monomer- A GUI library for writing native Haskell applications.
Copyright(c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
LicenseBSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Safe HaskellNone



Helper for creating widgets with children elements.


Re-exported modules


type ContainerGetBaseStyle s e Source #


 = GetBaseStyle s e

The base style for a new node.

Returns the base style for this type of widget.

Usually this style comes from the active theme.

type ContainerGetCurrentStyle s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> StyleState

The active style for the node.

Returns the active style for this type of widget. It depends on the state of the widget, which can be:

  • Basic
  • Hovered
  • Focused
  • Hovered and Focused
  • Active
  • Disabled

In general there's no needed to override it, except when the widget does not use the full content rect.

An example can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Tooltip.

type ContainerCreateContainerFromModel s e a Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> a

The previous model.

-> Maybe (Container s e a)

An updated Container instance.

Returns an updated version of the Container instance. Currently only used during merge. Not needed in general, except for widgets that modify offset or layout direction.

An example can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Scroll.


Some widgets, scroll for example, provide offset/layout direction to the Container instance; this information is passed down to children widgets in all the lifecycle methods. During merge a problem arises: the new node has not yet processed the old state and, since it is the Container whose merge function is being invoked, it is not able to provide the correct offset/layout direction. It is also not possible to directly extract this information from the old node, because we have a Widget instance and not its Container instance. This function provides a workaround for this.

This is a hacky solution; a more flexible dispatcher for Composite could avoid it.

type ContainerUpdateCWenvHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> WidgetNode s e

The child node.

-> Int

The index of the node.

-> WidgetEnv s e

The updated widget environment.

Updates the widget environment before passing it down to children. This function is called during the execution of all the widget functions. Useful for restricting viewport or modifying other kind of contextual information.

An example can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.ThemeSwitch.

type ContainerInitHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> WidgetResult s e

The result of the init operation.

Initializes the given node. This could include rebuilding the widget in case internal state needs to use model/environment information, generate user events or make requests to the runtime.

An example can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.SelectList.

Most of the current containers serve layout purposes and don't need a custom init.

type ContainerInitPostHandler s e a Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> a

The current state of the widget node.

-> WidgetResult s e

The result after children have been initialized.

-> WidgetResult s e

The result of the init post operation.

Allows making further operations after children have been initialized.

Note: if state was modified on containerInit, you should use the new state provided as an argument, since the state referenced in the closure will be outdated.

type ContainerMergeChildrenReqHandler s e a Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> WidgetNode s e

The previous widget node.

-> a

The state of the previous widget node.

-> Bool

True if widget is needed.

Returns whether merge is required for children. It's mostly used for performance optimization.

An example can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.SelectList.

type ContainerMergeHandler s e a Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> WidgetNode s e

The previous widget node.

-> a

The state of the previous widget node.

-> WidgetResult s e

The result of the merge operation.

Merges the current node with the node it matched with during the merge process. Receives the newly created node (whose *init* function is not called), the previous node and the state extracted from that node. This process is widget dependent, and may use or ignore the previous state depending on newly available information.

In general, you want to at least keep the previous state unless the widget is stateless or only consumes model/environment information.

Examples can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Fade and Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Tooltip. On the other hand, Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Grid does not need to override merge since it's stateless.

type ContainerMergePostHandler s e a Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> WidgetNode s e

The previous widget node.

-> a

The state of the previous widget node.

-> a

The current state of the widget node.

-> WidgetResult s e

The result after children have been merged.

-> WidgetResult s e

The result of the merge post operation.

Allows making further operations after children have been merged.

Examples can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.SelectList and Monomer.Widgets.Containers.ZStack.

Note: if state was modified during merge, you should use the new state provided as an argument, since the state referenced in the closure will be outdated.

type ContainerDisposeHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> WidgetResult s e

The result of the dispose operation.

Disposes the current node. Only used by widgets which allocate resources during init or merge, and will usually involve requests to the runtime.

