mmzk-typeid- A TypeID implementation for Haskell
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



TypeID with UUIDv4.


Data types

type TypeIDV4 = TypeID' 'V4 Source #

Similar to TypeID, but uses UUIDv4.

getPrefix :: IDType a => a -> Text Source #

Get the prefix of the identifier.

getUUID :: IDType a => a -> UUID Source #

Get the UUID suffix of the identifier.

TypeIDV4 generation (TypeIDV4-specific)

genTypeID :: MonadIO m => Text -> m TypeIDV4 Source #

Generate a new TypeIDV4 from a prefix.

It throws a TypeIDError if the prefix does not match the specification, namely if it's longer than 63 characters or if it contains characters other than lowercase latin letters.

genTypeID' :: MonadIO m => Text -> m TypeIDV4 Source #

Generate a new TypeIDV4 from a prefix based on insecure UUIDv4.

decorateTypeID :: Text -> UUID -> Either TypeIDError TypeIDV4 Source #

Obtain a TypeIDV4 from a prefix and a UUID.

TypeIDV4 generation (class methods)

genID :: forall a m. (IDGen a, MonadIO m) => GenFunc (IDGenPrefix a) (IDGenReq a (m a)) Source #

Generate a new identifier with the given prefix.

genID' :: forall a m. (IDGen a, MonadIO m) => GenFunc (IDGenPrefix a) (IDGenReq a (m a)) Source #

Similar to genID, but stateless. It can be a faster implementation than genID, but it does not guarantee any stateful property, such as monotonically increasing for UUIDv7-based identifiers.

The default implementation is the same as genID.

decorate :: forall a. IDGen a => GenFunc (IDGenPrefix a) (UUID -> ResWithErr (IDGenPrefix a) a) Source #

Generate a new identifier with the given prefix and UUID suffix.

Validation (TypeIDV4-specific)

checkPrefix :: Text -> Maybe TypeIDError Source #

Check if the given prefix is a valid TypeIDV4 prefix.

checkTypeID :: TypeIDV4 -> Maybe TypeIDError Source #

Check if the prefix is valid and the suffix UUID has the correct v4 version and variant.

Validation (class methods)

checkID :: forall a. IDGen a => a -> Maybe TypeIDError Source #

Check the validity of the identifier.

Encoding & decoding (TypeIDV4-specific)

toString :: TypeIDV4 -> String Source #

Pretty-print a TypeIDV4. It is id2String with concrete type.

toText :: TypeIDV4 -> Text Source #

Pretty-print a TypeIDV4 to strict Text. It is id2Text with concrete type.

toByteString :: TypeIDV4 -> ByteString Source #

Pretty-print a TypeIDV4 to lazy ByteString. It is id2ByteString with concrete type.

parseString :: String -> Either TypeIDError TypeIDV4 Source #

Parse a TypeIDV4 from its String representation. It is string2ID with concrete type.

parseText :: Text -> Either TypeIDError TypeIDV4 Source #

Parse a TypeIDV4 from its string representation as a strict Text. It is text2ID with concrete type.

parseByteString :: ByteString -> Either TypeIDError TypeIDV4 Source #

Parse a TypeIDV4 from its string representation as a lazy ByteString. It is byteString2ID with concrete type.

parseStringM :: MonadIO m => String -> m TypeIDV4 Source #

Parse a TypeIDV4 from its String representation, throwing an error when the parsing fails. It is string2IDM with concrete type.

parseTextM :: MonadIO m => Text -> m TypeIDV4 Source #

Parse a TypeIDV4 from its string representation as a strict Text, throwing an error when the parsing fails. It is text2IDM with concrete type.

parseByteStringM :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> m TypeIDV4 Source #

Parse a TypeIDV4 from its string representation as a lazy ByteString, throwing an error when the parsing fails. It is byteString2IDM with concrete type.

Encoding & decoding (class methods)

id2String :: IDConv a => a -> String Source #

Pretty-print the identifier to a String.

id2Text :: IDConv a => a -> Text Source #

Pretty-print the identifier to a strict Text.

id2ByteString :: IDConv a => a -> ByteString Source #

Pretty-print the identifier to a lazy ByteString.

string2ID :: IDConv a => String -> Either TypeIDError a Source #

Parse the identifier from its String representation.

text2ID :: IDConv a => Text -> Either TypeIDError a Source #

Parse the identifier from its string representation as a strict Text.

byteString2ID :: IDConv a => ByteString -> Either TypeIDError a Source #

Parse the identifier from its string representation as a lazy ByteString.

string2IDM :: (IDConv a, MonadIO m) => String -> m a Source #

Parse the identifier from its String representation, throwing an error when the parsing fails.

text2IDM :: (IDConv a, MonadIO m) => Text -> m a Source #

Parse the identifier from its string representation as a strict Text, throwing an error when the parsing fails.

byteString2IDM :: (IDConv a, MonadIO m) => ByteString -> m a Source #

Parse the identifier from its string representation as a lazy ByteString, throwing an error when the parsing fails.