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miso-action-logger- Miso state transition logger

Copyright(C) 2019 Sviat Chumakov
LicenseBSD3-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerSviat Chumakov <svchumakov@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone





consoleGroup Source #


:: JSVal

a JS array of arguments to print. Each one can be either a string to print, a string with CSS styles, or an Object that will be inspectable in the console.

-> IO () 

Creates a new inline group in the browser console. This indents following console messages by an additional level, until consoleGroupEnd is called.

consoleGroupCollapsed Source #


:: JSVal

a JS array of arguments to print. Each one can be either a string to print, a string with CSS styles, or an Object that will be inspectable in the console.

-> IO () 

Creates a new inline group in the browser console. Unlike consoleGroup, however, the new group is created collapsed. The user will need to use the disclosure button next to it to expand it, revealing the entries created in the group.

consoleGroupEnd :: IO () Source #

Exits the current inline group in the browser console.

consoleLog Source #


:: JSVal

a JS array of arguments to print. Each one can be either a string to print, a string with CSS styles, or an Object that will be inspectable in the console.

-> IO () 

Prints to the browser console.