Copyright | (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2020 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Alexey Kuleshevich <> |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type Vector r e = Array r Ix1 e
- type MVector s r e = MArray s r Ix1 e
- slength :: Stream r ix e => Array r ix e -> Maybe Sz1
- maxSize :: Load r ix e => Array r ix e -> Maybe (Sz ix)
- size :: Load r ix e => Array r ix e -> Sz ix
- snull :: Load r ix e => Array r ix e -> Bool
- (!?) :: (Manifest r ix e, MonadThrow m) => Array r ix e -> ix -> m e
- (!) :: Manifest r ix e => Array r ix e -> ix -> e
- index :: Manifest r ix e => Array r ix e -> ix -> Maybe e
- index' :: Manifest r ix e => Array r ix e -> ix -> e
- head' :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> e
- shead' :: Stream r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> e
- last' :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> e
- indexM :: (Manifest r ix e, MonadThrow m) => Array r ix e -> ix -> m e
- headM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m e
- sheadM :: (Stream r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m e
- lastM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m e
- unconsM :: (MonadThrow m, Source r Ix1 e) => Vector r e -> m (e, Vector D e)
- unsnocM :: (MonadThrow m, Source r Ix1 e) => Vector r e -> m (Vector D e, e)
- slice :: Source r Ix1 e => Ix1 -> Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e
- slice' :: Source r Ix1 e => Ix1 -> Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e
- sliceM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Ix1 -> Sz1 -> Vector r e -> m (Vector r e)
- sslice :: Stream r Ix1 e => Ix1 -> Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector DS e
- sliceAt :: Source r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> (Vector r e, Vector r e)
- sliceAt' :: Source r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> (Vector r e, Vector r e)
- sliceAtM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> m (Vector r e, Vector r e)
- init :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> Vector r e
- init' :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> Vector r e
- initM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m (Vector r e)
- tail :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> Vector r e
- tail' :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> Vector r e
- tailM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m (Vector r e)
- take :: Source r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e
- take' :: Source r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e
- takeM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> m (Vector r e)
- stake :: Stream r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector DS e
- drop :: Source r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e
- drop' :: Source r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e
- dropM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> m (Vector r e)
- sdrop :: Stream r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector DS e
- empty :: forall r ix e. Construct r ix e => Array r ix e
- sempty :: Vector DS e
- singleton :: forall r ix e. Construct r ix e => e -> Array r ix e
- ssingleton :: e -> Vector DS e
- cons :: e -> Vector DL e -> Vector DL e
- snoc :: Vector DL e -> e -> Vector DL e
- replicate :: forall ix e. Index ix => Comp -> Sz ix -> e -> Array DL ix e
- sreplicate :: Sz1 -> e -> Vector DS e
- generate :: Comp -> Sz1 -> (Ix1 -> e) -> Vector D e
- sgenerate :: Sz1 -> (Ix1 -> e) -> Vector DS e
- siterate :: (e -> e) -> e -> Vector DS e
- siterateN :: Sz1 -> (e -> e) -> e -> Vector DS e
- sreplicateM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> m e -> m (Vector DS e)
- sgenerateM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> (Ix1 -> m e) -> m (Vector DS e)
- siterateNM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> (e -> m e) -> e -> m (Vector DS e)
- sunfoldr :: (s -> Maybe (e, s)) -> s -> Vector DS e
- sunfoldrM :: Monad m => (s -> m (Maybe (e, s))) -> s -> m (Vector DS e)
- sunfoldrN :: Sz1 -> (s -> Maybe (e, s)) -> s -> Vector DS e
- sunfoldrNM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> (s -> m (Maybe (e, s))) -> s -> m (Vector DS e)
- sunfoldrExactN :: Sz1 -> (s -> (e, s)) -> s -> Vector DS e
- sunfoldrExactNM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> (s -> m (e, s)) -> s -> m (Vector DS e)
- (...) :: Index ix => ix -> ix -> Array D ix ix
- (..:) :: Index ix => ix -> ix -> Array D ix ix
- enumFromN :: Num e => Comp -> e -> Sz1 -> Vector D e
- senumFromN :: Num e => e -> Sz1 -> Vector DS e
- enumFromStepN :: Num e => Comp -> e -> e -> Sz1 -> Vector D e
- senumFromStepN :: Num e => e -> e -> Sz1 -> Vector DS e
- sappend :: (Stream r1 Ix1 e, Stream r2 Ix1 e) => Vector r1 e -> Vector r2 e -> Vector DS e
- sconcat :: Stream r Ix1 e => [Vector r e] -> Vector DS e
- smap :: Stream r ix a => (a -> b) -> Array r ix a -> Vector DS b
- simap :: Stream r ix a => (ix -> a -> b) -> Array r ix a -> Vector DS b
- straverse :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b)
- sitraverse :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f b) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b)
- smapM :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> Array r ix a -> m (Vector DS b)
- smapM_ :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> Array r ix a -> m ()
- simapM :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => (ix -> a -> m b) -> Array r ix a -> m (Vector DS b)
- simapM_ :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => (ix -> a -> m b) -> Array r ix a -> m ()
- sforM :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => Array r ix a -> (a -> m b) -> m (Vector DS b)
- sforM_ :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => Array r ix a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
- siforM :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => Array r ix a -> (ix -> a -> m b) -> m (Vector DS b)
- siforM_ :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => Array r ix a -> (ix -> a -> m b) -> m ()
- szip :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector DS (a, b)
- szip3 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector DS (a, b, c)
- szip4 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector DS (a, b, c, d)
- szip5 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector DS (a, b, c, d, e)
- szip6 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> Vector DS (a, b, c, d, e, f)
- szipWith :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b) => (a -> b -> c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector DS c
- szipWith3 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector DS d
- szipWith4 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector DS e
- szipWith5 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector DS f
- szipWith6 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> Vector DS g
- sizipWith :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector DS c
- sizipWith3 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector DS d
- sizipWith4 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector DS e
- sizipWith5 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector DS f
- sizipWith6 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> Vector DS g
- szipWithM :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> m (Vector DS c)
- szipWith3M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> m d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> m (Vector DS d)
