{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module LLVM.DSL.Expression.Maybe (
   ) where

import qualified LLVM.DSL.Expression as Expr
import LLVM.DSL.Expression (Exp)

import qualified LLVM.Extra.Multi.Value as MultiValue
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Maybe as Maybe

import qualified LLVM.Core as LLVM

import qualified Control.Monad.HT as Monad

data T a = Cons (Exp Bool) a

{- |
counterpart to 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe' with swapped arguments
select :: (MultiValue.Select a) => T (Exp a) -> Exp a -> Exp a
select (Cons b a) d = Expr.select b a d

instance (Expr.Aggregate exp mv) => Expr.Aggregate (T exp) (Maybe.T mv) where
   type MultiValuesOf (T exp) = Maybe.T (Expr.MultiValuesOf exp)
   type ExpressionsOf (Maybe.T mv) = T (Expr.ExpressionsOf mv)
   bundle (Cons b a) =
      Monad.lift2 Maybe.Cons (fmap unbool $ Expr.bundle b) (Expr.bundle a)
   dissect (Maybe.Cons b a) =
      Cons (Expr.dissect (MultiValue.Cons b)) (Expr.dissect a)

unbool :: MultiValue.T Bool -> LLVM.Value Bool
unbool (MultiValue.Cons b) = b