Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
This module provides types for working with integers modulo some constant.
This module uses some new Haskell features introduced in 7.6. In
particular, it needs DataKinds
and type literals
(GHC.TypeLits). The TypeOperators
extension is needed for the
nice infix syntax.
These types are created with the type constructor Mod
(or its synonym /
). To work with integers mod 7, you could write:
Int `Mod` 7 Integer `Mod` 7 Integer/7 ℤ/7
(The last is a synonym for Integer
provided by this library. In
Emacs, you can use the TeX input mode to type it with \Bbb{Z}
All the usual typeclasses are defined for these types. You can also
get the constant using bound
or extract the underlying value
using unMod
Here is a quick example:
*Data.Modular> (10 :: ℤ/7) * (11 :: ℤ/7) 5
It also works correctly with negative numeric literals:
*Data.Modular> (-10 :: ℤ/7) * (11 :: ℤ/7) 2
toMod :: forall n i. (Integral i, KnownNat n) => i -> i `Mod` n Source
Wraps the underlying type into the modular type, wrapping as appropriate.
toMod' :: forall n i j. (Integral i, Integral j, KnownNat n) => i -> j `Mod` n Source
Wraps an integral number to a mod, converting between integral types.
The actual type, wrapping an underlying Integeral
type i
in a
newtype annotated with the bound.
(Integral i, KnownNat n) => Bounded (Mod i n) | |
(Integral i, KnownNat n) => Enum (Mod i n) | |
Eq i => Eq (Mod i n) | |
(Integral i, KnownNat n) => Integral (Mod i n) | |
(Integral i, KnownNat n) => Num (Mod i n) | |
Ord i => Ord (Mod i n) | |
(Read i, Integral i, KnownNat n) => Read (Mod i n) | |
(Integral i, KnownNat n) => Real (Mod i n) | |
Show i => Show (Mod i n) |