{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | A way to synchronise items without merge conflicts.
-- This concept has a few requirements:
-- * Items must be immutable.
-- * Items must allow for a centrally unique identifier.
-- * Identifiers for items must be generatable in such a way that they are certainly unique.
-- Should mutation be a requirement, then it can be build such that it entails deleting the old version and creating a new version that is the modification of the old version.
-- There are a few obvious candidates for identifiers:
-- * incremental identifiers
-- * universally unique identifiers (recommended).
-- The typical setup is as follows:
-- * A central server is set up to synchronise with
-- * Each client synchronises with the central server, but never with eachother
-- A central server should operate as follows:
-- * The server accepts a 'SyncRequest'.
-- * The server performs operations according to the functionality of 'processSync'.
-- * The server respons with a 'SyncResponse'.
-- A client should operate as follows:
-- * The client produces a 'SyncRequest' with 'makeSyncRequest'.
-- * The client sends that request to the central server and gets a 'SyncResponse'.
-- * The client then updates its local store with 'mergeSyncResponse'.
module Data.Mergeless
    ( Store(..)
    , StoreItem(..)
    , Added(..)
    , Synced(..)
    , SyncRequest(..)
    , makeSyncRequest
    , SyncResponse(..)
    , mergeSyncResponse
    , CentralStore(..)
    , CentralItem(..)
    , processSync
    , processSyncWith
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Aeson
import Data.List
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Time
import Data.Validity
import Data.Validity.Containers ()
import Data.Validity.Time ()
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

-- | A client-side store of items with Id's of type @i@ and values of type @a@
newtype Store i a = Store
    { storeItems :: Set (StoreItem i a)
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

instance (Validity i, Validity a, Ord i, Ord a) => Validity (Store i a) where
    validate Store {..} =
            [ annotate storeItems "storeItems"
            , declare "the store items have distinct uuids" $
              distinct $
              flip mapMaybe (S.toList storeItems) $ \case
                  UnsyncedItem _ -> Nothing
                  SyncedItem Synced {..} -> Just syncedUuid
                  UndeletedItem u -> Just u

-- | A store item with an Id of type @i@ and a value of type @a@
data StoreItem i a
    = UnsyncedItem !(Added a) -- ^ A local item that has not been synchronised to the central store yet
    | SyncedItem !(Synced i a) -- ^ A local item that has been synchronised to the central store already
    | UndeletedItem i -- ^ An item that has been synchronised to the central store, was subsequently deleted locally but this deletion has not been synchronised to the central store yet.
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance (Validity i, Validity a) => Validity (StoreItem i a)

instance (FromJSON i, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (StoreItem i a) where
    parseJSON v =
        (SyncedItem <$> parseJSON v) <|> (UnsyncedItem <$> parseJSON v) <|>
        (UndeletedItem <$> parseJSON v)

instance (ToJSON i, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (StoreItem i a) where
    toJSON (UnsyncedItem a) = toJSON a
    toJSON (SyncedItem a) = toJSON a
    toJSON (UndeletedItem a) = toJSON a

-- | A local item of type @a@ that has been added but not synchronised yet
data Added a = Added
    { addedValue :: !a
    , addedCreated :: !UTCTime
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Validity a => Validity (Added a)

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (Added a) where
    parseJSON =
        withObject "Added" $ \o -> Added <$> o .: "value" <*> o .: "added"

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Added a) where
    toJSON Added {..} = object ["value" .= addedValue, "added" .= addedCreated]

-- | A local item of type @a@ with an identifier of type @a@ that has been synchronised
data Synced i a = Synced
    { syncedUuid :: i
    , syncedValue :: !a
    , syncedCreated :: !UTCTime
    , syncedSynced :: !UTCTime
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance (Validity i, Validity a) => Validity (Synced i a)

instance (FromJSON i, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Synced i a) where
    parseJSON =
        withObject "Synced" $ \o ->
            Synced <$> o .: "id" <*> o .: "value" <*> o .: "created" <*>
            o .: "synced"

instance (ToJSON i, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Synced i a) where
    toJSON Synced {..} =
            [ "id" .= syncedUuid
            , "value" .= syncedValue
            , "created" .= syncedCreated
            , "synced" .= syncedSynced

