{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Test.Hspec.Megaparsec.AdHoc
-- Copyright   :  © 2019–present Megaparsec contributors
-- License     :  FreeBSD
-- Maintainer  :  Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Ad-hoc helpers used in Megaparsec's test suite.
module Test.Hspec.Megaparsec.AdHoc
  ( -- * Types

    -- * Helpers to run parsers

    -- * Other

    -- * Char and byte conversion

    -- * Proxies

import qualified Control.Monad.RWS.Lazy as L
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS.Strict as S
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as L
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy as L
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as S
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Set as E
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Void
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.Megaparsec

-- Types

-- | The type of parser that consumes a 'String'.
type Parser = Parsec Void String

-- Helpers to run parsers

-- | Apply parser to given input. This is a specialized version of 'parse'
-- that assumes empty file name.
prs ::
  -- | Parser to run
  Parser a ->
  -- | Input for the parser
  String ->
  -- | Result of parsing
  Either (ParseErrorBundle String Void) a
prs p = parse p ""

-- | Just like 'prs', but allows to inspect the final state of the parser.
prs' ::
  -- | Parser to run
  Parser a ->
  -- | Input for the parser
  String ->
  -- | Result of parsing
  (State String Void, Either (ParseErrorBundle String Void) a)
prs' p s = runParser' p (initialState s)

-- | Just like 'prs', but forces the parser to consume all input by adding
-- 'eof':
-- > prs_ p = parse (p <* eof) ""
prs_ ::
  -- | Parser to run
  Parser a ->
  -- | Input for the parser
  String ->
  -- | Result of parsing
  Either (ParseErrorBundle String Void) a
prs_ p = parse (p <* eof) ""

-- | Just like 'prs', but interprets given parser as various monads (tries
-- all supported monads transformers in turn).
grs ::
  -- | Parser to run
  (forall m. MonadParsec Void String m => m a) ->
  -- | Input for the parser
  String ->
  -- | How to check result of parsing
  (Either (ParseErrorBundle String Void) a -> Expectation) ->
grs p s r = do
  r (prs p s)
  r (prs (runIdentityT p) s)
  r (prs (runReaderT p ()) s)
  r (prs (L.evalStateT p ()) s)
  r (prs (S.evalStateT p ()) s)
  r (prs (evalWriterTL p) s)
  r (prs (evalWriterTS p) s)
  r (prs (evalRWSTL p) s)
  r (prs (evalRWSTS p) s)

-- | 'grs'' to 'grs' is as 'prs'' to 'prs'.
grs' ::
  -- | Parser to run
  (forall m. MonadParsec Void String m => m a) ->
  -- | Input for the parser
  String ->
  -- | How to check result of parsing
  ((State String Void, Either (ParseErrorBundle String Void) a) -> Expectation) ->
grs' p s r = do
  r (prs' p s)
  r (prs' (runIdentityT p) s)
  r (prs' (runReaderT p ()) s)
  r (prs' (L.evalStateT p ()) s)
  r (prs' (S.evalStateT p ()) s)
  r (prs' (evalWriterTL p) s)
  r (prs' (evalWriterTS p) s)
  r (prs' (evalRWSTL p) s)
  r (prs' (evalRWSTS p) s)

evalWriterTL :: Monad m => L.WriterT [Int] m a -> m a
evalWriterTL = fmap fst . L.runWriterT

evalWriterTS :: Monad m => S.WriterT [Int] m a -> m a
evalWriterTS = fmap fst . S.runWriterT

evalRWSTL :: Monad m => L.RWST () [Int] () m a -> m a
evalRWSTL m = do
  (a, _, _) <- L.runRWST m () ()
  return a

evalRWSTS :: Monad m => S.RWST () [Int] () m a -> m a
evalRWSTS m = do
  (a, _, _) <- S.runRWST m () ()
  return a

-- Other

-- | Make a singleton non-empty list from a value.
nes :: a -> NonEmpty a
nes x = x :| []

-- | @abcRow a b c@ generates string consisting of character “a” repeated
-- @a@ times, character “b” repeated @b@ times, and character “c” repeated
-- @c@ times.
abcRow :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
abcRow a b c = replicate a 'a' ++ replicate b 'b' ++ replicate c 'c'

