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list-singleton- Easily and clearly create lists with only one element in them.

Safe HaskellSafe



This module is meant to augment the Data.List module. You may want to import both modules using the same alias. For example:

import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.List.Singleton as List


singleton :: a -> [a] Source #

O(1) Create a list with a single element in it.

>>> singleton "pepperoni"

There are many other ways to construct lists, so why might you prefer to use singleton? Here's a comparison with a few popular methods:

  • If you already have the element as a named value like x, you can wrap it up in a list literal: [x]. You should prefer doing that to calling singleton.

    -- Instead of this:
    singleton x
    -- Consider this instead:
  • If you don't already have the element named, you can introduce a name by using a lambda: (\ x -> [x]). This is perhaps the most common way to create a singleton list, but it focuses more on mechanics than intent. Also it can be get little noisy, especially with identifiers longer than single letters like x.

    -- Instead of this:
    g . (\ x -> [x]) . f
    -- Consider this instead:
    g . singleton . f
  • If you don't want to introduce a name at all, you can use an operator section: (: []). This is more advanced because it requires familiarity with operator sections, list constructors, and how lists are desugared. (If you're not familiar with those concepts, the expression (: []) is the same as (\ x -> x : []), which is the same as (\ x -> [x]).) While those concepts are perhaps fundamental to understanding Haskell, you can get surprisingly far without them.

    -- Instead of this:
    g . (: []) . f
    -- Consider this instead:
    g . singleton . f
  • If you want to avoid lambdas, lists, and operators completely, you can use the pure method from the Applicative type class. This has a lot of upsides: it's short, it's in the Prelude, and it's easy to search for. Unfortunately it has one downside: it's polymorphic. That means it can return any type that has an Applicative instance, like Maybe or IO. By comparison singleton is monomorphic and can only produce a list. Usually the fact that pure is polymorphic isn't a problem, but sometimes it can produce confusing errors. Using singleton can be a good way to force polymorphic code to use a list.

    >>> import Data.Char (chr)
    >>> print (pure (chr 72))
    <interactive>:2:8: error:
        * Ambiguous type variable `f0' arising from a use of `pure'
          prevents the constraint `(Applicative f0)' from being solved.
          Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `f0' should be.
    >>> print (singleton (chr 72))
    -- Instead of this:
    g . pure . f
    -- Consider this instead:
    g . singleton . f

The name "singleton" was chosen to mirror similar functions provided by other libraries. For example:

Note that singleton is lazy in its argument.

>>> length (singleton undefined)

If you want to create a NonEmpty list with a single element in it, consider using singleton from Data.List.NonEmpty.Singleton.
