{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Massiv.Array.Delayed.Windowed
( DW(..)
, Array(..)
, Window(..)
, getWindow
, makeWindowedArray
) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Massiv.Array.Delayed.Internal
import Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Boxed
import Data.Massiv.Array.Manifest.Internal
import Data.Massiv.Core
import Data.Massiv.Core.Common
import Data.Massiv.Core.List (showArray)
import Data.Massiv.Core.Scheduler
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Typeable (showsTypeRep, typeRep)
import GHC.TypeLits
data DW = DW
type instance EltRepr DW ix = D
data Window ix e = Window { windowStart :: !ix
, windowSize :: !ix
, windowIndex :: ix -> e
instance Functor (Window ix) where
fmap f arr@Window{windowIndex} = arr { windowIndex = f . windowIndex }
data instance Array DW ix e = DWArray { dwArray :: !(Array D ix e)
, dwStencilSize :: !(Maybe ix)
, dwWindow :: !(Maybe (Window ix e))
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Show e, Ragged L ix e, Load DW ix e) =>
Show (Array DW ix e) where
show arr = showArray (showsTypeRep (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy DW)) " ") (computeAs B arr)
instance Index ix => Construct DW ix e where
getComp = dComp . dwArray
{-# INLINE getComp #-}
setComp c arr = arr { dwArray = (dwArray arr) { dComp = c } }
{-# INLINE setComp #-}
unsafeMakeArray c sz f =
DWArray (unsafeMakeArray c sz f) Nothing Nothing
{-# INLINE unsafeMakeArray #-}
instance Index ix => Size DW ix e where
size = dSize . dwArray
{-# INLINE size #-}
unsafeResize sz arr = arr { dwArray = unsafeResize sz (dwArray arr)
, dwWindow = Nothing
, dwStencilSize = Nothing }
unsafeExtract sIx newSz = unsafeExtract sIx newSz . dwArray
instance Functor (Array DW ix) where
fmap f arr@DWArray{dwArray, dwWindow} =
{ dwArray = fmap f dwArray
, dwWindow = fmap f <$> dwWindow
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
:: Source r ix e
=> Array r ix e
-> ix
-> Sz ix
-> (ix -> e)
-> Array DW ix e
makeWindowedArray !arr !windowStart !windowSize windowIndex
| not (isSafeIndex sz windowStart) =
error $
"makeWindowedArray: Incorrect window starting index: (" ++
show windowStart ++ ") for array size: (" ++ show (size arr) ++ ")"
| totalElem windowSize == 0 =
error $
"makeWindowedArray: Window can't hold any elements with this size: (" ++ show windowSize ++ ")"
| not (isSafeIndex (liftIndex (+ 1) sz) (liftIndex2 (+) windowStart windowSize)) =
error $
"makeWindowedArray: Incorrect window size: (" ++
show windowSize ++
") and/or starting index: (" ++
show windowStart ++ ") for array size: (" ++ show (size arr) ++ ")"
| otherwise =
{ dwArray = delay arr
, dwStencilSize = Nothing
, dwWindow = Just $! Window {..}
sz = size arr
{-# INLINE makeWindowedArray #-}
getWindow :: Array DW ix e -> Maybe (Window ix e)
getWindow = dwWindow
{-# INLINE getWindow #-}
zeroWindow :: Index ix => Window ix e
zeroWindow = Window zeroIndex zeroIndex windowError
{-# INLINE zeroWindow #-}
windowError :: a
windowError = error "Impossible: index of zeroWindow"
{-# NOINLINE windowError #-}
loadWithIx1 ::
(Monad m)
=> (m () -> m ())
-> Array DW Ix1 e
-> (Ix1 -> e -> m a)