-- | A synchronisation request for items with identifiers of type @i@ and values of type @a@
data SyncRequest i a = SyncRequest
    { syncRequestAddedItems :: !(Set (Added a))
    , syncRequestSyncedItems :: !(Set i)
    , syncRequestUndeletedItems :: !(Set i)
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance (Validity i, Validity a, Ord i, Ord a) =>
         Validity (SyncRequest i a) where
    validate SyncRequest {..} =
            [ annotate syncRequestAddedItems "syncRequestAddedItems"
            , annotate syncRequestSyncedItems "syncRequestSyncedItems"
            , annotate syncRequestUndeletedItems "syncRequestUndeletedItems"
            , declare "the sync request items have distinct ids" $
              distinct $
              S.toList syncRequestSyncedItems ++
              S.toList syncRequestUndeletedItems

instance (FromJSON i, FromJSON a, Ord i, Ord a) =>
         FromJSON (SyncRequest i a) where
    parseJSON =
        withObject "SyncRequest" $ \o ->
            SyncRequest <$> o .: "unsynced" <*> o .: "synced" <*>
            o .: "undeleted"

instance (ToJSON i, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (SyncRequest i a) where
    toJSON SyncRequest {..} =
            [ "unsynced" .= syncRequestAddedItems
            , "synced" .= syncRequestSyncedItems
            , "undeleted" .= syncRequestUndeletedItems

-- | A synchronisation response for items with identifiers of type @i@ and values of type @a@
data SyncResponse i a = SyncResponse
    { syncResponseAddedItems :: !(Set (Synced i a))
    , syncResponseNewRemoteItems :: !(Set (Synced i a))
    , syncResponseItemsToBeDeletedLocally :: !(Set i)
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance (Validity i, Validity a, Ord i, Ord a) =>
         Validity (SyncResponse i a) where
    validate SyncResponse {..} =
            [ annotate syncResponseAddedItems "syncResponseAddedItems"
            , annotate syncResponseNewRemoteItems "syncResponseNewRemoteItems"
            , annotate
            , declare "the sync response items have distinct uuids" $
              distinct $
                  (S.toList syncResponseAddedItems ++
                   S.toList syncResponseNewRemoteItems) ++
              S.toList syncResponseItemsToBeDeletedLocally

instance (FromJSON i, FromJSON a, Ord i, Ord a) =>
         FromJSON (SyncResponse i a) where
    parseJSON =
        withObject "SyncResponse" $ \o ->
            SyncResponse <$> o .: "added" <*> o .: "new" <*> o .: "deleted"

instance (ToJSON i, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (SyncResponse i a) where
    toJSON SyncResponse {..} =
            [ "added" .= syncResponseAddedItems
            , "new" .= syncResponseNewRemoteItems
            , "deleted" .= syncResponseItemsToBeDeletedLocally

-- | Produce a synchronisation request for a client-side store.
-- This request can then be sent to a central store for synchronisation.
makeSyncRequest :: (Ord i, Ord a) => Store i a -> SyncRequest i a
makeSyncRequest Store {..} =
    { syncRequestAddedItems =
          flip mapSetMaybe storeItems $ \case
              UnsyncedItem a -> Just a
              _ -> Nothing
    , syncRequestSyncedItems =
          flip mapSetMaybe storeItems $ \case
              SyncedItem i -> Just $ syncedUuid i
              _ -> Nothing
    , syncRequestUndeletedItems =
          flip mapSetMaybe storeItems $ \case
              UndeletedItem uuid -> Just uuid
              _ -> Nothing

-- | Merge a synchronisation response back into a client-side store.
mergeSyncResponse ::
       (Ord i, Ord a) => Store i a -> SyncResponse i a -> Store i a
mergeSyncResponse s SyncResponse {..} =
    let withNewOwnItems =
            flip mapSetMaybe (storeItems s) $ \si ->
                case si of
                    UnsyncedItem Added {..} ->
                        case find
                                 (\Synced {..} ->
                                      syncedCreated == addedCreated &&
                                      syncedValue == addedValue)
                                 syncResponseAddedItems of
                            Nothing -> Just si -- If it wasn't added (for whatever reason), just leave it as unsynced
                            Just ii -> Just $ SyncedItem ii -- If it was added, then it becomes synced
                    SyncedItem ii ->
                        case find
                                 (== syncedUuid ii)
                                 syncResponseItemsToBeDeletedLocally of
                            Nothing -> Just si -- If it wasn't deleted, don't delete it.
                            Just _ -> Nothing -- If it was deleted, delete it here.
                    UndeletedItem _ -> Nothing -- Delete all locally deleted items after sync
    in Store
       { storeItems =
             S.fromList .
                 (\i1 i2 ->
                      case (i1, i2) of
                          (UnsyncedItem _, _) -> False
                          (_, UnsyncedItem _) -> False
                          (SyncedItem s1, SyncedItem s2) ->
                              syncedUuid s1 == syncedUuid s2
                          (SyncedItem s1, UndeletedItem u2) ->
                              syncedUuid s1 == u2
                          (UndeletedItem u1, SyncedItem s2) ->
                              u1 == syncedUuid s2
                          (UndeletedItem u1, UndeletedItem u2) -> u1 == u2) .
             S.toList $
             S.map SyncedItem syncResponseNewRemoteItems `S.union`

