{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}


Description: Stuff for finding paths in a git directory.


module Data.Git.Paths where

import           Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.ByteString       as B
import           System.Posix.FilePath

import Data.Git.Hash
import Data.Git.Internal.Types (GitConf (..), GitT (..))

-- | Types that are associated with a particular path in the @.git@ directory.
class InRepo a where
    -- | The portion of the path under the git directory---thus, @inRepo HEAD == "HEAD"@, not
    --   @".git/HEAD"@.
    inRepo :: a -> RawFilePath

-- | 'RawFilePath's are themselves (@inRepo = id@) in a @.git@ directory.
instance InRepo RawFilePath where
    inRepo = id

-- | The path of an object in the git directory
repoPath :: (MonadIO m, InRepo a) => a -> GitT m RawFilePath
repoPath a = gets gitDir >>= \dir -> return $ dir </> inRepo a

-- | Location of the @packed-refs@ file.
packedRefsPath :: RawFilePath
packedRefsPath = "packed-refs"

-- | Path for a loose object 'Sha1'.
looseObjectPath :: Sha1 -> RawFilePath
looseObjectPath s | validSha1 s = "objects" </> B.take 2 sh </> B.drop 2 sh
                  | otherwise   = error $ "malformed sha1: " ++ show (getSha1 s)
    where sh = getSha1Hex . toHex $ s

-- | Location of packfiles.
packDir :: RawFilePath
packDir = "objects" </> "pack"