{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
module Language.LSP.Types.TextDocument where

import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Aeson.TH
import           Data.Default
import           Data.Text                      ( Text )

import           Language.LSP.Types.Common
import           Language.LSP.Types.DocumentFilter
import           Language.LSP.Types.Location
import           Language.LSP.Types.Uri
import           Language.LSP.Types.Utils

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

data TextDocumentIdentifier =
    { _uri :: Uri
    } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentIdentifier

type TextDocumentVersion = Maybe Int

makeExtendingDatatype "VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier" [''TextDocumentIdentifier]
  [ ("_version", [t| TextDocumentVersion |])]
deriveJSON lspOptions ''VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier

data TextDocumentItem =
  TextDocumentItem {
    _uri        :: Uri
  , _languageId :: Text
  , _version    :: Int
  , _text       :: Text
  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentItem

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

data TextDocumentPositionParams =
    { -- | The text document.
      _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier
    , -- | The position inside the text document.
      _position     :: Position
    } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentPositionParams

-- -------------------------------------

-- Text document synchronisation

data TextDocumentSyncClientCapabilities =
    { -- | Whether text document synchronization supports dynamic registration.
      _dynamicRegistration :: Maybe Bool

      -- | The client supports sending will save notifications.
    , _willSave :: Maybe Bool

      -- | The client supports sending a will save request and waits for a
      -- response providing text edits which will be applied to the document
      -- before it is saved.
    , _willSaveWaitUntil :: Maybe Bool

      -- | The client supports did save notifications.
    , _didSave :: Maybe Bool
    } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentSyncClientCapabilities

instance Default TextDocumentSyncClientCapabilities where
  def = TextDocumentSyncClientCapabilities def def def def

-- -------------------------------------

data SaveOptions =
  { -- | The client is supposed to include the content on save.
    _includeText :: Maybe Bool
  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

-- -------------------------------------

-- | Defines how the host (editor) should sync document changes to the language server.
data TextDocumentSyncKind
  = -- | Documents should not be synced at all.
  | -- | Documents are synced by always sending the full content of the document.
  | -- | Documents are synced by sending the full content on open. After that only incremental updates to the document are send.
  deriving (Read, Eq, Show)

instance ToJSON TextDocumentSyncKind where
  toJSON TdSyncNone        = Number 0
  toJSON TdSyncFull        = Number 1
  toJSON TdSyncIncremental = Number 2

instance FromJSON TextDocumentSyncKind where
  parseJSON (Number 0) = pure TdSyncNone
  parseJSON (Number 1) = pure TdSyncFull
  parseJSON (Number 2) = pure TdSyncIncremental
  parseJSON _            = mempty

data TextDocumentSyncOptions =
  { -- | Open and close notifications are sent to the server. If omitted open
    -- close notification should not be sent.
    _openClose :: Maybe Bool
  , -- | Change notifications are sent to the server. See
    -- TextDocumentSyncKind.None, TextDocumentSyncKind.Full
    -- and TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental. If omitted it defaults to
    -- TextDocumentSyncKind.None.
    _change    :: Maybe TextDocumentSyncKind
    -- | If present will save notifications are sent to the server. If omitted the notification should not be
    -- sent.
  , _willSave  :: Maybe Bool
    -- | If present will save wait until requests are sent to the server. If omitted the request should not be
    -- sent.
  , _willSaveWaitUntil :: Maybe Bool
    -- | If present save notifications are sent to the server. If omitted the
    -- notification should not be sent.
  , _save      :: Maybe (Bool |? SaveOptions)
  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentSyncOptions

-- -------------------------------------

Since most of the registration options require to specify a document selector
there is a base interface that can be used.

data TextDocumentRegistrationOptions =
    { _documentSelector :: Maybe DocumentSelector
    } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentRegistrationOptions

-- -------------------------------------

data DidOpenTextDocumentParams =
  { -- | The document that was opened.
    _textDocument :: TextDocumentItem
  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidOpenTextDocumentParams

-- -------------------------------------

makeExtendingDatatype "TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions"
  [("_syncKind", [t| TextDocumentSyncKind |])]

deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentChangeRegistrationOptions

{-# DEPRECATED _rangeLength "Use _range instead" #-}
data TextDocumentContentChangeEvent =
    { -- | The range of the document that changed.
      _range       :: Maybe Range
      -- | The optional length of the range that got replaced.
    , _rangeLength :: Maybe Int
      -- | The new text for the provided range, if provided.
      -- Otherwise the new text of the whole document.
    , _text        :: Text
  deriving (Read,Show,Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentContentChangeEvent

-- -------------------------------------

data DidChangeTextDocumentParams =
    { -- | The document that did change. The version number points
      -- to the version after all provided content changes have
      -- been applied.
      _textDocument   :: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
      -- | The actual content changes. The content changes describe single state changes
      -- to the document. So if there are two content changes c1 (at array index 0) and
      -- c2 (at array index 1) for a document in state S then c1 moves the document from
      -- S to S' and c2 from S' to S''. So c1 is computed on the state S and c2 is computed
      -- on the state S'.
      -- To mirror the content of a document using change events use the following approach:
      -- - start with the same initial content
      -- - apply the 'textDocument/didChange' notifications in the order you recevie them.
      -- - apply the `TextDocumentContentChangeEvent`s in a single notification in the order
      --   you receive them.
    , _contentChanges :: List TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
    } deriving (Show,Read,Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidChangeTextDocumentParams

-- -------------------------------------

data TextDocumentSaveReason
  = SaveManual
         -- ^ Manually triggered, e.g. by the user pressing save, by starting
         -- debugging, or by an API call.
  | SaveAfterDelay -- ^ Automatic after a delay
  | SaveFocusOut   -- ^ When the editor lost focus
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

instance ToJSON TextDocumentSaveReason where
  toJSON SaveManual     = Number 1
  toJSON SaveAfterDelay = Number 2
  toJSON SaveFocusOut   = Number 3

instance FromJSON TextDocumentSaveReason where
  parseJSON (Number 1) = pure SaveManual
  parseJSON (Number 2) = pure SaveAfterDelay
  parseJSON (Number 3) = pure SaveFocusOut
  parseJSON _          = mempty

data WillSaveTextDocumentParams =
    { -- | The document that will be saved.
      _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier
      -- | The 'TextDocumentSaveReason'.
    , _reason       :: TextDocumentSaveReason
    } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''WillSaveTextDocumentParams

-- -------------------------------------

deriveJSON lspOptions ''SaveOptions

makeExtendingDatatype "TextDocumentSaveRegistrationOptions"
  [("_includeText", [t| Maybe Bool |])]

deriveJSON lspOptions ''TextDocumentSaveRegistrationOptions

data DidSaveTextDocumentParams =
    { -- | The document that was saved.
      _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier
      -- | Optional the content when saved. Depends on the includeText value
      -- when the save notification was requested.
    , _text         :: Maybe Text
    } deriving (Read,Show,Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidSaveTextDocumentParams

-- -------------------------------------

data DidCloseTextDocumentParams =
    { -- | The document that was closed.
      _textDocument :: TextDocumentIdentifier
    } deriving (Read,Show,Eq)

deriveJSON lspOptions ''DidCloseTextDocumentParams