An example can be found Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Dropdown.

type ContainerFindNextFocusHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> FocusDirection

The direction in which focus is moving.

-> Path

The start path from which to search.

-> Seq (WidgetNode s e)

The next focusable node info.

Returns the next focusable node. What next/previous is, depends on how the container works. Moving right -> bottom is usually considered forward.

type ContainerFindByPointHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> Path

The start path from which to search.

-> Point

The point to test for.

-> Maybe Int

The hovered child index, if any.

Returns the currently hovered widget, if any. If the widget is rectangular and uses the full content area, there is not need to override this function.

An example can be found Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Dropdown.

type ContainerFilterHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> Path

The target path of the event.

-> SystemEvent

The SystemEvent to handle.

-> Maybe (Path, SystemEvent)

The optional modified event/target.

Receives a System event and, optionally, modifies the event, its target, or stops the event propagation by returning Nothing.

Examples can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Base.LabeledItem.

type ContainerEventHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> Path

The target path of the event.

-> SystemEvent

The SystemEvent to handle.

-> Maybe (WidgetResult s e)

The result of handling the event, if any.

Receives a System event and, optionally, returns a result. This can include an updated version of the widget (in case it has internal state), user events or requests to the runtime.

Examples can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Draggable and Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Keystroke.

type ContainerMessageHandler s e Source #


 = forall i. Typeable i 
=> WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> Path

The target path of the message.

-> i

The message to handle.

-> Maybe (WidgetResult s e)

The result of handling the message, if any.

Receives a message and, optionally, returns a result. This can include an updated version of the widget (in case it has internal state), user events or requests to the runtime. There is no validation regarding the message type, and the widget should take care of _casting_ to the correct type using "Data.Typeable.cast"

Examples can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Fade and Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Scroll.

type ContainerGetSizeReqHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> Seq (WidgetNode s e)

The children widgets

-> (SizeReq, SizeReq)

The horizontal and vertical requirements.

Returns the preferred size for the widget. This size should not include border and padding; those are added automatically by Container.

This is called to update WidgetNodeInfo only at specific times.

Examples can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Grid and Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack.

type ContainerResizeHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> Rect

The new viewport.

-> Seq (WidgetNode s e)

The children widgets

-> (WidgetResult s e, Seq Rect)

The result of resizing the widget.

Assigns space to children according to the Container's logic, returning a Seq of Rects in the same order of the child widgets. If the container has a single child it is not generally necessary to override this function. A new version of the Container may be returned if state needs to be updated.

Examples can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Grid and Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack.

Note: if the Container's state depends on the current size, visibility should be considered; since invisible nodes receive zero space, it may affect calculations and cause unexpected behavior when the widget is made visible again. Examples can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Scroll and Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Split.

type ContainerRenderHandler s e Source #


 = WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> Renderer

The renderer, providing low level drawing functions.

-> IO ()

The IO action with rendering instructions.

Renders the widget's content using the given Renderer. In general, this method needs to be overriden. There are two render methods: one runs before children, the other one after.

Examples can be found in Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Draggable and Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Scroll.

data Container s e a Source #

Interface for Container widgets.





Instances details
Default (Container s e a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Widgets.Container


def :: Container s e a #

updateWenvOffset Source #


:: Container s e a

The container config

-> WidgetEnv s e

The widget environment.

-> WidgetNode s e

The widget node.

-> Rect

The target viewport.

-> WidgetEnv s e

THe updated widget environment.

Helper function that updates widget environment based on current container information. In case the created container needs to pass information down using wenv, it should call this function first and update the resulting wenv.


createContainer :: WidgetModel a => a -> Container s e a -> Widget s e Source #

Creates a widget based on the Container infrastructure. An initial state and the Container definition need to be provided. In case internal state is not needed, () can be provided. Using the def instance as a starting point is recommended to focus on overriding only what is needed:

widget = createContainer () def {
  containerRender = ...