Copyright | (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2018-2022 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Alexey Kuleshevich <> |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Ix0 = Ix0
- type Ix1 = Int
- pattern Ix1 :: Int -> Ix1
- data Ix2 where
- data IxN (n :: Nat) where
- type HighIxN n = (4 <= n, KnownNat n, KnownNat (n - 1), Index (IxN (n - 1)), IxN (n - 1) ~ Ix (n - 1))
- type Ix3 = IxN 3
- type Ix4 = IxN 4
- type Ix5 = IxN 5
- type family Ix (n :: Nat) = r | r -> n where ...
- type Sz1 = Sz Ix1
- type Sz2 = Sz Ix2
- type Sz3 = Sz Ix3
- type Sz4 = Sz Ix4
- type Sz5 = Sz Ix5
- data Sz ix where
- unSz :: Sz ix -> ix
- zeroSz :: Index ix => Sz ix
- oneSz :: Index ix => Sz ix
- liftSz :: Index ix => (Int -> Int) -> Sz ix -> Sz ix
- liftSz2 :: Index ix => (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Sz ix -> Sz ix -> Sz ix
- consSz :: Index ix => Sz Ix1 -> Sz (Lower ix) -> Sz ix
- unconsSz :: Index ix => Sz ix -> (Sz Ix1, Sz (Lower ix))
- snocSz :: Index ix => Sz (Lower ix) -> Sz Ix1 -> Sz ix
- unsnocSz :: Index ix => Sz ix -> (Sz (Lower ix), Sz Ix1)
- setSzM :: (MonadThrow m, Index ix) => Sz ix -> Dim -> Sz Int -> m (Sz ix)
- insertSzM :: (MonadThrow m, Index ix) => Sz (Lower ix) -> Dim -> Sz Int -> m (Sz ix)
- pullOutSzM :: (MonadThrow m, Index ix) => Sz ix -> Dim -> m (Sz Ix1, Sz (Lower ix))
- toLinearSz :: Index ix => Sz ix -> Sz1
- mkSzM :: (Index ix, MonadThrow m) => ix -> m (Sz ix)
- newtype Dim = Dim {}
- data Dimension (n :: Nat) where
- type IsIndexDimension ix n = (1 <= n, n <= Dimensions ix, Index ix, KnownNat n)
- type family IsDimValid ix n :: Bool where ...
- type family ReportInvalidDim (dims :: Nat) (n :: Nat) isNotZero isLess :: Bool where ...
- data Stride ix where
- unStride :: Stride ix -> ix
- toLinearIndexStride :: Index ix => Stride ix -> Sz ix -> ix -> Int
- strideStart :: Index ix => Stride ix -> ix -> ix
- strideSize :: Index ix => Stride ix -> Sz ix -> Sz ix
- oneStride :: Index ix => Stride ix
- data Border e
- handleBorderIndex :: Index ix => Border e -> Sz ix -> (ix -> e) -> ix -> e
- type family Lower ix :: Type
- class (Eq ix, Ord ix, Show ix, NFData ix, Typeable ix, Eq (Lower ix), Ord (Lower ix), Show (Lower ix), NFData (Lower ix), KnownNat (Dimensions ix)) => Index ix where
- type Dimensions ix :: Nat
- dimensions :: proxy ix -> Dim
- totalElem :: Sz ix -> Int
- consDim :: Int -> Lower ix -> ix
- unconsDim :: ix -> (Int, Lower ix)
- snocDim :: Lower ix -> Int -> ix
- unsnocDim :: ix -> (Lower ix, Int)
- pullOutDimM :: MonadThrow m => ix -> Dim -> m (Int, Lower ix)
- insertDimM :: MonadThrow m => Lower ix -> Dim -> Int -> m ix
- getDimM :: MonadThrow m => ix -> Dim -> m Int
- setDimM :: MonadThrow m => ix -> Dim -> Int -> m ix
- modifyDimM :: MonadThrow m => ix -> Dim -> (Int -> Int) -> m (Int, ix)
- pureIndex :: Int -> ix
- liftIndex2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> ix -> ix -> ix
- liftIndex :: (Int -> Int) -> ix -> ix
- foldlIndex :: (a -> Int -> a) -> a -> ix -> a
- isSafeIndex :: Sz ix -> ix -> Bool
- toLinearIndex :: Sz ix -> ix -> Ix1
- toLinearIndexAcc :: Ix1 -> ix -> ix -> Ix1
- fromLinearIndex :: Sz ix -> Ix1 -> ix
- fromLinearIndexAcc :: ix -> Ix1 -> (Int, ix)
- repairIndex :: Sz ix -> ix -> (Sz Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Sz Int -> Int -> Int) -> ix
- iterM :: Monad m => ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> a -> (ix -> a -> m a) -> m a
- iterRowMajorST :: Int -> Scheduler s a -> ix -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
- iterF :: ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> f a -> (ix -> f a -> f a) -> f a
- stepNextMF :: ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (Maybe ix -> f a) -> f a
- iterTargetRowMajorA_ :: Applicative f => Int -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) -> f ()
- iterTargetRowMajorAccM :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> ix -> a -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a
- iterTargetRowMajorAccST :: Int -> Int -> Scheduler s a -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
- iterTargetRowMajorAccST_ :: Int -> Int -> Scheduler s () -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s ()
- zeroIndex :: Index ix => ix
- oneIndex :: Index ix => ix
- isZeroSz :: Index ix => Sz ix -> Bool
- isNotZeroSz :: Index ix => Sz ix -> Bool
- headDim :: Index ix => ix -> Int
- tailDim :: Index ix => ix -> Lower ix
- lastDim :: Index ix => ix -> Int
- initDim :: Index ix => ix -> Lower ix
- getDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> Int
- setDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> Int -> ix
- modifyDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int, ix)
- dropDimM :: (MonadThrow m, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> m (Lower ix)
- dropDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> Lower ix
- pullOutDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> (Int, Lower ix)
- insertDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => Lower ix -> Dim -> Int -> ix
- fromDimension :: KnownNat n => Dimension n -> Dim
- getDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> Int
- setDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> Int -> ix
- modifyDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int, ix)
- dropDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> Lower ix
- pullOutDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> (Int, Lower ix)
- insertDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => Lower ix -> Dimension n -> Int -> ix
- iter :: Index ix => ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> a -> (ix -> a -> a) -> a
- iterA_ :: forall ix f a. (Index ix, Applicative f) => ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (ix -> f a) -> f ()
- iterM_ :: (Index ix, Monad m) => ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (ix -> m a) -> m ()
- iterLinearM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => Sz ix -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> a -> (Int -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a
- iterLinearM_ :: (Index ix, Monad m) => Sz ix -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> ix -> m ()) -> m ()
- loop :: Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> a) -> a
- loopF :: Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> f a -> (Int -> f a -> f a) -> f a
- nextMaybeF :: Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Maybe Int -> f a) -> f a
- loopA :: Applicative f => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> f b -> (Int -> f (b -> b)) -> f b
- loopA_ :: Applicative f => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> f a) -> f ()
- loopM :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> m a) -> m a
- loopM_ :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> m a) -> m ()
- iloopM :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> Int -> a -> m a) -> m a
- iloopA_ :: Applicative f => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int -> f a) -> f ()
- loopNextM :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> Int -> a -> m a) -> m a
