module LLVM.Internal.Constant where
import LLVM.Prelude
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Quote as TH
import qualified LLVM.Internal.InstructionDefs as ID
import Data.Bits
import Control.Monad.AnyCont
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State (get, gets, modify, evalState)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, sizeOf)
import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.Constant as FFI
import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.GlobalValue as FFI
import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.Instruction as FFI
import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.LLVMCTypes as FFI
import LLVM.Internal.FFI.LLVMCTypes (valueSubclassIdP)
import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.PtrHierarchy as FFI
import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.Type as FFI
import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.User as FFI
import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.Value as FFI
import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.BinaryOperator as FFI
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as A (Constant)
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as A.C hiding (Constant)
import qualified LLVM.AST.Type as A
import qualified LLVM.AST.IntegerPredicate as A (IntegerPredicate)
import qualified LLVM.AST.FloatingPointPredicate as A (FloatingPointPredicate)
import qualified LLVM.AST.Float as A.F
import LLVM.Exception
import LLVM.Internal.Coding
import LLVM.Internal.Context
import LLVM.Internal.DecodeAST
import LLVM.Internal.EncodeAST
import LLVM.Internal.FloatingPointPredicate ()
import LLVM.Internal.IntegerPredicate ()
import LLVM.Internal.Type ()
import LLVM.Internal.Value
allocaWords :: forall a m . (Storable a, MonadAnyCont IO m, Monad m, MonadIO m) => Word32 -> m (Ptr a)
allocaWords nBits = do
allocaArray (((nBits-1) `div` (8*(fromIntegral (sizeOf (undefined :: a))))) + 1)
inconsistentCases :: Show a => String -> a -> b
inconsistentCases name attr =
error $ "llvm-hs internal error: cases inconstistent in " ++ name ++ " encoding for " ++ show attr
instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.Constant (Ptr FFI.Constant) where
encodeM c = scopeAnyCont $ case c of
A.C.Int { A.C.integerBits = bits, A.C.integerValue = v } -> do
t <- encodeM (A.IntegerType bits)
words <- encodeM [
fromIntegral ((v `shiftR` (w*64)) .&. 0xffffffffffffffff) :: Word64
| w <- [0 .. ((fromIntegral bits-1) `div` 64)]
liftIO $ FFI.constantIntOfArbitraryPrecision t words
A.C.Float { A.C.floatValue = v } -> do
Context context <- gets encodeStateContext
let poke1 f = do
let nBits = fromIntegral $ 8*(sizeOf f)
words <- allocaWords nBits
poke (castPtr words) f
return (nBits, words)
poke2 fh fl = do
let nBits = fromIntegral $ 8*(sizeOf fh) + 8*(sizeOf fl)
words <- allocaWords nBits
pokeByteOff (castPtr words) 0 fl
pokeByteOff (castPtr words) (sizeOf fl) fh
return (nBits, words)
(nBits, words) <- case v of
A.F.Half f -> poke1 f
A.F.Single f -> poke1 f
A.F.Double f -> poke1 f
A.F.X86_FP80 high low -> poke2 high low
A.F.Quadruple high low -> poke2 high low
A.F.PPC_FP128 high low -> poke2 high low
let fpSem = case v of
A.F.Half _ -> FFI.floatSemanticsIEEEhalf
A.F.Single _ -> FFI.floatSemanticsIEEEsingle
A.F.Double _ -> FFI.floatSemanticsIEEEdouble
A.F.Quadruple _ _ -> FFI.floatSemanticsIEEEquad
A.F.X86_FP80 _ _ -> FFI.floatSemanticsx87DoubleExtended
A.F.PPC_FP128 _ _ -> FFI.floatSemanticsPPCDoubleDouble
nBits <- encodeM nBits
liftIO $ FFI.constantFloatOfArbitraryPrecision context nBits words fpSem
A.C.GlobalReference ty n -> do
ref <- FFI.upCast <$> referGlobal n
ty' <- (liftIO . runDecodeAST . typeOf) ref
if ty /= ty'
then throwM
("The serialized GlobalReference " ++ show n ++ " has type " ++ show ty ++ " but should have type " ++ show ty'))
else return ref
A.C.BlockAddress f b -> do
f' <- referGlobal f
b' <- getBlockForAddress f b
liftIO $ FFI.blockAddress (FFI.upCast f') b'
A.C.Struct nm p ms -> do
p <- encodeM p
ms <- encodeM ms
case nm of
Nothing -> do
Context context <- gets encodeStateContext
liftIO $ FFI.constStructInContext context ms p
Just nm -> do
t <- lookupNamedType nm
liftIO $ FFI.constNamedStruct t ms
A.C.TokenNone -> do
Context context <- gets encodeStateContext
liftIO $ FFI.getConstTokenNone context
o -> $(do
constExprInfo :: Map.Map String (Maybe TH.Con, Maybe (TH.Con, ID.InstructionDef))
constExprInfo = ID.outerJoin ID.astConstantRecs (ID.innerJoin ID.astInstructionRecs ID.instructionDefs)
TH.caseE [| o |] $
map (\p -> TH.match p (TH.normalB [|inconsistentCases "Constant" o|]) [])
[p|A.C.TokenNone{}|]] ++
(do (name, (Just (TH.RecC n fields), instrInfo)) <- Map.toList constExprInfo
let fieldNames = [ TH.mkName . TH.nameBase $ fn | (fn, _, _) <- fields ]
coreCall n = TH.dyn $ "FFI.constant" ++ n
validations = case name of
"Null" ->
[ TH.noBindS
[| case $(TH.dyn "constantType") of
A.PointerType {} -> pure ()
_ ->
("Null pointer constant must have pointer type but has type " <>
show $(TH.dyn "constantType") <> "."))
