megaparsec-4.4.0: Monadic parser combinators

Copyright© 2015–2016 Megaparsec contributors © 2007 Paolo Martini © 1999–2001 Daan Leijen
MaintainerMark Karpov <>
Portabilitynon-portable (MPTC with FD)
Safe HaskellNone




The primitive parser combinators.


Data types

data State s Source

This is Megaparsec state, it's parametrized over stream type s.




Eq s => Eq (State s) Source 
Show s => Show (State s) Source 

class (ShowToken t, ShowToken [t]) => Stream s t | s -> t where Source

An instance of Stream s t has stream type s, and token type t determined by the stream.


uncons :: s -> Maybe (t, s) Source

Get next token from the stream. If the stream is empty, return Nothing.

class Stream s t => StorableStream s t where Source

StorableStream abstracts ability of some streams to be stored in a file. This is used by the polymorphic function parseFromFile.


fromFile :: FilePath -> IO s Source

fromFile filename returns action that will try to read contents of file named filename.

type Parsec s = ParsecT s Identity Source

Parsec is non-transformer variant of more general ParsecT monad transformer.

data ParsecT s m a Source

ParsecT s m a is a parser with stream type s, underlying monad m and return type a.

Primitive combinators

class (Alternative m, MonadPlus m, Stream s t) => MonadParsec s m t | m -> s t where Source

Type class describing parsers independent of input type.


failure :: [Message] -> m a Source

The most general way to stop parsing and report ParseError.

unexpected is defined in terms of the function:

unexpected = failure . pure . Unexpected

Since: 4.2.0

label :: String -> m a -> m a Source

The parser label name p behaves as parser p, but whenever the parser p fails without consuming any input, it replaces names of “expected” tokens with the name name.

hidden :: m a -> m a Source

hidden p behaves just like parser p, but it doesn't show any “expected” tokens in error message when p fails.

try :: m a -> m a Source

The parser try p behaves like parser p, except that it pretends that it hasn't consumed any input when an error occurs.

This combinator is used whenever arbitrary look ahead is needed. Since it pretends that it hasn't consumed any input when p fails, the (<|>) combinator will try its second alternative even when the first parser failed while consuming input.

For example, here is a parser that will try (sorry for the pun) to parse word “let” or “lexical”:

>>> parseTest (string "let" <|> string "lexical") "lexical"
unexpected "lex"
expecting "let"

What happens here? First parser consumes “le” and fails (because it doesn't see a “t”). The second parser, however, isn't tried, since the first parser has already consumed some input! try fixes this behavior and allows backtracking to work:

>>> parseTest (try (string "let") <|> string "lexical") "lexical"

try also improves error messages in case of overlapping alternatives, because Megaparsec's hint system can be used:

>>> parseTest (try (string "let") <|> string "lexical") "le"
unexpected "le"
expecting "let" or "lexical"

Please note that as of Megaparsec 4.4.0, string backtracks automatically (see tokens), so it does not need try. However, the examples above demonstrate the idea behind try so well that it was decided to keep them.

lookAhead :: m a -> m a Source

lookAhead p parses p without consuming any input.

If p fails and consumes some input, so does lookAhead. Combine with try if this is undesirable.

notFollowedBy :: m a -> m () Source

notFollowedBy p only succeeds when parser p fails. This parser does not consume any input and can be used to implement the “longest match” rule.

withRecovery Source


:: (ParseError -> m a)

How to recover from failure

-> m a

Original parser

-> m a

Parser that can recover from failures

withRecovery r p allows continue parsing even if parser p fails. In this case r is called with actual ParseError as its argument. Typical usage is to return value signifying failure to parse this particular object and to consume some part of input up to start of next object.

Note that if r fails, original error message is reported as if without withRecovery. In no way recovering parser r can influence error messages.

Since: 4.4.0

eof :: m () Source

This parser only succeeds at the end of the input.

token Source


:: (Int -> SourcePos -> t -> SourcePos)

Next position calculating function

-> (t -> Either [Message] a)

Matching function for the token to parse

-> m a 

The parser token nextPos testTok accepts a token t with result x when the function testTok t returns Right x. The position of the next token should be returned when nextPos is called with the tab width, current source position, and the current token.

This is the most primitive combinator for accepting tokens. For example, the char parser could be implemented as:

char c = token updatePosChar testChar
  where testChar x = if x == c
                     then Right x
                     else Left . pure . Unexpected . showToken $ x

tokens Source


:: Eq t 
=> (Int -> SourcePos -> [t] -> SourcePos)

Computes position of tokens

-> (t -> t -> Bool)

Predicate to check equality of tokens

-> [t]

List of tokens to parse

-> m [t] 

The parser tokens posFromTok test parses list of tokens and returns it. posFromTok is called with three arguments: tab width, initial position, and collection of tokens to parse. The resulting parser will use showToken to pretty-print the collection of tokens in error messages. Supplied predicate test is used to check equality of given and parsed tokens.