- loopNextA_ :: Applicative f => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int -> f a) -> f ()
- loopDeepM :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> m a) -> m a
- splitLinearly :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> a) -> a
- splitLinearlyM :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s a -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> m a) -> m ()
- splitLinearlyM_ :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s () -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> m ()) -> m ()
- splitLinearlyWith_ :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s () -> Int -> (Int -> b) -> (Int -> b -> m ()) -> m ()
- splitLinearlyWithM_ :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s () -> Int -> (Int -> m b) -> (Int -> b -> m c) -> m ()
- splitLinearlyWithStartAtM_ :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s () -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> m b) -> (Int -> b -> m c) -> m ()
- splitLinearlyWithStatefulM_ :: MonadUnliftIO m => SchedulerWS ws () -> Int -> (Int -> ws -> m b) -> (Int -> b -> m c) -> m ()
- iterLinearST_ :: Int -> Scheduler s () -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> ST s a) -> ST s ()
- iterLinearAccST_ :: Int -> Scheduler s () -> Int -> Int -> Int -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Int -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s ()
- iterLinearAccST :: Int -> Scheduler s a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Int -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
- splitNumChunks :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
- stepStartAdjust :: Int -> Int -> Int
- splitWorkWithFactorST :: Int -> Scheduler s a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> b -> (b -> ST s (b, b)) -> (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> b -> ST s a) -> ST s b
- scheduleMassivWork :: PrimBase m => Scheduler (PrimState m) a -> m a -> m ()
- withMassivScheduler_ :: Comp -> (Scheduler RealWorld () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- class Iterator it where
- iterTargetA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => it -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) -> f ()
- iterTargetM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => it -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a
- iterTargetWithStrideAccST :: Index ix => it -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
- iterTargetWithStrideAccST_ :: Index ix => it -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s ()
- iterFullM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => it -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (ix -> a -> m a) -> m a
- iterFullA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => it -> ix -> Sz ix -> (ix -> f a) -> f ()
- iterFullAccST :: Index ix => it -> Scheduler s a -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
- iterTargetFullAccST :: Index ix => it -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
- iterTargetFullAccST_ :: Index ix => it -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s ()
- iterTargetFullST_ :: Index ix => it -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) -> ST s ()
- iterTargetWithStrideST_ :: Index ix => it -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s a) -> ST s ()
- iterTargetAccST :: (Iterator it, Index ix) => it -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
- iterTargetAccST_ :: (Iterator it, Index ix) => it -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s ()
- iterTargetFullWithStrideAccST :: (Iterator it, Index ix) => it -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
- iterTargetFullWithStrideAccST_ :: (Iterator it, Index ix) => it -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s ()
- iterTargetST_ :: (Iterator it, Index ix) => it -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) -> ST s ()
- iterTargetFullWithStrideST_ :: (Iterator it, Index ix) => it -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) -> ST s ()
- data RowMajor where
- defRowMajor :: RowMajor
- newtype RowMajorLinear = RowMajorLinear Int
- defRowMajorLinear :: RowMajorLinear
- data RowMajorUnbalanced where
- pattern RowMajorUnbalanced :: Int -> RowMajorUnbalanced
- defRowMajorUnbalanced :: RowMajorUnbalanced
- type Ix1T = Int
- type Ix2T = (Int, Int)
- toIx2 :: Ix2T -> Ix2
- fromIx2 :: Ix2 -> Ix2T
- type Ix3T = (Int, Int, Int)
- toIx3 :: Ix3T -> Ix3
- fromIx3 :: Ix3 -> Ix3T
- type Ix4T = (Int, Int, Int, Int)
- toIx4 :: Ix4T -> Ix4
- fromIx4 :: Ix4 -> Ix4T
- type Ix5T = (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
- toIx5 :: Ix5T -> Ix5
- fromIx5 :: Ix5 -> Ix5T
- data IndexException where
- IndexZeroException :: Index ix => !ix -> IndexException
- IndexDimensionException :: (NFData ix, Eq ix, Show ix, Typeable ix) => !ix -> !Dim -> IndexException
- IndexOutOfBoundsException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> !ix -> IndexException
- data SizeException where
- SizeMismatchException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> !(Sz ix) -> SizeException
- SizeElementsMismatchException :: (Index ix, Index ix') => !(Sz ix) -> !(Sz ix') -> SizeException
- SizeSubregionException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> !ix -> !(Sz ix) -> SizeException
- SizeEmptyException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> SizeException
- SizeOverflowException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> SizeException
- SizeNegativeException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> SizeException
- data ShapeException
- = DimTooShortException !Dim !(Sz Ix1) !(Sz Ix1)
- | DimTooLongException !Dim !(Sz Ix1) !(Sz Ix1)
- | ShapeNonEmpty
- guardNumberOfElements :: (MonadThrow m, Index ix, Index ix') => Sz ix -> Sz ix' -> m ()
- indexAssert :: String -> (a -> Sz ix) -> (a -> ix -> e) -> a -> ix -> e
- indexWith :: Index ix => String -> Int -> String -> (arr -> Sz ix) -> (arr -> ix -> e) -> arr -> ix -> e
Zero-dimension, i.e. a scalar. Can't really be used directly as there is no instance of
for it, and is included for completeness.
Ix0 |
2-dimensional index. This is also a base index for higher dimensions.
Since: 0.1.0
Bundled Patterns
pattern Ix2 :: Int -> Int -> Ix2 | 2-dimensional index constructor. Useful when infix notation is inconvenient. Since: 0.1.0 |
n-dimensional index. Needs a base case, which is the Ix2
Since: 0.1.0
Bundled Patterns
pattern Ix3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Ix3 | 3-dimensional index constructor. Since: 0.1.0 |
pattern Ix4 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ix4 | 4-dimensional index constructor. Since: 0.1.0 |
pattern Ix5 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ix5 | 5-dimensional index constructor. Since: 0.1.0 |
type HighIxN n = (4 <= n, KnownNat n, KnownNat (n - 1), Index (IxN (n - 1)), IxN (n - 1) ~ Ix (n - 1)) Source #
Constraint synonym that encapsulates all constraints needed for dimension 4 and higher.
Since: 1.0.0
3-dimensional type synonym. Useful as a alternative to enabling DataKinds
and using type
level Nats.