- szipWith4M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> m e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> m (Vector DS e)
- szipWith5M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> m f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> m (Vector DS f)
- szipWith6M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> m g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> m (Vector DS g)
- sizipWithM :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> m c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> m (Vector DS c)
- sizipWith3M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> m d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> m (Vector DS d)
- sizipWith4M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> m e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> m (Vector DS e)
- sizipWith5M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> m f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> m (Vector DS f)
- sizipWith6M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> m g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> m (Vector DS g)
- szipWithM_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> m ()
- szipWith3M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> m d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> m ()
- szipWith4M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> m e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> m ()
- szipWith5M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> m f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> m ()
- szipWith6M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> m g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> m ()
- sizipWithM_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> m c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> m ()
- sizipWith3M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> m d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> m ()
- sizipWith4M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> m e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> m ()
- sizipWith5M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> m f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> m ()
- sizipWith6M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> m g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> m ()
- sfilter :: Stream r ix e => (e -> Bool) -> Array r ix e -> Vector DS e
- sifilter :: Stream r ix a => (ix -> a -> Bool) -> Array r ix a -> Vector DS a
- sfilterM :: (Stream r ix e, Applicative f) => (e -> f Bool) -> Array r ix e -> f (Vector DS e)
- sifilterM :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f Bool) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS a)
- smapMaybe :: Stream r ix a => (a -> Maybe b) -> Array r ix a -> Vector DS b
- smapMaybeM :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b)
- scatMaybes :: Stream r ix (Maybe a) => Array r ix (Maybe a) -> Vector DS a
- simapMaybe :: Stream r ix a => (ix -> a -> Maybe b) -> Array r ix a -> Vector DS b
- simapMaybeM :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b)
- sfoldl :: Stream r ix e => (a -> e -> a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> a
- sfoldlM :: (Stream r ix e, Monad m) => (a -> e -> m a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> m a
- sfoldlM_ :: (Stream r ix e, Monad m) => (a -> e -> m a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> m ()
- sifoldl :: Stream r ix e => (a -> ix -> e -> a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> a
- sifoldlM :: (Stream r ix e, Monad m) => (a -> ix -> e -> m a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> m a
- sifoldlM_ :: (Stream r ix e, Monad m) => (a -> ix -> e -> m a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> m ()
- sfoldl1' :: Stream r ix e => (e -> e -> e) -> Array r ix e -> e
- sfoldl1M :: (Stream r ix e, MonadThrow m) => (e -> e -> m e) -> Array r ix e -> m e
- sfoldl1M_ :: (Stream r ix e, MonadThrow m) => (e -> e -> m e) -> Array r ix e -> m ()
- sor :: Stream r ix Bool => Array r ix Bool -> Bool
- sand :: Stream r ix Bool => Array r ix Bool -> Bool
- sall :: Stream r ix e => (e -> Bool) -> Array r ix e -> Bool
- sany :: Stream r ix e => (e -> Bool) -> Array r ix e -> Bool
- ssum :: (Num e, Stream r ix e) => Array r ix e -> e
- sproduct :: (Num e, Stream r ix e) => Array r ix e -> e
- smaximum' :: (Ord e, Stream r ix e) => Array r ix e -> e
- smaximumM :: (Ord e, Stream r ix e, MonadThrow m) => Array r ix e -> m e
- sminimum' :: (Ord e, Stream r ix e) => Array r ix e -> e
- sminimumM :: (Ord e, Stream r ix e, MonadThrow m) => Array r ix e -> m e
- stoList :: Stream r ix e => Array r ix e -> [e]
- fromList :: forall r e. Mutable r Ix1 e => Comp -> [e] -> Array r Ix1 e
- sfromList :: [e] -> Vector DS e
- sfromListN :: Sz1 -> [e] -> Vector DS e
- compute :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- computeS :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- computeIO :: forall r ix e r' m. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e, MonadIO m) => Array r' ix e -> m (Array r ix e)
- computePrimM :: forall r ix e r' m. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e, PrimMonad m) => Array r' ix e -> m (Array r ix e)
- computeAs :: (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => r -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- computeProxy :: (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => proxy r -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- computeSource :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, Source r' ix e) => Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- computeWithStride :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, StrideLoad r' ix e) => Stride ix -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- computeWithStrideAs :: (Mutable r ix e, StrideLoad r' ix e) => r -> Stride ix -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- clone :: Mutable r ix e => Array r ix e -> Array r ix e
- convert :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- convertAs :: (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => r -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- convertProxy :: (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => proxy r -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
- takeS :: Stream r ix e => Sz1 -> Array r ix e -> Array DS Ix1 e
- dropS :: Stream r ix e => Sz1 -> Array r ix e -> Array DS Ix1 e
- unfoldr :: (s -> Maybe (e, s)) -> s -> Vector DS e
- unfoldrN :: Sz1 -> (s -> Maybe (e, s)) -> s -> Vector DS e
- filterS :: Stream r ix e => (e -> Bool) -> Array r ix e -> Array DS Ix1 e
- ifilterS :: Source r ix a => (ix -> a -> Bool) -> Array r ix a -> Array DS Ix1 a
- filterM :: (Stream r ix e, Applicative f) => (e -> f Bool) -> Array r ix e -> f (Vector DS e)
- ifilterM :: (Source r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f Bool) -> Array r ix a -> f (Array DS Ix1 a)
- mapMaybeS :: Stream r ix a => (a -> Maybe b) -> Array r ix a -> Vector DS b
- imapMaybeS :: Source r ix a => (ix -> a -> Maybe b) -> Array r ix a -> Array DS Ix1 b
- mapMaybeM :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b)
- imapMaybeM :: (Source r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Array r ix a -> f (Array DS Ix1 b)
- catMaybesS :: Stream r ix (Maybe a) => Array r ix (Maybe a) -> Vector DS a
- traverseS :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b)
- module Data.Massiv.Core
- module Data.Massiv.Array.Delayed
- module Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest
- module Data.Massiv.Array.Mutable
type Vector r e = Array r Ix1 e Source #
Type synonym for a single dimension array, or simply a flat vector.
