Module      : Control.Monad.Bayes.Free
Description : Free monad transformer over random sampling
Copyright   : (c) Adam Scibior, 2015-2020
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : leonhard.markert@tweag.io
Stability   : experimental
Portability : GHC

'FreeSampler' is a free monad transformer over random sampling.

module Control.Monad.Bayes.Free (
) where

import Data.Functor.Identity

import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free.Church

import Control.Monad.Bayes.Class

-- | Random sampling functor.
newtype SamF a = Random (Double -> a)

instance Functor SamF where
  fmap f (Random k) = Random (f . k)

-- | Free monad transformer over random sampling.

-- Uses the Church-encoded version of the free monad for efficiency.
newtype FreeSampler m a = FreeSampler (FT SamF m a)

runFreeSampler :: FreeSampler m a -> FT SamF m a
runFreeSampler (FreeSampler m) = m

instance Monad m => MonadFree SamF (FreeSampler m) where
  wrap = FreeSampler . wrap . fmap runFreeSampler

instance Monad m => MonadSample (FreeSampler m) where
  random = FreeSampler $ liftF (Random id)

-- | Hoist 'FreeSampler' through a monad transform.
hoist :: (Monad m, Monad n) => (forall x. m x -> n x) -> FreeSampler m a -> FreeSampler n a
hoist f (FreeSampler m) = FreeSampler (hoistFT f m)

-- | Execute random sampling in the transformed monad.
interpret :: MonadSample m => FreeSampler m a -> m a
interpret (FreeSampler m) = iterT f m where
  f (Random k) = random >>= k

-- | Execute computation with supplied values for random choices.
withRandomness :: Monad m => [Double] -> FreeSampler m a -> m a
withRandomness randomness (FreeSampler m) = evalStateT (iterTM f m) randomness where
  f (Random k) = do
    xs <- get
    case xs of
      [] -> error "FreeSampler: the list of randomness was too short"
      y:ys -> put ys >> k y

-- | Execute computation with supplied values for a subset of random choices.
-- Return the output value and a record of all random choices used, whether
-- taken as input or drawn using the transformed monad.
withPartialRandomness :: MonadSample m => [Double] -> FreeSampler m a -> m (a, [Double])
withPartialRandomness randomness (FreeSampler m) =
  runWriterT $ evalStateT (iterTM f $ hoistFT lift m) randomness where
    f (Random k) = do
      -- This block runs in StateT [Double] (WriterT [Double]) m.
      -- StateT propagates consumed randomness while WriterT records
      -- randomness used, whether old or new.
      xs <- get
      x <- case xs of
            [] -> random
            y:ys -> put ys >> return y
      tell [x]
      k x

-- | Like 'withPartialRandomness', but use an arbitrary sampling monad.
runWith :: MonadSample m => [Double] -> FreeSampler Identity a -> m (a, [Double])
runWith randomness m = withPartialRandomness randomness $ hoist (return . runIdentity) m