{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-}
module Data.Monoid.Instances.Measured (
Measured, measure, extract
import Data.Functor
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Semigroup.Cancellative (LeftReductive(..), RightReductive(..))
import Data.Semigroup.Factorial (Factorial(..), StableFactorial)
import Data.Monoid.GCD (LeftGCDMonoid(..), RightGCDMonoid(..))
import Data.Monoid.Null (MonoidNull(null), PositiveMonoid)
import Data.Monoid.Factorial (FactorialMonoid(..))
import Data.Monoid.Textual (TextualMonoid(..))
import qualified Data.Monoid.Factorial as Factorial
import qualified Data.Monoid.Textual as Textual
import Prelude hiding (all, any, break, filter, foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1, map, concatMap,
length, null, reverse, scanl, scanr, scanl1, scanr1, span, splitAt)
data Measured a = Measured{_measuredLength :: Int, extract :: a} deriving (Eq, Show)
measure :: Factorial a => a -> Measured a
measure x = Measured (length x) x
instance Ord a => Ord (Measured a) where
compare (Measured _ x) (Measured _ y) = compare x y
instance StableFactorial a => Semigroup (Measured a) where
Measured m a <> Measured n b = Measured (m + n) (a <> b)
instance (StableFactorial a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Measured a) where
mempty = Measured 0 mempty
mappend = (<>)
instance (StableFactorial a, Monoid a) => MonoidNull (Measured a) where
null (Measured n _) = n == 0
instance (StableFactorial a, Monoid a) => PositiveMonoid (Measured a)
instance (LeftReductive a, StableFactorial a) => LeftReductive (Measured a) where
stripPrefix (Measured m x) (Measured n y) = fmap (Measured (n - m)) (stripPrefix x y)
instance (RightReductive a, StableFactorial a) => RightReductive (Measured a) where
stripSuffix (Measured m x) (Measured n y) = fmap (Measured (n - m)) (stripSuffix x y)
instance (LeftGCDMonoid a, StableFactorial a) => LeftGCDMonoid (Measured a) where
commonPrefix (Measured _ x) (Measured _ y) = measure (commonPrefix x y)
instance (RightGCDMonoid a, StableFactorial a) => RightGCDMonoid (Measured a) where
commonSuffix (Measured _ x) (Measured _ y) = measure (commonSuffix x y)
instance (StableFactorial a, MonoidNull a) => Factorial (Measured a) where
factors (Measured _ x) = List.map (Measured 1) (factors x)
primePrefix m@(Measured _ x) = if null x then m else Measured 1 (primePrefix x)
primeSuffix m@(Measured _ x) = if null x then m else Measured 1 (primeSuffix x)
foldl f a0 (Measured _ x) = Factorial.foldl g a0 x
where g a = f a . Measured 1
foldl' f a0 (Measured _ x) = Factorial.foldl' g a0 x
where g a = f a . Measured 1
foldr f a0 (Measured _ x) = Factorial.foldr g a0 x
where g = f . Measured 1
foldMap f (Measured _ x) = Factorial.foldMap (f . Measured 1) x
length (Measured n _) = n
reverse (Measured n x) = Measured n (reverse x)
instance (StableFactorial a, FactorialMonoid a) => FactorialMonoid (Measured a) where
splitPrimePrefix (Measured n x) = case splitPrimePrefix x
of Nothing -> Nothing
Just (p, s) -> Just (Measured 1 p, Measured (n - 1) s)
splitPrimeSuffix (Measured n x) = case splitPrimeSuffix x
of Nothing -> Nothing
Just (p, s) -> Just (Measured (n - 1) p, Measured 1 s)
span p (Measured n x) = (xp', xs')
where (xp, xs) = Factorial.span (p . Measured 1) x
xp' = measure xp
xs' = Measured (n - length xp') xs
split p (Measured _ x) = measure <$> Factorial.split (p . Measured 1) x
splitAt m (Measured n x) | m <= 0 = (mempty, Measured n x)
| m >= n = (Measured n x, mempty)
| otherwise = (Measured m xp, Measured (n - m) xs)
where (xp, xs) = splitAt m x
instance (StableFactorial a, MonoidNull a) => StableFactorial (Measured a)
instance (FactorialMonoid a, IsString a) => IsString (Measured a) where
fromString = measure . fromString
instance (Eq a, StableFactorial a, TextualMonoid a) => TextualMonoid (Measured a) where
fromText = measure . fromText
singleton = Measured 1 . singleton
splitCharacterPrefix (Measured n x) = (Measured (n - 1) <$>) <$> splitCharacterPrefix x
characterPrefix (Measured _ x) = characterPrefix x
map f (Measured n x) = Measured n (map f x)
any p (Measured _ x) = any p x
all p (Measured _ x) = all p x
foldl ft fc a0 (Measured _ x) = Textual.foldl (\a-> ft a . Measured 1) fc a0 x
foldl' ft fc a0 (Measured _ x) = Textual.foldl' (\a-> ft a . Measured 1) fc a0 x
foldr ft fc a0 (Measured _ x) = Textual.foldr (ft . Measured 1) fc a0 x
toString ft (Measured _ x) = toString (ft . Measured 1) x
span pt pc (Measured n x) = (xp', xs')
where (xp, xs) = Textual.span (pt . Measured 1) pc x
xp' = measure xp
xs' = Measured (n - length xp') xs
break pt pc = Textual.span (not . pt) (not . pc)
find p (Measured _ x) = find p x