Since: 0.5.0
type MVector s r e = MArray s r Ix1 e Source #
Type synonym for a single dimension mutable array, or simply a flat mutable vector.
Since: 0.5.0
slength :: Stream r ix e => Array r ix e -> Maybe Sz1 Source #
O(1) - Get the length of a Stream
array, but only if it is known exactly in
constant time without looking at any of the elements in the array.
Related: maxSize
, size
, elemsCount
and totalElem
slength $ sfromList []
slength $ sreplicate 5 ()
Just (Sz1 5)>>>
slength $ makeArrayLinearR D Seq (Sz1 5) id
Just (Sz1 5)>>>
slength $ sunfoldr (\x -> Just (x, x)) (0 :: Int)
slength $ sunfoldrN 10 (\x -> Just (x, x)) (0 :: Int)
slength $ sunfoldrExactN 10 (\x -> (x, x)) (0 :: Int)
Just (Sz1 10)
- For some data structures, like a list for
example, it is an O(n) operation, because there is a need to evaluate the full spine
and possibly even the elements in order to get the full length. With
vectors that is rarely the case. Data.Vector.Generic.
- In the vector package this function will always break fusion, unless it is the only operation that is applied to the vector.
Since: 0.5.0
maxSize :: Load r ix e => Array r ix e -> Maybe (Sz ix) Source #
O(1) - Get the possible maximum size of an immutabe array. If the lookup of size
in constant time is not possible, Nothing
will be returned. This value will be used
as the initial size of the mutable array into which the loading will happen.
Since: 0.5.0
snull :: Load r ix e => Array r ix e -> Bool Source #
O(1) - Check whether a Stream
array is empty or not. It only looks at the exact size
(i.e. slength
), if it is available, otherwise checks if there is at least one element
in a stream.
Related: isEmpty
, isNotEmpty
snull sempty
snull (empty :: Array D Ix5 Int)
snull $ ssingleton "A Vector with a single String element"
snull $ sfromList []
snull $ sfromList [1 :: Int ..]
- List fusion is also broken with a check for emptiness, unless there are no other consumers of the list.
- Same as with
, unless it is the only operation applied to the vector it will break fusion and will result in the vector being fully materialized in memory.
Since: 0.5.0
(!?) :: (Manifest r ix e, MonadThrow m) => Array r ix e -> ix -> m e infixl 4 Source #
O(1) - Infix version of indexM
Exceptions: IndexOutOfBoundsException
import Data.Massiv.Array as A
:set -XTypeApplications
a <- fromListsM @U @Ix2 @Int Seq [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
Array U Seq (Sz (2 :. 3)) [ [ 1, 2, 3 ] , [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]>>>
a !? 0 :. 2
a !? 0 :. 3
*** Exception: IndexOutOfBoundsException: (0 :. 3) is not safe for (Sz (2 :. 3))>>>
a !? 0 :. 3 :: Maybe Int
Since: 0.1.0
(!) :: Manifest r ix e => Array r ix e -> ix -> e infixl 4 Source #
O(1) - Infix version of index'
import Data.Massiv.Array as A
a = computeAs U $ iterateN (Sz (2 :. 3)) succ (0 :: Int)
Array U Seq (Sz (2 :. 3)) [ [ 1, 2, 3 ] , [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]>>>
a ! 0 :. 2
a ! 0 :. 3
*** Exception: IndexOutOfBoundsException: (0 :. 3) is not safe for (Sz (2 :. 3))
Since: 0.1.0
index' :: Manifest r ix e => Array r ix e -> ix -> e Source #
O(1) - Lookup an element in the array. This is a partial function and it can throw
inside pure code. It is safer to use index
import Data.Massiv.Array
:set -XOverloadedLists
xs = [0..100] :: Array U Ix1 Int
index' xs 50
index' xs 150
*** Exception: IndexOutOfBoundsException: 150 is not safe for (Sz1 101)
Since: 0.1.0
shead' :: Stream r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> e Source #
O(1) - Get the first element of a Stream
vector. Throws an error on empty.