-> m ((Ix1, Ix1) -> m (), (Ix1, Ix1))
loadWithIx1 with (DWArray (DArray _ sz indexB) _ window) unsafeWrite = do
let Window it wk indexW = fromMaybe zeroWindow window
wEnd = it + wk
with $ iterM_ 0 it 1 (<) $ \ !i -> unsafeWrite i (indexB i)
with $ iterM_ wEnd sz 1 (<) $ \ !i -> unsafeWrite i (indexB i)
return (\(from, to) -> with $ iterM_ from to 1 (<) $ \ !i -> unsafeWrite i (indexW i), (it, wEnd))
{-# INLINE loadWithIx1 #-}
instance Load DW Ix1 e where
loadS arr _ unsafeWrite = loadWithIx1 id arr unsafeWrite >>= uncurry ($)
{-# INLINE loadS #-}
loadP wIds arr _ unsafeWrite =
withScheduler_ wIds $ \scheduler -> do
(loadWindow, (wStart, wEnd)) <- loadWithIx1 (scheduleWork scheduler) arr unsafeWrite
let (chunkHeight, slackHeight) = (wEnd - wStart) `quotRem` numWorkers scheduler
loopM_ 0 (< numWorkers scheduler) (+ 1) $ \ !wid ->
let !it' = wid * chunkHeight + wStart
in loadWindow (it', it' + chunkHeight)
when (slackHeight > 0) $
let !itSlack = numWorkers scheduler * chunkHeight + wStart
in loadWindow (itSlack, itSlack + slackHeight)
{-# INLINE loadP #-}
loadArray numWorkers' scheduleWork' arr =
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' oneStride (size arr) arr
{-# INLINE loadArray #-}
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' stride sz arr _ unsafeWrite = do
(loadWindow, (wStart, wEnd)) <- loadArrayWithIx1 scheduleWork' arr stride sz unsafeWrite
let (chunkHeight, slackHeight) = (wEnd - wStart) `quotRem` numWorkers'
loopM_ 0 (< numWorkers') (+ 1) $ \ !wid ->
let !it' = wid * chunkHeight + wStart
in loadWindow (it', it' + chunkHeight)
when (slackHeight > 0) $
let !itSlack = numWorkers' * chunkHeight + wStart
in loadWindow (itSlack, itSlack + slackHeight)
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithStride #-}
loadArrayWithIx1 ::
(Monad m)
=> (m () -> m ())
-> Array DW Ix1 e
-> Stride Ix1
-> Ix1
-> (Ix1 -> e -> m a)
-> m ((Ix1, Ix1) -> m (), (Ix1, Ix1))
loadArrayWithIx1 with (DWArray (DArray _ arrSz indexB) _ window) stride _ unsafeWrite = do
let Window it wk indexW = fromMaybe zeroWindow window
wEnd = it + wk
strideIx = unStride stride
with $ iterM_ 0 it strideIx (<) $ \ !i -> unsafeWrite (i `div` strideIx) (indexB i)
with $
iterM_ (strideStart stride wEnd) arrSz strideIx (<) $ \ !i ->
unsafeWrite (i `div` strideIx) (indexB i)
( \(from, to) ->
with $
iterM_ (strideStart stride from) to strideIx (<) $ \ !i ->
unsafeWrite (i `div` strideIx) (indexW i)
, (it, wEnd))
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithIx1 #-}
loadWithIx2 ::
Monad m
=> (m () -> m ())
-> Array DW Ix2 t1
-> (Int -> t1 -> m ())
-> m (Ix2 -> m (), Ix2)
loadWithIx2 with arr unsafeWrite = do
let DWArray (DArray _ (m :. n) indexB) mStencilSize window = arr
let Window (it :. jt) (wm :. wn) indexW = fromMaybe zeroWindow window
let ib :. jb = (wm + it) :. (wn + jt)
!blockHeight =
case mStencilSize of
Just (i :. _) -> min (max 1 i) 7
_ -> 1
stride = oneStride
!sz = strideSize stride $ size arr
writeB !ix = unsafeWrite (toLinearIndex sz ix) (indexB ix)
{-# INLINE writeB #-}
writeW !ix = unsafeWrite (toLinearIndex sz ix) (indexW ix)
{-# INLINE writeW #-}
with $ iterM_ (0 :. 0) (it :. n) (1 :. 1) (<) writeB
