massiv- Massiv (Массив) is an Array Library.

Copyright(c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2018-2019
MaintainerAlexey Kuleshevich <>
Safe HaskellNone






msize :: Mutable r ix e => MArray s r ix e -> Sz ix Source #

Get the size of a mutable array.

Since: 0.1.0

Element-wise mutation

read :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> m (Maybe e) Source #

O(1) - Lookup an element in the mutable array. Returns Nothing when index is out of bounds.

Since: 0.1.0

readM :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> m e Source #

O(1) - Same as read, but throws IndexOutOfBoundsException on an invalid index.

Since: 0.4.0

read' :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> m e Source #

Deprecated: In favor of more general readM

O(1) - Same as read, but throws IndexOutOfBoundsException on an invalid index.

Since: 0.1.0

write :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> e -> m Bool Source #

O(1) - Write an element into the cell of a mutable array. Returns False when index is out of bounds.

Since: 0.1.0

write_ :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> e -> m () Source #

O(1) - Write an element into the cell of a mutable array. Same as write function in case of an out of bounds index it is noop, but unlike write, there is no information is returned about was the writing of element successful or not. In other words, just like writeM, but doesn't throw an exception.

Since: 0.4.4

writeM :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> e -> m () Source #

O(1) - Same as write, but throws IndexOutOfBoundsException on an invalid index.

Since: 0.4.0

write' :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> e -> m () Source #

Deprecated: In favor of more general writeM

O(1) - Same as write, but lives in IO and throws IndexOutOfBoundsException on invalid index.

Since: 0.1.0

modify Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> MArray (PrimState m) r ix e

Array to mutate.

-> (e -> m e)

Monadic action that modifies the element

-> ix

Index at which to perform modification.

-> m (Maybe e) 

O(1) - Modify an element in the cell of a mutable array with a supplied action. Returns the previous value, if index was not out of bounds.

Since: 0.1.0

modify_ Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> MArray (PrimState m) r ix e

Array to mutate.

-> (e -> m e)

Monadic action that modifies the element

-> ix

Index at which to perform modification.

-> m () 

O(1) - Same as modify, except that neither the previous value, nor any information on whether the modification was successful are returned. In other words, just like modifyM_, but doesn't throw an exception.

Since: 0.4.4

modifyM Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m) 
=> MArray (PrimState m) r ix e

Array to mutate.

-> (e -> m e)

Monadic action that modifies the element

-> ix

Index at which to perform modification.

-> m e 

O(1) - Modify an element in the cell of a mutable array with a supplied action. Throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException exception for invalid index and returns the previous value otherwise.

Since: 0.4.0

modifyM_ Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m) 
=> MArray (PrimState m) r ix e

Array to mutate.

-> (e -> m e)

Monadic action that modifies the element

-> ix

Index at which to perform modification.

-> m () 

O(1) - Same as modifyM, but discard the returned element


>>> :set -XTypeApplications
>>> import Control.Monad.ST
>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> runST $ new @P @Ix1 @Int (Sz1 3) >>= (\ma -> modifyM_ ma (pure . (+10)) 1 >> freezeS ma)
Array P Seq (Sz1 3)
  [ 0, 10, 0 ]

Since: 0.4.0

modify' :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> (e -> e) -> ix -> m () Source #

Deprecated: In favor of more general modifyM

O(1) - Same as modify, but throws an error if index is out of bounds.

Since: 0.1.0

swap :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> ix -> m (Maybe (e, e)) Source #

O(1) - Same as swapM, but instead of throwing an exception returns Nothing when either one of the indices is out of bounds and Just elements under those indices otherwise.

Since: 0.1.0

swap_ :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> ix -> m () Source #

O(1) - Same as swap, but instead of returning Nothing it does nothing. In other words, it is similar to swapM_, but does not throw any exceptions.

Since: 0.4.4

swapM Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m) 
=> MArray (PrimState m) r ix e 
-> ix

Index for the first element, which will be returned as the first element in the tuple.

-> ix

Index for the second element, which will be returned as the second element in the tuple.

-> m (e, e) 

O(1) - Swap two elements in a mutable array under the supplied indices. Throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException when either one of the indices is out of bounds and elements under those indices otherwise.