Related: head'
, headM
, sheadM
, unconsM
shead' $ sunfoldr (\x -> Just (x, x)) (0 :: Int)
x = shead' $ sunfoldr (\_ -> Nothing) (0 :: Int)
print x
*** Exception: SizeEmptyException: (Sz1 0) corresponds to an empty array
Since: 0.5.0
last' :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> e Source #
O(1) - Get the last element of a Source
vector. Throws an error on empty.
last' (Ix1 10 ... 10000000000000)
last' (fromList Seq [] :: Array P Ix1 Int)
*** Exception: SizeEmptyException: (Sz1 0) corresponds to an empty array
Since: 0.5.0
Monadic Indexing
headM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m e Source #
O(1) - Get the first element of a Source
Related: head'
, shead'
, sheadM
, unconsM
Throws Exceptions: SizeEmptyException
headM (Ix1 10 ..: 10000000000000)
headM (Ix1 10 ..: 10000000000000) :: Maybe Int
Just 10>>>
headM (empty :: Array D Ix1 Int) :: Maybe Int
either show (const "") $ headM (Ix1 10 ..: 10)
"SizeEmptyException: (Sz1 0) corresponds to an empty array"
- It also a safe way to get the head of the list,
except it is restricted to
Since: 0.5.0
sheadM :: (Stream r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m e Source #
O(1) - Get the first element of a Stream
Related: head'
, shead'
, headM
, unconsM
Throws Exceptions: SizeEmptyException
maybe 101 id $ sheadM (empty :: Vector D Int)
maybe 101 id $ sheadM (singleton 202 :: Vector D Int)
sheadM $ sunfoldr (\x -> Just (x, x)) (0 :: Int)
x <- sheadM $ sunfoldr (\_ -> Nothing) (0 :: Int)
*** Exception: SizeEmptyException: (Sz1 0) corresponds to an empty array
Since: 0.5.0
lastM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m e Source #
O(1) - Get the last element of a Source
Throws Exceptions: SizeEmptyException
lastM (Ix1 10 ... 10000000000000)
lastM (Ix1 10 ... 10000000000000) :: Maybe Int
Just 10000000000000>>>
either show (const "") $ lastM (fromList Seq [] :: Array P Ix1 Int)
"SizeEmptyException: (Sz1 0) corresponds to an empty array"
Since: 0.5.0
unconsM :: (MonadThrow m, Source r Ix1 e) => Vector r e -> m (e, Vector D e) Source #
O(1) - Take one element off of the Source
vector from the left side, as well as
the remaining part of the vector in delayed D
Related: head'
, shead'
, headM
, sheadM
, cons
Throws Exceptions: SizeEmptyException
unconsM (fromList Seq [1,2,3] :: Array P Ix1 Int)
(1,Array D Seq (Sz1 2) [ 2, 3 ])
- Same concept, except restricted to
instead of the more generalMonadThrow
Since: 0.3.0
unsnocM :: (MonadThrow m, Source r Ix1 e) => Vector r e -> m (Vector D e, e) Source #
O(1) - Take one element off of the vector from the right side, as well as the remaining part of the vector.
Throws Exceptions: SizeEmptyException
unsnocM (fromList Seq [1,2,3] :: Array P Ix1 Int)
(Array D Seq (Sz1 2) [ 1, 2 ],3)
Since: 0.3.0
slice :: Source r Ix1 e => Ix1 -> Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e Source #
O(1) - Take a slice of a Source
vector. Never fails, instead adjusts the indices.
slice 10 5 (Ix1 0 ... 10000000000000)
Array D Seq (Sz1 5) [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ]>>>
slice (-10) 5 (Ix1 0 ... 10000000000000)
Array D Seq (Sz1 5) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>>
slice 9999999999998 50 (Ix1 0 ... 10000000000000)
Array D Seq (Sz1 3) [ 9999999999998, 9999999999999, 10000000000000 ]
Since: 0.5.0
slice' :: Source r Ix1 e => Ix1 -> Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e Source #
O(1) - Take a slice of a Source
vector. Throws an error on incorrect indices.
slice' 10 5 (Ix1 0 ... 100)
Array D Seq (Sz1 5) [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ]>>>
slice' (-10) 5 (Ix1 0 ... 100)
Array D *** Exception: SizeSubregionException: (Sz1 101) is to small for -10 (Sz1 5)>>>
slice' 98 50 (Ix1 0 ... 100)
Array D *** Exception: SizeSubregionException: (Sz1 101) is to small for 98 (Sz1 50)>>>
slice' 9999999999998 50 (Ix1 0 ... 10000000000000)
Array D *** Exception: SizeSubregionException: (Sz1 10000000000001) is to small for 9999999999998 (Sz1 50)>>>
slice' 9999999999998 3 (Ix1 0 ... 10000000000000)
Array D Seq (Sz1 3) [ 9999999999998, 9999999999999, 10000000000000 ]
Since: 0.5.0
sliceM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Ix1 -> Sz1 -> Vector r e -> m (Vector r e) Source #
O(1) - Take a slice of a Source
vector. Throws an error on incorrect indices.
Throws Exceptions: SizeSubregionException
Since: 0.5.0
sslice :: Stream r Ix1 e => Ix1 -> Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector DS e Source #
Take a slice of a Stream
vector. Never fails, instead adjusts the indices.
sslice 10 5 (Ix1 0 ... 10000000000000)
Array DS Seq (Sz1 5) [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ]>>>
sslice 10 5 (sfromList [0 :: Int .. ])
Array DS Seq (Sz1 5) [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ]>>>
sslice (-10) 5 (Ix1 0 ... 10000000000000)
Array DS Seq (Sz1 5) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Unlike slice
it has to iterate through each element until the staring index is reached,
therefore something like sslice 9999999999998 50 (Ix1 0 ... 10000000000000)
will not
be feasable.
import System.Timeout (timeout)
let smallArr = sslice 9999999999998 50 (Ix1 0 ... 10000000000000)
timeout 500000 (computeIO smallArr :: IO (Array P Ix1 Int))
Since: 0.5.0
sliceAtM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> m (Vector r e, Vector r e) Source #
init :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> Vector r e Source #
O(1) - Get a vector without the last element. Never fails.
