{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-}
module Data.Monoid.Instances.Concat (
Concat, concatenate, extract, force
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (first)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), First(..), Sum(..))
import Data.Semigroup.Cancellative (LeftReductive(..), RightReductive(..))
import Data.Semigroup.Factorial (Factorial(..), StableFactorial)
import Data.Monoid.GCD (LeftGCDMonoid(..), RightGCDMonoid(..))
import Data.Monoid.Null (MonoidNull(null), PositiveMonoid)
import Data.Monoid.Factorial (FactorialMonoid(..))
import Data.Monoid.Textual (TextualMonoid(..))
import qualified Data.Monoid.Factorial as Factorial
import qualified Data.Monoid.Textual as Textual
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Prelude hiding (all, any, break, filter, foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1, map, concatMap,
length, null, reverse, scanl, scanr, scanl1, scanr1, span, splitAt, pi)
data Concat a = Leaf a
| Concat a :<> Concat a
deriving Show
{-# DEPRECATED concatenate, extract "Concat is not wrapping Seq any more, don't use concatenate nor extract." #-}
concatenate :: PositiveMonoid a => Seq a -> Concat a
concatenate q
| Foldable.all null q = mempty
| otherwise = Foldable.foldr (\a c-> if null a then c else Leaf a <> c) mempty q
extract :: Concat a -> Seq a
extract = Seq.fromList . Foldable.toList
force :: Semigroup a => Concat a -> a
force (Leaf x) = x
force (x :<> y) = force x <> force y
instance (Eq a, Semigroup a) => Eq (Concat a) where
x == y = force x == force y
instance (Ord a, Semigroup a) => Ord (Concat a) where
compare x y = compare (force x) (force y)
instance Functor Concat where
fmap f (Leaf x) = Leaf (f x)
fmap f (l :<> r) = fmap f l :<> fmap f r
instance Applicative Concat where
pure = Leaf
Leaf f <*> x = f <$> x
(f1 :<> f2) <*> x = (f1 <*> x) :<> (f2 <*> x)
instance Foldable.Foldable Concat where
fold (Leaf x) = x
fold (x :<> y) = Foldable.fold x `mappend` Foldable.fold y
foldMap f (Leaf x) = f x
foldMap f (x :<> y) = Foldable.foldMap f x `mappend` Foldable.foldMap f y
foldl f a (Leaf x) = f a x
foldl f a (x :<> y) = Foldable.foldl f (Foldable.foldl f a x) y
foldl' f a (Leaf x) = f a x
foldl' f a (x :<> y) = let a' = Foldable.foldl' f a x in a' `seq` Foldable.foldl' f a' y
foldr f a (Leaf x) = f x a
foldr f a (x :<> y) = Foldable.foldr f (Foldable.foldr f a y) x
foldr' f a (Leaf x) = f x a
foldr' f a (x :<> y) = let a' = Foldable.foldr' f a y in Foldable.foldr' f a' x
instance PositiveMonoid a => Semigroup (Concat a) where
x <> y
| null x = y
| null y = x
| otherwise = x :<> y
instance PositiveMonoid a => Monoid (Concat a) where
mempty = Leaf mempty
mappend = (<>)
instance PositiveMonoid a => MonoidNull (Concat a) where
null (Leaf x) = null x
null _ = False
instance PositiveMonoid a => PositiveMonoid (Concat a)
instance (LeftReductive a, StableFactorial a, PositiveMonoid a) => LeftReductive (Concat a) where
stripPrefix (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = Leaf <$> stripPrefix x y
stripPrefix (xp :<> xs) y = stripPrefix xp y >>= stripPrefix xs
stripPrefix x (yp :<> ys) = case (stripPrefix x yp, stripPrefix yp x)
of (Just yps, _) -> Just (yps <> ys)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Nothing, Just xs) -> stripPrefix xs ys
instance (RightReductive a, StableFactorial a, PositiveMonoid a) => RightReductive (Concat a) where
stripSuffix (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = Leaf <$> stripSuffix x y