Since: 0.4.0

swapM_ :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> ix -> m () Source #

O(1) - Same as swapM, but discard the returned elements

Since: 0.4.0

swap' :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> ix -> ix -> m () Source #

Deprecated: In favor of more general swapM

O(1) - Same as swap, but throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException on invalid indices.

Since: 0.1.0

Operations on MArray

Immutable conversion

new :: forall r ix e m. (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e) Source #

O(n) - Initialize a new mutable array. All elements will be set to some default value. For boxed arrays in will be a thunk with Uninitialized exception, while for others it will be simply zeros.


>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> marr <- new (Sz2 2 6) :: IO (MArray RealWorld P Ix2 Int)
>>> freeze Seq marr
Array P Seq (Sz (2 :. 6))
  [ [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
  , [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

Or using TypeApplications:

>>> :set -XTypeApplications
>>> new @P @Ix2 @Int (Sz2 2 6) >>= freezeS
Array P Seq (Sz (2 :. 6))
  [ [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
  , [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
>>> new @B @_ @Int (Sz2 2 6) >>= (`readM` 1)
*** Exception: Uninitialized

Since: 0.1.0

thaw :: forall r ix e m. (Mutable r ix e, MonadIO m) => Array r ix e -> m (MArray RealWorld r ix e) Source #

O(n) - Make a mutable copy of a pure array. Keep in mind that both freeze and thaw trigger a copy of the full array.


>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> :set -XTypeApplications
>>> arr <- fromListsM @U @Ix2 @Double Par [[12,21],[13,31]]
>>> marr <- thaw arr
>>> modify marr (pure . (+ 10)) (1 :. 0)
Just 13.0
>>> freeze Par marr
Array U Par (Sz (2 :. 2))
  [ [ 12.0, 21.0 ]
  , [ 23.0, 31.0 ]

Since: 0.1.0

thawS :: forall r ix e m. (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => Array r ix e -> m (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e) Source #

Same as thaw, but restrict computation to sequential only.


>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> thawS @P @Ix1 @Double [1..10]
>>> marr <- thawS @P @Ix1 @Double [1..10]
>>> writeM marr 5 100
>>> freezeS marr
Array P Seq (Sz1 10)
  [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 100.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 ]

Since: 0.3.0

freeze :: forall r ix e m. (Mutable r ix e, MonadIO m) => Comp -> MArray RealWorld r ix e -> m (Array r ix e) Source #

O(n) - Yield an immutable copy of the mutable array. Note that mutable representations have to be the same.


>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> marr <- new @P @_ @Int (Sz2 2 6)
>>> forM_ (range Seq 0 (Ix2 1 4)) $ \ix -> write marr ix 9
>>> freeze Seq marr
Array P Seq (Sz (2 :. 6))
  [ [ 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0 ]
  , [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

Since: 0.1.0

freezeS :: forall r ix e m. (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> m (Array r ix e) Source #

Same as freeze, but do the copy of supplied muable array sequentially. Also, unlike freeze that has to be done in IO, freezeS can be used with ST.

Since: 0.3.0

Create mutable

makeMArray :: forall r ix e m. (PrimMonad m, MonadUnliftIO m, Mutable r ix e) => Comp -> Sz ix -> (ix -> m e) -> m (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e) Source #

Just like makeMArrayS, but also accepts computation strategy and runs in IO.

Since: 0.3.0

makeMArrayLinear :: forall r ix e m. (PrimMonad m, MonadUnliftIO m, Mutable r ix e) => Comp -> Sz ix -> (Int -> m e) -> m (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e) Source #

Just like makeMArrayLinearS, but also accepts computation strategy and runs in IO.

Since: 0.3.0

makeMArrayS Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the create array

-> (ix -> m e)

Element generating action

-> m (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e) 

Create a mutable array using an index aware generating action.

Since: 0.3.0

makeMArrayLinearS :: forall r ix e m. (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => Sz ix -> (Int -> m e) -> m (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e) Source #

Same as makeMArrayS, but index supplied to the action is row-major linear index.

Since: 0.3.0

Create pure

createArray_ Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m, MonadUnliftIO m) 
=> Comp

Computation strategy to use after MArray gets frozen and onward.

-> Sz ix

Size of the newly created array

-> (Scheduler m () -> MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> m a)

An action that should fill all elements of the brand new mutable array

-> m (Array r ix e) 

Create a new array by supplying an action that will fill the new blank mutable array. Use createArray if you'd like to keep the result of the filling function.