init (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 9) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>>
init (empty :: Array D Ix1 Int)
Array D Seq (Sz1 0) [ ]
Since: 0.5.0
init' :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> Vector r e Source #
O(1) - Get a vector without the last element. Throws an error on empty
init' (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 9) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>>
init' (empty :: Array D Ix1 Int)
Array D *** Exception: SizeEmptyException: (Sz1 0) corresponds to an empty array
Since: 0.5.0
initM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m (Vector r e) Source #
O(1) - Get a vector without the last element. Throws an error on empty
initM (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 9) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]>>>
maybe 0 sum $ initM (0 ..: 10)
maybe 0 sum $ initM (empty :: Array D Ix1 Int)
Since: 0.5.0
tail :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> Vector r e Source #
O(1) - Get a vector without the first element. Never fails
tail (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 9) [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]>>>
tail (empty :: Array D Ix1 Int)
Array D Seq (Sz1 0) [ ]
Since: 0.5.0
tail' :: Source r Ix1 e => Vector r e -> Vector r e Source #
O(1) - Get a vector without the first element. Throws an error on empty
λ> tail' (0 ..: 10) Array D Seq (Sz1 9) [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] λ> tail' (empty :: Array D Ix1 Int) Array D *** Exception: SizeEmptyException: (Sz1 0) corresponds to an empty array
Since: 0.5.0
tailM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Vector r e -> m (Vector r e) Source #
O(1) - Get the vector without the first element. Throws an error on empty
tailM (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 9) [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]>>>
maybe 0 sum $ tailM (0 ..: 10)
maybe 0 sum $ tailM (empty :: Array D Ix1 Int)
Since: 0.5.0
take :: Source r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e Source #
O(1) - Get the vector with the first n
elements. Never fails
take 5 (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 5) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>>
take (-5) (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 0) [ ]>>>
take 100 (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 10) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]>>>
Since: 0.5.0
take' :: Source r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector r e Source #
O(1) - Get the vector with the first n
elements. Throws an error size is less
than n
take' 0 (0 ..: 0)
Array D Seq (Sz1 0) [ ]>>>
take' 5 (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 5) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>>
take' 15 (0 ..: 10)
Array D *** Exception: SizeSubregionException: (Sz1 10) is to small for 0 (Sz1 15)
Since: 0.5.0
takeM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> m (Vector r e) Source #
O(1) - Get the vector with the first n
elements. Throws an error size is less than n
takeM 5 (0 ..: 10)
Array D Seq (Sz1 5) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>>
maybe 0 sum $ takeM 5 (0 ..: 10)
maybe (-1) sum $ takeM 15 (0 ..: 10)
Since: 0.5.0
dropM :: (Source r Ix1 e, MonadThrow m) => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> m (Vector r e) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sdrop :: Stream r Ix1 e => Sz1 -> Vector r e -> Vector DS e Source #
Keep all but the first n
elements from the delayed stream vector.
Since: 0.5.0
empty :: forall r ix e. Construct r ix e => Array r ix e Source #
Create an Array with no elements. By itself it is not particularly useful, but it serves as a nice base for constructing larger arrays.
import Data.Massiv.Array as A
:set -XTypeApplications
xs = empty @DL @Ix1 @Double
snoc (cons 4 (cons 5 xs)) 22
Array DL Seq (Sz1 3) [ 4.0, 5.0, 22.0 ]
Since: 0.3.0
Create an Array with a single element.
import Data.Massiv.Array as A
singleton 7 :: Array D Ix4 Double
Array D Seq (Sz (1 :> 1 :> 1 :. 1)) [ [ [ [ 7.0 ] ] ] ]
Instead of specifying type signature we could use TypeApplications
:set -XTypeApplications
singleton @U @Ix4 @Double 7
Array U Seq (Sz (1 :> 1 :> 1 :. 1)) [ [ [ [ 7.0 ] ] ] ]
Since: 0.1.0
ssingleton :: e -> Vector DS e Source #
Create a delayed stream vector with a single element
Since: 0.5.0
cons :: e -> Vector DL e -> Vector DL e Source #
O(1) - Add an element to the vector from the left side
Since: 0.3.0
snoc :: Vector DL e -> e -> Vector DL e Source #
O(1) - Add an element to the vector from the right side
Since: 0.3.0
replicate :: forall ix e. Index ix => Comp -> Sz ix -> e -> Array DL ix e Source #
Replicate the same element
Since: 0.3.0
sreplicate :: Sz1 -> e -> Vector DS e Source #
Replicate the same element n
Since: 0.5.0
generate :: Comp -> Sz1 -> (Ix1 -> e) -> Vector D e Source #
Create a delayed vector of length n
with a function that maps an index to an
element. Same as makeLinearArray
Since: 0.5.0
sgenerate :: Sz1 -> (Ix1 -> e) -> Vector DS e Source #
Create a delayed stream vector of length n
with a function that maps an index to an
element. Same as makeLinearArray
Since: 0.5.0
siterate :: (e -> e) -> e -> Vector DS e Source #
Create a delayed stream vector of infinite length by repeatedly applying a function to the initial value.
stake 10 $ siterate succ 'a'
Array DS Seq (Sz1 10) [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' ]
Since: 0.5.2
siterateN :: Sz1 -> (e -> e) -> e -> Vector DS e Source #
Create a delayed stream vector of length n
by repeatedly applying a function to the
initial value.
siterateN 10 succ 'a'
Array DS Seq (Sz1 10) [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' ]
Since: 0.5.0
Monadic initialization
sreplicateM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> m e -> m (Vector DS e) Source #
Create a vector by using the same monadic action n
Since: 0.5.0
sgenerateM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> (Ix1 -> m e) -> m (Vector DS e) Source #
Create a delayed stream vector of length n
with a monadic action that from an index
generates an element.
Since: 0.5.0
siterateNM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> (e -> m e) -> e -> m (Vector DS e) Source #
Create a delayed stream vector of length n
by repeatedly apply a monadic action to
the initial value.