with $ iterM_ (ib :. 0) (m :. n) (1 :. 1) (<) writeB
with $ iterM_ (it :. 0) (ib :. jt) (1 :. 1) (<) writeB
with $ iterM_ (it :. jb) (ib :. n) (1 :. 1) (<) writeB
let f (it' :. ib') = with $ unrollAndJam blockHeight (it' :. jt) (ib' :. jb) 1 writeW
{-# INLINE f #-}
return (f, it :. ib)
{-# INLINE loadWithIx2 #-}
instance Load DW Ix2 e where
loadS arr _ unsafeWrite = loadWithIx2 id arr unsafeWrite >>= uncurry ($)
{-# INLINE loadS #-}
loadP wIds arr _ unsafeWrite =
withScheduler_ wIds $ \scheduler -> do
(loadWindow, it :. ib) <- loadWithIx2 (scheduleWork scheduler) arr unsafeWrite
let !(chunkHeight, slackHeight) = (ib - it) `quotRem` numWorkers scheduler
loopM_ 0 (< numWorkers scheduler) (+ 1) $ \ !wid ->
let !it' = wid * chunkHeight + it
in loadWindow (it' :. (it' + chunkHeight))
when (slackHeight > 0) $
let !itSlack = numWorkers scheduler * chunkHeight + it
in loadWindow (itSlack :. (itSlack + slackHeight))
{-# INLINE loadP #-}
loadArray numWorkers' scheduleWork' arr =
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' oneStride (size arr) arr
{-# INLINE loadArray #-}
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' stride sz arr _ unsafeWrite = do
(loadWindow, it :. ib) <- loadArrayWithIx2 scheduleWork' arr stride sz unsafeWrite
let !(chunkHeight, slackHeight) = (ib - it) `quotRem` numWorkers'
loopM_ 0 (< numWorkers') (+ 1) $ \ !wid ->
let !it' = wid * chunkHeight + it
in loadWindow (it' :. (it' + chunkHeight))
when (slackHeight > 0) $
let !itSlack = numWorkers' * chunkHeight + it
in loadWindow (itSlack :. (itSlack + slackHeight))
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithStride #-}
loadArrayWithIx2 ::
Monad m
=> (m () -> m ())
-> Array DW Ix2 e
-> Stride Ix2
-> Ix2
-> (Int -> e -> m ())
-> m (Ix2 -> m (), Ix2)
loadArrayWithIx2 with arr stride sz unsafeWrite = do
let DWArray (DArray _ (m :. n) indexB) mStencilSize window = arr
let Window (it :. jt) (wm :. wn) indexW = fromMaybe zeroWindow window
let ib :. jb = (wm + it) :. (wn + jt)
!blockHeight =
case mStencilSize of
Just (i :. _) -> min (max 1 i) 7
_ -> 1
strideIx@(is :. js) = unStride stride
writeB !ix = unsafeWrite (toLinearIndexStride stride sz ix) (indexB ix)
{-# INLINE writeB #-}
writeW !ix = unsafeWrite (toLinearIndexStride stride sz ix) (indexW ix)
{-# INLINE writeW #-}
with $ iterM_ (0 :. 0) (it :. n) strideIx (<) writeB
with $ iterM_ (strideStart stride (ib :. 0)) (m :. n) strideIx (<) writeB
with $ iterM_ (strideStart stride (it :. 0)) (ib :. jt) strideIx (<) writeB
with $ iterM_ (strideStart stride (it :. jb)) (ib :. n) strideIx (<) writeB
f <-
if is > 1
then return $ \(it' :. ib') ->
iterM_ (strideStart stride (it' :. jt)) (ib' :. jb) strideIx (<) writeW
else return $ \(it' :. ib') ->
unrollAndJam blockHeight (strideStart stride (it' :. jt)) (ib' :. jb) js writeW
return (f, it :. ib)
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithIx2 #-}
instance (Index (IxN n), Load DW (Ix (n - 1)) e) => Load DW (IxN n) e where
loadS = loadWithIxN id
{-# INLINE loadS #-}
loadP wIds arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite =
withScheduler_ wIds $ \scheduler ->
loadWithIxN (scheduleWork scheduler) arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite
{-# INLINE loadP #-}
loadArray numWorkers' scheduleWork' arr =
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' oneStride (size arr) arr
{-# INLINE loadArray #-}
loadArrayWithStride = loadArrayWithIxN
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithStride #-}
loadArrayWithIxN ::
(Index ix, Monad m, Load DW (Lower ix) e)
=> Int
-> (m () -> m ())
-> Stride ix
-> ix
-> Array DW ix e
-> (Int -> m e)
-> (Int -> e -> m ())
-> m ()
loadArrayWithIxN numWorkers' scheduleWork' stride szResult arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite = do
let DWArray darr mStencilSize window = arr
DArray {dSize = szSource, dIndex = indexBorder} = darr
Window {windowStart, windowSize, windowIndex = indexWindow} = fromMaybe zeroWindow window
!(headSourceSize, lowerSourceSize) = unconsDim szSource
!lowerSize = tailDim szResult
!(s, lowerStrideIx) = unconsDim $ unStride stride
!(curWindowStart, lowerWindowStart) = unconsDim windowStart
!curWindowEnd = curWindowStart + headDim windowSize
!pageElements = totalElem lowerSize
!mLowerStencilSize = fmap tailDim mStencilSize
loadLower !i =
let !lowerWindow =
{ windowStart = lowerWindowStart
, windowSize = tailDim windowSize
, windowIndex = indexWindow . consDim i
!lowerArr =
{ dwArray = DArray Seq lowerSourceSize (indexBorder . consDim i)
, dwStencilSize = mLowerStencilSize
, dwWindow = Just lowerWindow
in loadArrayWithStride
(Stride lowerStrideIx)
(\k -> unsafeRead (k + pageElements * (i `div` s)))
(\k -> unsafeWrite (k + pageElements * (i `div` s)))
{-# NOINLINE loadLower #-}
loopM_ 0 (< headDim windowStart) (+ s) loadLower
loopM_ (strideStart (Stride s) curWindowStart) (< curWindowEnd) (+ s) loadLower
loopM_ (strideStart (Stride s) curWindowEnd) (< headSourceSize) (+ s) loadLower
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithIxN #-}
loadWithIxN ::
(Index ix, Monad m, Load DW (Lower ix) e)
=> (m () -> m ())
-> Array DW ix e
-> (Int -> m e)
-> (Int -> e -> m ())
-> m ()
loadWithIxN with arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite = do
let DWArray darr mStencilSize window = arr
DArray {dSize = sz, dIndex = indexBorder} = darr
Window {windowStart, windowSize, windowIndex = indexWindow} = fromMaybe zeroWindow window
!szL = tailDim sz
!windowEnd = liftIndex2 (+) windowStart windowSize
!(t, windowStartL) = unconsDim windowStart
!pageElements = totalElem szL
!stencilSizeLower = fmap tailDim mStencilSize
loadLower !i =
let !lowerWindow =
{ windowStart = windowStartL
, windowSize = tailDim windowSize
, windowIndex = indexWindow . consDim i
!lowerArr =
{ dwArray = DArray Seq szL (indexBorder . consDim i)
, dwStencilSize = stencilSizeLower
, dwWindow = Just lowerWindow
in with $
(\k -> unsafeRead (k + pageElements * i))
(\k -> unsafeWrite (k + pageElements * i))
{-# NOINLINE loadLower #-}
loopM_ 0 (< headDim windowStart) (+ 1) loadLower
loopM_ t (< headDim windowEnd) (+ 1) loadLower
loopM_ (headDim windowEnd) (< headDim sz) (+ 1) loadLower
{-# INLINE loadWithIxN #-}
unrollAndJam :: Monad m =>
-> Ix2
-> Ix2
-> Int
-> (Ix2 -> m ())
-> m ()
unrollAndJam !bH (it :. jt) (ib :. jb) js f = do
let f2 (i :. j) = f (i :. j) >> f ((i + 1) :. j)