"AggregateZero" ->
[ TH.noBindS $
[| case $(TH.dyn "constantType") of
A.ArrayType {} -> pure ()
A.StructureType {} -> pure ()
A.VectorType {} -> pure ()
_ ->
("Aggregate zero constant must have struct, array or vector type but has type " <>
show $(TH.dyn "constantType") <> "."))
_ -> []
buildBody c =
validations ++
[ TH.bindS (TH.varP fn) [| encodeM $(TH.varE fn) |] | fn <- fieldNames ] ++
[ TH.noBindS [| liftIO $(foldl TH.appE c (map TH.varE fieldNames)) |] ]
hasFlags = ''Bool `elem` [ h | (_, _, TH.ConT h) <- fields ]
core <- case instrInfo of
Just (_, iDef) -> do
let opcode = TH.dataToExpQ (const Nothing) (ID.cppOpcode iDef)
case ID.instructionKind iDef of
| hasFlags -> return $ coreCall name
| otherwise -> return [| $(coreCall "BinaryOperator") $(opcode) |]
ID.Cast -> return [| $(coreCall "Cast") $(opcode) |]
_ -> return $ coreCall name
Nothing ->
case name of
"Array" -> pure (TH.varE 'FFI.constantArray)
"AggregateZero" -> pure (TH.varE 'FFI.constantNull)
"Null" -> pure (TH.varE 'FFI.constantNull)
"Undef" -> pure (TH.varE 'FFI.constantUndef)
"Vector" -> pure (TH.varE 'FFI.constantVector)
_ -> []
return $ TH.match
(TH.recP n [(fn,) <$> (TH.varP . TH.mkName . TH.nameBase $ fn) | (fn, _, _) <- fields])
(TH.normalB (TH.doE (buildBody core)))
instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.Constant (Ptr FFI.Constant) where
decodeM c = scopeAnyCont $ do
let v = FFI.upCast c :: Ptr FFI.Value
u = FFI.upCast c :: Ptr FFI.User
ft <- liftIO (FFI.typeOf v)
t <- decodeM ft
valueSubclassId <- liftIO $ FFI.getValueSubclassId v
nOps <- liftIO $ FFI.getNumOperands u
let globalRef = return A.C.GlobalReference
`ap` (return t)
`ap` (getGlobalName =<< liftIO (FFI.isAGlobalValue v))
op = decodeM <=< liftIO . FFI.getConstantOperand c
getConstantOperands = mapM op [0..nOps-1]
getConstantData = do
let nElements =
case t of
A.VectorType n _ -> n
A.ArrayType n _ | n <= (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word32)) -> fromIntegral n
_ -> error "getConstantData can only be applied to vectors and arrays"
forM [0..nElements-1] $ do
decodeM <=< liftIO . FFI.getConstantDataSequentialElementAsConstant c . fromIntegral
case valueSubclassId of
[valueSubclassIdP|Function|] -> globalRef
[valueSubclassIdP|GlobalAlias|] -> globalRef
[valueSubclassIdP|GlobalVariable|] -> globalRef
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantInt|] -> do
np <- alloca
wsp <- liftIO $ FFI.getConstantIntWords c np
n <- peek np
words <- decodeM (n, wsp)
return $ A.C.Int (A.typeBits t) (foldr (\b a -> (a `shiftL` 64) .|. fromIntegral b) 0 (words :: [Word64]))
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantFP|] -> do
let A.FloatingPointType fpt = t
let nBits = case fpt of
A.HalfFP -> 16
A.FloatFP -> 32
A.DoubleFP -> 64
A.FP128FP -> 128
A.X86_FP80FP -> 80
A.PPC_FP128FP -> 128
ws <- allocaWords nBits
liftIO $ FFI.getConstantFloatWords c ws
A.C.Float <$> (
case fpt of
A.HalfFP -> A.F.Half <$> peek (castPtr ws)
A.FloatFP -> A.F.Single <$> peek (castPtr ws)
A.DoubleFP -> A.F.Double <$> peek (castPtr ws)
A.FP128FP -> A.F.Quadruple <$> peekByteOff (castPtr ws) 8 <*> peekByteOff (castPtr ws) 0
A.X86_FP80FP -> A.F.X86_FP80 <$> peekByteOff (castPtr ws) 8 <*> peekByteOff (castPtr ws) 0