Since: 0.5.0
sunfoldr :: (s -> Maybe (e, s)) -> s -> Vector DS e Source #
Right unfolding function. Useful when it is unknown ahead of time how many elements a vector will have.
import Data.Massiv.Array as A
sunfoldr (\i -> if i < 9 then Just (i * i, i + 1) else Nothing) (0 :: Int)
Array DS Seq (Sz1 9) [ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 ]
Since: 0.5.0
sunfoldrM :: Monad m => (s -> m (Maybe (e, s))) -> s -> m (Vector DS e) Source #
O(n) - Same as unfoldr
, but with monadic generating function.
import Control.Monad (when, guard)
sunfoldrM (\i -> when (i == 0) (Left "Zero denominator") >> Right (guard (i < 5) >> Just (100 `div` i, i + 1))) (-10 :: Int)
Left "Zero denominator">>>
sunfoldrM (\i -> when (i == 0) (Left "Zero denominator") >> Right (guard (i < -5) >> Just (100 `div` i, i + 1))) (-10 :: Int)
Right (Array DS Seq (Sz1 5) [ -10, -12, -13, -15, -17 ] )
Since: 0.5.0
:: Sz1 |
-> (s -> Maybe (e, s)) | Unfolding function. Stops when |
-> s | Inititial element. |
-> Vector DS e |
O(n) - Right unfolding function with at most n
number of elements.
import Data.Massiv.Array as A
sunfoldrN 9 (\i -> Just (i*i, i + 1)) (0 :: Int)
Array DS Seq (Sz1 9) [ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 ]
Since: 0.5.0
sunfoldrNM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> (s -> m (Maybe (e, s))) -> s -> m (Vector DS e) Source #
O(n) - Same as unfoldrN
, but with monadic generating function.
import Control.Monad (guard)
sunfoldrNM 6 (\i -> print i >> pure (guard (i < 5) >> Just (i * i, i + 1))) (10 :: Int)
10 Array DS Seq (Sz1 0) [ ]>>>
sunfoldrNM 6 (\i -> print i >> pure (guard (i < 15) >> Just (i * i, i + 1))) (10 :: Int)
10 11 12 13 14 15 Array DS Seq (Sz1 5) [ 100, 121, 144, 169, 196 ]
Since: 0.5.0
sunfoldrExactN :: Sz1 -> (s -> (e, s)) -> s -> Vector DS e Source #
O(n) - Similar to unfoldrN
, except the length of the resulting vector will be exactly n
sunfoldrExactN 10 (\i -> (i * i, i + 1)) (10 :: Int)
Array DS Seq (Sz1 10) [ 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361 ]
Since: 0.5.0
sunfoldrExactNM :: Monad m => Sz1 -> (s -> m (e, s)) -> s -> m (Vector DS e) Source #
O(n) - Similar to unfoldrNM
, except the length of the resulting vector will be exactly n
λ> sunfoldrExactNM 11 (i -> pure (100 div
i, i + 1)) (-10 :: Int)
Array DS *** Exception: divide by zero
λ> sunfoldrExactNM 11 (i -> guard (i /= 0) >> Just (100 div
i, i + 1)) (-10 :: Int)
λ> sunfoldrExactNM 9 (i -> guard (i /= 0) >> Just (100 div
i, i + 1)) (-10 :: Int)
Just (Array DS Seq (Sz1 9)
[ -10, -12, -13, -15, -17, -20, -25, -34, -50 ]
Since: 0.5.0
(...) :: Index ix => ix -> ix -> Array D ix ix infix 4 Source #
Handy synonym for rangeInclusive
Ix1 4 ... 10
Array D Seq (Sz1 7) [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
Since: 0.3.0
Same as enumFromStepN
with step dx = 1
Related: senumFromN
, senumFromStepN
, rangeSize
, rangeStepSize
, range
import Data.Massiv.Array
enumFromN Seq (5 :: Double) 3
Array D Seq (Sz1 3) [ 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 ]
- Very similar to
[i .. i + n - 1]
, except thatsenumFromN
is faster, but it only works forNum
and not forEnum
elements Data.Vector.Generic.
Since: 0.1.0
O(n) - Enumerate from a starting number x
exactly n
times with a step 1
Related: senumFromStepN
, enumFromN
, enumFromStepN
, rangeSize
, range
, rangeStep
senumFromN (10 :: Int) 9
Array DS Seq (Sz1 9) [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ]
- Very similar to
[x .. x + n - 1]
, except thatsenumFromN
is faster and it only works forNum
and not forEnum
elements Data.Vector.Generic.
- Uses exactly the same implementation underneath.
Since: 0.5.0
:: Num e | |
=> Comp | |
-> e |
-> e |
-> Sz1 |
-> Vector D e |
Enumerate from a starting number x
exactly n
times with a custom step value
. Unlike senumFromStepN
, there is no dependency on neigboring
elements therefore enumFromStepN
is parallelizable.
Related: senumFromN
, senumFromStepN
, rangeSize
, rangeStepSize
, range
, rangeStepM
import Data.Massiv.Array
enumFromStepN Seq 1 (0.1 :: Double) 5
Array D Seq (Sz1 5) [ 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 ]>>>
enumFromStepN Seq (-pi :: Float) (pi/4) 9
Array D Seq (Sz1 9) [ -3.1415927, -2.3561945, -1.5707964, -0.78539824, 0.0, 0.78539824, 1.5707963, 2.3561947, 3.1415927 ]
- Similar to
take n [x, x + dx ..]
, except thatenumFromStepN
is parallelizable and it only works forNum
and not forEnum
elements. Floating point value will be slightly different as well. Data.Vector.Generic.
- Similar in the outcome, but very different in the way it works.