stripSuffix (xp :<> xs) y = stripSuffix xs y >>= stripSuffix xp
stripSuffix x (yp :<> ys) = case (stripSuffix x ys, stripSuffix ys x)
of (Just ysp, _) -> Just (yp <> ysp)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Nothing, Just xp) -> stripSuffix xp yp
instance (LeftGCDMonoid a, StableFactorial a, PositiveMonoid a) => LeftGCDMonoid (Concat a) where
stripCommonPrefix (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = map3 Leaf (stripCommonPrefix x y)
stripCommonPrefix (xp :<> xs) y
| null xps = (xp <> xsp, xss, yss)
| otherwise = (xpp, xps <> xs, ys)
where (xpp, xps, ys) = stripCommonPrefix xp y
(xsp, xss, yss) = stripCommonPrefix xs ys
stripCommonPrefix x (yp :<> ys)
| null yps = (yp <> ysp, xss, yss)
| otherwise = (ypp, xs, yps <> ys)
where (ypp, xs, yps) = stripCommonPrefix x yp
(ysp, xss, yss) = stripCommonPrefix xs ys
instance (RightGCDMonoid a, StableFactorial a, PositiveMonoid a) => RightGCDMonoid (Concat a) where
stripCommonSuffix (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = map3 Leaf (stripCommonSuffix x y)
stripCommonSuffix (xp :<> xs) y
| null xsp = (xpp, ypp, xps <> xs)
| otherwise = (xp <> xsp, yp, xss)
where (xsp, yp, xss) = stripCommonSuffix xs y
(xpp, ypp, xps) = stripCommonSuffix xp yp
stripCommonSuffix x (yp :<> ys)
| null ysp = (xpp, ypp, yps <> ys)
| otherwise = (xp, yp <> ysp, yss)
where (xp, ysp, yss) = stripCommonSuffix x ys
(xpp, ypp, yps) = stripCommonSuffix xp yp
instance (Factorial a, PositiveMonoid a) => Factorial (Concat a) where
factors c = toList c []
where toList (Leaf x) rest
| null x = rest
| otherwise = (Leaf <$> factors x) ++ rest
toList (x :<> y) rest = toList x (toList y rest)
primePrefix (Leaf x) = Leaf (primePrefix x)
primePrefix (x :<> _) = primePrefix x
primeSuffix (Leaf x) = Leaf (primeSuffix x)
primeSuffix (_ :<> y) = primeSuffix y
foldl f = Foldable.foldl g
where g = Factorial.foldl (\a-> f a . Leaf)
foldl' f = Foldable.foldl' g
where g = Factorial.foldl' (\a-> f a . Leaf)
foldr f = Foldable.foldr g
where g a b = Factorial.foldr (f . Leaf) b a
foldMap f = Foldable.foldMap (Factorial.foldMap (f . Leaf))
length x = getSum $ Foldable.foldMap (Sum . length) x
reverse (Leaf x) = Leaf (reverse x)
reverse (x :<> y) = reverse y :<> reverse x
instance (FactorialMonoid a, PositiveMonoid a) => FactorialMonoid (Concat a) where
splitPrimePrefix (Leaf x) = map2 Leaf <$> splitPrimePrefix x
splitPrimePrefix (x :<> y) = ((<> y) <$>) <$> splitPrimePrefix x
splitPrimeSuffix (Leaf x) = map2 Leaf <$> splitPrimeSuffix x
splitPrimeSuffix (x :<> y) = first (x <>) <$> splitPrimeSuffix y
span p (Leaf x) = map2 Leaf (Factorial.span (p . Leaf) x)
span p (x :<> y)
| null xs = (x <> yp, ys)
| otherwise = (xp, xs :<> y)
where (xp, xs) = Factorial.span p x
(yp, ys) = Factorial.span p y
spanMaybe s0 f (Leaf x) = first2 Leaf (Factorial.spanMaybe s0 (\s-> f s . Leaf) x)
spanMaybe s0 f (x :<> y)
| null xs = (x :<> yp, ys, s2)
| otherwise = (xp, xs :<> y, s1)
where (xp, xs, s1) = Factorial.spanMaybe s0 f x
(yp, ys, s2) = Factorial.spanMaybe s1 f y
spanMaybe' s0 f c = seq s0 $
case c
of Leaf x -> first2 Leaf (Factorial.spanMaybe' s0 (\s-> f s . Leaf) x)
x :<> y -> let (xp, xs, s1) = Factorial.spanMaybe' s0 f x
(yp, ys, s2) = Factorial.spanMaybe' s1 f y
in if null xs then (x :<> yp, ys, s2) else (xp, xs :<> y, s1)
split p = Foldable.foldr splitNext [mempty]
where splitNext a ~(xp:xs) =
let as = Leaf <$> Factorial.split (p . Leaf) a