-- | Check that the given parser returns the list in the right order.
rightOrder ::
  -- | The parser to test
  Parser String ->
  -- | Input for the parser
  String ->
  -- | Expected result
  String ->
rightOrder p s s' =
  it "produces the list in the right order" $
    prs_ p s `shouldParse` s'

-- | Get tab width from 'PosState'. Use with care only for testing.
getTabWidth :: MonadParsec e s m => m Pos
getTabWidth = pstateTabWidth . statePosState <$> getParserState

-- | Set tab width in 'PosState'. Use with care only for testing.
setTabWidth :: MonadParsec e s m => Pos -> m ()
setTabWidth w = updateParserState $ \st ->
  let pst = statePosState st
   in st {statePosState = pst {pstateTabWidth = w}}

-- | Scale down.
scaleDown :: Gen a -> Gen a
scaleDown = scale (`div` 4)

-- | A helper function that is used to advance 'SourcePos' given a 'String'.
strSourcePos :: Pos -> SourcePos -> String -> SourcePos
strSourcePos tabWidth ipos input =
  let (_, pst') = reachOffset maxBound pstate in pstateSourcePos pst'
    pstate =
        { pstateInput = input,
          pstateOffset = 0,
          pstateSourcePos = ipos,
          pstateTabWidth = tabWidth,
          pstateLinePrefix = ""

-- Char and byte conversion

-- | Convert a byte to char.
toChar :: Word8 -> Char
toChar = chr . fromIntegral

-- | Covert a char to byte.
fromChar :: Char -> Maybe Word8
fromChar x =
  let p = ord x
   in if p > 0xff
        then Nothing
        else Just (fromIntegral p)

-- Proxies

sproxy :: Proxy String
sproxy = Proxy

bproxy :: Proxy B.ByteString
bproxy = Proxy

blproxy :: Proxy BL.ByteString
blproxy = Proxy

tproxy :: Proxy T.Text
tproxy = Proxy

tlproxy :: Proxy TL.Text
tlproxy = Proxy

-- Arbitrary instances

instance Arbitrary Void where
  arbitrary = error "Arbitrary Void"

instance Arbitrary Pos where
  arbitrary = mkPos <$> (getSmall . getPositive <$> arbitrary)

instance Arbitrary SourcePos where
  arbitrary =
      <$> scaleDown arbitrary
      <*> arbitrary
      <*> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary t => Arbitrary (ErrorItem t) where
  arbitrary =
      [ Tokens <$> (NE.fromList . getNonEmpty <$> arbitrary),
        Label <$> (NE.fromList . getNonEmpty <$> arbitrary),
        return EndOfInput

instance Arbitrary (ErrorFancy a) where
  arbitrary =
      [ ErrorFail <$> scaleDown arbitrary,
        ErrorIndentation <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

  (Arbitrary (Token s), Ord (Token s), Arbitrary e, Ord e) =>
  Arbitrary (ParseError s e)
  arbitrary =
      [ TrivialError
          <$> (getNonNegative <$> arbitrary)
          <*> arbitrary
          <*> (E.fromList <$> scaleDown arbitrary),
          <$> (getNonNegative <$> arbitrary)
          <*> (E.fromList <$> scaleDown arbitrary)

instance Arbitrary s => Arbitrary (State s e) where
  arbitrary = do
    input <- scaleDown arbitrary
    offset <- choose (1, 10000)
    pstate :: PosState s <- arbitrary
        { stateInput = input,
          stateOffset = offset,
          statePosState =
              { pstateInput = input,
                pstateOffset = offset
          stateParseErrors = []

instance Arbitrary s => Arbitrary (PosState s) where
  arbitrary =
      <$> arbitrary
      <*> choose (1, 10000)
      <*> arbitrary
      <*> (mkPos <$> choose (1, 20))
      <*> scaleDown arbitrary

instance Arbitrary T.Text where
  arbitrary = T.pack <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary TL.Text where
  arbitrary = TL.pack <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary B.ByteString where
  arbitrary = B.pack <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary BL.ByteString where
  arbitrary = BL.pack <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NonEmpty a) where
  arbitrary = NE.fromList <$> (arbitrary `suchThat` (not . null))