Since: 0.1.0
:: Num e | |
=> e |
-> e |
-> Sz1 |
-> Vector DS e |
O(n) - Enumerate from a starting number x
exactly n
times with a custom step value dx
senumFromStepN (5 :: Int) 2 10
Array DS Seq (Sz1 10) [ 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 ]
- Just like
take n [x, x + dx ..]
, except thatsenumFromN
is faster and it only works forNum
and not forEnum
elements Data.Vector.Generic.
- Uses exactly the same implementation underneath.
Since: 0.5.0
sappend :: (Stream r1 Ix1 e, Stream r2 Ix1 e) => Vector r1 e -> Vector r2 e -> Vector DS e Source #
Append two vectors together
Related: appendM
, appendOuterM
λ> sappend (1 ..: 6) (senumFromStepN 6 (-1) 6) Array DS Seq (Sz1 11) [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
arrays have instances forSemigroup
, so they will work in a similar fashion.sappend
differs in that it acceptsStream
arrays with possibly different representations.Data.List.
- Same operation, but for lists.
- Uses exactly the same implementation
underneath as
, except that it cannot append two vectors with different memory representations.
Since: 0.5.0
sconcat :: Stream r Ix1 e => [Vector r e] -> Vector DS e Source #
Concat vectors together
Related: concatM
, concatOuterM
sconcat [2 ... 6, empty, singleton 1, generate Seq 5 id]
Array DS Seq (Sz1 11) [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]>>>
sconcat [senumFromN 2 5, sempty, ssingleton 1, sgenerate 5 id]
Array DS Seq (Sz1 11) [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
arrays have instances forMonoid
, so they will work in a similar fashion.sconcat
differs in that it acceptsStream
arrays of other representations.Data.List.
- Same operation, but for lists.
- Uses exactly the same
implementation underneath as
Since: 0.5.0
smap :: Stream r ix a => (a -> b) -> Array r ix a -> Vector DS b Source #
Map a function over a stream vector
Since: 0.5.0
simap :: Stream r ix a => (ix -> a -> b) -> Array r ix a -> Vector DS b Source #
Map an index aware function over a stream vector
Since: 0.5.0
Monadic mapping
straverse :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b) Source #
Traverse a stream vector with an applicative function.
Since: 0.5.0
sitraverse :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f b) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b) Source #
Traverse a stream vector with an index aware applicative function.
Since: 0.5.0
smapM :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> Array r ix a -> m (Vector DS b) Source #
Traverse a stream vector with a monadic function.
Since: 0.5.0
smapM_ :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> Array r ix a -> m () Source #
Traverse a stream vector with a monadic function, while discarding the result
Since: 0.5.0
simapM :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => (ix -> a -> m b) -> Array r ix a -> m (Vector DS b) Source #
Traverse a stream vector with a monadic index aware function.
Corresponds to: mapM (uncurry f) . imap (,) v
Since: 0.5.0
simapM_ :: (Stream r ix a, Monad m) => (ix -> a -> m b) -> Array r ix a -> m () Source #
Traverse a stream vector with a monadic index aware function, while discarding the result
Since: 0.5.0
szip :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector DS (a, b) Source #
Zip two arrays in a row-major order together together into a flat vector. Resulting length of a vector will be the smallest number of elements of the supplied arrays.
Since: 0.5.0
szip3 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector DS (a, b, c) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szip4 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector DS (a, b, c, d) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szip5 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector DS (a, b, c, d, e) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szip6 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f) => Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> Vector DS (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b) => (a -> b -> c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector DS c Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith3 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector DS d Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith4 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector DS e Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith5 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector DS f Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith6 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> Vector DS g Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector DS c Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith3 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector DS d Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith4 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector DS e Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith5 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector DS f Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith6 :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> Vector DS g Source #
Since: 0.5.0
Monadic zipping
szipWithM :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> m (Vector DS c) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith3M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> m d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> m (Vector DS d) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith4M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> m e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> m (Vector DS e) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith5M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> m f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> m (Vector DS f) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith6M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> m g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> m (Vector DS g) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWithM :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> m c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> m (Vector DS c) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith3M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> m d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> m (Vector DS d) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith4M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> m e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> m (Vector DS e) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith5M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> m f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> m (Vector DS f) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith6M :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> m g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> m (Vector DS g) Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWithM_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith3M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> m d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith4M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> m e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith5M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> m f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
szipWith6M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f, Monad m) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> m g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWithM_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> m c) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith3M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> m d) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith4M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> m e) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith5M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> m f) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sizipWith6M_ :: (Stream ra Ix1 a, Stream rb Ix1 b, Stream rc Ix1 c, Stream rd Ix1 d, Stream re Ix1 e, Stream rf Ix1 f, Monad m) => (Ix1 -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> m g) -> Vector ra a -> Vector rb b -> Vector rc c -> Vector rd d -> Vector re e -> Vector rf f -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sfilter :: Stream r ix e => (e -> Bool) -> Array r ix e -> Vector DS e Source #
Sequentially filter out elements from the array according to the supplied predicate.
import Data.Massiv.Array as A
arr = makeArrayR D Seq (Sz2 3 4) fromIx2
Array D Seq (Sz (3 :. 4)) [ [ (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (0,3) ] , [ (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3) ] , [ (2,0), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3) ] ]>>>
sfilter (even . fst) arr
Array DS Seq (Sz1 8) [ (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (2,0), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3) ]
Since: 0.5.0
sfilterM :: (Stream r ix e, Applicative f) => (e -> f Bool) -> Array r ix e -> f (Vector DS e) Source #
Sequentially filter out elements from the array according to the supplied applicative predicate.
import Data.Massiv.Array as A
arr = makeArrayR D Seq (Sz2 3 4) fromIx2
Array D Seq (Sz (3 :. 4)) [ [ (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (0,3) ] , [ (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3) ] , [ (2,0), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3) ] ]>>>
sfilterM (Just . odd . fst) arr
Just (Array DS Seq (Sz1 4) [ (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3) ] )>>>
sfilterM (\ix@(_, j) -> print ix >> return (even j)) arr
(0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (0,3) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) Array DS Seq (Sz1 6) [ (0,0), (0,2), (1,0), (1,2), (2,0), (2,2) ]
Since: 0.5.0
sifilterM :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f Bool) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS a) Source #
Similar to filterM
, but map with an index aware function.
