Module      : Crypto.Lol.Prelude
Description : Alternate Prelude.
Copyright   : (c) Eric Crockett, 2011-2017
                  Chris Peikert, 2011-2017
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : ecrockett0@email.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

  \( \def\Z{\mathbb{Z}} \)
  \( \def\C{\mathbb{C}} \)

A substitute for the Prelude that is more suitable for Lol.  This
module exports most of the Numeric Prelude and other frequently
used modules, plus some low-level classes, missing instances, and
assorted utility functions.

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

module Crypto.Lol.Prelude
-- * Classes and families
, Mod(..)
, Subgroup(..)
, Reduce(..), LiftOf, Lift, Lift'(..), Rescale(..), Encode(..), msdToLSD
, CharOf
-- * Numeric
, module Crypto.Lol.Types.Numeric
-- * Complex
, module Crypto.Lol.Types.Unsafe.Complex
-- * Factored
, module Crypto.Lol.Factored
-- * Miscellaneous
, rescaleMod, roundCoset
, fromJust', pureT, peelT, pasteT, withWitness, withWitnessT
, module Data.Functor.Trans.Tagged
, module Data.Proxy
) where

import Crypto.Lol.Factored
import Crypto.Lol.Types.Numeric
import Crypto.Lol.Types.Unsafe.Complex (Complex, cis, fromReal, imag, real,

import Algebra.Field          as Field (C)
import Algebra.IntegralDomain as IntegralDomain (C)
import Algebra.Ring           as Ring (C)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Random      hiding (lift)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Default
import Data.Functor.Trans.Tagged
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Singletons

-- for Unbox instance of `Maybe a`
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed          as U
import           Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving

deriving instance NFData (m a) => NFData (TaggedT s m a)
deriving instance (MonadRandom m) => MonadRandom (TaggedT (tag :: k) m)

derivingUnbox "Maybe"
  [t| forall a . (Default a, U.Unbox a) => Maybe a -> (Bool, a) |]
  [| maybe (False, def) (\ x -> (True, x)) |]
  [| \ (b, x) -> if b then Just x else Nothing |]

instance Default Bool where def = False

-- | The characteristic of a ring, represented as a type.
type family CharOf fp :: k

-- | Poor man's 'Enum'.
class Enumerable a where
  values :: [a]

-- | Represents a quotient group modulo some integer.
class (ToInteger (ModRep a), Additive a) => Mod a where
  type ModRep a
  modulus :: ModRep a

-- | Represents that @a@ is a subgroup of @b@.
class (Additive a, Additive b) => Subgroup a b where
  fromSubgroup :: a -> b

-- | Represents that @b@ is a quotient group of @a@.
class Reduce a b where
  reduce :: a -> b

-- | Represents that @b@ can be lifted to a "short" @a@ congruent to @b@.
type Lift b a = (Lift' b, LiftOf b ~ a)

-- | The type of representatives of @b@.
type family LiftOf b

-- | Fun-dep version of Lift.
class (Reduce (LiftOf b) b) => Lift' b where
  lift :: b -> LiftOf b

-- | Represents that @a@ can be rescaled to @b@, as an "approximate"
-- additive homomorphism.
class (Additive a, Additive b) => Rescale a b where
  rescale :: a -> b

-- | Represents that the target ring can "noisily encode" values from
-- the source ring, in either "most significant digit" (MSD) or "least
-- significant digit" (LSD) encodings, and provides conversion factors
-- between the two types of encodings.

class (Field src, Field tgt) => Encode src tgt where
    -- | The factor that converts an element from LSD to MSD encoding
    -- in the target field, with associated scale factor to apply to
    -- correct the resulting encoded value.
    lsdToMSD :: (src, tgt)

-- | Inverted entries of 'lsdToMSD'.
msdToLSD :: (Encode src tgt) => (src, tgt)
msdToLSD = (recip *** recip) lsdToMSD
{-# INLINABLE msdToLSD #-}

-- | A default implementation of rescaling for 'Mod' types.
rescaleMod :: forall a b .
              (Mod a, Mod b, ModRep a ~ ModRep b,
               Lift a (ModRep b), Ring b)
              => a -> b
{-# INLINABLE rescaleMod #-}
rescaleMod =
    let qval  = modulus @a
        q'val = modulus @b
    in \x -> let (quot',_) = divModCent (q'val * lift x) qval
             in fromIntegral quot'