This can be used for example to write string:

string = tokens updatePosString (==)

Note that beginning from Megaparsec 4.4.0, this is an auto-backtracking primitive, which means that if it fails, it never consumes any input. This is done to make its consumption model match how error messages for this primitive are reported (which becomes an important thing as user gets more control with primitives like withRecovery):

>>> parseTest (string "abc") "abd"
unexpected "abd"
expecting "abc"

This means, in particular, that it's no longer necessary to use try with tokens-based parsers, such as string and string'. This new feature does not affect performance in any way.

getParserState :: m (State s) Source

Returns the full parser state as a State record.

updateParserState :: (State s -> State s) -> m () Source

updateParserState f applies function f to the parser state.


MonadParsec s m t => MonadParsec s (IdentityT m) t Source 
(Monoid w, MonadParsec s m t) => MonadParsec s (WriterT w m) t Source 
(Monoid w, MonadParsec s m t) => MonadParsec s (WriterT w m) t Source 
MonadParsec s m t => MonadParsec s (ReaderT e m) t Source 
MonadParsec s m t => MonadParsec s (StateT e m) t Source 
MonadParsec s m t => MonadParsec s (StateT e m) t Source 
Stream s t => MonadParsec s (ParsecT s m) t Source 

(<?>) :: MonadParsec s m t => m a -> String -> m a infix 0 Source

A synonym for label in form of an operator.

unexpected :: MonadParsec s m t => String -> m a Source

The parser unexpected msg always fails with an unexpected error message msg without consuming any input.

The parsers fail, label and unexpected are the three parsers used to generate error messages. Of these, only label is commonly used.

Parser state combinators

getInput :: MonadParsec s m t => m s Source

Returns the current input.

setInput :: MonadParsec s m t => s -> m () Source

setInput input continues parsing with input. The getInput and setInput functions can for example be used to deal with #include files.

getPosition :: MonadParsec s m t => m SourcePos Source

Returns the current source position.

See also: SourcePos.

setPosition :: MonadParsec s m t => SourcePos -> m () Source

setPosition pos sets the current source position to pos.

getTabWidth :: MonadParsec s m t => m Int Source

Returns tab width. Default tab width is equal to defaultTabWidth. You can set different tab width with help of setTabWidth.

setTabWidth :: MonadParsec s m t => Int -> m () Source

Set tab width. If argument of the function is not positive number, defaultTabWidth will be used.

setParserState :: MonadParsec s m t => State s -> m () Source

setParserState st set the full parser state to st.

Running parser

runParser Source


:: Stream s t 
=> Parsec s a

Parser to run

-> String

Name of source file

-> s

Input for parser

-> Either ParseError a 

runParser p file input runs parser p on the input list of tokens input, obtained from source file. The file is only used in error messages and may be the empty string. Returns either a ParseError (Left) or a value of type a (Right).

parseFromFile p file = runParser p file <$> readFile file

runParser' Source


:: Stream s t 
=> Parsec s a

Parser to run

-> State s

Initial state

-> (State s, Either ParseError a) 

The function is similar to runParser with the difference that it accepts and returns parser state. This allows to specify arbitrary textual position at the beginning of parsing, for example. This is the most general way to run a parser over the Identity monad.

Since: 4.2.0

runParserT Source


:: (Monad m, Stream s t) 
=> ParsecT s m a

Parser to run

-> String

Name of source file

-> s

Input for parser

-> m (Either ParseError a) 

runParserT p file input runs parser p on the input list of tokens input, obtained from source file. The file is only used in error messages and may be the empty string. Returns a computation in the underlying monad m that returns either a ParseError (Left) or a value of type a (Right).

runParserT' Source


:: (Monad m, Stream s t) 
=> ParsecT s m a

Parser to run

-> State s

Initial state

-> m (State s, Either ParseError a) 

This function is similar to runParserT, but like runParser' it accepts and returns parser state. This is thus the most general way to run a parser.

Since: 4.2.0

parse Source


:: Stream s t 
=> Parsec s a

Parser to run

-> String

Name of source file

-> s

Input for parser

-> Either ParseError a 

parse p file input runs parser p over Identity (see runParserT if you're using the ParsecT monad transformer; parse itself is just a synonym for runParser). It returns either a ParseError (Left) or a value of type a (Right). show or print can be used to turn ParseError into the string representation of the error message. See Text.Megaparsec.Error if you need to do more advanced error analysis.

main = case (parse numbers "" "11, 2, 43") of
         Left err -> print err
         Right xs -> print (sum xs)

numbers = commaSep integer

parseMaybe :: Stream s t => Parsec s a -> s -> Maybe a Source

parseMaybe p input runs parser p on input and returns result inside Just on success and Nothing on failure. This function also parses eof, so if the parser doesn't consume all of its input, it will fail.

The function is supposed to be useful for lightweight parsing, where error messages (and thus file name) are not important and entire input should be parsed. For example it can be used when parsing of single number according to specification of its format is desired.

parseTest :: (Stream s t, Show a) => Parsec s a -> s -> IO () Source

The expression parseTest p input applies a parser p against input input and prints the result to stdout. Used for testing.

parseFromFile Source


:: StorableStream s t 
=> Parsec s a

Parser to run

-> FilePath

Name of file to parse

-> IO (Either ParseError a) 

parseFromFile p filename runs parser p on the input read from filename. Returns either a ParseError (Left) or a value of type a (Right).

main = do
  result <- parseFromFile numbers "digits.txt"
  case result of
    Left err -> print err
    Right xs -> print $ sum xs