Corresponds to: filterM (uncurry f) . imap (,)
Since: 0.5.0
smapMaybeM :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b) Source #
Similar to smapMaybe
, but with the Applicative
Similar to mapMaybe id $ mapM f arr
Since: 0.5.0
simapMaybeM :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b) Source #
sfoldlM :: (Stream r ix e, Monad m) => (a -> e -> m a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> m a Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sfoldlM_ :: (Stream r ix e, Monad m) => (a -> e -> m a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sifoldl :: Stream r ix e => (a -> ix -> e -> a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> a Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sifoldlM :: (Stream r ix e, Monad m) => (a -> ix -> e -> m a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> m a Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sifoldlM_ :: (Stream r ix e, Monad m) => (a -> ix -> e -> m a) -> a -> Array r ix e -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sfoldl1M :: (Stream r ix e, MonadThrow m) => (e -> e -> m e) -> Array r ix e -> m e Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sfoldl1M_ :: (Stream r ix e, MonadThrow m) => (e -> e -> m e) -> Array r ix e -> m () Source #
Since: 0.5.0
Specialized folds
smaximumM :: (Ord e, Stream r ix e, MonadThrow m) => Array r ix e -> m e Source #
Since: 0.5.0
sminimumM :: (Ord e, Stream r ix e, MonadThrow m) => Array r ix e -> m e Source #
Since: 0.5.0
stoList :: Stream r ix e => Array r ix e -> [e] Source #
Convert an array to a list by the means of a delayed stream vector.
Related: toList
Since: 0.5.0
Convert a flat list into a vector
Since: 0.1.0
sfromList :: [e] -> Vector DS e Source #
Convert a list to a delayed stream vector
Related: fromList
, fromListN
, sfromListN
sfromList ([] :: [Int])
Array DS Seq (Sz1 0) [ ]>>>
sfromList ([1,2,3] :: [Int])
Array DS Seq (Sz1 3) [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Since: 0.5.0
sfromListN :: Sz1 -> [e] -> Vector DS e Source #
Convert a list to a delayed stream vector. Length of the resulting vector will be at
most n
. This version isn't really more efficient then sfromList
, but there is
Related: fromList
, fromListN
, sfromList
sfromListN 10 [1 :: Int ..]
Array DS Seq (Sz1 10) [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]>>>
sfromListN 10 [1 :: Int .. 5]
Array DS Seq (Sz1 5) [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
Since: 0.5.1
compute :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
computeS :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
Compute array sequentially disregarding predefined computation strategy. Very much
the same as computePrimM
, but executed in ST
, thus pure.
Since: 0.1.0
computeIO :: forall r ix e r' m. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e, MonadIO m) => Array r' ix e -> m (Array r ix e) Source #
computePrimM :: forall r ix e r' m. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e, PrimMonad m) => Array r' ix e -> m (Array r ix e) Source #
Compute an array in PrimMonad
sequentially disregarding predefined computation
Since: 0.4.5
computeAs :: (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => r -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
Just as compute
, but let's you supply resulting representation type as an argument.
import Data.Massiv.Array
computeAs P $ range Seq (Ix1 0) 10
Array P Seq (Sz1 10) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
computeProxy :: (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => proxy r -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
Same as compute
and computeAs
, but let's you supply resulting representation type as a proxy
Useful only really for cases when representation constructor or TypeApplications
aren't desireable for some reason:
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Massiv.Array
computeProxy (Proxy :: Proxy P) $ (^ (2 :: Int)) <$> range Seq (Ix1 0) 10
Array P Seq (Sz1 10) [ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 ]
Since: 0.1.1
computeSource :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, Source r' ix e) => Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
computeWithStride :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, StrideLoad r' ix e) => Stride ix -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
computeWithStrideAs :: (Mutable r ix e, StrideLoad r' ix e) => r -> Stride ix -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
Same as computeWithStride
, but with ability to specify resulting array representation.
Since: 0.3.0
clone :: Mutable r ix e => Array r ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
O(n) - Make an exact immutable copy of an Array.
Since: 0.1.0
convert :: forall r ix e r'. (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
O(n) - conversion between array types. A full copy will occur, unless when the source and result arrays are of the same representation, in which case it is an O(1) operation.
Since: 0.1.0
convertAs :: (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => r -> Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e Source #
Same as convert
, but let's you supply resulting representation type as an argument.
Since: 0.1.0
filterM :: (Stream r ix e, Applicative f) => (e -> f Bool) -> Array r ix e -> f (Vector DS e) Source #
ifilterM :: (Source r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f Bool) -> Array r ix a -> f (Array DS Ix1 a) Source #
mapMaybeM :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b) Source #
imapMaybeM :: (Source r ix a, Applicative f) => (ix -> a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Array r ix a -> f (Array DS Ix1 b) Source #
traverseS :: (Stream r ix a, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> Array r ix a -> f (Vector DS b) Source #
module Data.Massiv.Core
module Data.Massiv.Array.Delayed
module Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest
module Data.Massiv.Array.Mutable