monomer- A GUI library for writing native Haskell applications.
Copyright(c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
LicenseBSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Safe HaskellNone



Slide animation widget. Wraps a child widget whose content will be animated.


  • Accepts a AnimationMsg, used to control the state of the animation.


data SlideCfg e Source #

Configuration options for slide:

  • autoStart: whether the first time the widget is added, animation should run.
  • duration: how long the animation lasts in ms.
  • onFinished: event to raise when animation is complete.
  • Individual combinators for direction.


Instances details
Eq e => Eq (SlideCfg e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Widgets.Animation.Slide


(==) :: SlideCfg e -> SlideCfg e -> Bool #

(/=) :: SlideCfg e -> SlideCfg e -> Bool #

Show e => Show (SlideCfg e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Widgets.Animation.Slide


showsPrec :: Int -> SlideCfg e -> ShowS #

show :: SlideCfg e -> String #

showList :: [SlideCfg e] -> ShowS #

Semigroup (SlideCfg e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Widgets.Animation.Slide


(<>) :: SlideCfg e -> SlideCfg e -> SlideCfg e #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (SlideCfg e) -> SlideCfg e #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> SlideCfg e -> SlideCfg e #

Monoid (SlideCfg e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Widgets.Animation.Slide


mempty :: SlideCfg e #

mappend :: SlideCfg e -> SlideCfg e -> SlideCfg e #

mconcat :: [SlideCfg e] -> SlideCfg e #

Default (SlideCfg e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Widgets.Animation.Slide


def :: SlideCfg e #

CmbAutoStart (SlideCfg e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Widgets.Animation.Slide

CmbOnFinished (SlideCfg e) e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Widgets.Animation.Slide


onFinished :: e -> SlideCfg e Source #

CmbDuration (SlideCfg e) Millisecond Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Monomer.Widgets.Animation.Slide


animSlideIn :: WidgetEvent e => WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e Source #

Animates a widget from the left to fully visible.

animSlideIn_ :: WidgetEvent e => [SlideCfg e] -> WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e Source #

Animates a widget from the provided direction to fully visible (defaults to left). Accepts config.

animSlideOut :: WidgetEvent e => WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e Source #

Animates a widget to the left from visible to not visible.

animSlideOut_ :: WidgetEvent e => [SlideCfg e] -> WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e Source #

Animates a widget to the the provided direction from visible to not visible (defaults to left). Accepts config.

slideLeft :: SlideCfg e Source #

Slide from/to left.

slideRight :: SlideCfg e Source #

Slide from/to right.

slideTop :: SlideCfg e Source #

Slide from/to top.

slideBottom :: SlideCfg e Source #

Slide from/to bottom.