Since: 0.1.0
type family Ix (n :: Nat) = r | r -> n where ... Source #
Defines n-dimensional index by relating a general IxN
with few base cases.
Since: 0.1.0
is the size of the array. It describes total number of elements along
each dimension in the array. It is a wrapper around an index of the same
dimension, however it provides type safety preventing mixup with
index. Moreover the Sz
constructor and others such as
, Sz2
, ... that
are specialized to specific dimensions, prevent creation of invalid sizes with
negative values by clamping them to zero.
import Data.Massiv.Array
Sz (1 :> 2 :. 3)
Sz (1 :> 2 :. 3)
has a Num
instance, which is very convenient:
Sz (1 :> 2 :. 3) + 5
Sz (6 :> 7 :. 8)
However subtraction can sometimes lead to surprising behavior, because size is not allowed to take negative values it will be clamped at 0.
Sz (1 :> 2 :. 3) - 2
Sz (0 :> 0 :. 1)
Warning: It is always wrong to negate
a size, thus it will result in an
error. For that reason also watch out for partially applied (
, which is
deugared into -
. See more info about it in
Since: 0.3.0
Bundled Patterns
pattern Sz :: Index ix => ix -> Sz ix | A safe bidirectional pattern synonym for Since: 0.3.0 |
pattern Sz1 :: Ix1 -> Sz Ix1 | 1-dimensional size constructor. Especially useful with literals: Since: 0.3.0 |
pattern Sz2 :: Int -> Int -> Sz Ix2 | 2-dimensional size constructor. Since: 0.3.0 |
pattern Sz3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Sz Ix3 | 3-dimensional size constructor. Since: 0.3.0 |
pattern Sz4 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Sz Ix4 | 4-dimensional size constructor. Since: 0.3.0 |
pattern Sz5 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Sz Ix5 | 5-dimensional size constructor. Since: 0.3.0 |
(Num ix, Index ix) => Num (Sz ix) Source # | Calling |
Index ix => Show (Sz ix) Source # | |
NFData ix => NFData (Sz ix) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal | |
Eq ix => Eq (Sz ix) Source # | |
Ord ix => Ord (Sz ix) Source # | |
(UniformRange ix, Index ix) => Random (Sz ix) Source # | |
(UniformRange ix, Index ix) => Uniform (Sz ix) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods uniformM :: StatefulGen g m => g -> m (Sz ix) # | |
UniformRange ix => UniformRange (Sz ix) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal |
Function for unwrapping Sz
import Data.Massiv.Core.Index
unSz $ Sz3 1 2 3
1 :> 2 :. 3
Since: 0.3.0
zeroSz :: Index ix => Sz ix Source #
An empty size with all elements in size equal to 0
import Data.Massiv.Core.Index
zeroSz :: Sz5
Sz (0 :> 0 :> 0 :> 0 :. 0)
Since: 0.3.0
oneSz :: Index ix => Sz ix Source #
A singleton size with all elements in size equal to 1
import Data.Massiv.Core.Index
oneSz :: Sz3
Sz (1 :> 1 :. 1)
Since: 0.3.0
liftSz2 :: Index ix => (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Sz ix -> Sz ix -> Sz ix Source #
Same as liftIndex2
, but for Sz
import Data.Massiv.Core.Index
liftSz2 (-) (Sz2 2 3) (Sz2 3 1)
Sz (0 :. 2)
Since: 0.4.3
insertSzM :: (MonadThrow m, Index ix) => Sz (Lower ix) -> Dim -> Sz Int -> m (Sz ix) Source #
Same as insertDimM
, but for Sz
import Data.Massiv.Core.Index
insertSzM (Sz2 2 3) 3 (Sz1 1) :: IO Sz3
Sz (1 :> 2 :. 3)>>>
insertSzM (Sz2 2 3) 4 (Sz1 1) :: IO Sz3
*** Exception: IndexDimensionException: (Dim 4) for (2 :. 3)
Since: 0.3.0
pullOutSzM :: (MonadThrow m, Index ix) => Sz ix -> Dim -> m (Sz Ix1, Sz (Lower ix)) Source #
Same as pullOutDim
, but for Sz
import Data.Massiv.Core.Index
pullOutSzM (Sz3 1 2 3) 3
(Sz1 1,Sz (2 :. 3))>>>
pullOutSzM (Sz3 1 2 3) 0
*** Exception: IndexDimensionException: (Dim 0) for (1 :> 2 :. 3)
Since: 0.3.0
mkSzM :: (Index ix, MonadThrow m) => ix -> m (Sz ix) Source #
Construct size from index while checking its correctness. Throws
and SizeOverflowException
Since: 0.6.0
A way to select Array dimension at a value level.
Since: 0.1.0
Enum Dim Source # | |
Num Dim Source # | |
Integral Dim Source # | |
Real Dim Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods toRational :: Dim -> Rational # | |
Show Dim Source # | |
NFData Dim Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal | |
Eq Dim Source # | |
Ord Dim Source # | |
Random Dim Source # | |
Uniform Dim Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods uniformM :: StatefulGen g m => g -> m Dim # | |
UniformRange Dim Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal |
data Dimension (n :: Nat) where Source #
A way to select Array dimension at a type level.
Since: 0.2.4
Bundled Patterns
pattern Dim1 :: Dimension 1 | Construct 1st dimension Since: 0.2.4 |
pattern Dim2 :: Dimension 2 | Construct 2nd dimension Since: 0.2.4 |
pattern Dim3 :: Dimension 3 | Construct 3rd dimension Since: 0.2.4 |
pattern Dim4 :: Dimension 4 | Construct 4th dimension Since: 0.2.4 |
pattern Dim5 :: Dimension 5 | Construct 5th dimension Since: 0.2.4 |
type IsIndexDimension ix n = (1 <= n, n <= Dimensions ix, Index ix, KnownNat n) Source #
A type level constraint that ensures index is indeed valid and that supplied dimension can be safely used with it.
Since: 0.2.4
type family IsDimValid ix n :: Bool where ... Source #
IsDimValid ix n = ReportInvalidDim (Dimensions ix) n (1 <=? n) (n <=? Dimensions ix) |
type family ReportInvalidDim (dims :: Nat) (n :: Nat) isNotZero isLess :: Bool where ... Source #
ReportInvalidDim dims n True True = True | |
ReportInvalidDim dims n True False = TypeError ((((Text "Dimension " :<>: ShowType n) :<>: Text " is higher than ") :<>: Text "the maximum expected ") :<>: ShowType dims) | |
ReportInvalidDim dims n False isLess = TypeError (Text "Zero dimensional indices are not supported") |
Stride provides a way to ignore elements of an array if an index is divisible by a
corresponding value in a stride. So, for a Stride (i :. j)
only elements with indices will be
kept around:
( 0 :. 0) ( 0 :. j) ( 0 :. 2j) ( 0 :. 3j) ... ( i :. 0) ( i :. j) ( i :. 2j) ( i :. 3j) ... (2i :. 0) (2i :. j) (2i :. 2j) (2i :. 3j) ... ...
