{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}

{- |
Copyright: (c) 2018-2020 Kowainik
SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
Maintainer: Kowainik <xrom.xkov@gmail.com>

This module contains 'Memory' data type and various utility functions:

1. Create values of type 'Memory'.
2. Unwrap values of type 'Memory' to integral types.
3. Pretty-displaying functions.
4. Parsing.
5. Numeric functions.

module Membrain.Memory
       ( -- * Data type
         Memory (..)
       , memory
       , toMemory
       , showMemory
       , readMemory

         -- * Conversion functions
       , toBits
       , toRat
       , floor

         -- * Numeric operations
       , memoryMul
       , memoryDiff
       , memoryPlus
       , memoryDiv

         -- * Any memory data type
         -- $any
       , AnyMemory (..)
       ) where

import Prelude hiding (floor)

import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Ratio (Ratio, (%))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import GHC.Exts (Proxy#, proxy#)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.TypeNats (KnownNat, Nat, natVal')
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)

import Membrain.Units (KnownUnitSymbol, unitSymbol)

import qualified Prelude

{- $setup
>>> import Membrain

{- | Main memory units type. It has phantom type parameter @mem@ of kind 'Nat'
which is type level representation of the unit. Stores internally memory as
bits. To construct values of type 'Memory', use functions from the
"Membrain.Constructors" module.
newtype Memory (mem :: Nat) = Memory
    { unMemory :: Natural
    } deriving stock   (Show, Read, Generic)
      deriving newtype (Eq, Ord)

{- | Semigroup over addition.

>>> byte 2 <> byte 5
Memory {unMemory = 56}
instance Semigroup (Memory (mem :: Nat)) where
    (<>) :: Memory mem -> Memory mem -> Memory mem
    (<>) = coerce ((+) @Natural)
    {-# INLINE (<>) #-}

    sconcat :: NonEmpty (Memory mem) -> Memory mem
    sconcat = foldl' (<>) mempty
    {-# INLINE sconcat #-}

    stimes :: Integral b => b -> Memory mem -> Memory mem
    stimes n (Memory m) = Memory (fromIntegral n * m)
    {-# INLINE stimes #-}

instance Monoid (Memory (mem :: Nat)) where
    mempty :: Memory mem
    mempty = Memory 0
    {-# INLINE mempty #-}

    mappend :: Memory mem -> Memory mem -> Memory mem
    mappend = (<>)
    {-# INLINE mappend #-}

    mconcat :: [Memory mem] -> Memory mem
    mconcat = foldl' (<>) mempty
    {-# INLINE mconcat #-}

{- |
This 'showMemory' function shows a 'Memory' value as 'Double' along with the
measure unit suffix. It shows 'Memory' losslessly while used with standardized
units of measurements. The following mathematical law is used to display

A decimal representation written with a repeating final @0@ is supposed to
terminate before these zeros. Instead of @1.585000...@ one simply writes
@1.585@. The decimal is also called a terminating decimal. Terminating decimals
represent rational numbers of the form \( \cfrac{k}{2^n 5^m} \). If you use
different forms of units then the 'show' function for 'Memory' hangs.

>>> showMemory (Memory 22 :: Memory Byte)
showMemory :: forall mem . (KnownNat mem, KnownUnitSymbol mem) => Memory mem -> String
showMemory (Memory m) = showFrac m (nat @mem) ++ unitSymbol @mem
    showFrac :: Natural -> Natural -> String
    showFrac number d = goIntegral number
        -- take integral part of fraction
        goIntegral :: Natural -> String
        goIntegral n =
            let (q, r) = n `divMod` d
                integral = show q
            in if r == 0
               then integral
               else integral ++ '.' : goFractional r

        -- convert reminder to fractional part
        goFractional :: Natural -> String
        goFractional 0 = ""
        goFractional n =
            let (q, r) = (n * 10) `divMod` d
            in show q ++ goFractional r

{- | Inverse of 'showMemory'.

>>> readMemory @Byte "2.75B"
Just (Memory {unMemory = 22})
>>> readMemory @Bit "2.75B"
    :: forall (mem :: Nat)
     . (KnownUnitSymbol mem, KnownNat mem)
    => String
    -> Maybe (Memory mem)
readMemory (dropWhile isSpace -> str) = case span isDigit str of
    ([], _) -> Nothing
    (_, []) -> Nothing
    (ds, '.': rest) -> case span isDigit rest of
        ([], _)           -> Nothing
        (numerator, unit) -> makeMemory ds numerator unit
    (ds, unit) -> makeMemory ds "0" unit
    makeMemory :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe (Memory mem)
    makeMemory (read @Natural -> whole) numStr u =
        if unitSymbol @mem == u
        then case ((whole * numPow + num) * unit) `divMod` numPow of
            (b, 0) -> Just $ Memory b
            _      -> Nothing
        else Nothing
          unit :: Natural
          unit = nat @mem

          num :: Natural
          num = read @Natural numStr

          numPow :: Natural
          numPow = 10 ^ length numStr

{- | Creates 'Memory' of unit @mem@ by the given 'Natural' number. 'Memory's
smart constructor.

