{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module LLVM.AST.Typed (
) where
import LLVM.Prelude
import LLVM.AST
import LLVM.AST.Global
import LLVM.AST.Type
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C
import qualified LLVM.AST.Float as F
class Typed a where
typeOf :: a -> Type
instance Typed Operand where
typeOf (LocalReference t _) = t
typeOf (ConstantOperand c) = typeOf c
typeOf _ = MetadataType
instance Typed CallableOperand where
typeOf (Right op) = typeOf op
typeOf (Left _) = error "typeOf inline assembler is not defined. (Malformed AST)"
instance Typed C.Constant where
typeOf (C.Int bits _) = IntegerType bits
typeOf (C.Float t) = typeOf t
typeOf (C.Null t) = t
typeOf (C.Struct {..}) = StructureType isPacked (map typeOf memberValues)
typeOf (C.Array {..}) = ArrayType (fromIntegral $ length memberValues) memberType
typeOf (C.Vector {..}) = VectorType (fromIntegral $ length memberValues) $
case memberValues of
[] -> error "Vectors of size zero are not allowed. (Malformed AST)"
(x:_) -> typeOf x
typeOf (C.Undef t) = t
typeOf (C.BlockAddress {..}) = ptr i8
typeOf (C.GlobalReference t _) = t
typeOf (C.Add {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.FAdd {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.FDiv {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.FRem {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.Sub {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.FSub {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.Mul {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.FMul {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.UDiv {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.SDiv {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.URem {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.SRem {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.Shl {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.LShr {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.AShr {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.And {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.Or {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.Xor {..}) = typeOf operand0
typeOf (C.GetElementPtr {..}) = getElementPtrType (typeOf address) indices
typeOf (C.Trunc {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.ZExt {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.SExt {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.FPToUI {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.FPToSI {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.UIToFP {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.SIToFP {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.FPTrunc {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.FPExt {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.PtrToInt {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.IntToPtr {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.BitCast {..}) = type'
typeOf (C.ICmp {..}) = case (typeOf operand0) of
(VectorType n _) -> VectorType n i1
_ -> i1
typeOf (C.FCmp {..}) = case (typeOf operand0) of
(VectorType n _) -> VectorType n i1
_ -> i1
typeOf (C.Select {..}) = typeOf trueValue
typeOf (C.ExtractElement {..}) = case typeOf vector of
(VectorType _ t) -> t
_ -> error "The first operand of an extractelement instruction is a value of vector type. (Malformed AST)"
typeOf (C.InsertElement {..}) = typeOf vector
typeOf (C.ShuffleVector {..}) = case (typeOf operand0, typeOf mask) of
(VectorType _ t, VectorType m _) -> VectorType m t
_ -> error "The first operand of an shufflevector instruction is a value of vector type. (Malformed AST)"
typeOf (C.ExtractValue {..}) = extractValueType indices' (typeOf aggregate)
typeOf (C.InsertValue {..}) = typeOf aggregate
typeOf (C.TokenNone) = TokenType
typeOf (C.AddrSpaceCast {..}) = type'
getElementPtrType :: Type -> [C.Constant] -> Type
getElementPtrType ty [] = ptr ty
getElementPtrType (PointerType ty _) (_:is) = getElementPtrType ty is
getElementPtrType (StructureType _ elTys) (C.Int 32 val:is) =
getElementPtrType (elTys !! fromIntegral val) is
getElementPtrType (VectorType _ elTy) (_:is) = getElementPtrType elTy is
getElementPtrType (ArrayType _ elTy) (_:is) = getElementPtrType elTy is
getElementPtrType _ _ = error "Expecting aggregate type. (Malformed AST)"
getElementType :: Type -> Type
getElementType (PointerType t _) = t
getElementType _ = error $ "Expecting pointer type. (Malformed AST)"
extractValueType :: [Word32] -> Type -> Type
extractValueType [] ty = ty
extractValueType (i : is) (ArrayType numEls elTy)
| fromIntegral i < numEls = extractValueType is elTy
| fromIntegral i >= numEls = error "Expecting valid index into array type. (Malformed AST)"
extractValueType (i : is) (StructureType _ elTys)
| fromIntegral i < length elTys = extractValueType is (elTys !! fromIntegral i)
| otherwise = error "Expecting valid index into structure type. (Malformed AST)"
extractValueType _ _ = error "Expecting vector type. (Malformed AST)"
instance Typed F.SomeFloat where
typeOf (F.Half _) = FloatingPointType HalfFP
typeOf (F.Single _) = FloatingPointType FloatFP
typeOf (F.Double _) = FloatingPointType DoubleFP
typeOf (F.Quadruple _ _) = FloatingPointType FP128FP
typeOf (F.X86_FP80 _ _) = FloatingPointType X86_FP80FP
typeOf (F.PPC_FP128 _ _) = FloatingPointType PPC_FP128FP
instance Typed Global where
typeOf (GlobalVariable {..}) = type'
typeOf (GlobalAlias {..}) = type'
typeOf (Function {..}) = let (params, isVarArg) = parameters
in FunctionType returnType (map typeOf params) isVarArg
instance Typed Parameter where
typeOf (Parameter t _ _) = t