-- | Deterministically round to the nearest value in the desired coset.
roundCoset :: forall zp z r .
              (Mod zp, z ~ ModRep zp, Lift zp z, RealField r) => zp -> r -> z
{-# INLINABLE roundCoset #-}
roundCoset = let pval = modulus @zp
             in \ zp x -> let rep = lift zp
                          in rep + roundMult pval (x - fromIntegral rep)

---------- Instances for product groups/rings ----------

type instance LiftOf (a,b) = Integer

-- | Lift product ring of \(\Z_q\)s to 'Integer'
instance (Mod a, Mod b, Lift' a, Lift' b, Reduce Integer (a,b),
          ToInteger (LiftOf a), ToInteger (LiftOf b))
         => Lift' (a,b) where

  {-# INLINABLE lift #-}
  lift (a,b) =
    let moda = toInteger $ modulus @a
        modb = toInteger $ modulus @b
        q = moda * modb
        ainv = fromMaybe (error "Lift' (a,b): moduli not coprime") $ moda `modinv` modb
        lifta = toInteger $ lift a
        liftb = toInteger $ lift b
        -- put in [-q/2, q/2)
        (_,r) = (moda * (liftb - lifta) * ainv + lifta) `divModCent` q
    in r

-- | Pair as product ring
instance (Ring r1, Ring r2) => Ring.C (r1, r2) where
  (x1, x2) * (y1, y2) = (x1*y1, x2*y2)
  one = (one,one)
  fromInteger x = (fromInteger x, fromInteger x)

  {-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
  {-# INLINABLE one #-}
  {-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}

-- | Product ring as an (almost) field
instance (Field f1, Field f2) => Field.C (f1, f2) where
  (x1, x2) / (y1, y2) = (x1 / y1, x2 / y2)
  recip = recip *** recip
  {-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
  {-# INLINABLE recip #-}

-- | Product ring as an (almost) integral domain
instance (IntegralDomain a, IntegralDomain b) => IntegralDomain.C (a,b) where
  (a1,b1) `divMod` (a2,b2) =
    let (da,ra) = (a1 `divMod` a2)
        (db,rb) = (b1 `divMod` b2)
    in ((da,db), (ra,rb))
  {-# INLINABLE divMod #-}

-- | Product ring of \(\Z_q\)s as a \(\Z_q\) (with 'Integer' modulus)
instance (Mod a, Mod b) => Mod (a,b) where
  type ModRep (a,b) = Integer

  modulus = fromIntegral (modulus @a) * fromIntegral (modulus @b)
  {-# INLINABLE modulus #-}

-- | Reduce into product ring.
instance (Reduce a b1, Reduce a b2) => Reduce a (b1, b2) where
  reduce x = (reduce x, reduce x)
  {-# INLINABLE reduce #-}