Only positive strides make sense, so Stride
pattern synonym constructor will prevent a user
from creating a stride with negative or zero values, thus promoting safety of the library.
- Default and minimal stride of
will have no affect and all elements will kept.Stride
1) - If stride is
, then every 2nd element (i.e. with index 1, 3, 5, ..) will be skipped and only elemnts with indices divisible by 2 will be kept around.Stride
2 - In case of two dimensions, if what you want is to keep all rows divisible by 5, but keep every
column intact then you'd use
Stride (5 :. 1)
Since: 0.2.1
Bundled Patterns
pattern Stride :: Index ix => ix -> Stride ix | A safe bidirectional pattern synonym for Since: 0.2.1 |
Index ix => Show (Stride ix) Source # | |
NFData ix => NFData (Stride ix) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Stride | |
Eq ix => Eq (Stride ix) Source # | |
Ord ix => Ord (Stride ix) Source # | |
(UniformRange ix, Index ix) => Random (Stride ix) Source # | |
(UniformRange ix, Index ix) => Uniform (Stride ix) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Stride Methods uniformM :: StatefulGen g m => g -> m (Stride ix) # | |
UniformRange ix => UniformRange (Stride ix) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Stride |
Compute linear index with stride using the original size and index
Since: 0.2.1
strideStart :: Index ix => Stride ix -> ix -> ix Source #
Adjust starting index according to the stride
Since: 0.2.1
strideSize :: Index ix => Stride ix -> Sz ix -> Sz ix Source #
Adjust size according to the stride.
Since: 0.2.1
oneStride :: Index ix => Stride ix Source #
A default stride of 1
, where all elements are kept
Since: 0.2.1
Approach to be used near the borders during various transformations. Whenever a function needs information not only about an element of interest, but also about it's neighbors, it will go out of bounds near the array edges, hence is this set of approaches that specify how to handle such situation.
Fill e | Fill in a constant element. outside | Array | outside
( |
Wrap | Wrap around from the opposite border of the array. outside | Array | outside
Edge | Replicate the element at the edge. outside | Array | outside
Reflect | Mirror like reflection. outside | Array | outside
Continue | Also mirror like reflection, but without repeating the edge element. outside | Array | outside
:: Index ix | |
=> Border e | Broder resolution technique |
-> Sz ix | Size |
-> (ix -> e) | Index function that produces an element |
-> ix | Index |
-> e |
Apply a border resolution technique to an index
handleBorderIndex (Fill 100) (Sz (2 :. 3)) id (2 :. 3)
100 :. 100>>>
handleBorderIndex Wrap (Sz (2 :. 3)) id (2 :. 3)
0 :. 0>>>
handleBorderIndex Edge (Sz (2 :. 3)) id (2 :. 3)
1 :. 2
Since: 0.1.0
Index functions
type family Lower ix :: Type Source #
This type family will always point to a type for a dimension that is one lower than the type argument.
Since: 0.1.0
type Lower Ix2 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Ix | |
type Lower Ix2T Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Tuple | |
type Lower Ix3T Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Tuple | |
type Lower Ix4T Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Tuple | |
type Lower Ix5T Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Tuple | |
type Lower Int Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal | |
type Lower (IxN n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Ix |
class (Eq ix, Ord ix, Show ix, NFData ix, Typeable ix, Eq (Lower ix), Ord (Lower ix), Show (Lower ix), NFData (Lower ix), KnownNat (Dimensions ix)) => Index ix where Source #
This is bread and butter of multi-dimensional array indexing. It is unlikely that any of the functions in this class will be useful to a regular user, unless general algorithms are being implemented that do span multiple dimensions.
Minimal complete definition
dimensions, totalElem, consDim, unconsDim, snocDim, unsnocDim, pullOutDimM, insertDimM, pureIndex, liftIndex2
Associated Types
type Dimensions ix :: Nat Source #
Type level information on how many dimensions this index has.
Since: 0.2.0
dimensions :: proxy ix -> Dim Source #
What is the dimensionality of this index.
Since: 0.2.0
totalElem :: Sz ix -> Int Source #
Total number of elements in an array of this size.
Since: 0.1.0
consDim :: Int -> Lower ix -> ix Source #
Prepend a dimension to the index
Since: 0.1.0
unconsDim :: ix -> (Int, Lower ix) Source #
Take a dimension from the index from the outside
Since: 0.1.0
snocDim :: Lower ix -> Int -> ix Source #
Apppend a dimension to the index
Since: 0.1.0
unsnocDim :: ix -> (Lower ix, Int) Source #
Take a dimension from the index from the inside
Since: 0.1.0
pullOutDimM :: MonadThrow m => ix -> Dim -> m (Int, Lower ix) Source #
Pull out value at specified dimension from the index, thus also lowering it dimensionality.
Since: 0.2.5
insertDimM :: MonadThrow m => Lower ix -> Dim -> Int -> m ix Source #
Insert a dimension into the index
getDimM :: MonadThrow m => ix -> Dim -> m Int Source #
Extract the value index has at specified dimension.
Since: 0.3.0
setDimM :: MonadThrow m => ix -> Dim -> Int -> m ix Source #
Set the value for an index at specified dimension.
Since: 0.3.0
modifyDimM :: MonadThrow m => ix -> Dim -> (Int -> Int) -> m (Int, ix) Source #
Update the value for an index at specified dimension and return the old value as well as the updated index.
Since: 0.4.1
pureIndex :: Int -> ix Source #
Lift an Int
to any index by replicating the value as many times as there are dimensions.
Since: 0.1.0
liftIndex2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> ix -> ix -> ix Source #
Zip together two indices with a function
Since: 0.1.0
liftIndex :: (Int -> Int) -> ix -> ix Source #
Map a function over an index
Since: 0.1.0
foldlIndex :: (a -> Int -> a) -> a -> ix -> a Source #
Perform a left fold over the index
Check whether index is positive and is within the size.
Since: 0.1.0
Convert linear index from size and index
Since: 0.1.0
toLinearIndexAcc :: Ix1 -> ix -> ix -> Ix1 Source #
Convert linear index from size and index with an accumulator. Currently is useless and will likely be removed in future versions.
Since: 0.1.0
fromLinearIndex :: Sz ix -> Ix1 -> ix Source #
Compute an index from size and linear index
Since: 0.1.0
fromLinearIndexAcc :: ix -> Ix1 -> (Int, ix) Source #
Compute an index from size and linear index using an accumulator, thus trying to optimize for tail recursion while getting the index computed.
