectAnySuccess

-- | Check that interpreter failed due to gas exhaustion.
expectGasExhaustion :: InterpreterError -> Bool
expectGasExhaustion =
    IEInterpreterFailed _ (RuntimeFailure (MichelsonGasExhaustion, _)) -> True
    _ -> False

-- | Expect that interpretation of contract with given address ended
-- with [FAILED].
expectMichelsonFailed :: Address -> InterpreterError -> Bool
expectMichelsonFailed addr =
    IEInterpreterFailed failedAddr (RuntimeFailure {}) -> addr == failedAddr
    _ -> False

-- Implementation of the testing engine

initIS :: InternalState
initIS = InternalState
  { _isNow = dummyNow
  , _isMaxSteps = dummyMaxSteps
  , _isGState = initGState
  , _isOperations = mempty

integrationalTest ::
     (Maybe Text -> res)
  -> IntegrationalScenario
  -> res
integrationalTest howToFail scenario =
  howToFail $ leftToMaybe $ runExcept (runStateT scenario initIS)

validateResult ::
  -> Either InterpreterError InterpreterRes
  -> Except Text (Maybe GState)
validateResult validator result =
  case (validator, result) of
    (Left validateError, Left err)
      | validateError err -> pure Nothing
    (_, Left err) ->
      doFail $ "Unexpected interpreter error: " <> pretty err
    (Left _, Right _) ->
      doFail $ "Interpreter unexpectedly didn't fail"
    (Right validateUpdates, Right ir)
      | Left bad <- validateUpdates (_irGState ir) (_irUpdates ir) ->
        doFail $
        "Updates are incorrect: " +| bad |+ ". Updates are: \n" +|
        blockListF (_irUpdates ir) |+ ""
      | otherwise -> pure $ Just $ _irGState ir
    doFail = throwError