in if null xp
then as ++ xs
else init as ++ (last as <> xp):xs
splitAt 0 c = (mempty, c)
splitAt n (Leaf x) = map2 Leaf (Factorial.splitAt n x)
splitAt n (x :<> y)
| k < n = (x :<> yp, ys)
| k > n = (xp, xs :<> y)
| otherwise = (x, y)
where k = length x
(yp, ys) = splitAt (n - k) y
(xp, xs) = splitAt n x
instance (Factorial a, PositiveMonoid a) => StableFactorial (Concat a)
instance (IsString a) => IsString (Concat a) where
fromString s = Leaf (fromString s)
instance (Eq a, TextualMonoid a, StableFactorial a, PositiveMonoid a) => TextualMonoid (Concat a) where
fromText t = Leaf (fromText t)
singleton = Leaf . singleton
splitCharacterPrefix (Leaf x) = (Leaf <$>) <$> splitCharacterPrefix x
splitCharacterPrefix (x :<> y) = ((<> y) <$>) <$> splitCharacterPrefix x
characterPrefix (Leaf x) = characterPrefix x
characterPrefix (x :<> _) = characterPrefix x
map f x = map f <$> x
toString ft x = List.concatMap (toString $ ft . Leaf) (Foldable.toList x)
foldl ft fc = Foldable.foldl g
where g = Textual.foldl (\a-> ft a . Leaf) fc
foldl' ft fc = Foldable.foldl' g
where g = Textual.foldl' (\a-> ft a . Leaf) fc
foldr ft fc = Foldable.foldr g
where g a b = Textual.foldr (ft . Leaf) fc b a
any p = Foldable.any (any p)
all p = Foldable.all (all p)
span pt pc (Leaf x) = map2 Leaf (Textual.span (pt . Leaf) pc x)
span pt pc (x :<> y)
| null xs = (x <> yp, ys)
| otherwise = (xp, xs :<> y)
where (xp, xs) = Textual.span pt pc x
(yp, ys) = Textual.span pt pc y
span_ bt pc (Leaf x) = map2 Leaf (Textual.span_ bt pc x)
span_ bt pc (x :<> y)
| null xs = (x <> yp, ys)
| otherwise = (xp, xs :<> y)
where (xp, xs) = Textual.span_ bt pc x
(yp, ys) = Textual.span_ bt pc y
break pt pc = Textual.span (not . pt) (not . pc)
takeWhile_ bt pc = fst . span_ bt pc
dropWhile_ bt pc = snd . span_ bt pc
break_ bt pc = span_ (not bt) (not . pc)
spanMaybe s0 ft fc (Leaf x) = first2 Leaf (Textual.spanMaybe s0 (\s-> ft s . Leaf) fc x)
spanMaybe s0 ft fc (x :<> y)
| null xs = (x :<> yp, ys, s2)
| otherwise = (xp, xs :<> y, s1)
where (xp, xs, s1) = Textual.spanMaybe s0 ft fc x
(yp, ys, s2) = Textual.spanMaybe s1 ft fc y
spanMaybe' s0 ft fc c = seq s0 $
case c
of Leaf x -> first2 Leaf (Textual.spanMaybe' s0 (\s-> ft s . Leaf) fc x)
x :<> y -> let (xp, xs, s1) = Textual.spanMaybe' s0 ft fc x
(yp, ys, s2) = Textual.spanMaybe' s1 ft fc y
in if null xs then (x :<> yp, ys, s2) else (xp, xs :<> y, s1)
spanMaybe_ s0 fc (Leaf x) = first2 Leaf (Textual.spanMaybe_ s0 fc x)
spanMaybe_ s0 fc (x :<> y)
| null xs = (x :<> yp, ys, s2)
| otherwise = (xp, xs :<> y, s1)
where (xp, xs, s1) = Textual.spanMaybe_ s0 fc x
(yp, ys, s2) = Textual.spanMaybe_ s1 fc y
spanMaybe_' s0 fc c = seq s0 $
case c
of Leaf x -> first2 Leaf (Textual.spanMaybe_' s0 fc x)
x :<> y -> let (xp, xs, s1) = Textual.spanMaybe_' s0 fc x
(yp, ys, s2) = Textual.spanMaybe_' s1 fc y
in if null xs then (x :<> yp, ys, s2) else (xp, xs :<> y, s1)
split p = Foldable.foldr splitNext [mempty]
where splitNext a ~(xp:xs) =
let as = Leaf <$> Textual.split p a
in if null xp
then as ++ xs
else init as ++ (last as <> xp):xs
find p x = getFirst $ Foldable.foldMap (First . find p) x
elem i = Foldable.any (Textual.elem i)
map2 :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
map2 f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
map3 :: (a -> b) -> (a, a, a) -> (b, b, b)
map3 f (x, y, z) = (f x, f y, f z)
first2 :: (a -> b) -> (a, a, c) -> (b, b, c)
first2 f (x, y, z) = (f x, f y, z)