>>> :set -XTypeApplications
>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> createArray_ @P @_ @Int Seq (Sz1 2) (\ s marr -> scheduleWork s (writeM marr 0 10) >> scheduleWork s (writeM marr 1 11))
Array P Seq (Sz1 2)
  [ 10, 11 ]

Since: 0.3.0

createArray Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m, MonadUnliftIO m) 
=> Comp

Computation strategy to use after MArray gets frozen and onward.

-> Sz ix

Size of the newly created array

-> (Scheduler m a -> MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> m b)

An action that should fill all elements of the brand new mutable array

-> m ([a], Array r ix e) 

Just like createArray_, but together with Array it returns results of scheduled filling actions.

Since: 0.3.0

createArrayS_ Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the newly created array

-> (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> m a)

An action that should fill all elements of the brand new mutable array

-> m (Array r ix e) 

Create a new array by supplying an action that will fill the new blank mutable array. Use createArrayS if you'd like to keep the result of the filling function.


>>> :set -XTypeApplications
>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> createArrayS_ @P @_ @Int (Sz1 2) (\ marr -> write marr 0 10 >> write marr 1 12)
Array P Seq (Sz1 2)
  [ 10, 12 ]

Since: 0.3.0

createArrayS Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the newly created array

-> (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> m a)

An action that should fill all elements of the brand new mutable array

-> m (a, Array r ix e) 

Just like createArray_, but together with Array it returns the result of the filling action.

Since: 0.3.0

createArrayST_ :: forall r ix e a. Mutable r ix e => Sz ix -> (forall s. MArray s r ix e -> ST s a) -> Array r ix e Source #

Just like createArrayS_, but restricted to ST.

Since: 0.3.0

createArrayST :: forall r ix e a. Mutable r ix e => Sz ix -> (forall s. MArray s r ix e -> ST s a) -> (a, Array r ix e) Source #

Just like createArrayS, but restricted to ST.

Since: 0.2.6


generateArray :: forall r ix e m. (MonadUnliftIO m, PrimMonad m, Mutable r ix e) => Comp -> Sz ix -> (ix -> m e) -> m (Array r ix e) Source #

Just like generateArrayS, except this generator will respect the supplied computation strategy, and for that reason it is restricted to IO.

Since: 0.2.6

generateArrayLinear :: forall r ix e m. (MonadUnliftIO m, PrimMonad m, Mutable r ix e) => Comp -> Sz ix -> (Int -> m e) -> m (Array r ix e) Source #

Just like generateArray, except generating action will receive a row-major linear index.

Since: 0.3.0

generateArrayS Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Resulting size of the array

-> (ix -> m e)

Element producing generator

-> m (Array r ix e) 

Sequentially generate a pure array. Much like makeArray creates a pure array this function will use Mutable interface to generate a pure Array in the end, except that computation strategy is set to Seq. Element producing function no longer has to be pure but is a stateful action, becuase it is restricted to PrimMonad thus allows for sharing the state between computation of each element.


>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> import Data.IORef
>>> ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int)
>>> generateArrayS (Sz1 6) (\ i -> modifyIORef' ref (+i) >> print i >> pure i) :: IO (Array U Ix1 Int)
Array U Seq (Sz1 6)
  [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
>>> readIORef ref

Since: 0.2.6

generateArrayLinearS Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Resulting size of the array

-> (Int -> m e)

Element producing generator

-> m (Array r ix e) 

Same as generateArray but with action that accepts row-major linear index.

Since: 0.3.0

Stateful worker threads

generateArrayWS :: forall r ix e s m. (Mutable r ix e, MonadUnliftIO m, PrimMonad m) => WorkerStates s -> Sz ix -> (ix -> s -> m e) -> m (Array r ix e) Source #

Use per worker thread state while generating elements of the array. Very useful for things that are not thread safe.

Since: 0.3.4

generateArrayLinearWS :: forall r ix e s m. (Mutable r ix e, MonadUnliftIO m, PrimMonad m) => WorkerStates s -> Sz ix -> (Int -> s -> m e) -> m (Array r ix e) Source #

Same as generateArrayWS, but use linear indexing instead.

Since: 0.3.4


unfoldrPrimM_ Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the desired array

-> (a -> m (e, a))

Unfolding action

-> a

Initial accumulator

-> m (Array r ix e) 

Sequentially unfold an array from the left.



