module LLVM.Internal.FFI.Builder where
import LLVM.Prelude
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified LLVM.AST.Instruction as A
import LLVM.Internal.InstructionDefs as ID
import LLVM.Internal.FFI.Cleanup
import LLVM.Internal.FFI.Context
import LLVM.Internal.FFI.LLVMCTypes
import LLVM.Internal.FFI.PtrHierarchy
data Builder
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCreateBuilderInContext" createBuilderInContext ::
Ptr Context -> IO (Ptr Builder)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDisposeBuilder" disposeBuilder ::
Ptr Builder -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd" positionBuilderAtEnd ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr BasicBlock -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildRet" buildRet ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildBr" buildBr ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr BasicBlock -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildCondBr" buildCondBr ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr BasicBlock -> Ptr BasicBlock -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSwitch" buildSwitch ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr BasicBlock -> CUInt -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildIndirectBr" buildIndirectBr ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> CUInt -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildInvoke" buildInvoke ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr (Ptr Value) -> CUInt
-> Ptr BasicBlock -> Ptr BasicBlock -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildResume" buildResume ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildUnreachable" buildUnreachable ::
Ptr Builder -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildCleanupRet" buildCleanupRet ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr BasicBlock -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildCatchRet" buildCatchRet ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr BasicBlock -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildCatchSwitch" buildCatchSwitch ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr BasicBlock -> CUInt -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
liftM concat $ sequence $ do
let instrInfo = ID.outerJoin ID.astInstructionRecs ID.instructionDefs
(lrn, ii) <- Map.toList instrInfo
(TH.RecC _ (unzip3 -> (_, _, fieldTypes)), ID.InstructionDef { ID.cAPIName = a, ID.instructionKind = k }) <- case ii of
(Just r, Just d) -> return (r,d)
(Just _, Nothing) -> error $ "An AST instruction was not found in the LLVM instruction defs"
(Nothing, Just ID.InstructionDef { ID.instructionKind = k }) | k /= ID.Terminator ->
error $ "LLVM instruction def " ++ lrn ++ " not found in the AST"
_ -> []
let ats = map typeMapping (fieldTypes List.\\ [TH.ConT ''A.InstructionMetadata, TH.ConT ''A.FastMathFlags])
cName = (if hasFlags fieldTypes then "LLVM_Hs_" else "LLVM") ++ "Build" ++ a
rt <- case k of
ID.Binary -> [[t| BinaryOperator |]]
ID.Cast -> [[t| Instruction |]]
_ -> []
return $ foreignDecl cName ("build" ++ a) ([[t| Ptr Builder |]] ++ ats ++ [[t| CString |]]) [t| Ptr $(rt) |]
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildArrayAlloca" buildAlloca ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Type -> Ptr Value -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildLoad" buildLoad' ::
Ptr Builder -> LLVMBool -> Ptr Value -> MemoryOrdering -> SynchronizationScope -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildLoad :: Ptr Builder -> LLVMBool -> Ptr Value -> (SynchronizationScope, MemoryOrdering) -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildLoad builder vol a' (ss, mo) al s = buildLoad' builder vol a' mo ss al s
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildStore" buildStore' ::
Ptr Builder -> LLVMBool -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> MemoryOrdering -> SynchronizationScope -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildStore :: Ptr Builder -> LLVMBool -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> (SynchronizationScope, MemoryOrdering) -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildStore builder vol a' v' (ss, mo) al s = buildStore' builder vol a' v' mo ss al s
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildGEP" buildGetElementPtr' ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr (Ptr Value) -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP" buildInBoundsGetElementPtr' ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr (Ptr Value) -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildGetElementPtr :: Ptr Builder -> LLVMBool -> Ptr Value -> (CUInt, Ptr (Ptr Value)) -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildGetElementPtr builder (LLVMBool 1) a (n, is) s = buildInBoundsGetElementPtr' builder a is n s
buildGetElementPtr builder (LLVMBool 0) a (n, is) s = buildGetElementPtr' builder a is n s
buildGetElementPtr _ (LLVMBool i) _ _ _ = error ("LLVMBool should be 0 or 1 but is " <> show i)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildFence" buildFence' ::
Ptr Builder -> MemoryOrdering -> SynchronizationScope -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildFence :: Ptr Builder -> (SynchronizationScope, MemoryOrdering) -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildFence builder (ss, mo) s = buildFence' builder mo ss s
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildAtomicCmpXchg" buildCmpXchg' ::
Ptr Builder -> LLVMBool -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> MemoryOrdering -> MemoryOrdering -> SynchronizationScope -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildCmpXchg :: Ptr Builder -> LLVMBool -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> (SynchronizationScope, MemoryOrdering) -> MemoryOrdering -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildCmpXchg builder vol a e r (ss, smo) fmo s = buildCmpXchg' builder vol a e r smo fmo ss s
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildAtomicRMW" buildAtomicRMW' ::
Ptr Builder -> LLVMBool -> RMWOperation -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> MemoryOrdering -> SynchronizationScope -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildAtomicRMW :: Ptr Builder -> LLVMBool -> RMWOperation -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> (SynchronizationScope, MemoryOrdering) -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildAtomicRMW builder vol rmwOp a v (ss, mo) s = buildAtomicRMW' builder vol rmwOp a v mo ss s
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildICmp" buildICmp ::
Ptr Builder -> ICmpPredicate -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFCmp" buildFCmp ::
Ptr Builder -> FCmpPredicate -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildPhi" buildPhi ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Type -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildCall" buildCall ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr (Ptr Value) -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSelect" buildSelect ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildVAArg" buildVAArg ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Type -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildExtractElement" buildExtractElement ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildInsertElement" buildInsertElement ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildShuffleVector" buildShuffleVector ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Constant -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildExtractValue" buildExtractValue ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr CUInt -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildInsertValue" buildInsertValue ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr Value -> Ptr CUInt -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildLandingPad" buildLandingPad' ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Type -> Ptr Value -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildLandingPad :: Ptr Builder -> Ptr Type -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
buildLandingPad builder ty numClauses name = buildLandingPad' builder ty nullPtr numClauses name
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildCleanupPad" buildCleanupPad ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr (Ptr Value) -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_BuildCatchPad" buildCatchPad ::
Ptr Builder -> Ptr Value -> Ptr (Ptr Value) -> CUInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr Instruction)
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVM_Hs_SetFastMathFlags" setFastMathFlags ::
Ptr Builder -> FastMathFlags -> IO ()