A.PPC_FP128FP -> A.F.PPC_FP128 <$> peekByteOff (castPtr ws) 8 <*> peekByteOff (castPtr ws) 0
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantPointerNull|] -> return $ A.C.Null t
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantAggregateZero|] -> return $ A.C.AggregateZero t
[valueSubclassIdP|UndefValue|] -> return $ A.C.Undef t
[valueSubclassIdP|BlockAddress|] ->
return A.C.BlockAddress
`ap` (getGlobalName =<< do liftIO $ FFI.isAGlobalValue =<< FFI.getBlockAddressFunction c)
`ap` (getLocalName =<< do liftIO $ FFI.getBlockAddressBlock c)
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantStruct|] -> do
return A.C.Struct
`ap` (return $ case t of A.NamedTypeReference n -> Just n; _ -> Nothing)
`ap` (decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.isPackedStruct ft))
`ap` getConstantOperands
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantDataArray|] ->
return A.C.Array `ap` (return $ A.elementType t) `ap` getConstantData
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantArray|] ->
return A.C.Array `ap` (return $ A.elementType t) `ap` getConstantOperands
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantDataVector|] ->
return A.C.Vector `ap` getConstantData
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantVector|] ->
A.C.Vector <$> getConstantOperands
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantExpr|] -> do
cppOpcode <- liftIO $ FFI.getConstantCPPOpcode c
TH.caseE [| cppOpcode |] $
(do (_, ((TH.RecC n fs, _), iDef)) <- Map.toList $
ID.innerJoin (ID.innerJoin ID.astConstantRecs ID.astInstructionRecs) ID.instructionDefs
let apWrapper o (fn, _, ct) = do
a <- case ct of
TH.ConT h
| h == ''A.Constant -> do
operandNumber <- get
modify (+1)
return [| op $(TH.litE . TH.integerL $ operandNumber) |]
| h == ''A.Type -> return [| pure t |]
| h == ''A.IntegerPredicate ->
return [| liftIO $ decodeM =<< FFI.getConstantICmpPredicate c |]
| h == ''A.FloatingPointPredicate ->
return [| liftIO $ decodeM =<< FFI.getConstantFCmpPredicate c |]
| h == ''Bool -> case TH.nameBase fn of
"inBounds" -> return [| liftIO $ decodeM =<< FFI.getInBounds v |]
"exact" -> return [| liftIO $ decodeM =<< FFI.isExact v |]
"nsw" -> return [| liftIO $ decodeM =<< FFI.hasNoSignedWrap v |]
"nuw" -> return [| liftIO $ decodeM =<< FFI.hasNoUnsignedWrap v |]
x -> error $ "constant bool field " ++ show x ++ " not handled yet"
TH.AppT TH.ListT (TH.ConT h)
| h == ''Word32 ->
return [|
np <- alloca
isp <- liftIO $ FFI.getConstantIndices c np
n <- peek np
decodeM (n, isp)
| h == ''A.Constant &&
TH.nameBase fn == "indices" -> do
operandNumber <- get
return [| mapM op [$(TH.litE . TH.integerL $ operandNumber)..nOps-1] |]
_ -> error $ "unhandled constant expr field type: " ++ show fn ++ " - " ++ show ct
return [| $(o) `ap` $(a) |]
return $ TH.match
(TH.dataToPatQ (const Nothing) (ID.cppOpcode iDef))
(TH.normalB (evalState (foldM apWrapper [| return $(TH.conE n) |] fs) 0))
++ [TH.match TH.wildP (TH.normalB [|error ("Unknown constant opcode: " <> show cppOpcode)|]) []]
[valueSubclassIdP|ConstantTokenNone|] -> return A.C.TokenNone
_ -> error $ "unhandled constant valueSubclassId: " ++ show valueSubclassId