monoidal-functors- Monoidal Functors Library
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




mux :: Semigroupal (->) (,) (,) (,) p => p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (b, d) Source #

Split the input between the two arguments and multiply their outputs.

(***) :: Semigroupal (->) (,) (,) (,) p => p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (b, d) infixr 3 Source #

Infix operator for mux.

demux :: Semigroupal (->) Either Either (,) p => p a b -> p c d -> p (Either a c) (Either b d) Source #

Split the input between the two arguments and sum their outputs.

(+++) :: Semigroupal (->) Either Either (,) p => p a b -> p c d -> p (Either a c) (Either b d) infixr 2 Source #

Infix operator for demux.

fanout :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) (,) (,) (,) p) => p x a -> p x b -> p x (a, b) Source #

Send the whole input to the two arguments and multiply their outputs.

(&&&) :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) (,) (,) (,) p) => p x a -> p x b -> p x (a, b) infixr 3 Source #

Infix operator for fanout.

fanin :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) Either Either (,) p) => p a x -> p b x -> p (Either a b) x Source #

Split the input between the two arguments and merge their outputs.

(|||) :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) Either Either (,) p) => p a x -> p b x -> p (Either a b) x infixr 2 Source #

Infix operator for fanin.

switch :: Semigroupal (->) (,) Either (,) p => p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (Either b d) Source #

Split the input between the two arguments and and sum their outputs.

(&|) :: Semigroupal (->) (,) Either (,) p => p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (Either b d) infixr 5 Source #

Infix operator for switch.

union :: Profunctor p => Semigroupal (->) (,) Either (,) p => p x a -> p x b -> p x (Either a b) Source #

Send the whole input to the two arguments and sum their outputs.

divide :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) (,) Either (,) p) => p a x -> p b x -> p (a, b) x Source #

Split the input between the two arguments then merge their outputs.

splice :: Semigroupal (->) Either (,) (,) p => p a b -> p c d -> p (Either a c) (b, d) Source #

Split the input between the two arguments then multiply their outputs.

(|&) :: Semigroupal (->) Either (,) (,) p => p a b -> p c d -> p (Either a c) (b, d) infix 5 Source #

Infix operator for splice.

diverge :: Semigroupal (->) Either Either Either p => Either (p a b) (p c d) -> p (Either a c) (Either b d) Source #

contramapMaybe :: Profunctor p => Semigroupal (->) Either Either Either p => (a -> Maybe b) -> p b x -> p a x Source #

zig :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) (,) t Either p) => Either (p x a) (p x b) -> p x (t a b) Source #

zag :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) t Either Either p) => Either (p a x) (p b x) -> p (t a b) x Source #

ultrafirst :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) (,) (,) Either p) => p a b -> p (a, x) (b, y) Source #

ultrasecond :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) (,) (,) Either p) => p a b -> p (x, a) (y, b) Source #

ultraleft :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) Either Either Either p) => p a b -> p (Either a x) (Either b y) Source #

ultraright :: (Profunctor p, Semigroupal (->) Either Either Either p) => p a b -> p (Either x a) (Either y b) Source #

comux :: forall p a b c d. Semigroupal Op (,) (,) (,) p => p (a, c) (b, d) -> (p a b, p c d) Source #

undivide :: forall p x a b. Profunctor p => Semigroupal Op (,) (,) (,) p => p (a, b) x -> (p a x, p b x) Source #

codemux :: forall p a b c d. Semigroupal Op Either Either (,) p => p (Either a c) (Either b d) -> (p a b, p c d) Source #

partition :: forall p x a b. Profunctor p => Semigroupal Op Either Either (,) p => p x (Either a b) -> (p x a, p x b) Source #

coswitch :: forall p a b c d. Semigroupal Op Either (,) (,) p => p (Either a c) (b, d) -> (p a b, p c d) Source #

unfanin :: forall p x a b. Profunctor p => Semigroupal Op Either (,) (,) p => p (Either a b) x -> (p a x, p b x) Source #

unzip :: forall p x a b. Profunctor p => Semigroupal Op Either (,) (,) p => p x (a, b) -> (p x a, p x b) Source #

cosplice :: forall p a b c d. Semigroupal Op (,) Either (,) p => p (a, c) (Either b d) -> (p a b, p c d) Source #

terminal :: forall p a. Profunctor p => Unital (->) () () () p => p a () Source #

ppure :: forall p a. Profunctor p => Unital (->) () () () p => Strong p => p a a Source #

initial :: forall p a. Profunctor p => Unital (->) Void Void () p => p Void a Source #

poly :: forall p a b. Profunctor p => Unital (->) () Void () p => p a b Source #

mono :: forall p. Unital (->) Void () () p => p Void () Source #

split' :: a -> (a, a) Source #

merge' :: Either a a -> a Source #