Create an array with Fibonacci numbers while performing and IO action on the accumulator for each element of the array.

>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> unfoldrPrimM_ (Sz1 10) (\a@(f0, f1) -> let fn = f0 + f1 in print a >> return (f0, (f1, fn))) (0, 1) :: IO (Array P Ix1 Int)
Array P Seq (Sz1 10)
  [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ]

Since: 0.3.0

iunfoldrPrimM_ Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the desired array

-> (a -> ix -> m (e, a))

Unfolding action

-> a

Initial accumulator

-> m (Array r ix e) 

Same as unfoldrPrimM_ but do the unfolding with index aware function.

Since: 0.3.0

unfoldrPrimM Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the desired array

-> (a -> m (e, a))

Unfolding action

-> a

Initial accumulator

-> m (a, Array r ix e) 

Just like iunfoldrPrimM, but do the unfolding with index aware function.

Since: 0.3.0

iunfoldrPrimM Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the desired array

-> (a -> ix -> m (e, a))

Unfolding action

-> a

Initial accumulator

-> m (a, Array r ix e) 

Just like iunfoldrPrimM_, but also returns the final value of the accumulator.

Since: 0.3.0

unfoldlPrimM_ Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the desired array

-> (a -> m (a, e))

Unfolding action

-> a

Initial accumulator

-> m (Array r ix e) 

Sequentially unfold an array from the left.



Create an array with Fibonacci numbers starting at the end while performing and IO action on the accumulator for each element of the array.

>>> import Data.Massiv.Array
>>> unfoldlPrimM_ (Sz1 10) (\a@(f0, f1) -> let fn = f0 + f1 in print a >> return ((f1, fn), f0)) (0, 1) :: IO (Array P Ix1 Int)
Array P Seq (Sz1 10)
  [ 34, 21, 13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0 ]

Since: 0.3.0

iunfoldlPrimM_ Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the desired array

-> (a -> ix -> m (a, e))

Unfolding action

-> a

Initial accumulator

-> m (Array r ix e) 

Same as unfoldlPrimM_ but do the unfolding with index aware function.

Since: 0.3.0

unfoldlPrimM Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the desired array

-> (a -> m (a, e))

Unfolding action

-> a

Initial accumulator

-> m (a, Array r ix e) 

Just like iunfoldlPrimM, but do the unfolding with index aware function.

Since: 0.3.0

iunfoldlPrimM Source #


:: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) 
=> Sz ix

Size of the desired array

-> (a -> ix -> m (a, e))

Unfolding action

-> a

Initial accumulator

-> m (a, Array r ix e) 

Just like iunfoldlPrimM_, but also returns the final value of the accumulator.

Since: 0.3.0


forPrimM :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> (e -> m e) -> m () Source #

Sequentially loop over a mutable array while modifying each element with an action.

Since: 0.4.0

forPrimM_ :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> (e -> m ()) -> m () Source #

Sequentially loop over a mutable array while reading each element and applying an action to it. There is no mutation to the array, unless the action itself modifies it.

Since: 0.4.0

iforPrimM :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> (ix -> e -> m e) -> m () Source #

Sequentially loop over a mutable array while modifying each element with an index aware action.

Since: 0.4.0

iforPrimM_ :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> (ix -> e -> m ()) -> m () Source #

Sequentially loop over a mutable array while reading each element and applying an index aware action to it. There is no mutation to the array, unless the action itself modifies it.

Since: 0.4.0

iforLinearPrimM :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> (Int -> e -> m e) -> m () Source #

Sequentially loop over a mutable array while modifying each element with an index aware action.

Since: 0.4.0

iforLinearPrimM_ :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> (Int -> e -> m ()) -> m () Source #

Sequentially loop over a mutable array while reading each element and applying a linear index aware action to it. There is no mutation to the array, unless the action itself modifies it.

Since: 0.4.0


withMArray :: (Mutable r ix e, MonadUnliftIO m) => Array r ix e -> (Scheduler m a -> MArray RealWorld r ix e -> m b) -> m ([a], Array r ix e) Source #

Same as withMArray_, but allows to keep artifacts of scheduled tasks.

