Module      : Crypto.Lol.PosBinDefs
Description : Internal module.
Copyright   : (c) Eric Crockett, 2011-2017
                  Chris Peikert, 2011-2017
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : ecrockett0@email.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

  \( \def\Z{\mathbb{Z}} \)
  \( \def\C{\mathbb{C}} \)

This sub-module exists only because we can't define and use
template Haskell splices in the same module.

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports     #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}

module Crypto.Lol.PosBinDefs
( -- * Positive naturals in Peano representation
  Pos(..), Sing(SO, SS), SPos, PosC, posType, posDec
, reifyPos, reifyPosI, posToInt, intToPos
, addPos, sAddPos, AddPos, subPos, sSubPos, SubPos
, OSym0, SSym0, SSym1, AddPosSym0, AddPosSym1, SubPosSym0, SubPosSym1
  -- * Positive naturals in binary representation
, Bin(..), Sing(SB1, SD0, SD1), SBin, BinC, binType, binDec
, reifyBin, reifyBinI, binToInt, intToBin
, B1Sym0, D0Sym0, D0Sym1, D1Sym0, D1Sym1
  -- * Miscellaneous
, intDec, primes, prime

import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH

import Algebra.ToInteger as ToInteger
import NumericPrelude

singletons [d|
            -- Positive naturals (1, 2, ...) in Peano representation.
            data Pos = O     -- one
                     | S Pos -- successor
                       deriving (Show, Eq)

            instance Ord Pos where
              compare O O         = EQ
              compare O (S _)     = LT
              compare (S _) O     = GT
              compare (S a) (S b) = compare a b

            addPos :: Pos -> Pos -> Pos
            addPos O b     = S b
            addPos (S a) b = S $ addPos a b

            subPos :: Pos -> Pos -> Pos
            subPos (S a) O     = a
            subPos (S a) (S b) = subPos a b
            subPos O _         = error "Invalid call to subPos: a <= b"

-- not promotable due to numeric output

-- | Convert a 'Pos' to an integral type.
{-# INLINABLE posToInt #-}
posToInt :: ToInteger.C z => Pos -> z
posToInt O     = one
posToInt (S a) = one + posToInt a

singletons [d|
            -- Positive naturals in binary representation.
            data Bin = B1       -- 1
                     | D0 Bin   -- 2*b (double)
                     | D1 Bin   -- 1 + 2*b (double and increment)
                       deriving (Show, Eq)

            instance Ord Bin where
              compare B1 B1          = EQ
              compare B1 (D0 _)      = LT
              compare B1 (D1 _)      = LT
              compare (D0 _) B1      = GT
              compare (D1 _) B1      = GT
              compare (D0 a) (D0 b)  = compare a b
              compare (D1 a) (D1 b)  = compare a b
              compare (D0 a) (D1 b)  = case compare a b of
                                       EQ -> LT
                                       LT -> LT
                                       GT -> GT
              compare (D1 a) (D0 b)  = case compare a b of
                                       EQ -> GT
                                       LT -> LT
                                       GT -> GT


-- | Convert an integral type to a 'Pos'.
intToPos :: ToInteger.C z => z -> Pos
intToPos 1 = O
intToPos x | x > 0 = S $ intToPos $ x-1
intToPos _ = error "cannot convert non-positive value to a Pos"

-- | Convert a 'Bin' to an integral type.
{-# INLINABLE binToInt #-}
binToInt :: ToInteger.C z => Bin -> z
binToInt B1     = one
binToInt (D0 a) = 2 * binToInt a
binToInt (D1 a) = 1 + 2 * binToInt a

-- | Convert an integral type to a 'Bin'.
intToBin :: ToInteger.C z => z -> Bin
intToBin 1 = B1
intToBin x | x > 0 =
             if even x
             then D0 $ intToBin $ x `div` 2
             else D1 $ intToBin $ x `div` 2

-- | Kind-restricted synonym for 'SingI'.
type PosC (p :: Pos) = SingI p

-- | Kind-restricted synonym for 'SingI'.
type BinC (b :: Bin) = SingI b

-- | Reify a 'Pos' as a singleton.
reifyPos :: Int -> (forall p . SPos p -> a) -> a
reifyPos x _ | x < 1 = error $ "reifyPos: non-positive x = " ++ show x
reifyPos 1 k = k SO
reifyPos n k = reifyPos (n-1) (k . SS)

-- | Reify a 'Pos' for a 'SingI' constraint.
reifyPosI :: Int -> (forall p proxy . PosC p => proxy p -> a) -> a
reifyPosI n k = reifyPos n (\(p::SPos p) -> withSingI p $ k (Proxy::Proxy p))

-- | Reify a 'Bin' as a singleton.
reifyBin :: Int -> (forall b . SBin b -> a) -> a
reifyBin x _ | x < 1  = error $ "reifyBin: non-positive x = " ++ show x
reifyBin 1 k = k SB1
reifyBin x k | even x = reifyBin (x `div` 2) (k . SD0)
reifyBin x k = reifyBin (x `div` 2) (k . SD1)

-- | Reify a 'Bin' for a 'SingI' constraint.
reifyBinI :: Int -> (forall b proxy . BinC b => proxy b -> a) -> a
reifyBinI n k = reifyBin n (\(b::SBin b) -> withSingI b $ k (Proxy::Proxy b))

-- | Template Haskell splice for the 'Pos' type
-- representing a given 'Int', e.g., @$(posType 8)@.
posType :: Int -> TypeQ
posType n
    | n <= 0 = fail $ "posType: non-positive argument n = " ++ show n
    | n == 1 = conT 'O
    | otherwise = conT 'S `appT` posType (n-1)

-- | Template Haskell splice for the 'Bin' type
-- representing a given 'Int', e.g., @$(binType 89)@.
binType :: Int -> TypeQ
binType n
    | n <= 0 = fail $ "binType: non-positive argument n = " ++ show n
    | otherwise = case n `quotRem` 2 of
                    (0,1) -> conT 'B1
                    (q,0) -> conT 'D0 `appT` binType q
                    (q,1) -> conT 'D1 `appT` binType q
                    _     -> fail "internal error in PosBinTH.bin"

posDec, binDec :: Int -> DecQ
-- | Template Haskell splice that defines the 'Pos' type synonym @P@\(n\).
posDec = intDec "P" posType
-- | Template Haskell splice that defines the 'Bin' type synonym @B@\(n\).
binDec = intDec "B" binType

-- | Template Haskell splice that declares a type synonym
-- @\<pfx\>@\(n\) as the type @f n@.
intDec :: String               -- ^ @pfx@
       -> (Int -> TypeQ)       -- ^ @f@
       -> Int                  -- ^ @n@
       -> DecQ
intDec pfx f n = tySynD (mkName $ pfx ++ show n) [] (f n)

-- | Infinite list of primes, built using Sieve of Erastothenes.
primes :: [Int]
primes = 2 : 3 : 5 : primes'
    isPrime (p:ps) n = p*p > n || n `rem` p /= 0 && isPrime ps n
    primes' = 7 : filter (isPrime primes') (scanl (+) 11 $ cycle [2,4,2,4,6,2,6,4])

-- | Search for the argument in 'primes'.  This is not particularly
-- fast, but works well enough for moderate-sized numbers that would
-- appear as (divisors of) cyclotomic indices of interest.
prime :: Int -> Bool
prime = go primes
    where go (p:ps) n = case compare p n of
                          LT -> go ps n
                          EQ -> True
                          GT -> False