let f3 (i :. j) = f (i :. j) >> f2 ((i + 1) :. j)
let f4 (i :. j) = f (i :. j) >> f3 ((i + 1) :. j)
let f5 (i :. j) = f (i :. j) >> f4 ((i + 1) :. j)
let f6 (i :. j) = f (i :. j) >> f5 ((i + 1) :. j)
let f7 (i :. j) = f (i :. j) >> f6 ((i + 1) :. j)
let f' = case bH of
1 -> f
2 -> f2
3 -> f3
4 -> f4
5 -> f5
6 -> f6
_ -> f7
let !ibS = ib - ((ib - it) `mod` bH)
loopM_ it (< ibS) (+ bH) $ \ !i ->
loopM_ jt (< jb) (+ js) $ \ !j ->
f' (i :. j)
loopM_ ibS (< ib) (+ 1) $ \ !i ->
loopM_ jt (< jb) (+ js) $ \ !j ->
f (i :. j)
{-# INLINE unrollAndJam #-}
toIx2Window :: Window Ix2T e -> Window Ix2 e
toIx2Window Window {..} =
{ windowStart = toIx2 windowStart
, windowSize = toIx2 windowSize
, windowIndex = windowIndex . fromIx2
{-# INLINE toIx2Window #-}
toIx2ArrayDW :: Array DW Ix2T e -> Array DW Ix2 e
toIx2ArrayDW DWArray {dwArray, dwStencilSize, dwWindow} =
{ dwArray = dwArray {dIndex = dIndex dwArray . fromIx2, dSize = toIx2 (dSize dwArray)}
, dwStencilSize = fmap toIx2 dwStencilSize
, dwWindow = fmap toIx2Window dwWindow
{-# INLINE toIx2ArrayDW #-}
instance Load DW Ix2T e where
loadS arr = loadS (toIx2ArrayDW arr)
{-# INLINE loadS #-}
loadP wIds arr = loadP wIds (toIx2ArrayDW arr)
{-# INLINE loadP #-}
loadArray numWorkers' scheduleWork' arr =
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' oneStride (size arr) arr
{-# INLINE loadArray #-}
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' stride sz arr =
(Stride $ toIx2 $ unStride stride)
(toIx2 sz)
(toIx2ArrayDW arr)
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithStride #-}
instance Load DW Ix3T e where
loadS = loadWithIxN id
{-# INLINE loadS #-}
loadP wIds arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite =
withScheduler_ wIds $ \scheduler ->
loadWithIxN (scheduleWork scheduler) arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite
{-# INLINE loadP #-}
loadArray numWorkers' scheduleWork' arr =
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' oneStride (size arr) arr
{-# INLINE loadArray #-}
loadArrayWithStride = loadArrayWithIxN
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithStride #-}
instance Load DW Ix4T e where
loadS = loadWithIxN id
{-# INLINE loadS #-}
loadP wIds arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite =
withScheduler_ wIds $ \scheduler ->
loadWithIxN (scheduleWork scheduler) arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite
{-# INLINE loadP #-}
loadArray numWorkers' scheduleWork' arr =
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' oneStride (size arr) arr
{-# INLINE loadArray #-}
loadArrayWithStride = loadArrayWithIxN
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithStride #-}
instance Load DW Ix5T e where
loadS = loadWithIxN id
{-# INLINE loadS #-}
loadP wIds arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite =
withScheduler_ wIds $ \scheduler ->
loadWithIxN (scheduleWork scheduler) arr unsafeRead unsafeWrite
{-# INLINE loadP #-}
loadArray numWorkers' scheduleWork' arr =
loadArrayWithStride numWorkers' scheduleWork' oneStride (size arr) arr
{-# INLINE loadArray #-}
loadArrayWithStride = loadArrayWithIxN
{-# INLINE loadArrayWithStride #-}