Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module exposes a low-level Servant-built API for the LXD daemon.
You can query this API using Servant functions and a client created from Network.LXD.Client.
You probably want to use the commands exposed in Network.LXD.Client.Commands instead.
- data FailureResponse = FailureResponse Request (Response ByteString)
- supportedVersions :: ClientM (Response [ApiVersion])
- apiConfig :: ClientM (Response ApiConfig)
- trustedCertificates :: ClientM (Response [CertificateHash])
- containerNames :: ClientM (Response [ContainerName])
- containerCreate :: ContainerCreateRequest -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value)
- container :: ContainerName -> ClientM (Response Container)
- containerDelete :: ContainerName -> ContainerDeleteRequest -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value)
- containerPut :: ContainerName -> ContainerPut -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value)
- containerPatch :: ContainerName -> ContainerPatch -> ClientM (Response Value)
- containerRename :: ContainerName -> ContainerRename -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value)
- containerState :: ContainerName -> ClientM (Response ContainerState)
- containerPutState :: ContainerName -> ContainerPutState -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value)
- containerExecImmediate :: ExecClient ExecImmediate
- containerExecWebsocketInteractive :: ExecClient ExecWebsocketInteractive
- containerExecWebsocketNonInteractive :: ExecClient ExecWebsocketNonInteractive
- data WriteMode
- containerGetPath :: ContainerName -> FilePath -> ClientM PathResponse
- containerPostPath :: ContainerName -> FilePath -> Maybe Uid -> Maybe Gid -> Maybe FileMode -> FileType -> Maybe WriteMode -> ByteString -> ClientM (Response Value)
- containerDeletePath :: ContainerName -> FilePath -> ClientM (Response Value)
- imageIds :: ClientM (Response [ImageId])
- imageCreate :: ImageCreateRequest -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value)
- imageAliases :: ClientM (Response [ImageAliasName])
- imageAlias :: ImageAliasName -> ClientM (Response ImageAlias)
- image :: ImageId -> ClientM (Response Image)
- imageDelete :: ImageId -> ImageDeleteRequest -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value)
- networkList :: ClientM (Response [NetworkName])
- networkCreate :: NetworkCreateRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- network :: NetworkName -> ClientM (Response Network)
- networkPut :: NetworkName -> NetworkConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- networkPatch :: NetworkName -> NetworkConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- networkDelete :: NetworkName -> ClientM (Response Value)
- profileList :: ClientM (Response [ProfileName])
- profileCreate :: ProfileCreateRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- profile :: ProfileName -> ClientM (Response Profile)
- profilePut :: ProfileName -> ProfileConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- profilePatch :: ProfileName -> ProfileConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- profileDelete :: ProfileName -> ClientM (Response Value)
- poolList :: ClientM (Response [PoolName])
- poolCreate :: PoolCreateRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- pool :: PoolName -> ClientM (Response Pool)
- poolPut :: PoolName -> PoolConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- poolPatch :: PoolName -> PoolConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- poolDelete :: PoolName -> ClientM (Response Value)
- volumeList :: PoolName -> ClientM (Response [VolumeName])
- volumeCreate :: PoolName -> VolumeCreateRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- volume :: PoolName -> VolumeName -> ClientM (Response Volume)
- volumePut :: PoolName -> VolumeName -> VolumeConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- volumePatch :: PoolName -> VolumeName -> VolumeConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value)
- volumeDelete :: PoolName -> VolumeName -> ClientM (Response Value)
- operationIds :: ClientM (Response AllOperations)
- operation :: OperationId -> ClientM (Response Operation)
- operationCancel :: OperationId -> ClientM (Response Value)
- operationWait :: OperationId -> ClientM (Response Operation)
- operationWebSocket :: OperationId -> Secret -> String
- readAllWebSocket :: (ByteString -> IO ()) -> ClientApp ()
- writeAllWebSocket :: MVar (Maybe ByteString) -> ClientApp ()
- type ExecClient a = ContainerName -> ExecRequest a -> ClientM (AsyncResponse (ExecResponseMetadata a))
data FailureResponse Source #
Exception thrown in containerGetPath
, containerDeletePath
FailureResponse Request (Response ByteString) |
Querying informaiton
containerDelete :: ContainerName -> ContainerDeleteRequest -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value) Source #
containerPut :: ContainerName -> ContainerPut -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value) Source #
containerPatch :: ContainerName -> ContainerPatch -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
Executing commands
Working with files
containerPostPath :: ContainerName -> FilePath -> Maybe Uid -> Maybe Gid -> Maybe FileMode -> FileType -> Maybe WriteMode -> ByteString -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
containerDeletePath :: ContainerName -> FilePath -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
imageAliases :: ClientM (Response [ImageAliasName]) Source #
imageAlias :: ImageAliasName -> ClientM (Response ImageAlias) Source #
imageDelete :: ImageId -> ImageDeleteRequest -> ClientM (AsyncResponse Value) Source #
networkList :: ClientM (Response [NetworkName]) Source #
networkPut :: NetworkName -> NetworkConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
networkPatch :: NetworkName -> NetworkConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
networkDelete :: NetworkName -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
profileList :: ClientM (Response [ProfileName]) Source #
profilePut :: ProfileName -> ProfileConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
profilePatch :: ProfileName -> ProfileConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
profileDelete :: ProfileName -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
poolCreate :: PoolCreateRequest -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
volumeList :: PoolName -> ClientM (Response [VolumeName]) Source #
volumeCreate :: PoolName -> VolumeCreateRequest -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
volumePut :: PoolName -> VolumeName -> VolumeConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
volumePatch :: PoolName -> VolumeName -> VolumeConfigRequest -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
volumeDelete :: PoolName -> VolumeName -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
operationCancel :: OperationId -> ClientM (Response Value) Source #
operationWait :: OperationId -> ClientM (Response Operation) Source #
operationWebSocket :: OperationId -> Secret -> String Source #
WebSocket communciations
readAllWebSocket :: (ByteString -> IO ()) -> ClientApp () Source #
writeAllWebSocket :: MVar (Maybe ByteString) -> ClientApp () Source #
type ExecClient a = ContainerName -> ExecRequest a -> ClientM (AsyncResponse (ExecResponseMetadata a)) Source #