Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Elemental building blocks for migrations.
- mustoreToOld :: RequireBeInitial touched => (MUStore oldTemplate newTemplate remDiff touched ': s) :-> (UStore oldTemplate ': s)
- class MigrationFinishCheckPosition a where
- migrationFinish :: a
- migrateCoerceUnsafe :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched newDiff newDiff0 _1 _2 s. ('(_1, newDiff0) ~ CoverDiff 'DcRemove field diff, '(_2, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcAdd field newDiff0) => Label field -> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff touched ': s)
- migrateGetField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy s. (HasUField field fieldTy oldTempl, RequireUntouched field (field `IsElem` touched)) => Label field -> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s) :-> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s))
- migrateAddField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy newDiff marker s. ('(UStoreFieldExt marker fieldTy, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcAdd field diff, HasUField field fieldTy newTempl) => Label field -> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s)) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff (field ': touched) ': s)
- migrateRemoveField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy newDiff marker s. ('(UStoreFieldExt marker fieldTy, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcRemove field diff, HasUField field fieldTy oldTempl) => Label field -> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff (field ': touched) ': s)
- migrateExtractField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy newDiff marker s. ('(UStoreFieldExt marker fieldTy, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcRemove field diff, HasUField field fieldTy oldTempl, RequireUntouched field (field `IsElem` touched)) => Label field -> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s) :-> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff (field ': touched) ': s))
- migrateOverwriteField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy oldFieldTy marker oldMarker newDiff newDiff0 s. ('(UStoreFieldExt oldMarker oldFieldTy, newDiff0) ~ CoverDiff 'DcRemove field diff, '(UStoreFieldExt marker fieldTy, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcAdd field newDiff0, HasUField field fieldTy newTempl) => Label field -> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s)) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff (field ': touched) ': s)
- migrateModifyField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy s. (HasUField field fieldTy oldTempl, HasUField field fieldTy newTempl) => Label field -> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s)) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s)
- muBlock :: ('[MUStore o n d1 t1] :-> '[MUStore o n d2 t2]) -> MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 d2 t2
- muBlockNamed :: Text -> ('[MUStore o n d1 t1] :-> '[MUStore o n d2 t2]) -> MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 d2 t2
- (<-->) :: MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 d2 t2 -> MigrationBlocks o n d2 t2 d3 t3 -> MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 d3 t3
- ($:) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
mustoreToOld :: RequireBeInitial touched => (MUStore oldTemplate newTemplate remDiff touched ': s) :-> (UStore oldTemplate ': s) Source #
Get the old version of storage.
This can be applied only in the beginning of migration.
In fact this function is not very useful, all required operations should
be available for MUStore
, but leaving it here just in case.
class MigrationFinishCheckPosition a where Source #
migrationFinish :: a Source #
Put this in the end of migration script to get a human-readable message about remaining diff which yet should be covered. Use of this function in migration is fully optional.
This function is not part of mkUStoreMigration
for the sake of
proper error messages ordering, during development
you probably want errors in migration script to be located earlier
in code than errors about not fully covered diff (if you used
to fix errors in the same order in which they appear).
(i ~ (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s), o ~ (MUStore oldTempl newTempl ('[] :: [DiffItem]) touched ': s), RequireEmptyDiff diff) => MigrationFinishCheckPosition (i :-> o) Source # | This version can be used in |
Defined in Lorentz.UStore.Migration.Blocks Methods migrationFinish :: i :-> o Source # | |
(RequireEmptyDiff d1, t1 ~ t2) => MigrationFinishCheckPosition (MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 ('[] :: [DiffItem]) t2) Source # | This version can be used in |
Defined in Lorentz.UStore.Migration.Blocks Methods migrationFinish :: MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 '[] t2 Source # |
Elemental steps
migrateCoerceUnsafe :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched newDiff newDiff0 _1 _2 s. ('(_1, newDiff0) ~ CoverDiff 'DcRemove field diff, '(_2, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcAdd field newDiff0) => Label field -> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff touched ': s) Source #
Cast field or submap pretending that its value fits to the new type.
Useful when type of field, e.g. lambda or set of lambdas, is polymorphic over storage type.
migrateGetField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy s. (HasUField field fieldTy oldTempl, RequireUntouched field (field `IsElem` touched)) => Label field -> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s) :-> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s)) Source #
Get a field present in old version of UStore
migrateAddField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy newDiff marker s. ('(UStoreFieldExt marker fieldTy, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcAdd field diff, HasUField field fieldTy newTempl) => Label field -> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s)) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff (field ': touched) ': s) Source #
Add a field which was not present before. This covers one addition from the diff and any removals of field with given name.
This function cannot overwrite existing field with the same name, if this
is necessary use migrateOverwriteField
which would declare removal
migrateRemoveField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy newDiff marker s. ('(UStoreFieldExt marker fieldTy, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcRemove field diff, HasUField field fieldTy oldTempl) => Label field -> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff (field ': touched) ': s) Source #
Remove a field which should not be present in new version of storage. This covers one removal from the diff.
In fact, this action could be performed automatically, but since removal is a destructive operation, being explicit about it seems like a good thing.
migrateExtractField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy newDiff marker s. ('(UStoreFieldExt marker fieldTy, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcRemove field diff, HasUField field fieldTy oldTempl, RequireUntouched field (field `IsElem` touched)) => Label field -> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s) :-> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff (field ': touched) ': s)) Source #
Get and remove a field from old version of UStore
You probably want to use this more often than plain migrateRemoveField
migrateOverwriteField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy oldFieldTy marker oldMarker newDiff newDiff0 s. ('(UStoreFieldExt oldMarker oldFieldTy, newDiff0) ~ CoverDiff 'DcRemove field diff, '(UStoreFieldExt marker fieldTy, newDiff) ~ CoverDiff 'DcAdd field newDiff0, HasUField field fieldTy newTempl) => Label field -> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s)) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl newDiff (field ': touched) ': s) Source #
Remove field and write new one in place of it.
This is semantically equivalent to
dip (migrateRemoveField label) >> migrateAddField label
but is cheaper.
migrateModifyField :: forall field oldTempl newTempl diff touched fieldTy s. (HasUField field fieldTy oldTempl, HasUField field fieldTy newTempl) => Label field -> (fieldTy ': (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s)) :-> (MUStore oldTempl newTempl diff touched ': s) Source #
Modify field which should stay in new version of storage. This does not affect remaining diff.
Migration batches
muBlock :: ('[MUStore o n d1 t1] :-> '[MUStore o n d2 t2]) -> MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 d2 t2 Source #
Define a migration atom.
It will be named automatically according to the set of actions it performs
(via DMigrationActionDesc
This may be want you want for small sequences of actions, but for complex ones
consider using muBlockNamed
Names are used in rendering migration plan.
muBlockNamed :: Text -> ('[MUStore o n d1 t1] :-> '[MUStore o n d2 t2]) -> MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 d2 t2 Source #
Define a migration atom with given name.
Name will be used when rendering migration plan.
(<-->) :: MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 d2 t2 -> MigrationBlocks o n d2 t2 d3 t3 -> MigrationBlocks o n d1 t1 d3 t3 infixl 2 Source #
Composition of migration blocks.