-- | Rescale a product ring of \(\Z_q\)s
instance (Mod a, Field b, Lift a (ModRep a), Reduce (LiftOf a) b)
         => Rescale (a,b) b where
  rescale = let q1val = modulus @a
                q1inv = recip $ reduce q1val
            in \(x1,x2) -> q1inv * (x2 - reduce (lift x1))
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale down by a product ring of two \(\Z_q\)s
instance (Rescale (a,(b,c)) (b,c), Rescale (b,c) c,
          Additive a, Additive c)
         => Rescale (a,(b,c)) c where
  rescale = (rescale :: (b,c) -> c) . rescale
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale down by a product ring of three \(\Z_q\)s
instance (Rescale (a,(b,(c,d))) (b,(c,d)), Rescale (b,(c,d)) d, Additive a)
  => Rescale (a,(b,(c,d))) d where
  rescale = (rescale :: (b,(c,d)) -> d) . rescale
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale down by a product ring of four \(\Z_q\)s
instance (Rescale (a,(b,(c,(d,e)))) (b,(c,(d,e))), Rescale (b,(c,(d,e))) e, Additive a)
  => Rescale (a,(b,(c,(d,e)))) e where
  rescale = (rescale :: (b,(c,(d,e))) -> e) . rescale
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale down by a product ring of five \(\Z_q\)s
instance (Rescale (a,(b,(c,(d,(e,f))))) (b,(c,(d,(e,f)))), Rescale (b,(c,(d,(e,f)))) f, Additive a)
  => Rescale (a,(b,(c,(d,(e,f))))) f where
  rescale = (rescale :: (b,(c,(d,(e,f)))) -> f) . rescale
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale a product ring of \(\Z_q\)s
instance (Mod b, Field a, Lift b (ModRep b), Reduce (LiftOf b) a)
         => Rescale (a,b) a where
  rescale = let q2val = modulus @b
                q2inv = recip $ reduce q2val
            in \(x1,x2) -> q2inv * (x1 - reduce (lift x2))
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale a (multi-)product ring of \(\Z_q\)s
instance (Rescale ((a,b),c) (a,b), Rescale (a,b) a,
          Additive a, Additive c)
         => Rescale ((a,b),c) a where
  rescale = (rescale :: (a,b) -> a) . rescale
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale /up/ to a product ring of \(\Z_q\)s
instance (Ring a, Mod b, Reduce (ModRep b) a) => Rescale a (a,b) where
  -- multiply by q2
  rescale = let q2val = reduce $ modulus @b
            in \x -> (q2val * x, zero)
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale /up/ to a product ring of \(\Z_q\)s
instance (Ring b, Mod a, Reduce (ModRep a) b) => Rescale b (a,b) where
  -- multiply by q1
  rescale = let q1val = reduce $ modulus @a
            in \x -> (zero, q1val * x)
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale up by a product of two rings
instance (Additive a, Rescale c (b,c), Rescale (b,c) (a,(b,c))) => Rescale c (a,(b,c)) where
  rescale x = rescale (rescale x :: (b,c))
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale up by a product of three rings
instance (Additive a, Rescale d (b,(c,d)), Rescale (b,(c,d)) (a,(b,(c,d)))) => Rescale d (a,(b,(c,d))) where
  rescale x = rescale (rescale x :: (b,(c,d)))
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale up by a product of four rings
instance (Additive a, Rescale e (b,(c,(d,e))), Rescale (b,(c,(d,e))) (a,(b,(c,(d,e)))))
  => Rescale e (a,(b,(c,(d,e)))) where
  rescale x = rescale (rescale x :: (b,(c,(d,e))))
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Rescale up by a product of five rings
instance (Additive a, Rescale f (b,(c,(d,(e,f)))), Rescale (b,(c,(d,(e,f)))) (a,(b,(c,(d,(e,f))))))
  => Rescale f (a,(b,(c,(d,(e,f))))) where
  rescale x = rescale (rescale x :: (b,(c,(d,(e,f)))))
  {-# INLINABLE rescale #-}

-- | Encode for a product ring
instance (Encode s t1, Encode s t2, Field (t1, t2)) => Encode s (t1, t2) where
  {-# INLINABLE lsdToMSD #-}
  lsdToMSD = let (s1, t1conv) = lsdToMSD
                 (s2, t2conv) = lsdToMSD
             in (negate s1 * s2, (t1conv,t2conv))

-- Random could have defined this instance, but didn't, so we do it
-- here.
instance (Random a, Random b) => Random (a,b) where
  {-# INLINABLE random #-}
  random g = let (a,g') = random g
                 (b, g'') = random g'
             in ((a,b), g'')

  {-# INLINABLE randomR #-}
  randomR ((loa,lob), (hia,hib)) g = let (a,g') = randomR (loa,hia) g
                                         (b,g'') = randomR (lob,hib) g'
                                     in ((a,b),g'')

-- | Version of 'fromJust' with an error message.
fromJust' :: String -> Maybe a -> a
fromJust' str = fromMaybe (error str)

-- | Apply any applicative to a 'Tagged' value.
pureT :: Applicative f => Tagged t a -> TaggedT t f a
pureT = mapTaggedT (pure . runIdentity)

-- | Expose the monad of a 'Tagged' value.
peelT :: Tagged t (f a) -> TaggedT t f a
peelT = coerce

-- | Hide the monad of a 'Tagged' value.
pasteT :: TaggedT t f a -> Tagged t (f a)
pasteT = coerce

-- | Use a singleton as a witness to extract a value from a 'Tagged' value.
withWitness :: forall n r . (SingI n => Tagged n r) -> Sing n -> r
withWitness t wit = withSingI wit $ proxy t (Proxy::Proxy n)
{-# INLINABLE withWitness #-}

-- | Transformer version of 'withWitness'.
withWitnessT :: forall n mon r .
                (SingI n => TaggedT n mon r) -> Sing n -> mon r
withWitnessT t wit = withSingI wit $ proxyT t (Proxy::Proxy n)
{-# INLINABLE withWitnessT #-}