Since: 0.1.0
:: Sz ix | Size |
-> ix | Index |
-> (Sz Int -> Int -> Int) | Repair when below zero |
-> (Sz Int -> Int -> Int) | Repair when higher than size |
-> ix |
A way to make sure index is withing the bounds for the supplied size. Takes two functions that will be invoked whenever index (2nd arg) is outsize the supplied size (1st arg)
Since: 0.1.0
default repairIndex :: Index (Lower ix) => Sz ix -> ix -> (Sz Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Sz Int -> Int -> Int) -> ix Source #
:: Monad m | |
=> ix | Start index |
-> ix | End index |
-> ix | Increment |
-> (Int -> Int -> Bool) | Continue iterating while predicate is True (eg. until end of row) |
-> a | Initial value for an accumulator |
-> (ix -> a -> m a) | Accumulator function |
-> m a |
This function is what makes it possible to iterate over an array of any dimension.
Since: 0.1.0
default iterM :: (Index (Lower ix), Monad m) => ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> a -> (ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source #
:: Int | Scheduler multiplying factor. Must be positive |
-> Scheduler s a | Scheduler to use |
-> ix | Start index |
-> ix | Stride |
-> Sz ix | Size |
-> a | Initial accumulator |
-> (a -> ST s (a, a)) | Function that splits accumulator for each scheduled job. |
-> (ix -> a -> ST s a) | Action |
-> ST s a |
default iterRowMajorST :: Index (Lower ix) => Int -> Scheduler s a -> ix -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source #
iterF :: ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> f a -> (ix -> f a -> f a) -> f a Source #
Similar to iterM
, but no restriction on a Monad.
Since: 1.0.2
default iterF :: Index (Lower ix) => ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> f a -> (ix -> f a -> f a) -> f a Source #
stepNextMF :: ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (Maybe ix -> f a) -> f a Source #
A single step in iteration
Since: 0.1.0
default stepNextMF :: Index (Lower ix) => ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (Maybe ix -> f a) -> f a Source #
:: Applicative f | |
=> Int | Target linear index accumulator |
-> Int | Target linear index start |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> ix | Source start index |
-> ix | Source stride |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) | Action that accepts a linear index of the target, multi-dimensional index of the source and accumulator |
-> f () |
default iterTargetRowMajorA_ :: (Applicative f, Index (Lower ix)) => Int -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) -> f () Source #
iterTargetRowMajorAccM Source #
:: Monad m | |
=> Int | Target linear index accumulator |
-> Int | Target linear index start |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> ix | Source start index |
-> ix | Source stride |
-> a | Accumulator |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) | Action that accepts a linear index of the target, multi-dimensional index of the source and accumulator |
-> m a |
default iterTargetRowMajorAccM :: (Monad m, Index (Lower ix)) => Int -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> ix -> a -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source #
iterTargetRowMajorAccST Source #
:: Int | Linear index accumulator |
-> Int | Scheduler multiplying factor. Must be positive |
-> Scheduler s a | Scheduler to use |
-> Int | Target linear index start |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> ix | Source start index |
-> ix | Source stride |
-> a | Initial accumulator |
-> (a -> ST s (a, a)) | Function that splits accumulator for each scheduled job. |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) | Action |
-> ST s a |
default iterTargetRowMajorAccST :: Index (Lower ix) => Int -> Int -> Scheduler s a -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source #
iterTargetRowMajorAccST_ Source #
:: Int | Index accumulator |
-> Int | Scheduler multiplying factor. Must be positive |
-> Scheduler s () | Scheduler to use |
-> Int | Target linear start index |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> ix | Source start index |
-> ix | Source stride |
-> a | Initial accumulator |
-> (a -> ST s (a, a)) | Function that splits accumulator for each scheduled job. |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) | Action |
-> ST s () |
zeroIndex :: Index ix => ix Source #
Index with all zeros
zeroIndex :: Ix4
0 :> 0 :> 0 :. 0
Since: 0.1.0
isZeroSz :: Index ix => Sz ix -> Bool Source #
Checks whether size can hold at least one element.
isZeroSz (Sz3 1 0 2)
Since: 1.0.0
isNotZeroSz :: Index ix => Sz ix -> Bool Source #
Checks whether size can hold at least one element.
isNotZeroSz (Sz3 1 0 2)
Since: 1.0.0
headDim :: Index ix => ix -> Int Source #
Get the outmost dimension of the index.
headDim (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5)
Since: 0.1.0
tailDim :: Index ix => ix -> Lower ix Source #
Drop the outmost dimension from the index
tailDim (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5)
3 :> 4 :. 5
Since: 0.1.0
lastDim :: Index ix => ix -> Int Source #
Get the innermost dimension from the index
lastDim (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5)
Since: 0.1.0
initDim :: Index ix => ix -> Lower ix Source #
Drop the innermost dimension from the index
initDim (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5)
2 :> 3 :. 4
Since: 0.1.0
getDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> Int Source #
Change the value from a specific dimension within the index. See
for a safer version and getDimension
for a type safe version.
getDim' (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) 3
Since: 0.2.4
setDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> Int -> ix Source #
Change the value of a specific dimension within the index. See setDimM
for a safer
version and setDimension
for a type safe version.
setDim' (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) 3 10
2 :> 10 :> 4 :. 5
Since: 0.2.4
modifyDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int, ix) Source #
Update the value of a specific dimension within the index. See
for a safer version and modifyDimension
for a type safe version.
modifyDim' (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) 2 (+ 10)
(4,2 :> 3 :> 14 :. 5)
Since: 0.4.1
dropDimM :: (MonadThrow m, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> m (Lower ix) Source #
Remove a dimension from the index.
dropDimM (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) 3 :: Maybe Ix3
Just (2 :> 4 :. 5)>>>
dropDimM (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) 6 :: Maybe Ix3
Since: 0.3.0
dropDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> Lower ix Source #
Remove a dimension from the index.
dropDim' (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) 3
2 :> 4 :. 5
Since: 0.2.4
pullOutDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => ix -> Dim -> (Int, Lower ix) Source #
Lower the dimension of the index by pulling the specified dimension. See
for a safer version and pullOutDimension
for a type safe version.
pullOutDim' (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) 3
(3,2 :> 4 :. 5)
Since: 0.2.4
insertDim' :: (HasCallStack, Index ix) => Lower ix -> Dim -> Int -> ix Source #
Raise the dimension of the index by inserting one in the specified dimension. See
for a safer version and insertDimension
for a type safe version.
insertDim' (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) 3 10 :: Ix5
2 :> 3 :> 10 :> 4 :. 5
Since: 0.2.4
fromDimension :: KnownNat n => Dimension n -> Dim Source #
Get the value level Dim
from the type level equivalent.
fromDimension Dim4
(Dim 4)>>>
:set -XDataKinds
fromDimension (DimN :: Dimension 10)
(Dim 10)
Since: 0.2.4
getDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> Int Source #
Type safe way to extract value of index at a particular dimension.
getDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim2
Since: 0.2.4
setDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> Int -> ix Source #
Type safe way to set value of index at a particular dimension.
setDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim4 10
10 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5
Since: 0.2.4
modifyDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int, ix) Source #
Type safe way to set value of index at a particular dimension.
modifyDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim3 (+ 2)
(3,2 :> 5 :> 4 :. 5)
Since: 0.4.1
dropDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> Lower ix Source #
Type safe way of dropping a particular dimension, thus lowering index dimensionality.
dropDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim2
2 :> 3 :. 5
Since: 0.2.4
pullOutDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => ix -> Dimension n -> (Int, Lower ix) Source #
Type safe way of pulling out a particular dimension, thus lowering index dimensionality and returning the value at specified dimension.
pullOutDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim2
(4,2 :> 3 :. 5)
Since: 0.2.4
insertDimension :: IsIndexDimension ix n => Lower ix -> Dimension n -> Int -> ix Source #
Type safe way of inserting a particular dimension, thus raising index dimensionality.
insertDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim5 10 :: Ix5
10 :> 2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5>>>
insertDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim4 10 :: Ix5
2 :> 10 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5>>>
insertDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim3 10 :: Ix5
2 :> 3 :> 10 :> 4 :. 5>>>
insertDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim2 10 :: Ix5
2 :> 3 :> 4 :> 10 :. 5>>>
insertDimension (2 :> 3 :> 4 :. 5) Dim1 10 :: Ix5
2 :> 3 :> 4 :> 5 :. 10
Since: 0.2.5
:: Index ix | |
=> ix | Start index |
-> ix | End index |
-> ix | Increment |
-> (Int -> Int -> Bool) | Continuation condition |
-> a | Accumulator |
-> (ix -> a -> a) | Iterating function |
-> a |
Row-major iterator for the index. Same as iterM
, but pure.
iter (Ix1 0) 1000 1 (<) 0 (+)
iter (0 :. 0) (2 :. 3) oneIndex (<) 100 $ \ (i :. j) acc -> (acc + i) * (j + 1)
Since: 0.1.0
:: forall ix f a. (Index ix, Applicative f) | |
=> ix | Starting index |
-> ix | Ending index (not included) |
-> ix | Stepping index |
-> (Int -> Int -> Bool) | Continuation function. Loop will stop on |
-> (ix -> f a) | Action applied to an index. Result is ignored. |
-> f () |
Same as iterM
, Iterate over a region with specific step, but using
instead of a Monad
and don't bother with accumulator or return value.
Since: 1.0.2
iterM_ :: (Index ix, Monad m) => ix -> ix -> ix -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (ix -> m a) -> m () Source #
:: (Index ix, Monad m) | |
=> Sz ix | Size |
-> Int | Linear start (must be non-negative) |
-> Int | Linear end (must be less than or equal to |
-> Int | Increment (must not be zero) |
-> (Int -> Int -> Bool) | Continuation condition (continue if |
-> a | Accumulator |
-> (Int -> ix -> a -> m a) | |
-> m a |
Iterate over N-dimensional space linearly from start to end in row-major fashion with an accumulator
sz = Sz2 3 4
iterLinearM sz 0 3 1 (<) 100 $ \ k ix acc -> (acc + k) <$ print (fromLinearIndex sz k == ix)
True True True 103
Since: 0.1.0
:: (Index ix, Monad m) | |
=> Sz ix | Size |
-> Int | Start (must be non-negative) |
-> Int | End |
-> Int | Increment (must not be zero) |
-> (Int -> Int -> Bool) | Continuation condition (continue if |
-> (Int -> ix -> m ()) | Monadic action that takes index in both forms |
-> m () |
Same as iterLinearM
, except without an accumulator.
sz = Sz2 3 4
iterLinearM_ sz 0 3 1 (<) $ \ k ix -> print (toLinearIndex sz ix == k)
True True True
Since: 0.1.0
loop :: Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> a) -> a Source #
Efficient loop with an accumulator
Since: 0.1.0
loopA :: Applicative f => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> f b -> (Int -> f (b -> b)) -> f b Source #
Applicative loop. Use monadic loopM
when possible, since it will be more efficient.
Since: 0.3.0
loopA_ :: Applicative f => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> f a) -> f () Source #
Efficient Applicative loop. Result of each iteration is discarded.
loopA_ initial cond incr f === loopA initial cond incr (pure ()) (\i -> id <$ f i)
Since: 1.0.2
loopM :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> m a) -> m a Source #
Efficient monadic loop with an accumulator
loopM 1 (< 20) (+ 2) [] (\i a -> Just (i:a))
Just [19,17,15,13,11,9,7,5,3,1]
Since: 0.1.0
loopM_ :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> m a) -> m () Source #
Deprecated: In favor of loopA_
Efficient monadic loop. Result of each iteration is discarded.
Since: 0.1.0
iloopM :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> Int -> a -> m a) -> m a Source #
Efficient monadic loop with an accumulator and extra linear index incremented by 1.
iloopM 100 1 (< 20) (+ 2) [] (\i ix a -> Just ((i, ix) : a))
Just [(109,19),(108,17),(107,15),(106,13),(105,11),(104,9),(103,7),(102,5),(101,3),(100,1)]
Since: 1.0.2
iloopA_ :: Applicative f => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int -> f a) -> f () Source #
Efficient monadic loop with extra linear index incremented by 1.
iloopA_ 100 1 (< 10) (+ 2) (\i ix -> print (i, ix))
(100,1) (101,3) (102,5) (103,7) (104,9)
Since: 1.0.2
loopNextM :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> Int -> a -> m a) -> m a Source #
Similar to loopM_
except the action accepts not only the value for current step,
but also for the next one as well.
Since: 1.0.2
loopNextA_ :: Applicative f => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int -> f a) -> f () Source #
Similar to loopM_
except the action accepts not only the value for current step,
but also for the next one as well.
Since: 1.0.2
loopDeepM :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> m a) -> m a Source #
Similar to loopM
, but way less efficient monadic loop with an accumulator that reverses
the direction of action application. eg:
loopDeepM 1 (< 20) (+ 2) [] (\i a -> Just (i:a))
Just [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19]
Equivalent to:
loopM 19 (>= 1) (subtract 2) [] (\i a -> Just (i:a))
Just [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19]
Since: 0.1.0
:: Int | Number of chunks |
-> Int | Total length |
-> (Int -> Int -> a) | Function that accepts a chunk length and slack start index |
-> a |
Divide length in chunks and apply a function to the computed results
Since: 0.2.1
splitLinearlyM :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s a -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> m a) -> m () Source #
Iterator that expects an action that accepts starting linear index as well as the ending
Since: 1.0.2
splitLinearlyM_ :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s () -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> m ()) -> m () Source #
Iterator that expects an action that accepts starting linear index as well as the ending
Since: 0.5.7
splitLinearlyWith_ :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s () -> Int -> (Int -> b) -> (Int -> b -> m ()) -> m () Source #
Iterator that can be used to split computation amongst different workers. For monadic
generator see splitLinearlyWithM_
Since: 0.2.1
splitLinearlyWithM_ :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s () -> Int -> (Int -> m b) -> (Int -> b -> m c) -> m () Source #
Iterator that can be used to split computation jobs
Since: 0.2.6
splitLinearlyWithStartAtM_ :: MonadPrimBase s m => Scheduler s () -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> m b) -> (Int -> b -> m c) -> m () Source #
Iterator that can be used to split computation jobs
Since: 0.3.0
splitLinearlyWithStatefulM_ Source #
:: MonadUnliftIO m | |
=> SchedulerWS ws () | |
-> Int | Total linear length |
-> (Int -> ws -> m b) | Element producing action |
-> (Int -> b -> m c) | Element storing action |
-> m () |
Iterator that can be used to split computation jobs, while using a stateful scheduler.