-- | An item in a central store with a value of type @a@
data CentralItem a = CentralItem
    { centralValue :: !a
    , centralSynced :: !UTCTime
    , centralCreated :: !UTCTime
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Validity a => Validity (CentralItem a)

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (CentralItem a)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (CentralItem a)

-- | A central store of items with identifiers of type @i@ and values of type @a@
newtype CentralStore i a = CentralStore
    { centralStoreItems :: Map i (CentralItem a)
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

instance (Validity i, Validity a, Ord i, Ord a) =>
         Validity (CentralStore i a)

-- | Process a server-side synchronisation request using @getCurrentTime@
processSync ::
       (Ord i, Ord a, MonadIO m)
    => m i
    -> CentralStore i a
    -> SyncRequest i a
    -> m (SyncResponse i a, CentralStore i a)
processSync genId cs sr = do
    now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
    processSyncWith genId now cs sr

-- | Process a server-side synchronisation request using a time of syncing, and an identifier generation function.
-- WARNING: The identifier generation function must produce newly unique identifiers such that each new item gets a unique identifier.
-- You can use this function with deterministically-random identifiers or incrementing identifiers.
processSyncWith ::
       forall i a m. (Ord i, Ord a, Monad m)
    => m i
    -> UTCTime
    -> CentralStore i a
    -> SyncRequest i a
    -> m (SyncResponse i a, CentralStore i a)
processSyncWith genUuid now cs SyncRequest {..} =
    flip runStateT cs $ do
        -- First we delete the items that were deleted locally but not yet remotely.
        -- Then we find the items that have been deleted remotely but not locally
        deletedRemotely <- syncItemsToBeDeletedLocally
        -- Then we find the items that have appeared remotely but aren't known locally
        newRemoteItems <- syncNewRemoteItems
        -- Then we add the items that should be added.
        newLocalItems <- syncAddedItems
            { syncResponseNewRemoteItems = newRemoteItems
            , syncResponseAddedItems = newLocalItems
            , syncResponseItemsToBeDeletedLocally = deletedRemotely
    deleteUndeleted :: StateT (CentralStore i a) m ()
    deleteUndeleted = deleteMany syncRequestUndeletedItems
    deleteMany :: Set i -> StateT (CentralStore i a) m ()
    deleteMany s = modC (`M.withoutKeys` s)
    syncItemsToBeDeletedLocally :: StateT (CentralStore i a) m (Set i)
    syncItemsToBeDeletedLocally = do
        foundItems <- query (`M.restrictKeys` syncRequestSyncedItems)
        pure $ syncRequestSyncedItems `S.difference` M.keysSet foundItems
    syncNewRemoteItems :: StateT (CentralStore i a) m (Set (Synced i a))
    syncNewRemoteItems = do
        syncedValues <- query (`M.withoutKeys` syncRequestSyncedItems)
        pure $
            S.fromList $
            flip map (M.toList syncedValues) $ \(u, CentralItem {..}) ->
                { syncedUuid = u
                , syncedValue = centralValue
                , syncedCreated = centralCreated
                , syncedSynced = centralSynced
    query :: (Map i (CentralItem a) -> b) -> StateT (CentralStore i a) m b
    query func = gets $ func . centralStoreItems
    syncAddedItems :: StateT (CentralStore i a) m (Set (Synced i a))
    syncAddedItems =
        fmap S.fromList $
        forM (S.toList syncRequestAddedItems) $ \Added {..} -> do
            uuid <- lift genUuid
                { centralValue = addedValue
                , centralCreated = addedCreated
                , centralSynced = now
                { syncedUuid = uuid
                , syncedCreated = addedCreated
                , syncedSynced = now
                , syncedValue = addedValue
    ins :: i -> CentralItem a -> StateT (CentralStore i a) m ()
    ins i val = modC $ M.insert i val
    modC ::
           (Map i (CentralItem a) -> Map i (CentralItem a))
        -> StateT (CentralStore i a) m ()
    modC func = modify (\(CentralStore m) -> CentralStore $ func m)

mapSetMaybe :: Ord b => (a -> Maybe b) -> Set a -> Set b
mapSetMaybe func = S.map fromJust . S.filter isJust . S.map func

distinct :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
distinct ls = sort ls == S.toAscList (S.fromList ls)