lol- A library for lattice cryptography.

Copyright(c) Eric Crockett 2011-2017
Chris Peikert 2011-2017
PortabilityPOSIX \( \def\C{\mathbb{C}} \)
Safe HaskellNone




Benchmarks for individual layers of the Lol stack (Tensor, CycRep, Cyc), plus default parameters and helper functions for diplaying results.


Default parameters for benchmarks

defaultLolBenches :: (forall m r. (Fact m, NFData r) => NFData (t m r), _) => Proxy t -> Proxy h -> [Benchmark] Source #

Benchmark parameters reported in the paper. We suggest running these benchmarks to quickly compare performance on your system or with your Tensor backend.

oneIdxBenches :: forall t m r gen. _ => Proxy '(m, r) -> Proxy t -> Proxy gen -> Benchmark Source #

Collection of all single-index operations at all levels of the library.

twoIdxBenches :: forall t m m' r. _ => Proxy '(m, m', r) -> Proxy t -> Benchmark Source #

Collection of all inter-ring operations at all levels of the library.

Benchmarks for different layers of Lol

tensorBenches1 :: forall (t :: Factored -> * -> *) (m :: Factored) (r :: *) gen. (Fact m, _) => Proxy '(t, m, r) -> Proxy gen -> Benchmark Source #

Benchmarks for single-index Tensor operations. There must be a CRT basis for \(O_m\) over r. These cover the same functions as cycBenches1, but may have different performance due to how GHC interacts with Lol.

tensorBenches2 :: forall (t :: Factored -> * -> *) (m :: Factored) (m' :: Factored) (r :: *). _ => Proxy '(t, m, m', r) -> Benchmark Source #

Benchmarks for inter-ring Tensor operations. There must be a CRT basis for \(O_{m'}\) over r. These cover the same functions as cycBenches1, but may have different performance due to how GHC interacts with Lol.

cycRepBenches1 :: forall t m r gen. _ => Proxy '(t, m, r) -> Proxy gen -> Benchmark Source #

Benchmarks for single-index CycRep operations. There must be a CRT basis for \(O_m\) over r. These cover the same functions as cycBenches1, but may have different performance due to how GHC interacts with Lol.

cycRepBenches2 :: forall t m m' r. _ => Proxy '(t, m, m', r) -> Benchmark Source #

Benchmarks for inter-ring CycRep operations. There must be a CRT basis for \(O_{m'}\) over r. These cover the same functions as cycBenches2, but may have different performance due to how GHC interacts with Lol.

cycBenches1 :: forall t m r gen. _ => Proxy '(t, m, r) -> Proxy gen -> Benchmark Source #

Benchmarks for single-index Cyc operations. There must be a CRT basis for \(O_m\) over r.

cycBenches2 :: forall t m m' r. _ => Proxy '(t, m, m', r) -> Benchmark Source #

Benchmarks for inter-ring Cyc operations. There must be a CRT basis for \(O_{m'}\) over r.

Utilities for creating benchmarks

mkBench :: NFData b => String -> (a -> b) -> a -> Benchmark Source #

Make a Benchmark from a function and its input

mkBenchIO :: NFData b => String -> IO b -> Benchmark Source #

Make a Benchmark from an IO function and its input

bgroup #


:: String

A name to identify the group of benchmarks.

-> [Benchmark]

Benchmarks to group under this name.

-> Benchmark 

Group several benchmarks together under a common name.

data Benchmark #

Specification of a collection of benchmarks and environments. A benchmark may consist of:

  • An environment that creates input data for benchmarks, created with env.
  • A single Benchmarkable item with a name, created with bench.
  • A (possibly nested) group of Benchmarks, created with bgroup.
Show Benchmark 
Instance details

Defined in Criterion.Measurement.Types

Utilities for showing benchmark results

data Verb Source #

Verbosity of benchmark output.



prints a '.' when each benchmark completes


prints a one-line summary for each benchmark


prints full criterion output for each benchmark

Eq Verb Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Lol.Utils.PrettyPrint


(==) :: Verb -> Verb -> Bool #

(/=) :: Verb -> Verb -> Bool #

prettyBenchesTable :: TableOpts -> Benchmark -> IO () Source #

Takes benchmark options an a benchmark group nested as params/level/op, and prints a table comparing operations across all selected levels of Lol.

defaultTableOpts :: Maybe String -> TableOpts Source #

Runs all benchmarks with verbosity Progress.

data TableOpts Source #

Options for the simple benchmark format.



Character width of row labels


prettyBenchesDiagnostic :: DiagnosticOpts -> Benchmark -> IO () Source #

Takes benchmark options an a benchmark group nested as params/level/op, and prints a table comparing operations across all selected levels of Lol.

defaultDiagnosticOpts :: DiagnosticOpts Source #

Runs all benchmarks with verbosity Progress.

data DiagnosticOpts Source #

Options for the diagnostic benchmark printout.



Character width of row labels


  • verb :: Verb


  • levels :: [String]

    Which levels of Lol to benchmark. The empty list means run all levels.

  • benches :: [String]

    Which operations to benchmark. The empty list means run all benchmarks.

  • redThreshold :: Double

    How many times larger a benchmark must be (compared to the minimum benchmark for that parameter, across all levels), to be printed in red

  • colWidth :: Int

    Character width of data columns

  • testNameWidth :: Int