Since: 0.3.4
iterLinearST_ :: Int -> Scheduler s () -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source #
Linear iterator that supports multiplying factor
Since: 1.0.2
iterLinearAccST_ :: Int -> Scheduler s () -> Int -> Int -> Int -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Int -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source #
Linear iterator that supports multiplying factor and accumulator, but the results are discarded.
Since: 1.0.2
:: Int | |
-> Scheduler s a | |
-> Int | |
-> Int | Step. Must be non-zero |
-> Int | |
-> a | |
-> (a -> ST s (a, a)) | |
-> (Int -> a -> ST s a) | |
-> ST s a |
Linear iterator that supports multiplying factor and accumulator. Results of actions are stored in the scheduler.
Since: 1.0.2
splitNumChunks :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) Source #
Helper for figuring out the chunk length and slack start
splitWorkWithFactorST Source #
:: Int | Multiplying factor to be applied to number of workers for number of jobs to schedule. Higher the factor, more jobs will be scheduled. Only positive values are valid. |
-> Scheduler s a | |
-> Int | Starting index |
-> Int | Stepping value. Can be negative, but must not be zero. |
-> Int | Total number of steps to be taken |
-> b | Initial value for an accumulator |
-> (b -> ST s (b, b)) | An action to split accumulator for multiple threads |
-> (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> b -> ST s a) | A job to be scheduled. Accepts:
-> ST s b |
This is a major helper function for fair splitting and parallelization of work with ability to use some arbitrary accumulator and splittable seed
Since: 1.0.2
scheduleMassivWork :: PrimBase m => Scheduler (PrimState m) a -> m a -> m () Source #
Internal version of a scheduleWork
that will be replaced by
by the compiler whenever action produces ()
withMassivScheduler_ :: Comp -> (Scheduler RealWorld () -> IO ()) -> IO () Source #
Selects an optimal scheduler for the supplied strategy, but it works only in IO
Since: 1.0.0
class Iterator it where Source #
Minimal complete definition
iterTargetM, iterTargetA_, iterTargetWithStrideAccST, iterTargetWithStrideAccST_
:: (Index ix, Applicative f) | |
=> it | |
-> Int | Target linear index start |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> ix | Source start index |
-> Stride ix | Source stride |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) | Action that accepts a linear index of the target and multi-dimensional index of the source. |
-> f () |
Iterate over a target region using linear index with access to the source
index, which adjusted according to the stride. Use iterTargetM
if you
need an accumulator.
Since: 1.0.2
:: (Index ix, Monad m) | |
=> it | |
-> Ix1 | Target linear index start |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> ix | Source start index |
-> Stride ix | Source stride |
-> a | Accumulator |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) | Action that accepts a linear index of the target, multi-dimensional index of the source and accumulator |
-> m a |
Iterate over a target region using linear index with access to the source index, which adjusted according to the stride.
Since: 1.0.2
iterTargetWithStrideAccST Source #
:: Index ix | |
=> it | |
-> Scheduler s a | Scheduler to use |
-> Ix1 | Target linear start index |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> ix | Source start index |
-> Stride ix | Source stride |
-> a | Initial accumulator |
-> (a -> ST s (a, a)) | Splitting action that produces new accumulators for separate worker threads. |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) | Action |
-> ST s a |
iterTargetWithStrideAccST_ Source #
:: Index ix | |
=> it | |
-> Scheduler s () | Scheduler to use |
-> Ix1 | Target linear start index |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> ix | Start |
-> Stride ix | Stride |
-> a | Initial accumulator |
-> (a -> ST s (a, a)) | Splitting action that produces new accumulators for separate worker threads. |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) | Action |
-> ST s () |
:: (Index ix, Monad m) | |
=> it | |
-> ix | Source start index |
-> Sz ix | Source size |
-> a | Accumulator |
-> (ix -> a -> m a) | Action that accepts a linear index of the target, multi-dimensional index of the source and accumulator |
-> m a |
Iterate over a region with a monadic action and accumulator.
Since: 1.0.2
:: (Index ix, Applicative f) | |
=> it | |
-> ix | Source start index |
-> Sz ix | Source size |
-> (ix -> f a) | Action that accepts a linear index of the target, multi-dimensional index of the source and accumulator |
-> f () |
Iterate over a region with an applicative action ignoring the result.
Since: 1.0.2
:: Index ix | |
=> it | Scheduler multiplying factor. Must be positive |
-> Scheduler s a | Scheduler to use |
-> ix | Start index |
-> Sz ix | Size |
-> a | Initial accumulator |
-> (a -> ST s (a, a)) | Function that splits accumulator for each scheduled job. |
-> (ix -> a -> ST s a) | Action |
-> ST s a |
Iterate over a region in a ST monad with access to Scheduler
:: Index ix | |
=> it | |
-> Scheduler s a | Scheduler to use |
-> Ix1 | Target linear start index |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> a | Initial accumulator |
-> (a -> ST s (a, a)) | Function that splits accumulator for each scheduled job. |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) | Action |
-> ST s a |
:: Index ix | |
=> it | |
-> Scheduler s () | Scheduler to use |
-> Ix1 | Target linear start index |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> a | Initial accumulator |
-> (a -> ST s (a, a)) | Function that splits accumulator for each scheduled job. |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) | Action |
-> ST s () |
:: Index ix | |
=> it | |
-> Scheduler s () | Scheduler to use |
-> Ix1 | Target linear start index |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) | Action |
-> ST s () |
iterTargetWithStrideST_ Source #
:: Index ix | |
=> it | |
-> Scheduler s () | Scheduler to use |
-> Ix1 | Target linear start index |
-> Sz ix | Target size |
-> ix | Start |
-> Stride ix | Stride |
-> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s a) | Action |
-> ST s () |
Iterate over a target array with a stride without an accumulator
Iterator RowMajor Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Iterator Methods iterTargetA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajor -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterTargetM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajor -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterFullM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajor -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterFullA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajor -> ix -> Sz ix -> (ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s a -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetFullST_ :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetWithStrideST_ :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # | |
Iterator RowMajorLinear Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Iterator Methods iterTargetA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajorLinear -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterTargetM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajorLinear -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterFullM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajorLinear -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterFullA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajorLinear -> ix -> Sz ix -> (ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s a -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetFullST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetWithStrideST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # | |
Iterator RowMajorUnbalanced Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Iterator Methods iterTargetA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterTargetM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterFullM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajorUnbalanced -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterFullA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajorUnbalanced -> ix -> Sz ix -> (ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s a -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetFullST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetWithStrideST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # |
Extra iterator functions
Iterator implementations
Default iterator that parallelizes work in linear chunks. Supplied factor will be used to schedule that many jobs per capability.