>>> memory @Byte 3
Memory {unMemory = 24}
memory :: forall (mem :: Nat) . KnownNat mem => Natural -> Memory mem
memory = Memory . (* nat @mem)
{-# INLINE memory #-}

{- | Convert memory from one unit to another.

__Note:__ this changes only view, not model.
So this operation has zero runtime cost.

>>> showMemory $ toMemory @Kilobyte $ byte 100
>>> showMemory $ toMemory @Kibibyte $ byte 100
toMemory :: forall (to :: Nat) (from :: Nat) . Memory from -> Memory to
toMemory = coerce
{-# INLINE toMemory #-}

{- | Lossless 'Memory' conversion to bits. Alias to 'unMemory'.

>>> toBits $ byte 1
>>> toBits $ kilobyte 1
toBits :: Memory mem -> Natural
toBits = coerce
{-# INLINE toBits #-}

{- | Lossless 'Memory' conversion to rational number.

>>> toRat $ byte 4
4 % 1
>>> toRat $ toMemory @Byte $ bit 22
11 % 4
toRat :: forall (mem :: Nat) . KnownNat mem => Memory mem -> Ratio Natural
toRat (Memory m) = m % nat @mem
{-# INLINE toRat #-}

{- | Floor 'Memory' unit to integral number. This function may lose some
information, so use only when:

1. You don't care about losing information.
2. You are sure that there will be no loss.

>>> floor $ byte 4
>>> floor $ toMemory @Byte $ bit 22
    :: forall (n :: Type) (mem :: Nat) .
       (Integral n, KnownNat mem)
    => Memory mem
    -> n
floor = Prelude.floor . toRat
{-# INLINE floor #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE floor :: KnownNat mem => Memory mem -> Int     #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE floor :: KnownNat mem => Memory mem -> Word    #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE floor :: KnownNat mem => Memory mem -> Integer #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE floor :: KnownNat mem => Memory mem -> Natural #-}

-- Numeric functions

{- | Returns the result of multiplication 'Natural' with the given 'Memory' value

>>> memoryMul 2 (byte 4)
Memory {unMemory = 64}
memoryMul  :: Natural -> Memory mem -> Memory mem
memoryMul = stimes
{-# INLINE memoryMul #-}

{- | Returns the result of comparison of two 'Memory' values
and the difference between them as another 'Memory' of the same unit.

>>> memoryDiff (bit 4) (bit 8)
(LT,Memory {unMemory = 4})
>>> memoryDiff (byte 8) (byte 4)
(GT,Memory {unMemory = 32})
>>> memoryDiff (kilobyte 2) (kilobyte 2)
(EQ,Memory {unMemory = 0})
memoryDiff :: Memory mem -> Memory mem -> (Ordering, Memory mem)
memoryDiff (Memory m1) (Memory m2) = case compare m1 m2 of
    LT -> (LT, Memory $ m2 - m1)
    GT -> (GT, Memory $ m1 - m2)
    EQ -> (EQ, Memory 0)
{-# INLINE memoryDiff #-}

{- | Returns the result of addition of two 'Memory' values casted
to the second memory unit.

>>> memoryPlus (bit 8) (megabyte 2)
Memory {unMemory = 16000008}
memoryPlus :: Memory mem1 -> Memory mem2 -> Memory mem2
memoryPlus m1 = (<>) (toMemory m1)
{-# INLINE memoryPlus #-}

{- | Retuns the result of division of two 'Memory' values of any units.

>>> memoryDiv (kilobyte 3) (byte 2)
1500 % 1
memoryDiv :: Memory mem1 -> Memory mem2 -> Ratio Natural
memoryDiv (Memory m1) (Memory m2) = m1 % m2
{-# INLINE memoryDiv #-}

-- AnyMemory

{- $any
This data type is useful for working with 'Memory' of different units in
collections, or when 'Memory' of non-specified unit can be returned.

-- | Existential data type for 'Memory's.
data AnyMemory
    = forall (mem :: Nat) . (KnownNat mem, KnownUnitSymbol mem)
    => MkAnyMemory (Memory mem)

instance Show AnyMemory where
    show (MkAnyMemory t) = showMemory t

-- Internal

nat :: forall (mem :: Nat) . KnownNat mem => Natural
nat = natVal' (proxy# :: Proxy# mem)
{-# INLINE nat #-}