Since: 0.5.0

withMArray_ :: (Mutable r ix e, MonadUnliftIO m) => Array r ix e -> (Scheduler m () -> MArray RealWorld r ix e -> m a) -> m (Array r ix e) Source #

Create a copy of a pure array, mutate it in place and return its frozen version. The big difference between withMArrayS is that it's not only gonna respect the computation strategy supplied to it while making a copy, but it will also pass extra argumens to the action that suppose to modify the mutable copy of the source array. These two extra arguments are:

  • Number of capabilities derived from the Computation strategy of the array.
  • An action that can be used to schedule arbitrary number of jobs that will be executed in parallel.
  • And, of course, the mutable array itself.

Since: 0.5.0

withMArrayS :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => Array r ix e -> (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> m a) -> m (a, Array r ix e) Source #

Create a copy of a pure array, mutate it in place and return its frozen version. The important benefit over doing a manual thawS followed by a freezeS is that an array will only be copied once.

Since: 0.5.0

withMArrayS_ :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => Array r ix e -> (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> m a) -> m (Array r ix e) Source #

Same as withMArrayS, but discards rhe element produced by the supplied action

Since: 0.5.0

withMArrayST :: Mutable r ix e => Array r ix e -> (forall s. MArray s r ix e -> ST s a) -> (a, Array r ix e) Source #

Same as withMArrayS but in ST. This is not only pure, but also the safest way to do mutation to the array.

Since: 0.5.0

withMArrayST_ :: Mutable r ix e => Array r ix e -> (forall s. MArray s r ix e -> ST s a) -> Array r ix e Source #

Same as withMArrayS but in ST. This is not only pure, but also the safest way to do mutation to the array.

Since: 0.5.0


initialize :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> m () Source #

Initialize mutable array to some default value.

Since: 0.3.0

initializeNew :: (Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => Maybe e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e) Source #

Create new mutable array while initializing all elements to some default value.

Since: 0.3.0


class (Construct r ix e, Manifest r ix e) => Mutable r ix e Source #

(Unbox e, Index ix) => Mutable U ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Unboxed

Associated Types

data MArray s U ix e :: Type Source #


msize :: MArray s U ix e -> Sz ix Source #

unsafeThaw :: PrimMonad m => Array U ix e -> m (MArray (PrimState m) U ix e) Source #

unsafeFreeze :: PrimMonad m => Comp -> MArray (PrimState m) U ix e -> m (Array U ix e) Source #

unsafeNew :: PrimMonad m => Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) U ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearRead :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) U ix e -> Int -> m e Source #

unsafeLinearWrite :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) U ix e -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

initialize :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) U ix e -> m () Source #

initializeNew :: PrimMonad m => Maybe e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) U ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearSet :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) U ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> e -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearCopy :: (Mutable U ix' e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) U ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) U ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeArrayLinearCopy :: (Mutable U ix' e, PrimMonad m) => Array U ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) U ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearShrink :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) U ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) U ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearGrow :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) U ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) U ix e) Source #

(Index ix, Prim e) => Mutable P ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Primitive

Associated Types

data MArray s P ix e :: Type Source #


msize :: MArray s P ix e -> Sz ix Source #

unsafeThaw :: PrimMonad m => Array P ix e -> m (MArray (PrimState m) P ix e) Source #

unsafeFreeze :: PrimMonad m => Comp -> MArray (PrimState m) P ix e -> m (Array P ix e) Source #

unsafeNew :: PrimMonad m => Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) P ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearRead :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) P ix e -> Int -> m e Source #

unsafeLinearWrite :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) P ix e -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

initialize :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) P ix e -> m () Source #

initializeNew :: PrimMonad m => Maybe e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) P ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearSet :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) P ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> e -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearCopy :: (Mutable P ix' e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) P ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) P ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeArrayLinearCopy :: (Mutable P ix' e, PrimMonad m) => Array P ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) P ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearShrink :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) P ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) P ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearGrow :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) P ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) P ix e) Source #

(Index ix, Storable e) => Mutable S ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Storable

