-- | Module providing various kinds of graph traversals and their modifications.
module Math.Grads.Algo.Traversals
  ( BFSState
  , bfsState
  , dfsCycle
  , dfs
  , getComps
  , getCompsWithReindex
  , getCompsIndices
  ) where

import           Control.Arrow               ((&&&))
import           Control.Monad.State         (State, execState)
import           Control.Monad.State.Class   (get, put)
import qualified Data.Array                  as A
import           Data.Bimap                  (Bimap)
import           Data.List                   (findIndex)
import           Data.Map                    (Map, keys, (!))
import           Data.Maybe                  (fromJust)

import           Math.Grads.Algo.Interaction (edgeListToMap, getIndices,
                                              getOtherEnd, matchEdges, (~=))
import           Math.Grads.GenericGraph     (GenericGraph, gIndex,
import           Math.Grads.Graph            (EdgeList, Graph (..))
import           Math.Grads.Utils            (nub)

-- | Classic dfs.
dfs :: EdgeList e -> Int -> EdgeList e
dfs bonds ind = if ind `elem` keys graphMap then matchEdges bonds bondsInd else []
    graphMap = edgeListToMap bonds
    bondsInd = dfs' graphMap [ind] [] []

dfs' :: Map Int [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)]
dfs' _ [] _ bonds = bonds
dfs' gr (cur : rest) vis bs | cur `elem` vis = dfs' gr rest vis bs
                            | otherwise = dfs' gr (gr ! cur ++ rest) (cur : vis) visitedBonds
    visitedBonds = concatMap helper (gr ! cur) ++ bs

    helper :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
    helper sec = [(cur, sec) | notElem (cur, sec) bs && notElem (sec, cur) bs]

-- | Get connected components of graph.
-- Note that indexation will be CHANGED.
getComps :: Ord v => GenericGraph v e -> [GenericGraph v e]
getComps graph = snd <$> getCompsWithReindex graph

-- | Get graph components and mapping from old indices to
-- new indices of resulting graph components.
getCompsWithReindex :: Ord v => GenericGraph v e -> [(Bimap Int Int, GenericGraph v e)]
getCompsWithReindex graph = res
    (_, edges) = toList graph
    comps      = getComps' edges [0..length (gIndex graph) - 1] [] []
    res        = fmap (subgraphWithReindex graph) comps

-- | Get indices of vertices that belong to different connected components.
getCompsIndices :: Ord v => GenericGraph v e -> [[Int]]
getCompsIndices graph = getComps' (snd $ toList graph) [0..length (gIndex graph) - 1] [] []

getComps' :: EdgeList e -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
getComps' _ [] _ res = res
getComps' edges (x : xs) taken res = if x `elem` taken then getComps' edges xs taken res
                                     else getComps' edges xs (taken ++ newComp) (newComp : res)
    newComp = nub (x : getIndices (dfs edges x))

-- | Dfs a simple cycle.
dfsCycle :: A.Array Int [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
dfsCycle _ [] visited = visited
dfsCycle graph (current:toVisit) visited | current `elem` visited = dfsCycle graph toVisit visited
                                         | otherwise = dfsCycle graph ((graph A.! current) ++ toVisit) (current:visited)

-- | List of (level, (edgeIdx, vertexIdx)).
type BFSState = [(Int, (Int, Int))]

-- | Bfs algorithm that takes graph, its 'EdgeList', 'BFSState' corresponding to
-- already visited vertices and 'BFSState' that corresponds to starting point
-- of traversal and returns 'BFSState' as a result.
bfsState :: (Ord v, Eq e, Show v, Show e, Graph g) => g v e -> EdgeList e -> BFSState -> BFSState -> BFSState
bfsState graph bonds ign start = fst $ execState (bfsState' graph bonds) (ign, start)

-- | Traverses graph from a given starting point (queue) in Breadth-first search manner.
bfsState' :: (Ord v, Eq e, Show v, Show e, Graph g) => g v e -> EdgeList e -> State (BFSState, BFSState) ()
bfsState' gr bonds = do
  (visited, queue) <- get
  let (visitedL, (visitedB, visitedV)) = (fst &&& unzip . snd) $ unzip visited
  case queue of
        ((curLevel, (curBnd, curNum)) : rest) -> do
          let curInc = (fromJust . (\x -> (~= x) `findIndex` bonds)) <$> gr `incidentIdx` curNum
          let nextBonds = nub $ filter ((`notElem` visitedV) . (`getOtherEnd` curNum) . (bonds !!)) curInc
          let nextLevel = ((`getOtherEnd` curNum) . (bonds !!)) <$> nextBonds
          let nextVisited = zip (curLevel : visitedL) $ zip (curBnd : visitedB) (curNum : visitedV)
          put (nextVisited, rest ++ zip (repeat $ curLevel +1) (zip nextBonds nextLevel))
          bfsState' gr bonds
        _ -> return ()