Since: 1.0.2
Bundled Patterns
pattern RowMajor | |
Iterator RowMajor Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Iterator Methods iterTargetA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajor -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterTargetM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajor -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterFullM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajor -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterFullA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajor -> ix -> Sz ix -> (ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s a -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetFullST_ :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetWithStrideST_ :: Index ix => RowMajor -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # |
defRowMajor :: RowMajor Source #
Default row major iterator with multiplying factor set to 8
newtype RowMajorLinear Source #
RowMajorLinear Int |
Iterator RowMajorLinear Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Iterator Methods iterTargetA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajorLinear -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterTargetM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajorLinear -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterFullM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajorLinear -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterFullA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajorLinear -> ix -> Sz ix -> (ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s a -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetFullST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetWithStrideST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorLinear -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # |
data RowMajorUnbalanced where Source #
Parallelizing unbalanced computation (i.e. computing some elements of the array is much more expensive then the others) it can be benefitial to interleave iteration. Perfect example of this would be a ray tracer or the Mandelbrot set.
iteration without parallelization is equivalent to RowMajor
Since: 1.0.2
Bundled Patterns
pattern RowMajorUnbalanced | |
Iterator RowMajorUnbalanced Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Iterator Methods iterTargetA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Int -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterTargetM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetWithStrideAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterFullM :: (Index ix, Monad m) => RowMajorUnbalanced -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (ix -> a -> m a) -> m a Source # iterFullA_ :: (Index ix, Applicative f) => RowMajorUnbalanced -> ix -> Sz ix -> (ix -> f a) -> f () Source # iterFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s a -> ix -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s a -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s a Source # iterTargetFullAccST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> a -> (a -> ST s (a, a)) -> (Ix1 -> ix -> a -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetFullST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s ()) -> ST s () Source # iterTargetWithStrideST_ :: Index ix => RowMajorUnbalanced -> Scheduler s () -> Ix1 -> Sz ix -> ix -> Stride ix -> (Ix1 -> ix -> ST s a) -> ST s () Source # |
Tuple based indices
data IndexException where Source #
Exceptions that get thrown when there is a problem with an index, size or dimension.
Since: 0.3.0
IndexZeroException :: Index ix => !ix -> IndexException | Index contains a zero value along one of the dimensions. |
IndexDimensionException :: (NFData ix, Eq ix, Show ix, Typeable ix) => !ix -> !Dim -> IndexException | Dimension is out of reach. |
IndexOutOfBoundsException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> !ix -> IndexException | Index is out of bounds. |
Exception IndexException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods toException :: IndexException -> SomeException # | |
Show IndexException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> IndexException -> ShowS # show :: IndexException -> String # showList :: [IndexException] -> ShowS # | |
NFData IndexException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods rnf :: IndexException -> () # | |
Eq IndexException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods (==) :: IndexException -> IndexException -> Bool # (/=) :: IndexException -> IndexException -> Bool # |
data SizeException where Source #
Exception that indicates an issue with an array size.
Since: 0.3.0
SizeMismatchException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> !(Sz ix) -> SizeException | Two sizes are expected to be equal along some or all dimensions, but they are not. |
SizeElementsMismatchException :: (Index ix, Index ix') => !(Sz ix) -> !(Sz ix') -> SizeException | Total number of elements does not match between the two sizes. |
SizeSubregionException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> !ix -> !(Sz ix) -> SizeException | Described subregion is too big for the specified size. |
SizeEmptyException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> SizeException | An array with the size cannot contain any elements. |
SizeOverflowException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> SizeException | Total number of elements is too large resulting in overflow. Since: 0.6.0 |
SizeNegativeException :: Index ix => !(Sz ix) -> SizeException | At least one dimensions contain a negative value. Since: 0.6.0 |
Exception SizeException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods toException :: SizeException -> SomeException # fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe SizeException # displayException :: SizeException -> String # | |
Show SizeException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SizeException -> ShowS # show :: SizeException -> String # showList :: [SizeException] -> ShowS # | |
NFData SizeException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods rnf :: SizeException -> () # | |
Eq SizeException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods (==) :: SizeException -> SizeException -> Bool # (/=) :: SizeException -> SizeException -> Bool # |
data ShapeException Source #
Exception that can happen upon conversion of a ragged type array into the rectangular kind. Which means conversion from lists is susceptible to this exception.
Since: 0.3.0
DimTooShortException !Dim !(Sz Ix1) !(Sz Ix1) | Across a specific dimension there was not enough elements for the supplied size |
DimTooLongException !Dim !(Sz Ix1) !(Sz Ix1) | Across a specific dimension there was too many elements for the supplied size |
ShapeNonEmpty | Expected an empty size, but the shape was not empty. |
Exception ShapeException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods toException :: ShapeException -> SomeException # | |
Show ShapeException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ShapeException -> ShowS # show :: ShapeException -> String # showList :: [ShapeException] -> ShowS # | |
Eq ShapeException Source # | |
Defined in Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal Methods (==) :: ShapeException -> ShapeException -> Bool # (/=) :: ShapeException -> ShapeException -> Bool # |
guardNumberOfElements :: (MonadThrow m, Index ix, Index ix') => Sz ix -> Sz ix' -> m () Source #
Throw SizeElementsMismatchException
whenever number of elements in both sizes do
not match.
Since: 0.3.5
indexAssert :: String -> (a -> Sz ix) -> (a -> ix -> e) -> a -> ix -> e Source #
This is used by the unsafe-checks
cabal flag.
Since: 1.1.0
:: Index ix | |
=> String | Source file name, eg. "srcDataMassivCoreIndex.hs" |
-> Int | Line number in th source file, eg. 660 |
-> String | |
-> (arr -> Sz ix) | Get size of the array |
-> (arr -> ix -> e) | Indexing function |
-> arr | Array |
-> ix | Index |
-> e |
Deprecated: In favor of indexAssert
that uses HasCallStack
This is used by INDEX_CHECK
macro and thus used whenever the unsafe-checks
flag is on.
Since: 0.4.0