Associated Types

data MArray s S ix e :: Type Source #


msize :: MArray s S ix e -> Sz ix Source #

unsafeThaw :: PrimMonad m => Array S ix e -> m (MArray (PrimState m) S ix e) Source #

unsafeFreeze :: PrimMonad m => Comp -> MArray (PrimState m) S ix e -> m (Array S ix e) Source #

unsafeNew :: PrimMonad m => Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) S ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearRead :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) S ix e -> Int -> m e Source #

unsafeLinearWrite :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) S ix e -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

initialize :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) S ix e -> m () Source #

initializeNew :: PrimMonad m => Maybe e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) S ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearSet :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) S ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> e -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearCopy :: (Mutable S ix' e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) S ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) S ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeArrayLinearCopy :: (Mutable S ix' e, PrimMonad m) => Array S ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) S ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearShrink :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) S ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) S ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearGrow :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) S ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) S ix e) Source #

(Index ix, NFData e) => Mutable N ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Boxed

Associated Types

data MArray s N ix e :: Type Source #


msize :: MArray s N ix e -> Sz ix Source #

unsafeThaw :: PrimMonad m => Array N ix e -> m (MArray (PrimState m) N ix e) Source #

unsafeFreeze :: PrimMonad m => Comp -> MArray (PrimState m) N ix e -> m (Array N ix e) Source #

unsafeNew :: PrimMonad m => Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) N ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearRead :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) N ix e -> Int -> m e Source #

unsafeLinearWrite :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) N ix e -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

initialize :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) N ix e -> m () Source #

initializeNew :: PrimMonad m => Maybe e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) N ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearSet :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) N ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> e -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearCopy :: (Mutable N ix' e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) N ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) N ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeArrayLinearCopy :: (Mutable N ix' e, PrimMonad m) => Array N ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) N ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearShrink :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) N ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) N ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearGrow :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) N ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) N ix e) Source #

Index ix => Mutable B ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Boxed

Associated Types

data MArray s B ix e :: Type Source #


msize :: MArray s B ix e -> Sz ix Source #

unsafeThaw :: PrimMonad m => Array B ix e -> m (MArray (PrimState m) B ix e) Source #

unsafeFreeze :: PrimMonad m => Comp -> MArray (PrimState m) B ix e -> m (Array B ix e) Source #

unsafeNew :: PrimMonad m => Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) B ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearRead :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) B ix e -> Int -> m e Source #

unsafeLinearWrite :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) B ix e -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

initialize :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) B ix e -> m () Source #

initializeNew :: PrimMonad m => Maybe e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) B ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearSet :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) B ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> e -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearCopy :: (Mutable B ix' e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) B ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) B ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeArrayLinearCopy :: (Mutable B ix' e, PrimMonad m) => Array B ix' e -> Ix1 -> MArray (PrimState m) B ix e -> Ix1 -> Sz1 -> m () Source #

unsafeLinearShrink :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) B ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) B ix e) Source #

unsafeLinearGrow :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) B ix e -> Sz ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) B ix e) Source #

data family MArray s r ix e :: * Source #

data MArray s U ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Unboxed

data MArray s U ix e = MUArray !(Sz ix) !(MVector s e)
data MArray s P ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Primitive

data MArray s P ix e = MPArray !(Sz ix) !Int !(MutableByteArray s)
data MArray s S ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Storable

data MArray s S ix e = MSArray !(Sz ix) !(MVector s e)
data MArray s B ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Boxed

data MArray s B ix e = MBArray !(Sz ix) !Int !(MutableArray s e)
newtype MArray s N ix e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Boxed

newtype MArray s N ix e = MNArray {}

data RealWorld :: Type #

RealWorld is deeply magical. It is primitive, but it is not unlifted (hence ptrArg). We never manipulate values of type RealWorld; it's only used in the type system, to parameterise State#.

computeInto Source #


:: (Load r' ix' e, Mutable r ix e, MonadIO m) 
=> MArray RealWorld r ix e

Target Array

-> Array r' ix' e

Array to load

-> m () 

Compute an Array while loading the results into the supplied mutable target array. Number of elements for arrays must agree, otherwise SizeElementsMismatchException exception is thrown.

Since: 0.1.3

loadArray :: forall r ix e r' m. (Load r' ix e, Mutable r ix e, MonadIO m) => Array r' ix e -> m (MArray RealWorld r ix e) Source #

Load a pure array into the newly created mutable array, while respecting computation startegy.

Since: 0.3.0

loadArrayS :: forall r ix e r' m. (Load r' ix e, Mutable r ix e, PrimMonad m) => Array r' ix e -> m (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e) Source #

Load sequentially a pure array into the newly created mutable array.

Since: 0.3.0