module Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Exceptions where
import Control.Exception
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput
import Data.List
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
data SessionException = Timeout (Maybe FromServerMessage)
| NoContentLengthHeader
| UnexpectedMessage String FromServerMessage
| ReplayOutOfOrder FromServerMessage [FromServerMessage]
| UnexpectedDiagnostics
| IncorrectApplyEditRequest String
| UnexpectedResponseError LspIdRsp ResponseError
| UnexpectedServerTermination
deriving Eq
instance Exception SessionException
instance Show SessionException where
show (Timeout lastMsg) =
"Timed out waiting to receive a message from the server." ++
case lastMsg of
Just msg -> "\nLast message received:\n" ++ B.unpack (encodePretty msg)
Nothing -> mempty
show NoContentLengthHeader = "Couldn't read Content-Length header from the server."
show (UnexpectedMessage expected lastMsg) =
"Received an unexpected message from the server:\n" ++
"Was parsing: " ++ expected ++ "\n" ++
"Last message received:\n" ++ B.unpack (encodePretty lastMsg)
show (ReplayOutOfOrder received expected) =
let expected' = nub expected
getJsonDiff = lines . B.unpack . encodePretty
showExp exp = B.unpack (encodePretty exp) ++ "\nDiff:\n" ++
ppDiff (getGroupedDiff (getJsonDiff received) (getJsonDiff exp))
in "Replay is out of order:\n" ++
"Received from server:\n" ++ B.unpack (encodePretty received) ++ "\n" ++
"Raw from server:\n" ++ B.unpack (encode received) ++ "\n" ++
"Expected one of:\n" ++ unlines (map showExp expected')
show UnexpectedDiagnostics = "Unexpectedly received diagnostics from the server."
show (IncorrectApplyEditRequest msgStr) = "ApplyEditRequest didn't contain document, instead received:\n"
++ msgStr
show (UnexpectedResponseError lid e) = "Received an exepected error in a response for id " ++ show lid ++ ":\n"
++ show e
show UnexpectedServerTermination = "Language server unexpectedly terminated"
anySessionException :: SessionException -> Bool
anySessionException = const True