{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Network.Mail.Pool
( SmtpCred(..)
, smtpHost
, smtpLogin
, smtpPassword
, smtpPort
, module X
, emailOptions
, sendEmail
, smtpPool
, defSettings
, poolCred
, poolConnf
, poolStripes
, poolUnused
, poolStripeMax
, PoolSettings(..)
, openTls
, openPlain
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Pool as X
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
import Lens.Micro
import Network.HaskellNet.SMTP as X
import Network.HaskellNet.SMTP.SSL as X
import Network.Mail.Mime
import Network.Socket
import Options.Applicative
import Type.Reflection (Typeable)
newtype ServiceAuthFailure a = ServiceAuthFailure a
deriving (Typeable, Show)
deriving anyclass Exception
data SmtpCred = SmtpCred
{ _smtpPassword :: String
, _smtpLogin :: String
, _smtpHost :: String
, _smtpPort :: PortNumber
} deriving (Show)
smtpHost :: Lens' SmtpCred String
smtpHost = lens _smtpHost (\a b -> a{_smtpHost= b})
smtpLogin :: Lens' SmtpCred String
smtpLogin = lens _smtpLogin (\a b -> a{_smtpLogin= b})
smtpPassword :: Lens' SmtpCred String
smtpPassword = lens _smtpPassword (\a b -> a{_smtpPassword= b})
smtpPort :: Lens' SmtpCred PortNumber
smtpPort = lens _smtpPort (\a b -> a{_smtpPort= b})
data PoolSettings = PoolSettings
{ _poolCred :: SmtpCred
, _poolConnf :: SmtpCred -> IO SMTPConnection
, _poolStripes :: Int
, _poolUnused :: NominalDiffTime
, _poolStripeMax :: Int
poolCred :: Lens' PoolSettings SmtpCred
poolCred = lens _poolCred (\a b -> a{_poolCred=b})
poolConnf :: Lens' PoolSettings (SmtpCred -> IO SMTPConnection)
poolConnf = lens _poolConnf (\a b -> a{_poolConnf=b})
poolStripes :: Lens' PoolSettings Int
poolStripes = lens _poolStripes (\a b -> a{_poolStripes=b})
poolUnused :: Lens' PoolSettings NominalDiffTime
poolUnused = lens _poolUnused (\a b -> a{_poolUnused=b})
poolStripeMax :: Lens' PoolSettings Int
poolStripeMax = lens _poolStripeMax (\a b -> a{_poolStripeMax=b})
defSettings :: SmtpCred -> PoolSettings
defSettings cred = PoolSettings
{ _poolCred = cred
, _poolConnf = openPlain
, _poolStripes = 1
, _poolUnused = 60
, _poolStripeMax = 5
openPlain :: SmtpCred -> IO SMTPConnection
openPlain smtp = connectSMTPPort (smtp ^. smtpHost) (smtp ^. smtpPort)
openTls :: SmtpCred -> IO SMTPConnection
openTls smtp = connectSMTPSTARTTLSWithSettings (smtp ^. smtpHost) $ defaultSettingsSMTPSTARTTLS{
sslPort = (smtp ^. smtpPort)
smtpPool :: PoolSettings -> IO (Pool SMTPConnection)
smtpPool smtp =
conn <- smtp ^. poolConnf $ smtp ^. poolCred
authorize conn (smtp ^. poolCred)
pure conn
(smtp ^. poolStripes)
(smtp ^. poolUnused)
handleAny :: (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleAny = handle
authorize :: SMTPConnection -> SmtpCred -> IO ()
authorize conn smtp = do
(\ex -> do
closeSMTP conn
throwIO ex) $ do
isSuccess <-
authenticate LOGIN (smtp ^. smtpLogin) (smtp ^. smtpPassword) conn
if isSuccess
then pure ()
else throwIO $
ServiceAuthFailure $
smtpPassword .~ "obfuscated, see the running instance CLI" $ smtp
emailOptions :: Parser SmtpCred
emailOptions =
SmtpCred <$>
(long "smtp-pass" <> metavar "SMTP-PASS" <>
"the smtp password, in case of mailjet: https://app.mailjet.com/transactional/smtp") <*>
(long "smtp-login" <> metavar "SMTP-LOGIN" <>
"the smtp login name, in case of mailjet: https://app.mailjet.com/transactional/smtp") <*>
(long "smtp-host" <> metavar "SMTP-HOST" <> value "in-v3.mailjet.com" <>
showDefault <>
help "the smtp host, excluding port") <*>
(long "smtp-port" <> help "The port on which the smtp server listens" <>
showDefault <>
value 587 <>
metavar "SMTP-PORT")
sendEmail :: MonadIO m => Pool SMTPConnection -> Mail -> m ()
sendEmail pool = liftIO . withResource pool . sendMimeMail2